The waterpark

chapter 4

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The next morning, shortly after Jillian left my apartment, Beth returned looking a mess in a red formfitting floral dress. Her hair was thrown in a messy bun, her face was covered in day old makeup, and her breath reeked of alcohol. The girl appeared clearly hungover.

“Rough night?” I questioned, as I welcomed the troubled vixen inside.

In response she whined, “Yeahhh… Listen… I need to get a few things off my chest…”

“I know,” I replied seductively, while I walked over to her, gave her a passionate kiss, and then removed her dress. It was my way off apologizing for last night. Another kiss, and I got her bra off. Clothed in just her panties, the softness of Beth’s bottom-heavy figure was on full display.

“This wasn’t what I had in mind,” she laughed looking uneasy.

“My mistake,” I said, feigning remorse, as she leaned into the hug I was giving her and tightened her grip around my lower back, “What’s wrong?”

“I really don’t like all the time that you and Jillian are going to be spending together now. It just doesn’t seem fair, I mean we all vowed you wouldn’t be exclusive, and now this feels pretty exclusive.” Beth pouted digging her head into my chest.

“I’ll miss our time together too, but we did sign an agreement. Jillian and I aren’t exclusively dating. I’ll still make time for you whenever I can.” I said trying to comfort her.

“That’s not enough.” Beth’s whine was muffled since she was talking into my chest.

“It’s gonna have to be, I mean, we signed a contract, there’s not much I can do.” I shrugged.

“I know, and as a future lawyer, I should have seen this coming. But now I feel like I’ve been outsmarted,” She groaned gazing upward into my eyes.

“Don’t feel bad about it, Jillian’s the smartest future lawyer I know, what can you do?” I replied trying to console Beth.

“Oh, she’s the smartest?” Beth questioned in a challenging tone. It looked like I might have accidentally offended her.

Doubling down, I replied, “When it comes to all things legal, yeah kinda. Her class ranking is way ahead of either of us.”

“So what? I’ve been thinking of a way I can use the contract to my advantage to get back at Jillian.” She said with an evil little smirk.

“How?” I wondered.

“I was thinking of putting on a few pounds, not that I haven’t put on a few already,” Beth replied self-consciously, while patting her growing butt and sending small ripples of fat through her tight undies, “That way I won’t be able to ride with your brother anymore and Jillian will have to share you again.”

“Oh? How are you going to put on enough weight?” I asked suddenly very intrigued.

“By overeating obviously.” Beth blushed looking vulnerable, “You’d still find me attractive if I was a little heavier right? I mean, you clearly still find Jillian attractive, so it would only be fair.”

“Of course I would. I like my women with a little meat on their bones.” I urged grabbing both my hands around Beth’s meaty butt and pressing her close enough against me to feel my excitement.

“Good.” Beth hummed sounding pleased, as her hand slowly crept toward my groin only to recoil once she touched it.

“What?” I asked in confusion.

“I have something else I need to get off my chest.” Beth groaned looking very worried all of a sudden, “Last night, I made a mistake.”

“I mean, I know we had a bit of a fight, but I forgive you, and for my part, I’m sorry too.” I quickly explained trying to smooth things over. All Beth’s talk about purposely putting on some pounds had my libido skyrocketing. I wanted to get the beautiful topless red head into bed as quickly as possible.

“I wish that’s what I was referring too.” Beth muttered biting her lip with nervousness.

“What?” I wanted to know.

“I’m really sorry.” Beth winced.

“For what?” I chirped growing less patient.

“It won’t happen again?” She shook her head, closing her eyes.

“For god sakes, what is it?” I urged disliking how she was dragging this out.

“I slept with someone.” Beth squeaked sounding racked with guilt, “It meant nothing. I was feeling insecure, jealous, I’d been drinking… One thing led to another…”

It would be a lie to say that I wasn’t disheartened, but the truth of the matter was that we were not in an exclusive relationship, and I accepted that.

“That’s okay.” I shakily replied before finding the conviction in my voice, “That’s no problem. It’s not cheating or anything. I mean, you know I sleep with Jillian even though I’m also seeing you.”

