The waterpark

chapter 9 continued

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“In the flesh.” Jillian giggled, as she gave her globular gut a heart slap and seductively cooed, “emphasis on flesh. Do you have room at your table for this butterball? I’ve still got quite an appetite and I have the feeling you can help satisfy me.”

“Umm… I… Yeah sure, come in, come in!” I caved, although I was still torn internally between holding firm to my commitment to Beth and my lust to seeing Jillian make a massive pig of herself before my eyes.

In order for Jillian’s thick and widened 260-pounds body to fit through my front door, I had to move out of her way. In doing so, Jillian handed me her tray of brownies, gave me a kiss with an extra passionate helping of tongue, and briefly massaged my groin until she could feel me start to get hard. Then she whispered desperately in my ear, “Why aren’t you touching me? Don’t you want to?”

Without a second thought, my hands started exploring the new found girth of Jillian’s blubbery body. I started with her soft mushy belly, and worked my way up to her ballooning breasts. Jillian loved being touched almost as much as she loved eating and sex. She couldn’t help letting out a little moan of excitement. My instinct was to tease her, “Woah, woah, woah, save it for the bedroom.”

“Oh I’ll have plenty for the bedroom.” Jillian smirked, as she posed to her side to give me a full view of her fattened frame, “Now let’s eat.”

My body was excited, my brain was clouded by lust, I felt the familiar temptation of sexual attraction, but in that moment, strange as it may be, my mind thought of Beth and Jenny. I’d been able to resist Jenny’s spirited seduction efforts because of my emotional attachment to her older sister. My love for Beth outweighed my lust for Jenny. Now was that because Beth outweighed Jenny? I wasn’t sure, but I had a feeling I was about to find out with Jillian. I’d promised Beth I would end things with her, but could I actually do it? I didn’t know, but I knew I needed to try.

“Wait.” I muttered. My conscience finally stopping me from taking advantage of Jillian’s enthusiasm for now, “We need to talk.”

“About?” Jillian wondered looking frustrated I was delaying her calorific gratification.

“I’m in love with Beth.” I sighed finding it difficult to explain.

“So what? Don’t you love me too?” Jillian grunted with some annoyance, as she once again slapped her belly and let her blubber wobble as a result.

“Obviously I love you too. I love our chemistry, your body, your personality…” I began listing, but Jillian interrupted me.

“My appetite?” Jillian smirked pinching her fat love handles for me to watch and enjoy.

“Y-yes.” I nodded, “Your sexual appetite…”

“And my appetite appetite.” Jillian nearly laughed.

“What’s so funny?” I wondered.

“You try to hide it, maybe you’re embarrassed about admitting it, but it’s so obvious you enjoy the fact that I’ve been putting on a lot of weight. Why don’t you just come clean?” Jillian explained, “You’re a total chubby chaser.”

“I… Yeah, I am. You’ve known?” I wanted to clarify.

“Look at me. Do you really think I would have gotten this fat if I didn’t suspect you loved it?” Jillian countered holding up her meaty arms and letting them fall to her wide hips with a big sounding slap.

“I guess not.” I said, as my mind came to an important question, “How fat are you planning on getting?”

“As big as I have to get for you to dump Beth.” Jillian flatly admitted, “Being bigger isn’t so bad with you wrapped around my finger. So go on, tell me. How fat do I have to get for you to forget about her?”

“Honestly,” I slowly pieced together, “I don’t think I could forget about Beth no matter what you weighed.”

Jillian’s chubby face was stunned into silence.

“Oh my god, you do love her. Like really love her.” Jillian muttered before quietly realizing she’d made a severe miscalculation, “You’re breaking up with me?”

“I’m trying to, but it’s not easy. I love you too. I feel like I’m ripping my heart in half here.” I sighed feeling terrible all over.

Pursing her lips, and looking down at her expansive body with embarrassment and perhaps disgust, Jillian then resumed eye-contact with me and pouted, “You know you could have told me this before I drove two hours to see you.”

“You deserved to hear it in person.” I countered, as tears began filling up in Jillian’s eyes.

“This sucks…” Jillian sobbed, as I put the brownies down and embraced her in a hug.

“It does.” I agreed with her, while we embraced in silence for a few minutes.

Eventually breaking off our hug, Jillian softly spoke, “As much as I hate losing out to Beth, I hope you two are happy together.”

“Thanks. I hope you’re okay.” I sighed, “I’m sorry if I hurt you.”

