The waterpark

chapter 3

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Jillian’s Plan

At the beginning of the third week there was a new operator working the Tunnel. That meant that we would have to get weighed again. I was actually looking forward to that. Both girls commented on how Paul seemed to be gaining some muscle and getting a little leaner thanks to my guidance as his self-appointed personal trainer and diet coach. Part of me wanted to know if Paul’s visual progress had translated to weight loss, but in all honesty I was more interested to see if Beth or Jillian had put on any weight since starting at the waterpark.

Jillian and Paul went first. Their combined weight was 340lbs, the same as the last time they were weighed together. Curious, I asked Paul to remain on the scale for a moment after Jillian stepped off, the scale read 186lbs. Congratulating Paul on his progress, I realized that meant Jillian must have gained at least as much as Paul had lost for their combined weight to remain the same. That placed Jillian around 154lbs! An approximate four-pound gain! I was horny just thinking about it.

Once Jillian and Paul went down the Tunnel together, Beth and I combined on the scale for 316lbs, a gain of 6lbs. Immediately I assumed those six gorgeous pounds had been gained by Beth since she was hardly shy about stuffing her face every night at dinner but, lingering on the scale for a moment after she stepped off, I could clearly see my own weight rested at an elevated 163lbs. Meaning that Beth’s weight was up to approximately 153lbs, one pound shy of Jillian. Of course, Beth was shorter than Jillian and built a little thicker, especially downstairs, so she still appeared bigger despite the small difference in actual weight.

More concerning to me; however, was my own weight. I’d gained a few pounds since the start of the summer. I was probably eating too much with Jillian and Beth, those lovable gluttons were bad influences, but since I was coaching Paul rather than exercising much myself, I was probably burning less calories too. I made a mental note to start eating healthier and exercising more. The last thing I wanted was to puff up alongside my ladies this summer.

That night, it was Jillian who had ultimately earned the right to sleepover with me. We’d gone down the Tunnel about a dozen times that day, Beth had been forced to give up the contest thanks to a nasty case of sunburn she’d received waiting in line to ride with me instead of re-applying when she should have, a trend that was causing Jillian to take the lead in total nights spent with me this summer.

After sex, Jillian and I cuddled in bed, my hands exploring the newfound softness concentrated around the blonde’s midsection. After a particularly adventurous squeeze on my part, Jillian sighed, “Ugh… As much fudge as I’ve eaten over the last week, I thought I’d be 10 pounds heavier.”

Not sure how to respond, I remained silent.

Jillian continued her musing undeterred, “Not that it would be a bad thing if Paul and I combined to weigh over 350lbs. Then I’d get you all to myself.”

I laughed awkwardly. I had to think about that for a moment. I hadn’t considered that possibility when we created our contract. Jillian really did have a knack for being a lawyer.

“Would you still find me attractive if I was 10 pounds heavier?” Jillian questioned, testing my attitude toward the possibility of her gaining more weight.

“Of course I would. I think you’d be hot no matter what. Whether you weighed a hundred pounds or three hundred pounds, you’d still be hot,” I answered perhaps a bit too quickly.

“Really???” Jillian gushed clearly more than a little surprised.

“Well, maybe not one hundred pounds, I like my women with some meat on them.” I ‘joked’ as I gave Jillian’s soft tummy another squeeze, pulling her shapely body against my excited manhood.

Rolling around to face me in bed, she smiled mischievously, and we got back to business…

Throughout the next week, Jillian was noticeably eating more at our lunches and dinners and snacking on fudge throughout the day. Even Beth, who had put on a few pounds since the start of the summer herself, couldn’t help but notice.

One day, while the beautiful sunburnt red-head and I were going down The Tunnel, she asked, “Did you see how much she ate at dinner tonight? We ordered two bags of mini donuts and two funnel cakes for dessert, and she ate more than you, me and Paul combined...”

“I hadn’t really noticed,” I lied recalling just how bloated Jillian’s gorgeous gut had become afterward.

“Pay attention next time, she’s been making such a pig of herself lately. I feel like I should warn her or something. She’s gonna get fat.” Beth pondered, ever the kind and considerate friend.

“No, don’t do that.” I objected perhaps a bit too strongly, before trying to walk back my concern, “Weight can be a sensitive subject. I’m sure she’ll start to slow down on her own.”

