The waterpark

chapter 9

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Tough Decisions

Over the next month, my arousing encounter with Jenny drifted into distant memory, she’d tempted me, but for the first time in my life I’d been able to somehow resist. Feeling proud of my restraint, I refocused myself on my studies and my two lovely ladies. Law school was tough and seemingly getting tougher by the day, but the same could be said of my trying to juggle two curvy aspiring lawyers who were both vying for more and more of my scarce free time.

After her indulgent weekend with Jenny had set her diet back nearly to square one, Beth struggled to maintain her diet and exercise regime. She was determined to slim down, but lacked the self control. I began to notice the curves she had shed over the Fall slowly but surely reappearing before my eyes. As a supportive boyfriend, I held my tongue, tried to help Beth lose weight as best I could, but internally I was thrilled her efforts were backfiring.

In total Beth had regained the seven pounds she had lost over the course of the fall in less than four weeks plus three extra, putting her weight at her highest yet, 201lbs. She was less confident with her figure, but to me, she’d never looked sexier. I especially loved the extra pounds that seemed to appear across her growing midsection and ever plumping behind.

Like Beth, Jillian was packing on extra weight too, although where Beth seemed to loathe her fattening frame, Jillian seemed to embrace it. We never talked about it, but I was convinced that she had figured out that I preferred big, beautiful women and was turned on by her weight gain. Jillian would say things like:

“I really shouldn’t be eating this,” while eating an entire chocolate crème pie right in front of me.

Or she’d say, “I really need to lose this fat tummy,” while playing with her belly for me to see.

One night, while she was bouncing on top of me, exhausting her fattened form in a state of pure bliss, she described in great detail, all the foods she was planning on eating for Thanksgiving dinner:

“I bet you’d like to watch, wouldn’t you?” she teased as my hands ravaged her growing body.

“Yes!” I groan in ecstasy. It was like she had me wrapped around her little chubby finger, I found Jillian’s fattened body completely irresistible.

The sex with Jillian kept getting better as her body got bigger. Her softness nearly overwhelmed my sense of touch. In the four weeks, where Beth had put on 10 pounds, Jillian had put on 20 and was up to 245 pounds. Jillian had now gained over 100 pounds over the last 14 months. According to our agreement, we needed to have sex twelve times per week.

That meant that we were spending six nights per week together. By gaining so much weight, Jillian was essentially keeping me away from Beth. I knew that if continued to spend too much time with Jillian, Beth was going to leave me, and I couldn’t blame her.

Beth and I were able to spend one night per week together, plus a few afternoons, not counting the time we spent in the gym or studying together. Beth did not know about the agreement that Jillian and I had, but she clearly did not like the amount of time that Jillian and I were spending together.

She wanted more from our relationship. And for the first time in my life, I was just about ready to make a real commitment. There was just one snag, a 245-pound problem that I did not know how to handle.

I couldn’t just end things with Jillian. We made a commitment to each other at the beginning of the school year. Although I didn’t ask her to, she had gained most of that weight for me. And the sex was fantastic. Our physical chemistry for one another was off the charts. I wasn’t sure if I could just give that up.

Besides, if I dumped her now, after she gained all that weight, I wasn’t sure how she’d handle it. Though it was hard for me to admit, I cared deeply for Jillian just as much as I cared about Beth, but if my plump blonde kept monopolizing more and more of my time, I was going to lose Beth.

I needed to take action.

Full Disclosure

I usually spent Saturday nights with Beth, but I knew this wasn’t going to be a normal evening together. This was going to be the night I tell her everything.

For all I knew, after hearing the truth, it might be the night she decided to finally leave me, but I hoped by telling Beth about my arrangement with Jillian, and my dilemma, we might be able to figure a way for the two of us to transition towards exclusivity.

As much as it pained me, I committed to the idea that I was going to be entirely honest with Beth tonight, no matter what.

At my apartment, I painstakingly prepared a romantic, candlelit spaghetti dinner for the two of us. Beth arrived wearing an overly tight pair of blue jeans and a little blue crop top which was too small to hide her sexy muffin top. She was early, as usual, so she got to spend a few minutes watching me finish preparing dinner.