“Oh, it hurts. Second place always hurts, but I’ll bounce back. I always do.” Jillian reasoned showing some of her unwavering confidence in herself.

“I feel guilty you put on so much weight for me.” I admitted.

“Don’t be. I didn’t just do it for you.” Jillian assured me, as she put a hand on my shoulder and sincerely told me in the most heartfelt way possible, “I’m going to need those brownies.”

“Oh, of course.” I nearly coughed a little off guard.

After handing Jillian her dessert and saying a few more goodbyes, Jillian drove off. Leaving me alone to think about what had just transpired. Eventually I meandered back into the kitchen with my cousin, my brother and Marissa, for a few minutes, but they could tell my mind was somewhere else.

The only thing I wanted to do was see Beth and tell her about what had just happened, so that’s exactly what I set out to do. Grabbing my keys, and a jacket, I rushed to the front door. However, just as I was reaching for the handle the doorbell rang yet again. I only had a millisecond to slow down, and I couldn’t stop myself. Swinging the door open dramatically, the stunned curvy red-head nearly yelped with fear from the sudden motion.

“Beth?” I gasped extremely happy to see her.

“Jesus christ! What are you trying to do give me a heart attack? Who opens a door like that?” Beth snapped, as I ignored her and gave her a big welcoming kiss and hug combination.

“What are you doing here?” I urged.

“I couldn’t standing being in the same house as my mother for a minute longer. She’s such a…” Beth hesitated.

“B*tch?” I guessed, as I released my hug and got a good look at her. She was wearing nice clothes, a formal looking skirt and blouse, although the blouse was so tight her belly was poking out the bottom.

“I didn’t say that… but that’s what I was thinking.” Beth acknowledged.

Standing silent for an awkward moment, I just came right out with it, “I dumped Jillian.”

Beth’s face revealed her total surprise, “You did?”

“Yeah, like 15 minutes ago. She visited me, but I… I did it.” I managed to say, still trying to believe it myself.

“Oh my god! Haha! Are you serious!?” Beth gushed seemingly on cloud nine.

“100% serious. I’m a one woman man now.” I promised.

“And I’m your woman?” Beth wondered ever so vulnerably.

“The one and only.” I smiled, as Beth rushed in for another hug.

“I like the sound of that.” She hummed, as she squeezed me tightly. Our soft bodies seemed like a perfect fit mushed together as we were.

“Wanna come in for dessert to celebrate?” I offered half expecting Beth to reject the notion of eating sweets while on her diet.

“I’ll have some dessert if you do.” Beth cooed, while she let go of me and gave my bloated stomach a soft pat, “I don’t wanna be the only fatty in this relationship.”

“You’re not fat.” I argued.

“Hmm, not yet, but I think I might want to put on a few extra pounds just to spite my mom.” Beth purred, as she put her hands on her hips and beckoned me to follow her inside.

“I like the sound of that.” I said with excitement.

“I knew you would.” Beth giggled, as she sweetly grabbed my hand and urged me, “Come on, let’s eat.”


With the holidays all said and done, Beth and I formally committed to one another now that Jillian was no longer standing in between us. Now exclusive, our relationship could flourish and grow in a way it couldn’t before. We still spent a lot of time together, eating, exercising, studying, eating, going on dates and eating some more, but now nothing was stopping us from expressing our love for each other physically, as much as we wanted. And boy did Beth and I want it often. Frankly, we couldn’t keep ourselves off one another.

By the end of the semester we moved in together. That’s when it happened. Beth decided to give up on her diet. Almost overnight all the things I missed about Jillian regarding food and sex vanished. Beth finally gave into her gluttony and started really packing on the pounds. She weighed roughly 215lbs around the time winter break ended and Spring semester started, but due to her endless eating, the lovable red-head positively ballooned over the next four months.

Fed up with her mother’s judgment and keen to please my infatuation with the fattened female form, Beth embraced gaining as a newer, non-restrictive diet she could actually stick to long-term. By the end of our second year of law school, Beth had added almost 50lbs of fat to her figure and showed no signs of slowing down. Since she was shorter than Jillian, at 260lbs, Beth appeared even fatter than Jillian had been at Thanksgiving.

Speaking of Jillian, she took the breakup reasonably well and focused herself on her studies. Maintaining her position at the top of the class, she had no problem landing a prestigious internship over the summer. At around 300lbs, Jillian had gained a lot of weight since the breakup, but didn’t seemed depressed by it. Beth’s theory was that Jillian actually had grown to love her indulgent lifestyle.

