The waterpark

chapter 2

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New Jobs

We started our new jobs at the waterpark near the beginning of May. We all worked the same shifts so that we could either enjoy the waterpark after work or on our shared days off. Paul and I were looking forward to working on our tans as lifeguards. The rides that we were watching had very little chance of anyone drowning, so there wasn’t much pressure. Jillian got a job at the Fudge Shoppe and Beth worked at the Ice Cream Palace. Since neither girl had to wear a bathing suit in public all day nor were either of them on a diet, they both enjoyed the sugary perks of their jobs. To my excitement, they each separately confided in me that they were looking forward to a summer where they could indulge without having to worry about showing up in shape for a college sport come September.

We worked from 8:00 to 4:30 five days a week. After our first day, we decided to spend the night at the waterpark. We had a big dinner at the park (50% off food for employees is a pretty good deal). Over dinner, both girls raved about their new jobs. It turned out they were a welcome departure from life as a law student. Jillian loved cooking and sampling the fudge while Beth got free ice cream and cookies. All that food didn’t seem to affect their appetites during dinner or dessert. Then we changed into our swimsuits and headed toward The Tunnel.

Beth was wearing a tight, one-piece bathing suit that was straining to hold her growing butt. Jillian decided to wear a bikini from college. It was a little snug and really showed off her round breasts and slight potbelly. Both ladies had nice chests, but it was clear to my eyes that Beth had Jillian beat in the bust department by a solid cup size.

We approached the elevator that would take us up nearly 10 stories to the top of ride. The last time I rode ‘The Tunnel,’ nine months ago, I fantasized about going down the ride with a hot, voluptuous woman. Neither Jillian nor Beth was in the voluptuous class yet, but they each had potential should the summer prove damaging to their respective waistlines.

When we got to the top, there was an operator to instruct people on going down the ride, making sure people didn’t go down too close together and checking so that each pair didn’t exceed the 350lb limit. Beth and I got weighed first. She was a little self-conscious about getting on the scale with me, but after an encouraging pat on her gloriously thick booty I got her to step on. We combined to weigh 310lbs, well within the limit.

Next, Paul and Jillian got on the scale. 340lbs. I weighed around 160lbs, and Paul weighed closer to 190lbs. So, I was able to estimate that Jillian and Beth each weighed around 150lbs on the button. In my head, I did some more math and realized with excitement that Beth had accumulated an additional 10 pounds of chub over the course of our first year of Law school, Jillian had gained an even more impressive 15 pounds, though since she was taller and more evenly proportioned, it was less noticeable.

The ride down with Beth was fantastic. I laid down on the foam mat facing up while Beth laid down on top of me. It wasn’t long before she rolled over, and we were face to face. We ravaged each other’s bodies and kissed the whole three minutes. Luckily the ride was enclosed so we didn’t have to worry about children watching. About 30 seconds later, Paul and Jillian came down the slide together. Both enjoyed it, but not nearly as much as Beth and I did.

Next it was Jillian’s turn to ride with me. We got on the scale for a combined 310lbs. Beth and Brian combined for 340lbs. Jillian and I made out a little, but also talked more. She mentioned that she was worried that by working in the Fudge Shoppe, she might get fatter than Beth, who was by no means fat, but certainly bigger than she’d been in September. I replied that because she was taller than Beth by four inches and more athletic, that even if she weighed 15lbs more than Beth, she’d still be thinner. I also told her how hot she looked in that little bikini.

At the end of the first week, both girls really liked their new jobs, I’d been sleeping with them relatively equally every other day and both Paul and I were enjoying The Tunnel tremendously. However, Paul expressed a concern to me after watching both Jillian and Beth demolish some fattening, deep-fried water park food one night at dinner after the girls had excused themselves to go to the bathroom.

“What happens if the girls put on weight this summer? If either of them gains ten pounds I won’t have anyone to ride the tunnel with.” He worriedly explained.

“If you listen to me as your personal trainer, focus on losing weight, and try to avoid all the crappy food they sell here, it won’t matter if they put on a few pounds working here.” I replied in a supportive brotherly fashion.

After a little reflection, Paul responded, “If the girls do get too big to ride the Tunnel with me, I’m not sure I’d really want to be riding with them anyway.”

“What? You don’t like your women with a little meat on their bones?” I teased with a playful nudge.

“A little meat’s okay, but Beth’s pushing it as is and Jillian isn’t far behind.” Paul shrugged in response.

“To each his own I guess. I think they’ve never looked better.” I sighed finally realizing the main reason for Paul’s poor track record with ladies, “You know what your problem is, you’re too picky.”

“At least it’s better than your problem.” Paul countered challenging me by making eye contact.

“Which is?” I wondered in amusement.

“You let two ladies fall in love with you. That’s not the sort of thing that ends well.” Paul revealed sounding a little too proud of himself.

“Haha, you’ve got no idea what you’re talking about.” I laughed dismissively. I couldn’t imagine that Beth or Jillian had fallen in love with me over the course of a few casual months together. Or perhaps, maybe I didn’t want to see the signs…
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Lucky_ 1 year
Beth all the way
Polarisdreamer 1 year
Beth wins! Not even a single vote for Jillian
Baron 1 year
Both would be so hot
Polarisdreamer 1 year
One day maybe I'll add a "both ending" I didn't realize that option would be so popular
The Ivy Leag... 1 year
Why not both, there's not enough poly representation, let them all be happy!!
Polarisdreamer 1 year
That's fair! I wrote two endings, one for Jillian and one for Beth, that's why I didn't list "both" as an option. Perhaps one day I'll go back and write a "both" ending
Fan_anonimo 1 year
With both
AndiFive 1 year
with both, maybe even with all 3 if Jenny joins them
AndiFive 1 year
with both, maybe even with all 3 if Jenny joins them
Cuzndragon 1 year
I think Beth because of the emotional attachment and she wants it more because of that. Still would be fun to see him end up with either.
Dicklovesbabs 1 year
Why not both?
AnonymousVei... 1 year
Bluephantom42 1 year
Johnqw 1 year