“You’re probably right.” Beth hummed reconsidering bringing it up with Jillian, “I guess it’s really none of my business. Besides, I suppose I do stand to benefit if she lets herself go.”

“How do you figure?” I replied confused.

“The less attractive she gets the less of a threat she is.” Beth innocently reasoned with a satisfied little smirk.

“Threat?” I questioned slow to grasp the implication of what she was saying.

“You know what I mean.” Beth warmly conveyed, as she nestled ever closer to me.

And just like that, it clicked. Beth equated the accumulation of extra weight as negatively effecting someone’s inherent beauty. In the case of Jillian, she seemed to secretly hope the blonde would eat herself out of the realm of my desirability. Her logic couldn’t have been farther from the truth, but I didn’t know quite how to express that, or even if this was the right time to educate Beth as to my particular preferences. I didn’t want to scare her off. Passing the buck to another day, I didn’t address my concerns.

“To tell you the truth, it’s not her body I want to concentrate on right now,” I said, caressing Beth’s soft freckled face as I brought her in for a kiss while we wound down The Tunnel.

Three weeks later, smack dab in the middle of June, both girls had grown a bit bigger, Jillian noticeably so. For starters, Beth was no longer able to squeeze into her size 12 one-piece bathing suit, opting for a roomier size 14. Jillian was still wearing the little bikini she had on when we started our jobs. Only now, her soft flesh was engulfing the bands on her bikini bottoms. Her thick butt was beginning to rival Beth’s in girth, not width, and she’d sprouted an unabashed muffin top. Her bikini top was straining to support her growing breasts, which looked like they were going to bounce out of her bikini with every step. She looked soft, jiggly and mesmerizing.

On this day, a different operator was working The Tunnel when Paul and I arrived at the top with our softening lady friends. Beth and Paul weighed in first for a combined 338lbs, just as the last time my brother had been weighed, I asked him to stay on the scale for a moment to congratulate him on his weight loss progress. At 182lbs, Paul’s arms and chest appeared much stronger, and his midsection appeared to be firming up. He’d lost four pounds since the last weigh in, which meant at 156lbs, Beth had gained another three. The beautiful red-head was gaining nearly a pound of glorious fat a week. It was difficult not to show my enthusiasm.

With Paul and Beth going down the Tunnel, it was my turn to return to the scale with Jillian. Our total weight was 336lbs, far above the last time we weighed in. I’d hoped to linger on the scale for a moment after Jillian stepped off so I could do some math and figure out just how many luscious pounds the blonde had gained these last three weeks, but to my surprised, she nudged me off and glanced at her own weight before departing.

Desperate to know how much she weighed; I bit my tongue to prevent myself from outright asking her. We’d combined for 336lbs, I knew I could weigh myself alone later that night, rather than risk overplaying my interest. However, as Jillian and I ventured down The Tunnel, the first thing out of her mouth was a very curious question.

“How much did your brother weigh again?” Jillian seemed to demand with some urgency.

“Ugh… 182lbs I think.” I replied a little unsure.

“I’m 168lbs, what would we combine for?” Jillian freely offered in a rushed tone.

“Umm…” I droned stalling for time to process what was happening. First off, 168lbs was a LOT. If she weighed 154lbs like a month ago… Jillian would have had to have gained 14lbs since then to weigh 168lbs. I’d known she’d been overeating like her life depended on it recently, but was it even possible for someone to gain all that weight that fast? A brief glance at the blonde’s inflated breasts and oversaturated midsection was enough to confirm the possibility in my mind.

Next, my mind subtracted Jillian’s 168lbs from our combined 336lbs. Which meant… I weighed 168lbs too. A gain of five pounds? Embarrassed I didn’t think it was possible, I’d been eating better and pumping iron with Paul. Perhaps I’d morphed more of my mass into muscle, which weighed more than fat? That was likely the culprit for my elevated weight. If anything, in the mirror I was looking a bit more toned and jacked than I had prior to the semester letting out.

Lastly, my worries cleared, and I focused on the problem at hand. 182lbs of Paul, plus 168lbs of Jillian…


“350lbs!” I excitedly burst with enthusiasm. She’d reached the weight limit! She’d actually done it! All so she could steal me away from Beth and have me all to herself.

“Crap…” Jillian cursed, “the operator might still let me ride with him…”

And just like that Jillian awkwardly rolled around, nearly kicking me in the face with her feet, and oriented herself face first going town the tunnel. It looked to me like she was now dunking her mouth in the oncoming water.

