Bad influence

chapter 5

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Melissa awoke on the cold ceramic floor on the first of November.

Last night, Ken and Mel had decided to ring in Halloween with a scary movie marathon featuring a 2-6 of vodka and four value pack Halloween candy boxes. They had each conquered one, but drunkenly passed out halfway through the third.

This morning, Melissa's stomach was paying the price. She felt incredibly ill - alcohol AND sugar crash. A deadly combo.

She staggered to her feet, padding out of the bathroom and back into the basement suite where the girls had come to set up shop in the past two months. It smelled of sweat, booze, and weed.

Melissa's reflection was a blur as she lumbered past the window. Her rounding gut was becoming something of note, with her tits resting dutifully on the soft dome of adipose.

Kennedy was sprawled across the soft blue carpeted floor, wearing nothing but ill fitting pajama bottoms and a spaghetti strap tank-top. Her blonde hair was a rat's nest of curls and her belly pooled out onto the floor in her fetal sleeping position. Melissa stepped cautiously over her and headed towards the Costco size bag of PartyMix that sat regally on the Laz-E-Boy armchair.

The crinkling of the bag stirred Kennedy from her stupor. Looking upward, she caught sight of Melissa: her dark hair in a messy bun, her face freshly splashed with cold water, her belly sticking out over the waistband of her sweatpants --

Her belly?

As if on cue, Melissa stifled a burp. Tipping the bag of PartyMix, Kennedy watched in silence as her new friend poured the contents into her mouth. She noticed the soft double chin that was forming. Melissa smacked her lips as she plunged her hand into the remaining dust particles.

"Breakfast of champions?" Kennedy murmured.

"Fuck ya." Melissa croaked. "I'm so hungry i feel sick. That was way too much sugar last night, I need some savoury."

Kennedy's stomach turned at the thought of last night. The girls had eaten so many sweets and drank so much's a miracle they were alive. Kennedy rolled onto her back, the left side of her belly clearly imprinted with the pattern of the basement carpet.

"McDonald's has always been my hangover cure. But I'm not sure I could stomach a drive right now." Melissa continued, clearly floating the idea.

"We could walk?" Kennedy half-whispered.

Mel groaned in protest. It was barely 8:45am. Sunlight? No thanks.

"Orrrrrr...we could UberEats."

Kennedy pulled out her phone. "Didn't we UberEats KFC last night?"

Melissa played absently with her hair. "Yeah, but like, when we were drunk. Doesn't count."

Kennedy spied the family bucked in the corner of the room. She felt so gross and hungover today. Obliging her gluttonous friend, Kennedy handed her phone over to Melissa and rolled back onto her belly. She flung a pillow on her head and tucked her hands into the sleeping position. "Get whatever you want, babes. I need more snoozing time."

Mel watched as the wide young woman's body rippled with the movement. Her big fat ass was like a sea of cellulite. It wobbled gracefully as the obese beauty moved.

"Are you sure? What do you want?" Melissa said, holding the phone as if it were a great powerful tool.

"I'm good for now. Thanks. Maybe we can go to the mall in the afternoon and get New York Fries poutine or something. Wake me at 10.30, okay?" With that, Kennedy resumed radio-silence.

Melissa got up and went into the basement bedroom, dropping her rounding physique onto the bed. She knew this was her chance to eat like she couldn't at home -- and endless pit of funds for an endless craving of deep fried goodness. She scrolled and swiped and racked up the bill.

It filled two bags.

She was oh-so-careful bringing down her goodies to the basement repose. It smelled glorious, each carb waiting to mop up the sad state of her stomach acids. Ripping the brown bags asunder, the apprentice piggy went to town, gorging herself on nearly $60 of McDonald's breakfast foods. By the end, her gut had swollen out over her waistband again. She cradled it and leaned back, legs dangling off the bed. Melissa dozed off, her greasy fingers clutching her midsection in hungover satisfaction.

That hit the damn spot.

When Kennedy found her at nearly noon, she was snoring loudly. Kennedy pushed the door open slowly, feeling her hips brush the door frame -- huh. That was new. The wrappers seemed endless.

This girl was out of control. Kennedy stared at the sad state of the fat sapling. Was she...feeling something? It wasn't attraction -- was it lustful curiosity?

Kennedy felt a pit of shame in her stomach. Was she subconsciously fattening this girl up to make herself feel better?

Melissa's eyes fluttered to life. "Hey. Where do you want to go for lunch?"

Kennedy smiled and felt her heart rate slow. No, this girl was doing it all by herself.
23 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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Mizark04 1 year
Incredible conclusion! Cannot wait for the sequel!
Fatpeter 1 year
Your stories just keep getting better. Chapter 20 the best chapter yet. I was hoping that was going to happen eventually
CoffeeMug 1 year
Uh oh, hope the fair doesn't run out of corndogs or have an eating contest!
CoffeeMug 1 year
Randomuserna... 1 year
Excited to see where this goes!
CoffeeMug 1 year
Super hot! Can't see where they gain from here!!
SilverLining24 1 year
So... this is an awesome story. Can not wait for more!
Leuco 1 year
I m in love with this story
Mikeboi1994 1 year
I love the word "chesticles"! πŸ˜† Love ya story πŸ™‚
Mikeboi1994 1 year
I love the word "chesticles"! πŸ˜† Love ya story πŸ™‚
Fatpeter 1 year
Love this! Can’t wait for more
Jazzman 1 year
Tremendous story
Jazzman 1 year
Tremendous story
Ghostrunnersfan 1 year
Amazing work
Mclovinnit 1 year
Great start! Cant wait for what lies ahead of the girls
Angelhoney 1 year
so hot, i love their dynamic together
Karenjenk 1 year
4 the dynamic duo. love how they are friends.
CoffeeMug 1 year
Keep it up! Can't wait for these two to end up as roommates in college
J Miles 1 year
Like this story :3 wanna see more
Syntactical 1 year
Great start! Eager to see where this one goes. True to the title, Kennedy's gonna be a *terrible* influence on Melissa's waistline... but it seems like Melissa might be a bad influence on Kennedy too!