As for myself, Beth’s bad habits rubbed off on me something fierce, as fat as she was, I was only a few steps behind her at 245lbs, but Beth preferred it that way for some reason and frankly I didn’t mind letting myself go as much as I’d thought.

Over the summer we decided to spend another few months working together at the waterpark. I resumed my life-guarding and Beth returned to her role in the ice cream palace. We spent the summer indulging in all the fattening food the park had to offer and ravaging each others growing bodies. My waistline exploded, I’d gained another 50 pounds by the end of August, but for every pound I seemed to gain, it seemed Beth packed on two.

One night around closing time the last week of August, when I was working as the lifeguard for the tunnel. She appeared, clothed in a sizable one-piece bathing suit, Beth looked every inch the meaty red-headed goddess she was. I wasn’t surprised she’d waited for the sun to start setting before braving her way up to the entrance since she was always worried about sunburn. As she’d fattened up, applying sunscreen had become quite the taxing routine.

“What brings you all the way up here?” I smiled, as I checked out my girlfriend from top to bottom. Big breasts, a big belly and a gargantuan butt, the blob of a girl looked exhausted from only a few flights of stairs.

“Isn’t it obvious? I wanna ride the tunnel. For old times sake.” Beth winked, as she lead my eyes down to her thick globular gut and gave her blubber a firm slap, “What do you say? I know I’m too fat to ride with you, but I can still go down by myself can’t I?”

“I’ll have to weigh you first. You know there’s a 350 pound weight limit.” I teased internally wondering if in fact Beth actually weighed north of 350lbs by now.

“No problem.” Beth smiled, slowly lumbering onto the scale.

My eyes lingered on the way her luscious body jiggled with every step. The lovable bottom-heavy red-head had come a long way from last summer.

“351lbs.” I muttered in disbelief, as I checked out her shelf of an ass. It was far larger now than Jillian’s had ever been. Talking to Beth in the stern chastising tone I joked, “Sorry. You’re too fat to ride this ride miss.”

“Damn…” Beth pretended to pout before sending me a flirtatious wink and adding, “But I’m not too fat to ride you, am I?”

“Not at all, but you could be fatter.” I teased, grabbing a hold of Beth’s blubbery butt and squeezing, “Are you hungry?”

“Very hungry. Starving actually.” Beth cooed, as she leaned her globular booty against my obese belly and then lowered it onto my lap, “You’re hungry too right?”

Forced against the side of my chair by the expansive girth of Beth’s ass my hands cupped the sides of her generous hips and I replied, “Not really, more for you.”

“Mhh… That’s too bad.” Beth hummed in disapproval, before grinding her butt against my lap, getting me going and purring, “Wanna work up an an appetite in the ice cream palace?”

“You know I do.” I grinned, as Beth stepped forward, releasing me from the girth of her big fat booty.

“That’s the right answer,” Beth hummed before gently kissing my lips and purring in my ear, “Let’s go, I’m starving…”

Gazing into the eyes of my inflated prize, my response was immediate, “351lbs and starving?”

Not pleased with my sarcasm, Beth spelled out her desire bluntly, “Feed me, f*ck me, tell me I’m pretty, but don’t question me, okay?”

“Haha, okay.” I chuckled, as my woman and I swapped spit before setting out to end our summer with a bang.
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Lucky_ 1 year
Beth all the way
Polarisdreamer 1 year
Beth wins! Not even a single vote for Jillian
Baron 1 year
Both would be so hot
Polarisdreamer 1 year
One day maybe I'll add a "both ending" I didn't realize that option would be so popular
The Ivy Leag... 1 year
Why not both, there's not enough poly representation, let them all be happy!!
Polarisdreamer 1 year
That's fair! I wrote two endings, one for Jillian and one for Beth, that's why I didn't list "both" as an option. Perhaps one day I'll go back and write a "both" ending
Fan_anonimo 1 year
With both
AndiFive 1 year
with both, maybe even with all 3 if Jenny joins them
AndiFive 1 year
with both, maybe even with all 3 if Jenny joins them
Cuzndragon 1 year
I think Beth because of the emotional attachment and she wants it more because of that. Still would be fun to see him end up with either.
Dicklovesbabs 1 year
Why not both?
AnonymousVei... 1 year
Bluephantom42 1 year
Johnqw 1 year