The glowup

chapter 8 - catch-up

The next two weeks were a blur. We went out to eat constantly, trying to one up the other with our orders. We engaged in competitive stuffings almost every night. When we weren’t in contact, we ate anyway to gain even the slightest advantage over the other.

“164! 8 pounds up and almost officially overweight” she said in a sing song way while ushering me onto the scale. “181! Only 6 pounds…you’re still lagging behind!” She took my hand and led me to the large pizzas we had ordered. “If this is going to be interesting, you need to do better…” April picked up two slices, layered them, and pushed them into my mouth.

“I’ve been getting comments lately. ‘You’re looking fuller’ ‘Been comfortable in that relationship, eh?’ People have been eyeing my body more critically. However much I love my new body, people wish to trample all over it. The only thing that keeps me eating is that I’m not in this alone—that if I ever stop stuffing my face, someone else gets to live my dream.” She grabbed more pizza and crammed it into me. “…So, you’re going to eat, and you’re not going to stop until you beat me or get massive trying.”

I nodded with a mouthful of cheese. She didn’t acknowledge me. She just kept picking up pizza to give to me. I obeyed. I was in a constant state of chewing and swallowing while feeling her soft, squishy thighs on top of me and her belly against mine through our shirts. Whenever I slowed down, April forced soda down my throat to “make more room.” All parts of me started to feel bigger. My sides strained against my pants while my belly threatened to tear off my button. When my belly finally bust my pants, April continued feeding me without flinching.

A few slices into the second large pizza, I simply could no longer continue. She relented and got some pizza of her own. “That’s what I want to seeee!!” She gleefully sang. “You’re T-shirt is doing you no favors now!” My shirt was indeed clung to my form, threatening to ride up my stomach if I ate anymore. April went ahead and helped me out of my shirt. My belly flopped into my lab, protruding about five inches. My love handles formed handful sized rolls that bulged about two inches past my waistband. *slap slap* “tight as a drum…good piggy…” she marveled trancelike. I felt huge and wanted to be bigger in a way I hadn’t in a long time. April rubbed all around my bloated form with excitement as I slowly descended into a food coma.

I woke up to find the remainder of the pizza gone and April getting ready for a sorority recruitment event. Her short skirt clung to her now significant belly, which shone through a gap between her skirt and shirt. “I forgot how fun that was…maybe you can return the favor sometime…” she said as she went out the door.
9 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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Bigirlover12 1 year
Absolutely lovely new chapter, I’m exited to read what happens next!
FrecherTyp 1 year
A really detailed lovely story I can even imagine doing this in real life
Bigirlover12 1 year
I really hope you plan to continue this! Such a great piece.
Bodyofwater 1 year
This story is so good! I can't wait for more!
Built4com4t 1 year
Excellent…keep it coming
FrecherTyp 1 year
Hey asweet innocent start I like that :-) thrilled for more of this sweet couple to be ^^