Bad influence

chapter 6

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Seated at the cafeteria table after school, the dynamic duo were stuck in empty silence as they scrolled their phones mindlessly. The grey of November seemed to seep through each window. It was almost 4pm, and both gluttons were feeling cranky from their unapproved and unappreciated change in schedule.

Kennedy's father was taking the car in for snow tires, and so the girls would be unable to complete their post-school routine of driving, drinking pumpkin spice lattes, and consuming their "warm-up-dinner" -- the meal before their supper.

Kennedy's stomach and body were in revolt at this change, gurgling. Her head was woozy and her eyes seemed to be drilling into her skull. There was no frequency in her brain waves, just rumbling in her tummy. The titanic teen should have been appreciative for the day off from fried food and overindulgence. Before pairing up with Melissa, Kennedy was only frequenting her fast food joints maybe three times a week. Melissa had cranked those numbers up to five days a week, Monday-Friday.

Kennedy was getting the sense this behaviour was a money thing. It was clear that Melissa came from a simple home with simple needs and spending money on eating out so often was just not in the cards for her single mom. Kennedy felt a pang in her heart when she thought too much on this, but a twinge of worry when she saw the effects these habits were taking on the impressionable young senior.

Melissa was plumping up at an alarming rate. Every week, she seemed more plush. Kennedy was particularly noticing how wide she was growing. Her birthing hips had kicked in, taking the lithe but top heavy teen into a maternal field of sturdiness and stockiness. Melissa's cute chocolate kissable face was being squished into a chubby, chinless wonder. Her cheeks were blowing up like a chipmunk, and the final remains of a jawline were shadows from a high angle. Her softness was causing her face to reflect that of the passing holiday season: a pumpkin.

Through her black-band-tee, Kennedy could see the flushes of where her massive knockers were riding up over her bra. It would be two weeks, tops, before Melissa stopped wearing underwire bras, that's for sure. Her pushed up Mommy Milkers were so ill fitting it was almost comical, and the fattening young female complained about how her straps were digging into her back more and more every day. There were creases along her shoulder blades and side boobs. The band tee kept falling unflatteringly on her big belly, despite Mel's desires to pull at it mindlessly.

Underneath her t-shirt, her light-wash jeans were unbuttoned: Kennedy recognized the flare, having rocked that look for many years. Unlike Ken, Melissa's weight stayed around her top and midsection, with her thighs and but rounding out in a more conservative way. Two shapes of fat girls: Kennedy the over-stuffed pear, and Melissa the ripe apple. Both just as juicy.

Kennedy had stopped weighing herself. She was judging by her energy levels that she had probably hit a new height in her corpulence, but ignorance was bliss in this scenario.

"I'm thirsty," Melissa chimed, rising. She stretched as they waited for a sign of the Audi in the drizzling rain. Ken quickly spied trenches of angry red stretch marks along Melissa's stomach as her shirt rode up during her stretch. Her eyes widened uncontrollably. Mel had grown a chubby tummy with a deep belly button; wide and full.

The eye-spy was noticed by Mel.

"Ugh, I know," she said, grabbing two big handfuls of her gut. "These stretch marks are insane! I must be in a growth spurt or something, I'm getting them everywhere!"

The brunette beauty lifted her shirt to show the angry tiger stripes along her belt line. Kennedy had never seen Melissa's unclothed skin before.

Something electric had shocked her senses.

Melissa patted her belly proudly and turned to lift up her shirt sleeves, where more stretch marks were found along her armpits and side boob.

Kennedy noticed how her tummy was beginning to hang over the waistband of her jeans. It filled the space where buttons were supposed to meet.

Kennedy's senses stopped working, with just one pounding, pulsating drone in her eat whispering: what a greedy little girl.

"I just hope they fade before next summer!" Melissa said, half to herself. Once again, her obese friend noticed the oblivious nature of Melissa's rapid weight gain. This girl must be pushing 190lbs by now, and she doesn't know what's causing it? Or does she just not care?

"Ah, it'll be fine." Was all the blonde fatty could croak back. Kennedy noticed she had found her own pillowy stomach during this exchange. It felt soft and sensual to the touch. Mmf.

"I feel like a Toke!" (this is what the two sugar fiends had labelled their deadly glucose potion of Lemon Iced Tea and Coca-Cola). "Want one?"

Ken nodded and watched Melissa wobble away. She really wanted to watch that girl down those beverages.

A honk outside announced the return of Kennedy's father. The big fat senior heaved her near 300lbs off the cafeteria bench and waddled outside.

She dropped herself into the car. "We're just waiting for my friend Mel."

When the big bottomed Kennedy weighed the passenger seat down, the car groaned. Her dad sat beside her, strong German jaw, silver fox, suit and tie, on a smart phone. He barely replied, but smiled and gave her a soft peck on her cheek.

Mel burst through the door, arms full of soda and ... chips?? Bags and bags. She flew into the back seat, winded and red faced and gleeful.

"The vending machine guy wasn't on duty and the whole thing was open! I loaded up on supplies!" She breathed, unathletically.

"Have we met?" Kennedy's father said through the rear view. He didn't recognize the now preciously plump girl.

"Dad," Ken said blushingly. "This is Mel, we met in September. You know her."

Kennedy's father blinked rapidly and covered with a lie. "I'm just joking! Of course. Melissa."

In his mind, he wondered what was happening to the pretty, bright, big chested girl that crossed his threshold three months ago.

She was becoming unrecognizable in her new routine.

As they drove away, Mel ripped open a bag and started chowing down. Kennedy caught her undo another button on her jeans.

"Damn, that's good stuff."
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Mizark04 1 year
Incredible conclusion! Cannot wait for the sequel!
Fatpeter 1 year
Your stories just keep getting better. Chapter 20 the best chapter yet. I was hoping that was going to happen eventually
CoffeeMug 1 year
Uh oh, hope the fair doesn't run out of corndogs or have an eating contest!
CoffeeMug 1 year
Randomuserna... 1 year
Excited to see where this goes!
CoffeeMug 1 year
Super hot! Can't see where they gain from here!!
SilverLining24 1 year
So... this is an awesome story. Can not wait for more!
Leuco 1 year
I m in love with this story
Mikeboi1994 1 year
I love the word "chesticles"! πŸ˜† Love ya story πŸ™‚
Mikeboi1994 1 year
I love the word "chesticles"! πŸ˜† Love ya story πŸ™‚
Fatpeter 1 year
Love this! Can’t wait for more
Jazzman 1 year
Tremendous story
Jazzman 1 year
Tremendous story
Ghostrunnersfan 1 year
Amazing work
Mclovinnit 1 year
Great start! Cant wait for what lies ahead of the girls
Angelhoney 1 year
so hot, i love their dynamic together
Karenjenk 1 year
4 the dynamic duo. love how they are friends.
CoffeeMug 1 year
Keep it up! Can't wait for these two to end up as roommates in college
J Miles 1 year
Like this story :3 wanna see more
Syntactical 1 year
Great start! Eager to see where this one goes. True to the title, Kennedy's gonna be a *terrible* influence on Melissa's waistline... but it seems like Melissa might be a bad influence on Kennedy too!