I smoothly boiled the noodles while warming up the spaghetti sauce in the microwave and stuck a loaf of frozen garlic bread in the oven. I poured Beth a glass of red wine as she admired my handiwork.

“So, what’s the special occasion?” she wondered, her eyes glued to mine.

“Every moment we spend together is a special occasion to me,” I replied sounding as smooth as could be. Hiding my nervousness with charm had become second nature.

“No, seriously, what’s with the candles? And you even cleaned your filthy kitchen. That big spot on the floor is gone.” Beth pointed out sensing something was off.

“My kitchen is not filthy, and that spot wasn’t that big,” I replied defensively, “But yeah, I’m trying to impress you, okay? That’s what’s going on.”

Without another word, I quickly approached her and leaned in for a kiss.

Welcoming my lips with unbridled enthusiasm we remained locked in our passion for more than a few moments.

“You’re off to a pretty good start,” Beth cooed coyly after our kiss had run its lengthy course.

“Just pretty good? Not great?” I teased.

“I’ve got very high standards,” Beth replied playfully, as I watched her unbutton her tight jeans before resting her hefty heinie on a seat at my table. The old wooden chair creaked loudly in respond to the plump mass of Beth’s body.

“Anyone as smart, sweet and beautiful as you should have high standards,” I replied joining her, my chair made an even louder squeaking noise than Beth’s did.

“Flattery will get you nowhere,” she smirked, crossing her thick legs.

“Really?” I pouted jokingly, as I enjoyed the way Beth’s belly poked out of her pretty outfit.

“No. You can pretty much have me any time you want.” Beth shrugged, while her smile seemed to slowly dwindle and she continued in a more mellow tone, “Although it doesn’t feel like you’ve wanted me as much as you used to recently.”

“That’ really not true,” I protested, while my soft stomach erupted in nervous butterflies. It was true, and deep down I knew that, I just didn’t want to admit it.

“Over the summer I couldn’t keep you off me if I wanted. Now… I mean we see each other a lot, but… I don’t know, it just doesn’t feel like we’re connecting like we used to.” Beth frowned, as she took another look at the candles on the table and with worry muttered, “Oh my gosh, you’re not breaking up with me are you??”

“No, no, no! Of course not! Beth, I cherish every moment we’re together.” I loudly expressed trying to alleviate some of the beautiful redhead’s insecurity, “There is a different reason why we haven’t been able to spend as much umm… quality time together. It’s Jillian.”

Clearly uncomfortable, Beth muttered, “Do I really need to hear about her? I’ve been going out of my way to not think about you with her.”

“I’m sorry, but there is something I have to tell you. It will help explain why I haven’t been as intimate with you recently,” I explained, while placing my hand on hers, “I’m crazy about you. And need your advice, or at least your understanding.”

Beth cautiously nodded her head silently, as I proceeded to tell her about the contract Jillian and I signed at the beginning of the year and how the obese blonde was using that contract to manipulate my time, drain my lust dry, and keep me away from her.

After a minute of deep thought, Beth finally asked, “Two hundred and forty-five pounds?”

“Yeah, that’s right,” I replied.

“Wow… And you still find her attractive?” Beth doubted.

“Well, I’m a guy… I find a lot of women attractive,” I answered, trying to deflect the question.

“No, I mean, do you find Jillian at TWO HUNDRED and FORTY-FIVE pounds attractive???” Beth rephrased her question far more pointedly.

“Yes,” I shrugged trying to stay true to my commitment to being honest with her tonight.

“Do you think she’s as attractive now as she was last year?” Beth continued her line of questioning with a certain intensity I usually didn’t see from her.

I felt like she was cross-examining me.

“Yes,” I answered succinctly.

“Do you find her more attractive now than you did last year?” The curvy red-head pressed on.

I nodded my head in confirmation.

“Do you think I’m as attractive now as I was last year?” she asked subconsciously holding onto her mushy love handles for dear life.

“I think you’re much more attractive now,” I said, pleased with my honest, flattering answer.

Beth looked shocked.

After a few seconds processing this new information, she countered flatly, “So, you prefer fat girls?”