“Yeah, but…” Beth gulped, “I slept with your brother.”

“Sorry. You what???” I echoed suddenly racked with a brief feeling of dizziness. I was in shock.

“I was **, I needed someone to pick me up, I started texting your brother for a ride… One thing led to another…” Beth regretfully explained, “I panicked when I woke up next to him and came straight here.”

Taken aback, I’ll admit I lost my cool, “Like, did you black out last night? Or did you know what you were doing?”

“I knew…” Beth honestly nodded hanging her head in shame.

I felt like I’d been smacked upside the face with a baseball bat. I needed time. I needed time to wrap my head around what Beth had just shared with me. Picking up her bra and dress, I handed the redhead back her clothes and explained as calmly as possible, “You know what, I don’t want to talk about this. I don’t want to talk to you right now. How about you leave me alone so I can process all this. Annnnd, we’ll talk later.”

“Are you mad?” Beth worried, as she struggled to get her bra on. The garment looked a bit too tight.

“I’d say shocked. Maybe mad, I don’t really know how to feel, you had sex with my brother!” I exclaimed with a chastising tone.

“I was thinking of you the whole time.” She promised sincerely clearly overcome with guilt.

Shaking my head, I replied sharply, “That doesn’t make it better. He’s my brother okay? And… And I really care about you. I don’t know. I thought fooling around on the Tunnel was one thing, but I thought other things were off limits. I mean… He’s 19. You’re 23... I just need some space right now okay?”

“Okay, if you want space, I’ll give you space. I just need to know something… Could you see us being together again this summer?” Beth inquired with a desperately vulnerable look in her deep blue eyes.

“Why?” I responded curious.

“Well… I don’t wanna fatten up for nothing do I?” Beth explained, as she rested a hand on one of her lusciously womanly hips.

Eying my red-headed vixen up and down and imagining how glorious she’d look with even more meat on her, I quickly blurted, “I could see us being together again. Yeah, no doubt. I’ll forgive you. I just need some time.”

“Enough said. I’m truly sorry. I promise I’ll make it up to you.” Beth swore before making a hasty retreat from my apartment.

The next day after a rather intense discussion with my brother regarding Beth, I told him he was on his own regarding his weight loss. Still fuming, I promptly told Jillian about Beth’s plan to gain weight to disqualify herself from riding down with Paul, just like Jillian had done. After a little bit of thought Jillian told me that she wasn’t going to let that happen. I didn’t know it at the time, but for Jillian the game was on.

For dinner that night, conversation between the four of us proved awkward so instead we all focused on our food. We shared a large pizza, three orders of fries, two onion rings, four large brownies, two giant cookies and three bags of mini donuts. Paul complained about how much we ordered leaving the table after only eating a few slices of pizza.

Both Beth and Jillian were in rare form. It started when Beth had foolishly let slip that her job at the Ice Cream Palace was cracking down on free samples, making it harder for her to snack on the job. In response, it was clear Jillian didn’t want Beth fattening up by eating a larger share of our shared meal. With their competitive juices flowing, the two beautifully pudgy women raced to finish off as much food as they could get their hands on.

As the turbulent season continued our meals together were among the most entertaining and expensive parts of our summer break. Paul would sometimes find an excuse not to attend the pig-out sessions to save himself some money. I, on the other hand, wouldn’t miss those meals for the world. They were almost like eating contests between the two chief competitors and I couldn’t get enough of the results.

It didn’t take long before both girls were forced into larger sized bathing suits. Jillian had tried valiantly to keep squeezing into her prized college bikini, but with all the extra meat she was packing onto her figure, it was no surprise the meager thing ripped one day when we were going down the Tunnel together.

I remember the experience vividly, as Jillian and I were going down the water slide, she’d asked me if I thought she was getting too fat. My physical response was more than enough to prove to her that I found her more attractive than ever; however, as I explored the soft new territory on Jillian’s belly, hips, booty and thighs, I tickled her a bit by accident. Unable to breath from laughing, Jillian took in a big breath, her ** belly inflated like a balloon, and that was the last straw for her strained bikini bottoms. The poor things snapped across her doughy waist. To save her from further embarrassment, Jillian and I left the park early keen on spending a few hours fooling around in bed together instead.