“What are you doing??” I called out, while my eyes couldn’t resist darting from Jillian’s heavenly face to her cushier backside. Her butt cheeks had really inflated in recent weeks. Her bikini bottoms looked more like a thong from behind with the perpetual wedgie they were giving her.

“I’m thirsty.” Jillian coyly teased, as I realized with a modicum of respect and disgust what she was playing at.

So obsessed was the bloated blonde with disqualifying herself from riding with Paul, she was willingly consuming the glorified chlorinated bathwater available to her on the ride. All in an effort to suck in enough volume of fluids to elevate her weight just one pound more. Though I found her methods a bit repulsive and desperate. Part of me admired her commitment. Jillian wasn’t one to lose in any area of her life. She’d be a frightening enemy were I ever to get on her bad side.

Three minutes later, we reached the bottom, and the Jillian who immerged from the pool looked slightly sickened, but certainly far more bloated than before. A few minutes later when we arrived back at the top of the ride, Jillian insisted on getting weighed with Paul. I could tell by her swollen little belly, that she wasn’t going to be denied. When they got on the scale it shot up to 351 pounds. Jillian was now 169lbs. Not really fat yet but certainly now rivaling Beth in pudgy thickness.

“It looks like *hiccup* we’ll be riding together,” she said, as she grabbed my hand and led me to the slide.

“What are you talking about?” Beth cried grabbing onto my other hand and halting me. She appeared noticeably upset.

“According to our agreement, if I’m too heavy to ride with Paul, then that only leaves one option doesn’t it,” Jillian bragged with a hefty pat to her jiggly gut, “Which means, you’ve only got one option too.”

Pointing at Paul, Beth’s eyes followed Jillian’s finger to its destination. With her jaw dropping, it appeared she understood the powerplay Jillian had just made. To his credit, Paul actually seemed relieved. He liked Beth more than Jillian and had told me earlier in the week that he was starting to find Jillian unattractive thanks to the plump potbelly she was growing.

With Beth’s objection stunned into silence, Jillian and I took our second ride down together.

“Bleh… I’m starting to feel soooo fat.” Jillian wined, as she grasped her swollen gut and pouted.

“I’ll be the judge of that.” I teased, as I spent the next three minutes trying to determine if she actually felt fat.

She was softer than ever. I caressed every inch of her smooth skin as the warm water of the slide rushed past us. Jillian seemed to enjoy the additional attention I paid her growing body as her soft little belly bounced against my semi-toned abs. Although I felt some fat on her curvy body, I told her that she felt soft, but not fat. We agreed to extend our little ‘fat finding’ session in my bedroom later that evening to celebrate her victory.

That night, I received a knock on my apartment door at exactly 8:39PM, 21 minutes before Jillian said she’d be over. Nevertheless, expecting my bloated blonde prize, I excitedly opened the door and greeted…

“Beth?” I muttered in surprise, registering that Beth was wearing an oversized t-shirt long enough, and essentially tight enough, to practically fit her like a discount cocktail dress. Her damp red hair made it look like she’d just gotten out of a shower.

Pushing her way inside my apartment, the flustered red head dragged me to the bed and expressed her concern, “We have a problem! If Jillian keeps making a pig of herself, she’ll be able to ride with you exclusively all summer long!”

“Yeah, that’s a problem.” I nodded validating her worries.

“I think she’s doing this intentionally.” She then whispered looking like she’d been victimized.

I didn’t disagree with her, but I didn’t immediately respond either.

Continuing, Beth vented, “I mean, I don’t mind riding with your brother. Paul’s great, he’s really sweet, I like him, but according to our contract if I can’t ride the Tunnel with you, I can’t have sleepovers either! I mean, Jillian’s basically forced you into being exclusive with her! This voids the contract, right?!”

“I don’t think so. I’m not exclusive with Jillian, she’s not my girlfriend. However, if she can’t ride with Paul anymore then that does limit our options for being intimate...” I replied as I thought about it, “We could find a place at the water park to hook up on our breaks. That’s an option. That’d be really hot actually.”

“I don’t feel comfortable having sex in such a public place. What if we get caught?” Beth squeaked looking intimidated.

“Fear of getting caught is half the fun of it, don’t you see that?” I answered eagerly.

