Bad influence

chapter 4

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Kennedy stood on the scale.


She gasped and rubbed her gut. That fateful morning, she had spied some fresh angry stretch marks on her love handles and decided to assess the damage.

It was officially leggings and sweater season, so she had no noticed the change in her body. Her gluttony was on overdrive the past month with Melissa, but she couldn't tell if the weight gain had been limited just to her new BFF.

Melissa was plumping up quite nicely, if Kennedy said so herself. The brunette seemed intoxicated with their routines. She ate and ate, not worrying for her figure or the effects of her gluttony. No doubt a lifetime of svelteness was to thank for that!

But those days were slipping away quickly. Kennedy had noticed a puffiness beginning to enter Melissa's cheeks, her jawline softening and her upper body rounding out. Her arms had thickened, her back had plumped, and her torso had begun to widen -- naturally so it could support what was to come next: a belly.

Melissa was absolutely oblivious to these changes. She was consuming fast food every day, focusing only on what tasted good and what would satisfy her cravings.

Kennedy could no longer fit into her September jeans. The two had added weekend partying to their agenda, usually with a trip to the convenience store to curb their munchies or late night UberEats. Melissa was quite the drinker, even lighting up a few darts here and there. Her past was beginning to show.

Kennedy preferred getting high and eating herself out of house and home. The two had gone back and forth, swapping activities in one of the many oversized rooms in Kennedy's house. Their appetite had no pit.

Kennedy had never been heavier. She had to be careful, she thought. Just add in exercise, that will curb it! Perhaps a walk in the morning or before bed.

But then she'd spend less time with Melissa...

Kennedy held her belly in her hands. It was a fast food gut. Big, bulbous, and stocky. Her ass stayed fat and juicy, but was dimpled in cellulite in an unrecognizable way.

"I guess there are consequences to my actions after all."

Her phone buzzed - it was Melissa.

"Hey! Feeling HUNGRY, can we get Breakfast Baconators today?? PWEEEEEEASE xoxoxo"

Instantly, Kennedy's fears dissipated into mouth watering cravings. She had really done a number on this girl.

Kennedy laughed. It was like she had found the inner fat girl in Melissa, unlocked the door, and set her loose onto the world.

She was proud.

"Of course babes! I'll be there in 20. Just trying to squeeze my ass into something that actually fits. UGH!"

"Poor baby :( :(" she texted back "lol see u soon!"

Kennedy scoffed. If Melissa wasn't careful, she would be at the same crossroads soon enough. In fact, with Kennedy's influence, she was sure it would be sooner than expected.

At the Drive-Thru, the fat blonde called into the speaker. "Hi! My friend would like two Breakfast Baconators, two hashbrowns, the Frostaccino, and a brownie. I'll just have a black coffee, please!"

At school Kennedy lied and told Melissa she ate hers in the car. Then, she watched the plumping new girl tear into her 4500 calorie breakfast.

This was gonna be quite the show.
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Mizark04 1 year
Incredible conclusion! Cannot wait for the sequel!
Fatpeter 1 year
Your stories just keep getting better. Chapter 20 the best chapter yet. I was hoping that was going to happen eventually
CoffeeMug 1 year
Uh oh, hope the fair doesn't run out of corndogs or have an eating contest!
CoffeeMug 1 year
Randomuserna... 1 year
Excited to see where this goes!
CoffeeMug 1 year
Super hot! Can't see where they gain from here!!
SilverLining24 1 year
So... this is an awesome story. Can not wait for more!
Leuco 1 year
I m in love with this story
Mikeboi1994 1 year
I love the word "chesticles"! πŸ˜† Love ya story πŸ™‚
Mikeboi1994 1 year
I love the word "chesticles"! πŸ˜† Love ya story πŸ™‚
Fatpeter 1 year
Love this! Can’t wait for more
Jazzman 1 year
Tremendous story
Jazzman 1 year
Tremendous story
Ghostrunnersfan 1 year
Amazing work
Mclovinnit 1 year
Great start! Cant wait for what lies ahead of the girls
Angelhoney 1 year
so hot, i love their dynamic together
Karenjenk 1 year
4 the dynamic duo. love how they are friends.
CoffeeMug 1 year
Keep it up! Can't wait for these two to end up as roommates in college
J Miles 1 year
Like this story :3 wanna see more
Syntactical 1 year
Great start! Eager to see where this one goes. True to the title, Kennedy's gonna be a *terrible* influence on Melissa's waistline... but it seems like Melissa might be a bad influence on Kennedy too!