The Big Weigh-in

Six weeks since Jillian’s triumphant gambit, it became very clear to me that while both Beth and Jillian had been gaining weight, Jillian was gaining at a much fastest pace. However, due to the wonders of elastic, Jillian really didn’t seem to fully realize just how much her body was changing. She didn’t just have a noticeable ** belly anymore; her hourglass figure was looking decidedly fuller everywhere. She’d gone from pretty pudgy to full on chubby.

As fun as Jillian’s substantially fatter body was to explore in bed, I had begun to miss Beth’s more tender form of lovemaking. The redhead’s stomach and lower body had gotten a good bit plumper over the last month and a half, and I was desperate to put the past behind us and get her back in bed with me. The main thing standing in my way was my doughy bellied Jillian who was now clearly the fatter one of the two. A fact that seemed lost on the rapidly plumping blonde.

Beth, it seemed, was well aware of the way her thighs and tush had bulged outward in every direction, often lamenting to Jillian how fat she felt she was getting. Of course, all this fat talk only spurred Jillian to try and consume greater and greater portions of our shared meals in order to prevent Beth from consuming enough calories to free herself from having to ride down the Tunnel with Paul.

Paul was no longer joining us for meals and was starting to get mad at me for encouraging the girls outrageous overeating habits. He also didn’t like the fact that Beth clearly transitioned from being thick and pudgy to voluptuous and chubby. At the gym I noticed that Paul seemed to give up working out extra hard seemingly resigned to the fact that he would not be able to ride with either girl very soon.

Everything came to a head at the beginning of August, almost six weeks exactly since Jillian had locked me in as her Tunnel partner. There was now a new operator working the Tunnel which meant it was time for a weigh-in I’d long awaited for.

Beth and Paul got on the scale first. To Beth’s delight, they were now 351lbs. Beth did a good job of hiding her joy, so she wouldn’t offend Paul. Jillian nodded her head like she expected that result. Disappointed, Paul didn’t even attempt to get on the scale with Jillian, he felt the tubby blonde looked heavier than he was. As he went down the slide alone, Paul declared, “That’s it for me!”

Grinning immensely, Beth approached Jillian and I.

“It looks like there’s only one person I’ll be able to ride with,” Beth squeaked with glee, as she grabbed my hand with joy.

“Not so fast ***,” Jillian growled, stepping forward and gently shoving Beth away from me, “I get him first.”

“Fine, but don’t forget. You two have to get weighed before you go down together.” Beth smugly chirped, while maintaining calm and calculated eye-contact with her blubbery blonde rival and crossing her arms.

“We will, right after you go down the slide first.” Jillian countered perhaps a little nervous about being weighed in front of her rival.

“No. I wanna see this.” Beth replied not backing down.

“Very well, come on.” Jillian ordered, as she pulled me upon the scale with her. To our mutual surprise, we combined for a whopping total of 370lbs!

In disbelief, Jillian gasped, “T-this has to be a mistake. Let’s go again.”

Stepping off and stepping on again, this time the number read 371lbs.

“Twenty-one pounds over…” Jillian gasped, “How did this happen??”

Slyly stepping off the scale, as Jillian internally panicked, Beth and I observed the clear reason for Jillian’s surprise. Standing alone on the scale, Jillian’s weight amounted to an incredible 198lbs. Nearly 30lbs more than when we last all weighed ourselves six weeks ago.

“Too much fudge, too much fried food, not enough exercise.” Beth evilly smiled with a satisfied poke to Jillian’s flabby gut, “Now you’re so fat you’ll be riding the Tunnel solo for the rest of the summer. Who’s the *** now blubber butt?”

“Ugh!” Jillian fumed, as Beth didn’t waist a moment nudging the blonde off the scale and pulled me up onto it with her.

