The cheater... preview

chapter 4

After her long and hard fucking of Billy's immensley fattened and feminized body, Josiphina cleaned herself up and went for her daily seven mile run. She hadn't even asked him, even in jest if wanted to go with her anymore. But what was the point he definitely couldn't keep up with his wife, even if she just walked, let alone ran and im truth, Billy hadn't even really thought about going.

It had been a long time since the cheater, Billy had been outside of their large estate. There was plenty of room for him to move about, although he did less and less of that all the time. There was an abundant plethora of hightech workout equipment for the couple to use, but to be honest, that was now the elclusive perview of his thickly muscled wife. Billy hadn't even attempted getting on the treadmill, let alone any of the more difficult machines in over a year.

Sometimes it was hard for Billy to even remember that just a short time ago, he'd been one of Hollywood's young, fit, and handsome heart throbs. Any muscles he had left, had long since been atrified by years of forced "non labor" and heavy doses of spironolactone and estradiol which respectively greatly lowered his testosterone production and massively increased his feminizing hormone levels.

Billy had secluded himself purposefully, if we could call it that. He wasn't being forced by might to stay within the safe walls of their mansion but, to say Billy was not a prisoner would be less than genuine. Sure, no one physically kept Billy from leaving, but the last time he'd gone out, he'd been recognized by the paparazzi and they had a field day with his then three hundred pound fat ass.

Headlines like "Former hottie turned fatty" with accompanying "before" and after "photos" chronologically laid out his staggering weight gain in recent years. The rumors and conspiracy theories around his massive explosion were the fodder for gossip mags and the internet for years. And that last public outing took place well over 200 pounds ago and many reconstructive surgeries ago, before Josiphina had transformed him into what he was today. For now, around the house his wife had him dress up in full female atire, as part of his penance for cheating on her.
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