Sneaky calories

chapter 6, the chocolate piggy

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"Good morning piggy."

"Good morning ma'am. I'm gonna go get you breakfast."

"Good girl."

I made a large rice dish for Isa and took a large bowl of choco puffs. Isa walked past me and looked at my bowl.

"Honey. What do you think you're doing. You know all those empty calories are bad for you. You're gonna get fat if you keep eating like that"

"But I wanna get fat for you."

"Really? Do you know. Such a good girl."

She took my bowl away and looked in the kabinets. The largest bowl we had was large enough for fitting almost the entire 'family sized' pack of choco puffs. She emptied the entire pack in my bowl.

"No this skimmed milk isn't good enough for my piggy."

She put it to her lips and emptied the carton. If only she knew it was nowhere near skimmed milk.

"Hmm delicious. Fat piggies like you deserve more creamy stuff. Here you go."

She slammed the carton of heavy cream on the table. As the good obedient girl I was I poored the creramy stuff over my choco puffs. She started eating her pancakes while staring at me lovingly.

"Such a good girl. Now that was an amazing breakfast. You make sure to finish yours and send me a picture of your stuffed belly."

"Yes ma'am."

"Have a nice day!"

"You too."

I finished my breakfast and once again got to work. Some of her clothes needed to size up secretly. I started replacing size tags and hid the smaller clothes in the basement. I was pretty busy when I hear the doorbell ring.

"I wonder what that could be."

I take my bathrobe and try to put it on. It barely covers my overfed body. I open the door and see a delivery boy.

"Hello ma'am. Here are your pizza's. The delivery note says to tell you to make a video."

"Oh thank you so much."

I turn on my videocamera and set it on the table.

"Did you order me 3 large pizza's? I'm gonna eat them all and get so fat for you."

I started eating the pizza after almost finishing the doorbell rang again.

"Who could that be. I'll be right back."

I put on the bathrobe again and went to the door.

"Hello ma'am here is your burger delevery. My note said I should tell you to keep filming... I don't know what that means but here you go."

"Thank you very much."

I went back to my video.

"Wow all these burgers and fries are gonna make me so fat. And all this soda. Empty calories are my favorite. Thank you so much. After finishing these I'll get so fat for you."

I quikly ate the burgers and fries. I finished all the food Isa ordered for me and I wanted to turn my camera off when the doorbell rang again.

"How fat do I need to get for you. Look how wet you make me."

I showed my dripping pussy for the camera before putting on my bathrobe.

"Hello ma'am. Here is your crate of groceries."

"Thank you so much."

I brought the crate back in and looked. 3 large cartons of heavy cream and a bag of sugar. Next to it was a pot of ice cream and a large pot of nutella. There was a note attached to the crate.

I know you love getting fat for your mistress. Make sure you empty the entire crate for me. The nutella is there to smear over my sexy piggy. When I get home I wanna see my fat chocolate piggy in the kitchen. Have fun and send a video.

"Oh Isa you're so bad. I'm gonna get huge. All just for you. I'll start with the mayo."

I took the largest spoon and took the mayo. I used to think mayo was disgusting but these days the large amount of calories was just turning me on too much. This made me completely ignore the texture and taste to just feel the pure calories sliding down to my stomach. After finishing it I downed a carton of heavy cream. I started fingering myself and breathing heavier. Whenever there was the possibility my body let out a horny moan. My muscles twitched from arousal. I took the bag of sugar and opened it.

"Pure refined calories. All straight in my body. You're making me so fat. And it turns me on so much."

I emptied the bag and all of the other things in the crate.

"I'm gonna enjoy being your chocolate piggy tonight. You're making me so fucking fat. My weight gain all for you."

I stood up and plopped my large belly on the table.

"All for you sweetie. So soft and round. Incredibly jiggly. All just for you. I'm yours to do with as you please mistress."

I turned off the camera and finished swapping size labels. After that I baked some delicious classic creamy buns.


Hmm Isa will be back in half an hour. Time to chocolate up. I covered myself in nutella and sat patiently on the countertop.

"Piggy I'm home."

"Hi ma'am. Do you like what you see?"

"Excellent honey. Look what I got."

She pulled out a strap-on and put it on. SHe pushed me over until I layed down on the countertop.

"Look at your cute fat pussy. It's become just a little slit. Surrounded by a soft hump of fat."

She started fucking me and licking me clean. Taking her finger and letting me suck the fattening nutella off her finger. Making sure to get in between all my creases and deep inside my belly butting. My entire body swayed with every thrust.

"You've really let yourself go. Such a good piggy. Eating everything your mistress bought for you. Start moaning like in your video sweetie."

I stopped trying to keep quiet. I let out my full moans and whimpers.

"Yeah that's what I like to hear."

She made me cum and lick the countertop clean.

"Such a good piggy. Why don't you get a shower and clean up a bit."

"Okay ma'am. I'll put the lasagna in the oven."

"Good girl. I'll be at the table waiting for you to spoil me."

I showered and put on the strechiest clothes I own. My large belly hanging over the waistband of my joga pants. Which were streched so far my panties were visible. Luckily I knew my mistress loved to see it.

"Look at you. Embracing your cute overfed body. Let's get to dinner."

She took a huge amount of lasagna and started eating. I also piled on quite a bit but made sure to keep enough in the dish so Isa would go for seconds. Just as I predicted she emtied the dish.

"Hmm this is soo yummy. I also ate the few creamy buns you put on display here. You took so fucking long showering I got hungry."

We ate dinner and chilled out a bit. As Isa sat down her larger belly was definitely resting on her round soft thighs now. She had a very pronounced muffin top belly. When se walked away to get more snacks I saw her body jiggle. Her thigh gap was also completely consumed by soft fat. She was definitley filling out now. It was so hot seeing her grow. It's amazing, my manipulation was working perfectly. She was lazier than ever. Never goes to the gym anymore and eats more than ever. And she developed quite the sweet tooth. It's all going swimmingly.
10 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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Ludvii 1 year
This must be one of the best stories this year. How she thinks she is feeding Isabelle and not realizing how big she is getting 😀 just wow amazing work!
Theswordsman 1 year
I can't wait to see what happens next
Pizzacheeks 1 year
Great story best part is they are both gaining What more can you ask for with two women in love getting fat Just please don't have anyone stop gaining or start losing Also no male feeders of any kind