The glowup

chapter 3 - the virtual stuffings

Listen to this chapter - just press play:
LionBread: “Hey! Haven’t started yet! Pizza just got here!”

SpringTime42: “ooh. Let me see?”

LionBread: * picture of the pizza *

SpringTime42: “:O that’s a big pizza wow!”

LionBread: “haha I probably won’t finish it”

SpringTime42: “Oh your good lol. I imagine you’ll make quite the effort tho.”
SpringTime42: “Do I get starting pics?”
———————————— ——

I got up from my bed immediately to take stock of my soon-to-be bloated body. I looked rather skinny in all honesty, but there was definite softness around my midsection. I intentionally wore the tightest stuff I owned, leading to my belly to ever so slightly make its way over my waist band. I also noticed some love handles forming.

I took a few pictures, mostly at low angles, and sent the best ones in the chat.
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LionBread: “Definitely room to grow lol”

SpringTime42: “Indeed. Dig in!”
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I obeyed. I quickly stuffed one fourth of the large pizza into my face without stopping for breath. Once I reached this milestone. I stopped to assess the damage.

My pants were well dig in. Standing up, my belly bulged about an inch past my waistband as I could see clear strain on the button. I felt slight pain where my waistband dug into my sides and belly. I took some pictures and sent them to the chat.
————————————— —
SpringTime42: “Finally lol”
SpringTime42: “ooh definitely made some progress!”
SpringTime42: “not done yet I assume?”

LionBread: “No, I have about 3/4 left lol”

SpringTime42: “Omg. I’m hype rn. Get to it!!”
————————————— ——

I made quick work of two more pieces before I realized I was absolutely full. My belly was only slightly further out and I didn’t want to leave this internet stranger disappointed, so I forced down another slice. I heard a ding:
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SpringTime42: “how’s it coming”

LionBread: * picture of belly *
LionBread: “I’m absolutely stuffed rn. Having trouble getting through the rest of the pizza”

SpringTime42: “damn. Looking good! Don’t over extend yourself!”

LionBread: “don’t worry I won’t I’m going to go for two more pieces to expand my capacity tho”

SpringTime42: “dope”
———————————— ———

I finished two more pieces over the course of an hour, and then I immediately collapsed into a food coma. I still felt full when I woke up. I checked the chat the moment I awoke to see that she said: “going to bed. This was fun! Loved seeing you get bigger ;). Wouldn’t mind my doing this again!!”

We met next week and the week after. I got better at eating larger and larger quantities of food until she commented:
———————————— ———

SpringTime42: “omg. You’re such a pig!!”
SpringTime42: “are you okay with me calling you that?”

LionBread: “strangely I kinda love it lol”

SpringTime42: “you’ve really been one these past few weeks! It’s definitely showing lol. Your belly and love handles are BURSTING out of those shorts. I think your gonna bust them soon >:)”

LionBread: “I’ve really lost control lol. I can’t stop thinking about stuffing myself and Im snacking more during the week. It’s inevitable that I’m going to get fat at this point lol.”

SpringTime42: “Omg!! I hope so!! I want to see you massive!”
SpringTime42: “How do you feel about getting bigger?”

LionBread: “honestly idk. Im enjoying it so much but I worry about my health and relationships tbh”
LionBread: “I think I need to keep experimenting this. For me. But I think I’ll have to stop at some point you know?”

SpringTime42: “I understand. I’ve avoided gaining myself for similar reasons. I think that you have one life and you have to enjoy it to the fullest (pun unintended). Like you want to not have regrets you know?”
SpringTime42: “I have lived enough life to know that I need some form of feedism in my life personally, but you have to make sure you engage with it healthily.”
SpringTime42: “Let me know if you ever want to talk about feedism more broadly. It’s rough having this fetish some times and it helps to not have to hide it.”
————————————— —

I thought about what she said for a second and I realized that I NEEDED to talk about feedism. I was living for the moments I didn’t need to hide myself. And I knew I had to try and make this person a real part of my life.
————————————— —

LionBread: “Would you ever want to meet irl? Like just go to a cafe and talk?”

SpringTime42: “I would love to!!!”
9 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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Bigirlover12 1 year
Absolutely lovely new chapter, I’m exited to read what happens next!
FrecherTyp 1 year
A really detailed lovely story I can even imagine doing this in real life
Bigirlover12 1 year
I really hope you plan to continue this! Such a great piece.
Bodyofwater 1 year
This story is so good! I can't wait for more!
Built4com4t 1 year
Excellent…keep it coming
FrecherTyp 1 year
Hey asweet innocent start I like that :-) thrilled for more of this sweet couple to be ^^