Not knowing how to respond, I answered, “I prefer you.”

“But do you like me because I’m fat?” she asked, still processing this new information.

“I like you for you. I’ve always preferred women with curves. And honey, you’ve always had amazing curves.” I explained trying to ease her fears.

“OK. Do you like Jillian because she’s fat?” Beth asked still deep in thought.

After a few seconds of introspection, I replied, “That’s not the only reason I like her.”

“Is it the reason you can’t commit to me?” Beth wondered vulnerably.

“Maybe.” I reasoned.

“So do you want to be with her? I mean she’s a lot fatter than I am.” Beth sighed sounding fatigued or perhaps emotionally exhausted.

“I want to be with you.” I urged trying to convince her, “Even if you were as skinny as you wanna be I’d want to be with you.”

“Then why don’t you just dump Jillian? And don’t tell me it’s just that silly contract. I don’t buy it,” Beth challenged.

“It just feels wrong; like I’m breaking my word. I don’t know…” I trailed off.

“Or maybe you are just more attracted to Jillian now that she’s a lot fatter than I am?” Beth pouted resting her hands on her muffin top.

“That’s not it,” I quickly replied.

“Really? Then what else could it be?” Beth grunted sounding distraught, “Jenny told me about what happened that night after I passed out. She said that she came onto you, and you turned her down. She asked you why, and you told her, it was because you loved me.”

“That’s because I do love you!” I assured her as best I could.

“I know! I love you too… But Jenny’s not 245 pounds. If she were, do you think you would have been able to resist her?” Beth inquired looking terrified of my response.

“I… I’m not sure. It wasn’t easy.” I replied being completely transparent.

“Then… I… I need you to prove it to me.” Beth slowly articulated, “if you are really ready to make a commitment to me, you have to leave Jillian. Don’t wait until your contract with her expires. Don’t wait until the semester is over.”

I nodded my head quietly, thinking about what I knew I had to do to keep Beth in my life, “I’ll tell her after Thanksgiving break. That will give me time to drop a few subtle clues that I might be breaking up with her.”

“I guess that will be alright.” Beth reluctantly agreed, “Just make sure that you don’t do anything to lead her on. That’s only going to make it tougher for all of us.”

“Thanks for your understanding,” I said, as I leaned in for a kiss which Beth accepted with great enthusiasm.

Perhaps because of our tense conversation, we devoured our dinner, each scarfing down two full plates of pasta before retiring to the couch to digest. We spent the rest of the evening cuddling silently in front of the television, until Beth made a lustfully unexpected move. Stripping me down and riding me like she was at the Kentucky derby.


The last two weeks before Thanksgiving break were a blur. I spent as much time as I could with Beth, considering how much time I was contracted to spend with Jillian. When I was with Jillian, I tried to seem less interested in her. Although when we got in the bedroom, she had my complete attention. Jillian’s power over me seemed to expand, just like her thick belly. It was not going to be easy breaking up with her. My lust for her was overwhelming.

Oddly enough, I was looking forward to being away from Jillian and Beth for a week. Obviously I was going to miss the sex, but I really needed the rest. And avoiding the occasional awkward sexual tension would be nice, at least for a little while. Plus, I would have plenty of time to figure out what I was going to say to Jillian. Hopefully, she was using me for sex the same way that I was using her.

Jillian had invited me to Thanksgiving dinner at her house. The idea of Jillian sitting down to a huge feast in front of people she knew was a major turn-on, especially after her detailed description of what she was planning on eating. But I knew that if I went to Thanksgiving dinner at her house, I’d just be leading her on. I declined her invitation, citing that the two-hour drive was just too long and I had too many family members that were joining us for dinner.

By the time we left for Thanksgiving break, Jillian’s weight had shot up to 255lbs. I was more attracted to her with every new pound. I was also feeling more guilty with every new pound. I was going to miss her big luscious body. Meanwhile, Beth was working out harder than ever. She was trying to minimize her mother’s disapproval by trying to get thin, but her efforts weren’t working. She was eating far too much for that. Whether it was to deal with stress from law school or stress from our love triangle or stress about her judgmental mother, Beth sought comfort in unhealthy sweets far more than she should have. At five-foot four inches and 209 pounds, Beth was clearly obese, but still sported some amazing curves thanks to staying more active.


