Sneaky calories

chapter 2, first steps

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I know Isa's routine by heart. I think it would be pretty easy for me to sneak a lot of extra calories in her day. Let's start with grocery shopping. Lets start with my list.

1. She drinks a glass of milk every day. I'm gonna mix her skinned milk with the medium skinned milk. And after that it's gonna be whole milk. As long as I keep it in the same carton she won't find out. When I replace it just slowly she'll never notice.

2. That scale. It sucks so much. She takes a look every single day. Making sure her weight never goes up. I saw her weight yesterday. 132 pounds. Let's see if I can lock it to a certain weight. After fumbling with the electronics for a while I figured out how to lock it. I tested it and it displayed 132 pounds. Perfect, since my petite frame only weighed a bit over 100 pounds. I put it back in the bathroom.

3. Ofcourse when cooking dinner or anything else for her I made sure to put in a large amount of weight gain supplement in her food. I'm also gonna slowly introduce the habit of eating dessert.

4. I read somewhere people put more food on their plates if they've got larger plates. Luckily they have our plates in many different sizes so I'm gonna slowly increase her plate sizes.

5. I'm gonna join her to the gym from time to time. If she's paying attention to me she won't be able to get the intesive exercise she usually gets. Hopefully I can convince her to go to the gym less often. Also I'm gonna make sure she's stuffed every evening so it would be uncomfortable for her to exercise.

6. I'm gonna get duplicates of her clothes. Switching out the labels so she can't see the difference in her clothes. I'm gonna have to adjust the straps on her clothes. I'm gonna get her some strechy clothes. After some convincing she'll definitely prefer wearing these comfy and strechy clothes. Luckily she hates shopping so she won't notice the larger sizes she has to get.

7. When her weight gain starts getting noticable I'm gonna tell all her friends, coworkers and family she's insecure about her weight gain.

8. I'm not sure how I'm gonna do it but I can't touch her delicious fat when it starts collecting on her body. Only looking for now. I'm gonna keep telling and assuring her she's thin and skinny whenever she askes or is insecure about her weight. Patience is key.

9. I have to make sure she will see her reflection as little as possible. I'll start with áccidentally' breaking the largest mirror we have. It's the only full body one so getting rid of this one is a priority.

10. I'm gonna try and get her addicted to taking small snacks around the clock. I stocked up on lots of snacks that are always easy to reach and require no effort or second thought to eat.

11. I've always liked baking. How about I'm gonna start baking a lot more. I can choose the most calorie dense ingredients. She is too nice to refuse the first bit. And since I can bake delicious snacks I'm sure I can convince her to take a second one. Hopefully even more.

I hope this is enough for now. I'm sure I can think of more things later on but these 11 things are sure to add a soft layer on Isabella's body.

"Honey I'm home."

"Hey sweetie. Watch out for shards. I stumbled and knocked over our large mirror. I'm really sorry."

"It's okay. Shit happens. Now let me help you with that."

"Thanks. Dinner will be finished in about 20 minutes."

"Oh you're such a good girl. What did you cook?"

"I made a delicious risotto. I hope you'll like it."

"Oh sounds perfect."

"I also wanted to get back into baking. I loved to do it so much so if that's okay with you I wanna bake amazing sweets for you."

"Ohww that's so cute. I remember you baking a lot. You looked like such a sweet little cutie in the kitchen. With your pretty cooking skirt on and covered in sweets, dough and other ingrediënts."

"You really think I looked cute?"

"Yeah I remember one time you let your famous small chocolate buns burn and you cried for an entire hour."

"That oven sucked. The temperature swung way too much."

"Honey, I was telling the story."

"Oh I'm sorry."

"You were so upset I basically picked you up and carried you to the grocerystore to get new ingrediënts and then we baked together. I would love to see that cute little body of yours return to the kitchen. It was always such a delight coming home to a house smelling of delicious pastries."

"I'm gonna make you the most delicious pastries ever!"

We ate dinner. I gave her an upsized plate. I felt myself getting wet. My devious plan might actually work. She put food on her plate and took significantly more to fill her plate. We ate our dinner with me trying my best to hide my excitement. I was thinking about the large amount of weight gain powder I put in the food. I'm alse definitely gonna gain weight. But I don't mind that, I love chubby bodies. For now it was key to eat the same stuff Isabella was eating. That way she won't get suspicious.

"How did you like the pasta pesto."

"It was amazing honey. You really know how to spoil me with good food."

"Ahww. There is a bit left over. Wanna solit the rest?"

"Pff I'm stuffed but I guess it's more practical. Okay let's do it."

I took her plate and made sure to make the 2 plates look like they had the same amount of pasta on them. Ofcourse hers was at least twice as full but I don't think she will notice. I handed her the plate and we finished dinner.

"How about we get to the couch and watch a movie. I actually got dessert but I don't know if you're up for it."

"Pff no I'm too full now. Maybe if the food has settled down. Watching a movie sounds great. We can have our dessert on the couch."

