Sneaky calories

chapter 8, bad piggy

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I opened my eyes. Everything hurt my muscles were all aching. Every little move was incredibly painful. My belly was still swollen like a balloon.. And my phone was blowing up. I reached for it when I noticed the scale and mirror in front of me. In a panic I read the note. My heart skipping a beat when I saw she went to mcdonalds.

"I don't get it. Isn't she mad?"

I opened my phone and she send pictures of herself in the mirror. The text said: Look what you've done to me.

"Wow she's fucking hot."

I was mesmerised by her large round belly. It was truely getting massive. Her belly buttton looked so fucking deep. Here swollen tits were sagging and huge. I loved our body difference. Her apple shape and my pear shape was fucking hot next to eachother. I slowly stood up. I just had to look at my document.

"Ow fuck, everything hurts. I have to see that document."

I very slowly made my way to my laptop. The stairs creaked loudly. They're not happy with my added weight. I read the disclaimer she added on the top.

"This is so hot. I'm gonna get so fat for my mistress and I can't wait. And she's also going to get huge. That way I have to get wayy larger than her. I'm gonna have to grow so quick for her if I wanna be a good girl and reach 3 times her weight."

I slowly climbed the stairs and entered the hallway when Isa returned home.

"Oh look at you. So huge and swollen."

She pulled up her shirt.

"I kinda like what you did to me. But I'm gonna get you back. I hope you read your punishement."

"Yes ma'am. Weigh at least three times as much as you and if I reach 3 times as much I'll be a good girl and get a reward. And when we eat together I need to eat at least three times as much."

"Good girl. Now I just got some amazing fast food and stuffed myself. Still I think I can fit some more. I wanna lick my piggy clean."

She stepped over and pushed me towards the kitchen. When we got there she pusched me down on the floor. I was so nasty. Covered in all the food that didn't make it to my mouth and my own pussy juice.

"I heard piggies enjoyed mud. That's definitely true when I see you enjoying yourself on the floor."

She got down on her knees and licked my front clean. Making sure to stick her tongue in every crevise.

"You have so many rolls honey. When did you get so fat?"

I couldn't answer. My only reply existed of moans and whimpers.

"Look at you. So fat and horny. Now I know what has gotten into you. Your fatness is just a huge turn-on for you. Every calorie is just foreplay for you."

After licking me clean she pushed her face in between my thighs and started pleasuring me with her soft lips and tongue. My body shook from pure arousal. Every time it did so I felt my stomach ache a huge amount. This on itself was such a turn-on. Creating a endless loop of hornyness. After making me come 2 times she ordered me to shower. I did as she asked and cleaned myself up. After looking for clothes I decided on my favourite chill sweater with pyjama bottoms. I got my undies and struggled to move them over my massive thighs. After struggling for a minute I convinced them to get up to my fat pussy and over my fat ass. I looked at my bra's and already knew none would fit. Maybe I can take one of Isa's. She always had a lot larger tits than I. I took a bra and to my surprise it was too large. I searched around and was annoyed by the lack of useful size labels. I found one that fit pretty well. It looked pretty cute with some small lace decorations. I pulled the strechy and comfy pyama bottoms up. They're pretty tight overy my ass and thighs. But still fit pretty okay. My belly did manage to easily escape the waisband. These bottoms wouldn't fit for long. My sweater used to be huge. Now it was huggin my overfed body. Letting my soft midsection all out for the world to see. I looked in the mirror.

"Pretty cute muffintop. My mistress won't be able to keep her hands off. I'm sure of that."

I went downstairs and as I predicted Isa stared with lust at my soft midsection escaping my outfit.

"You're such a cutie. Jiggle your belly for me."

I did as she asked. My lower belly jiggled a lot but my upper belly was still a lot more solid. Unable to jiggle with the rest of my body. We sat down on the couch and watched our series while mindlessly eating snacks.

"Can I touch you? Your body has been driving me mad. I couldn't touch you for so long so you wouldn't notice how soft you've become."

"Go ahead sweetie."

She pulled of her shirt and put my small michelin look-alike hands on her fat.

"Your hands are so fucking cute. And incredibly soft. Do you like what you did to me?"

"You look so irresistible. I love your body so much. All my dreams are coming true. Even dreams I didn't even knew I had."

"That's so sweet. We're gonna get so fat. I can't wait."

"Neither can I. I'm gonna get so fucking huge for you mistress. I wanna be a good girl and reach 3 times your weight."

