The cheater... preview

chapter 2

When Josiphina and Billy had enloped all those years ago, he was a no name, trophy husband. None of their friends ever thought the relationship would last, not his friends nor hers. All of Josiphina's Hollywood friends had warned her about Billy as they saw him for what he actually was, eye candy or at best, a trophy husband, which he was of course. And while Billy's friends were all jealous of his new seven digit bank accounts and extravagant lifestyle, afforded to him by marrying Josiphina none could understand why he targeted one if Hollywood's fattest actresses.

To put it mildly, they looked like the odd couple, with Billy standing at a tall and lean six foot five and his much shorter but famous wife roughly a foot shorter and probably outweighing her husband by a pound or two when they met. And while they may have looked mixmatched from the outside, no one but the two of them knew Billy nor Josiphina's passion for feederism.

Billy who was a secret feeder met Josiphina on and were the perfect match between feeder and feedee. This was the one secret that both kept close to the vest, telling no one but it was the reason Josiphina trusted Billy. He'd fallen for her, when he'd thought she was a nobody.

As their relationship and marriage blossomed, so did Billy's career as a personal trainer and life coach to the rich and famous. It wasn't the only thing to blossom though, Josiohina's weight skyrocketed from a little under two hundred pounds to well over 250lbs within the first year of their matrimony. Not that it slowed down her career; Josiphina won an academy award for her starring role in a movie about an overweight mental patient. She weighed roughly 240 pounds when filming began and steadily ate her way up to over 275 pounds by the film's ending, with her dramatic weightgain being lauded for delivering a reality to the film as onlookers watched her tormented character gain almost 40 extra pounds throughout the course of the film. Little did they know her intentional weightgain had very little to do with her role in the Oscard Award winning movie, and more to do with the fact that her fit and studly husband was funnel feeding her virtually every night during filming.
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