The cheater... preview

chapter 5

Those early days of marriage were great for Billy. He'd gone from a virtual nobody to a household name within hours of the Oscars where his wife accepted the best actress award. He had the best of both worlds, he was now a solid "A" lister and he got to feed, fuck, and fatten the woman of his dreams.

The fact that his famous wife was extremely obese had Women across middle America absolutely eating him up. Where the other hot bod celebrities almost exclusively dated "dime" pieces, Billy was married to America's most famous fatty. And not only that, he flirted, grabbed hold of and made out with his growing love for all to see.

Billy's business ventures which previously were anything but successful, blossomed even more quickly than the size of his wife's belly and bottom. Most impressive amongst said business undertakings was his weight loss clinic for the stars, and... of course open to the public... for the right dollar amount.

All of his clients and devotees almost unanimously met with the weight-loss goals, except for his wife of course. Billy loved when reporters asked questions about his wife's ever increasing girth. It gave him plenty of opportunities to say something poetic about, "Loving the woman on the inside", which was true and completely eaten up by his adoring public, but definitely not the whole picture.

Said interviews always revved up the young couple and often they would wisk back to their estate on a private jet, where Billy would stuff the award winning actress, so full of food, that her blubbery fat actually ripped her through her outfits on a couple of occaaions.

Josiphina's career in front of the camera's dramatically cooled off, as there were few leading roles for 400 pound women in Hollywood. As her role of the obese woman losing her battle of the bulge was a once in a lifetime opportunity, Josiphina switched over her artistic talents to directing. She didn't win any Oscars for her first three films but one was nominated and all three were critically acclaimed and blockbuster successes.

However with such success, also came a heavy price. Josiphina had become Hollywood's brightest star director and had offers from all the big studios to make the kind of films she'd always dreamed of. As a result, she was literally gone for months at a time, especially when filming on location. And that's when her horny and still yet fit husband's eye began to wander.
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