"I'm sure you can be a good girl for me."


"Honey wake up. Today we start the challenge. We have to weigh eachother. Let's see if you're heavy enough to avoid punishment."

"Yes ma'am."

"Take of your clothes and get on the scale."

I stepped on and immediately got incredibly embarrased. Feeling the blood rush to my face. I quietly whispered:

"I can't see past my tummy."

"That's because you're a ***. How did you look before?"

"I stick out my arms and take a picture."

"That's cute, I want you to send me the pictures. Now let me look for you. 602 pounds. Not bad. But definitely not enough."

I felt my pussy getting wet. Isa noticed and put her hand on my fat mound. Pushing me off the scale from there.

"It's so easy to turn you on. Now it's my turn on the scale."

I saw her bend over and push her tits aside automatically to look past her belly. She must've unconsiously changed her habits without her noticing.

"341 pounds. How much are you missing honey. I wanna see your piggy brain working overclock calculating the number."

I was silent for a minute.

"I'm 80 pounds to light."

"That's right. You're a very bad piggy. Time for punishment."

She led me downstairs and ordered me to make a chocolate cake so large, it would barely fit in the oven. While mixing the fattening ingrediënts she put a large tub of weight gain supplement on the countertop. Without a second thought I threw the entire tub in the mix. This cake was gonna be so huge the large amount of supplement dissapeared quickly in the mix. Not really adding that much more to the cake. Except for pure calories ofcourse.

"I love how you always just use the most fattening ingrediënts. Only heavy cream for my piggy."

She poored herself a large glass and looked at me as I put the cake in the oven. I chugged a carton of heavy cream while she was starin at me. I noticed her pyjama pants were starting to soak.

"Good girl. Automatically consuming 3 times as much calories. You're gonna be 700 pounds in no time."

I whimpered loudly.

"That's right piggy. Don't keep it in. Let your mistress hear how turned on you are at the idea."

My breathing got heavier. I made breakfast for us. The large amount of baked eggs was ridicilous. A lot of toasts and strawberry jam were dispersed over 4 equal plates.

"Such a good girl. You know your place in the world so well. Tell me what is your place."

"At the bottom. For you to do with as you please."

"That's right fatty. Now enjoy your breakfast."

We ate. After eating 2 plates she already finished. She shoved the last plate towards me and I continued eating.

"Look at you. So desperate for ever more calories. Your small chubby hands are so good at shoving food in your mouth. You're such a cutie when you eat. And every time I point out how cute you are, you start blushing furiously. So cute!"

As she predicted I did start blushing. I loved food so fucking much. And it was embarrasing how far I've let myself go in such a short time. After a while the oven bell rang. I took out the massive cake and mentally prepared to eat it all. As it cooled down I stared at it. Saliva escaping my mouth.

"Look at you. So desperate to gain for your mistress."

"I wanna be a good girl for my mistress."


S he slapped my belly and walked away. After 20 minutes she returned wearing a sexy harness. It looked like it was made for her. It accentuated her massive round belly and soft skin my pushing fat to all the good places. Framing her soft parts in cute black strings. She had a large strap-on all made for me.

"I want you to put the cake on the floor and get on all fours like the useless piggy you are."

I got down and embarrasingly my belly made a loud plop as it hit the ground.

"Look at how fucking overfed you are. An obese fat piggy. Now eat while I fuck you from behind. Kinda like doggy but since it's you I prefer to call it piggy style."

I greedily attacked the cake. My breathing only surpasses by my loud moans, burps and whimpers. Her large cock slipped easily in my dripping pussy. This onlly made my sounds get louder and more frequent.

"The sounds you're making. It's insane how much you turn me on."

I licked the plate clean and came 3 times in the time it took for me to eat the huge cake.

"I have to hurry to work. Try and catch up honey. And don't forget I've been loving fast food lately."

I just layed on the ground. Panting loudly. My body jiggling with every breath I took.The rest of the day was dedicated to stuffing myself to the max. I didn't even make a video. I was too busy fattening myself up. I just wanna be a good massive overfed girl for my mistress.
10 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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Ludvii 1 year
This must be one of the best stories this year. How she thinks she is feeding Isabelle and not realizing how big she is getting 😀 just wow amazing work!
Theswordsman 1 year
I can't wait to see what happens next
Pizzacheeks 1 year
Great story best part is they are both gaining What more can you ask for with two women in love getting fat Just please don't have anyone stop gaining or start losing Also no male feeders of any kind