"Sounds perfect. You just pick a movie while I prepare the dessert."

I looked in the freezer and took the icecream out. I mixed one of them earlier with weight gain supplement. I looked at the two boxes to see witch one was marked. I put a large amount in a bowl. I chose a larger bowl to make it seem like it wasn't a lot. I took my bowl and put ice cream from the other bucket in. Making sure to get it from the unmarked box. I took some chocolate sauce and heated it up. I put it over our ice cream. Once again putting at least twice as much on her ice cream.

"I've got your ice cream honey. Now what movie are we gonna watch?"

"I heard the new spider-man was a lot of fun. So how about that?"

"Sounds perfect."

"Oh that looks delicious. Hmm this is soo good. I really like ice cream. I clearly don't eat it enough ever."

"Nahww. I can make sure to get you ice cream more often."

"That's sounds like a good plan. Because this stuff is fucking amazing."

We watched our movie. Everything went according to plan. I distracte her so much she didn't go to the gym today. Instead of working out she was being lazy with me. Almost eating the entire bag of chips on her own.


The next morning I was making breakfest. Sneaking some weight gain powder in her omelet. I also poured her the glass of milk. It was a mix so it was only mildly more creamy than the usual low calorie stuff she drinks.

"Good morning. I packed your lunch already. And I'm almost finished with your breakfast."

"You spoil me too much sweetie."

"I just love taking care of you honey. You're just so busy with work. You deserve to be spoiled."

"Once again you're way too sweet."

She drank her milk and ate her breakfast.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"You're just so fucking beautiful. I love staring at you."

She laughed. Luckily she believed my lie. I made breakfest for myself and she left for work.

"Bye honey. See you tonight."

She gave me a kiss and left.

"I have to start in an hour. I think I wanna baking some delicious cream filled pastries."

I started baking and after 50 minutes the kitchen smelled delicious.

"I have to try one."

I bite down on one and it was extremely tasty. The cream filled center was so fucking delicious.

"I definitely haven't lost my touch. Okay maybe a second one just for the taste."

About 5 hours later I was shocked. I had mindlessly eaten all twenty of the delicious pastries. Those things contained 1200 calories each. I looked down at my stomach and it was clearly stuffed to the max.

"Did I just eat 24000 calories. How the fuck did I do that?"

My swollen belly turned me on so much. I had to pleasure myself. I ran downstairs to the basement and opened up my laptop. I started fingering myself and watched more fat girls eating themselves their way to obesity. Damnit why is this such a fucking turn-on. I started pleasuring myself and came pretty hard. I put the laptop back and went upstairs.

"I'm gonna make more of those delicious pastries. Isa needs her extra calories ofcourse."

I made my new batch of delicious creamfilled pastries made to contain as much calories as possible. I also started making dinner when Isabella returned.

"Oh honey that smells delicious. I'm gonna go to the gym for a short while. I'll be back in 30 minutes."

"Okay sweetie. Before you go would you like to try one of my pastries. I made them for you."

"Oh you're so cute. Did you already have some honey?"

She put her hand on my swollen stomach.

"I can see that little hump behind your apron. It looks really cute on you."

I felt my face blushing. I softly answered:

"Yes I already ate a few. I couldn't stop myself with how incredibly delicious they are."

"Now I'm really curious. Can you hand me one? And take on yourself."

I felt aroused. She noticed my swollen stomach. It was so hot when she touched my little belly. I took two pastries and gave one to Isa.

"Hmm these really are fucking delicious. I get why you ate so many of them. How many of them did you eat actually?"

"Ehmm about 5 or 6."

She looked at me. I tried avoiding her stare.

"Don't lie to me. You ate a lot more than that didn't you honey."

I felt ashamed of my lack of control. It was pretty hot how she just knew I stuffed my face with more calories than most people need in a week.

"I'm sorry. I ate a lot more indeed."

"I guessed that. Feeling the size of you little food baby. I guess it must've been about 15 pastries."

"Something like that."

"Honey you're so cute when you blush. Now how about you finish cooking dinner while I get some exersice. Try to control yourself around your baking. I want to get a taste of your skills as well. And I don't want you to get fat ofcourse."

She went to the gym while I examined my body.

"Well this is gonna stick. I'm so small even a few pounds will be visible on my body."

I finished cooking her dinner and made sure to put enough weight gain powder in it. Hiding the taste with specific spices making sure she will never find out. We ate dinner and she once again ate way too much without noticing it. After that I made sure to have her keep eating pastries. The plan was working. For now...
10 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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Ludvii 1 year
This must be one of the best stories this year. How she thinks she is feeding Isabelle and not realizing how big she is getting 😀 just wow amazing work!
Theswordsman 1 year
I can't wait to see what happens next
Pizzacheeks 1 year
Great story best part is they are both gaining What more can you ask for with two women in love getting fat Just please don't have anyone stop gaining or start losing Also no male feeders of any kind