It was nice to be home. I hadn’t had sex in almost a week, but with football on TV and family gathered together, I was enjoying life. It was halftime of the second football game of the day and I had a lot going on in my brain. Part of me wondered how Beth was doing with her mother.

She’d put on an awful lot of weight since last seeing her and all Beth’s efforts to sweat off all those unwanted pounds didn’t achieve any weight-loss results. I knew Beth couldn’t stop herself around good food, so for Thanksgiving she was likely stuffing herself like a turkey and having to deal with verbal abuse from her mother. It was a recipe for disaster. I was expecting a tear-jerking phone call any minute.

But that wasn’t all I was thinking about. My mind was also on Jillian. I told Beth I’d dump her after Thanksgiving Break, but I wasn’t sure I’d done a good job signaling to the beautiful blonde blimp that I wanted things to end. By this point in the day, Jillian was probably already finished her Thanksgiving feast and I was having a hard time getting the image of Jillian’s potential gluttony out of my head.

I knew it was time for me to make a choice, and in my heart I knew that choice was Beth, but my lust for the fatter Jillian continued to cloud my judgment. Beth had been right. The weight difference was what was ultimately holding me back, but how could I reconcile that fact with myself?

Before I really had the chance to think about it, the doorbell rang so I got up and answered the door. It was my uncle Irving and his wife Michelle. They came to our house from another Thanksgiving dinner they’d already attended. I hadn’t seen them in over a year and they were interested in finding out how I was I doing in law school. To my embarrassment, Michelle commented that it looked like my school was ‘feeding me well.’

To be fair, the last time I’d really seen them I’d weighed around 160lbs of pure muscle and now I was closer to 200lbs of dad bod. My arms were still defined, but every other part of me was filling out. Clearly I’d put on some sympathy weight thanks to my role in fattening up Beth and Jillian. I was eager to get in better shape, but law school and my gluttonous ladies were too much of a roadblock for eating less at the moment. So, I just smiled and took my Aunt’s criticism in stride. They stayed for about an hour before they headed out for home.

Just as I got back on the couch, with another plate of pumpkin pie, the doorbell rang again. I trotted over to the door…

My older cousin, Will, and his fiancé, Marissa, were making their rounds. They had already visited Marissa’s parent’s house of dinner, but wanted to share some dessert at our place. So, I lead them to the kitchen, where my brother was sneaking more mashed potatoes, and shared dessert with them. Marissa was a very cute, very petite girl who I always imagined would have looked great with a few more pounds. They were planning a summer wedding and it sounded like Marissa had everything already planned out.

When they asked me who I was planning on bringing to their wedding, the doorbell rang yet again. At this point I was contemplating ripping the thing out of the wall for some peace and quiet, but regardless, I headed to the front door and opened it, expecting to see another family member.

However, when I opened the door, my eyes were immediately transfixed on the tray of brownies that rested on a large, protruding belly. Shocked, I could only say one word, “Jillian??”
12 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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Lucky_ 1 year
Beth all the way
Polarisdreamer 1 year
Beth wins! Not even a single vote for Jillian
Baron 1 year
Both would be so hot
Polarisdreamer 1 year
One day maybe I'll add a "both ending" I didn't realize that option would be so popular
The Ivy Leag... 1 year
Why not both, there's not enough poly representation, let them all be happy!!
Polarisdreamer 1 year
That's fair! I wrote two endings, one for Jillian and one for Beth, that's why I didn't list "both" as an option. Perhaps one day I'll go back and write a "both" ending
Fan_anonimo 1 year
With both
AndiFive 1 year
with both, maybe even with all 3 if Jenny joins them
AndiFive 1 year
with both, maybe even with all 3 if Jenny joins them
Cuzndragon 1 year
I think Beth because of the emotional attachment and she wants it more because of that. Still would be fun to see him end up with either.
Dicklovesbabs 1 year
Why not both?
AnonymousVei... 1 year
Bluephantom42 1 year
Johnqw 1 year