Our total was 344lbs. Six pounds below the limit. Since I’d been keeping better track of my weight recently I knew I weighed 172lbs, which meant Beth weighed the same meaning she’d put on 16 pounds since Jillian had pulled her power move six weeks ago. Although, my red-headed vixen and I weighed the same, my weight was composed of fit muscles, and Beth’s was mostly composed of thick fat cushioning her legs, lower belly and rear.

Before Jillian could protest any further, Beth pulled me onto the slide with her. Before I knew it, a 172-pound Beth was giving me oral pleasure as we slowly wound down the wet, dark slide.

When we all met up at the bottom of the slide, it was obvious that neither Paul nor Jillian were very happy. Jillian declared, “I’m going to go on some other rides. Come on Paul.”

And with that they headed off toward the lazy river.

Beth and I went down The Tunnel fifteen more times that day, making up for lost time along the way. Her thick, soft thighs and big round butt practically overloaded my sense of touch. If it wasn’t obvious, I’d forgiven her for her little transgression with my younger brother.

That night, before Beth arrived for our first sleepover in what felt like an eternity, Jillian came over with snacks, clearly mad about the day’s events.

“I knew that I had gained some weight, but I didn’t figure I’d gained 30 f*cking pounds! Why didn’t you say anything to me?” She barked, as she shoved another cheese cracker in her mouth.

Grabbing her around her love handles, I pulled her close to me. Her bulging belly pushed against my firm abs, “I’m sorry. I think the extra weight looks really good on you, that’s why I didn’t say anything.”

Warming up, she replied, “I know you do. You’re the reason I’m not feeling as self-conscious as I probably should. Still though, I’m dreading the thought of whipping my fat butt back in shape and I’m pissed at Beth for setting me up like this.”

“Setting you up?” I questioned, as my hand wrapped around by big blonde’s belly.

“Isn’t it obvious? All those huge lunches and dinners, she wanted me too fat to ride with you so she could have you all to herself.” Jillian accused, throwing another cracker into her mouth and chomping with frustration.

“You might be right.” I nodded, while my hands gently massaged her soft flesh.

Thinking for a moment, Jillian replied, “I can only think of one option if I want to get you back this month.”

“How are you gonna lose 21 pounds in a month?” I wondered doubtfully, as I felt the full extent of the girth Jillian had added to her figure this summer.

“Oh, I’m not. You’re going to gain it.” Jillian explained, as she lovingly turned to play with my abs, “If you put on seven pounds, you and Beth will be over 350lbs and nobody will be able to ride the Tunnel with anyone and our contract this summer will be void.”

“I thought you liked my body when it’s strong and toned,” I said, taking off my shirt.

“Well, I do, but so does Beth. I don’t want her getting you at your best.” she stammered vindictively. She then I grabbed me and pulled me toward her for a long, passionate kiss.

“I don’t want to gain weight.” I challenged, while fondling her chunky butt.

“Well too bad big boy,” Jillian growled with a commanding tone, “Cause I’m not leaving until you stuff your face with the rest of these snacks. I’ve gotta thicken you up a little, so you better eat everything I tell you to, or else.”

I’ll admit to eating more than I wanted to that night, but for every morsel Jillian made me eat, I made sure she was downing twice as much, a trend that would extend into the full month of August.
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Lucky_ 1 year
Beth all the way
Polarisdreamer 1 year
Beth wins! Not even a single vote for Jillian
Baron 1 year
Both would be so hot
Polarisdreamer 1 year
One day maybe I'll add a "both ending" I didn't realize that option would be so popular
The Ivy Leag... 1 year
Why not both, there's not enough poly representation, let them all be happy!!
Polarisdreamer 1 year
That's fair! I wrote two endings, one for Jillian and one for Beth, that's why I didn't list "both" as an option. Perhaps one day I'll go back and write a "both" ending
Fan_anonimo 1 year
With both
AndiFive 1 year
with both, maybe even with all 3 if Jenny joins them
AndiFive 1 year
with both, maybe even with all 3 if Jenny joins them
Cuzndragon 1 year
I think Beth because of the emotional attachment and she wants it more because of that. Still would be fun to see him end up with either.
Dicklovesbabs 1 year
Why not both?
AnonymousVei... 1 year
Bluephantom42 1 year
Johnqw 1 year