Magic 8 ball

  By Rcti

chapter 5

Martin was upset with circumstances but he had to shut his mouth before Coach’s threat becomes his reality. James then laid down the law for Tyler, “ Whatever the case of your chubbiness, I think you’re not done. I want you to keep growing. Keep it genetic, you need to become the next town fatty, just like your daddy.”
Tyler seemingly forgot up until now, but he passed this group on his orientation when they were leaving football practice. He went with his father, and his father is big. Tyler’s dad was 5’9 380 lbs and he looked as huge as he sounds from this. This won’t be the last you hear of him, but for now this is all he adds to the story.
“ Don’t you dare talk about my father, he may be big, but he didn’t do anything to deserve you shitting on him for having a lack of self control.”Tyler was fired up and was not going to let James talk this way about his dad.
“ Did I hit a nerve? Is someone self conscious about having a dad to at can’t see his penis even in the mirror. He’s so fat he can’t even see the scale or even track his weight. And you will end up like. Him if you don’t shut your mouth. “ James was not going to let a fat nerd talk to him that way.
The rest of the day was pretty boring for Tyler, he just went to all of his classes and nothing too big happened. Tyler definitely started to obtain and appetite like his dad told stories of having. It was not so bad that he was rapidly gaining weight but he grew about 5 pounds over the next month.
He now grew out of his next pair of jeans. He now was 165 pounds. He was wearing size 33 waisted jeans but they were tight and he made a bad choice by not going to size 34. He was wearing them and had them with a flex or stretch fit to help when he gets bigger. Levi’s needed to make pants that were adjustable and could grow with you, even if you had to pay extra. He had a nice fit in these jeans too.
With his new belt on his jeans, Tyler had a bit discomfort now as his belly hung over the belt, not by a lot but enough to bother him. Tyler was not happy with how he kept gaining weight, either by the magic 8 ball or by his own new habits. He needed to ask the 8 ball to help him.
5 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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Fanedfox 1 year
I like Tyler as a character, good job there. I like the “8”ball plot, describe Tyler more example; jeans too tight, belly lifting hem of t-shirt, etc. What does he see in the mirror.
BitchImAPig 1 year
So like for example Tyler asks the ball again "Am I fat?" And the ball replies with "Most certainly" and within seconds or within a day Tyler is most certainly fat. And uses it on other characters etc
BitchImAPig 1 year
I really like the idea of this. Just an idea/suggestion: What if Tyler found a way to use the ball to his advantage. Whatever question is asked, the ball's response will make it come true.