The cheater... preview

chapter 3

After that grueling eight weeks of filming, Josiphina and Billy took it easy. However as she'd completely given up on ever working out ever again, nor watched what she ate, Josiphina kept steadily packing on the pounds.

By the time she accepted her best actress award, Josiphina was waddling across the Academy stage at well over 300 pounds. Her win was an inspiration to fat people world wide and her loving husband, who was the secret reason for her growth was now almost just as popular as she.

The physical contrast between the two of them drew the paparazzi to the red carpet like flies to stink and later that evening, the celebratory photo's of the two passionately kissing made headlines across the globe with images of Billy's strong and large fingers digging deep into her voluminous and dimpled ass.

Because the photo had been published, republished, satirized on late night TV, and even Memed, Billy became famous literally overnight. The two were booked on all the day time and nightime shows for months afterward. Everyone had to know their secret.

Their cheesey and love filled comments about each other engendered them to the masses, and at some point, Billy's star may have even eclipsed that of his more accomplished wife, as he was the one Hollywood hunk that appeared to be ubtainable.

Women of all shapes and sizes through themselves at the tanned and slender Billy. He signed autographs and took selfies with his "groupies", but never let it go any further than that. Josiphina did however pick up upon the fact that she'd caught Billy's eye wandering a bit from time to time when some of his "biggest" female fans made their way over to him. She'd even witnessed more than a few fatties slip Billy their phone numbers, when they thought no one was looking. Billy always threw the numbers away in the trash, once the plump or in some cases, down right obese women left his immediate sight. Such actions helped Josiphina feel more secure, maybe a little too secure, in that now she trusted in Billy completely.
5 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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