“Can you stop messing around and take this seriously? Why should we have to sneak around while Jillian gets you seven days a week?! Doesn’t that bother you???” Beth fumed far more upset than I’d ever seen her.

“It bothers me, but what can we do? Jillian’s got me by the balls because of this contract.” I agreed, as I was suddenly interrupted by a *knock* at the door.

“Is that her? We’ve got to talk about this!” Beth urged, while she stood up from the bed.

“It’s probably her, but we can’t talk about this now. You’re not supposed to be here. We’re in violation of the contract.” I hissed not wanting to royally piss off the blonde who’d just chugged disgusting water park water to lock me in for sex for the forceable future.

“It’s not like we’re having sex.” Beth complained, as I gently nudged her toward my jacket closet in the hallway outside the bedroom.

“Hide. Be quiet. I’ll get you out of here the first chance I get. I promise. And don’t worry I’ll sort this out.” I ordered, while Beth reluctantly obeyed.

Hurrying to the door, I opened it to find my gorgeous blonde in nothing but her miniscule bikini top and a tight unbuttoned pair of jean shorts.

“Hmhm, I’m here for our little fat-finding session.” Jillian teased rubbing her soft swollen gut for my enjoyment.

“You’re in the right place. Come on in.” I motioned with a wink.

“Did you see the look on Beth’s face when she saw Paul and I were officially over the weight limit?” Jillian smirked, as she passed by the very closet Beth was hiding behind.

“Yeah, she looked upset.” I gulped hoping to get her in the bedroom and away from Beth’s hiding place as soon as possible.

“Oh come on, it was priceless! Aren’t you relieved? Now you’ll have me practically all to yourself the rest of the summer.” Jillian warmly hummed, as she pounced into my arms and gave me a squeeze. Her softened body against mine was making me hard.

“I don’t know. Paul’s been losing weight. The next time we all weigh in, he could qualify to ride with you again.” I cautioned trying to be mindful of Beth listening.

“Whatever, so I’ll gain a few more pounds to keep him off me, or how about you stop helping him lose weight altogether then it will be a moot point anyway.” Jillian decided pulling back and pressing her finger into my chest, “You’d do that for me right?”

“Yeah, I don’t have to help him anymore.” I gave in to her demands, cursing myself internally for not showing more of a backbone in front of Beth who had to be eavesdropping.

“That’s a good boy. Now how about you strip down on the bed and wait for me to freshen up.” Jillian purred, as she leaned in and nibbled on my lower lip.

“Consider it done, babe” I murmured, earning a swift kiss from my bloated blonde.


“Mhh, love you babe.” Jillian hummed gleefully before striding off to the bathroom.

“Beth…” I muttered once Jillian was safely behind the closed bathroom door.

Exiting the closet rather abruptly and storming up to me with tears in her eyes, Beth fumed, “I don’t want to hear it. You’re gonna help her keep me from spending time with you? You let her say the ‘L’ word?? I can’t believe you! So much for taking care of it!”

“Beth I was just talking out my ass. What was I supposed to say?” I shrugged, as Beth made her way toward my front door.

“You could have told her she was being unfair!” Beth snapped putting up her arms to prevent me from holding her.

“Elizabeth.” I pleaded.

“F*ck off, a**hole!” Beth uncharacteristically cursed clearly hurt, as she pushed open my door and raced out.
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Lucky_ 1 year
Beth all the way
Polarisdreamer 1 year
Beth wins! Not even a single vote for Jillian
Baron 1 year
Both would be so hot
Polarisdreamer 1 year
One day maybe I'll add a "both ending" I didn't realize that option would be so popular
The Ivy Leag... 1 year
Why not both, there's not enough poly representation, let them all be happy!!
Polarisdreamer 1 year
That's fair! I wrote two endings, one for Jillian and one for Beth, that's why I didn't list "both" as an option. Perhaps one day I'll go back and write a "both" ending
Fan_anonimo 1 year
With both
AndiFive 1 year
with both, maybe even with all 3 if Jenny joins them
AndiFive 1 year
with both, maybe even with all 3 if Jenny joins them
Cuzndragon 1 year
I think Beth because of the emotional attachment and she wants it more because of that. Still would be fun to see him end up with either.
Dicklovesbabs 1 year
Why not both?
AnonymousVei... 1 year
Bluephantom42 1 year
Johnqw 1 year