The waterpark

chapter 5

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Sophomore (Soft More) Year: The New Deal

As August progressed, I learned just how serious Jillian had been that night. She started cooking me all of my favorite meals and dropping them off for Beth and I to share later in the evening. During our mutual lunches and dinners, she wasn’t shy about piling my plate full of food to the point it was overflowing. When Beth wasn’t around, she would even praise my efforts to overindulge:

“Hehe, I’m so proud you ate so much for me baby!”

Since our primary avenue for sex (sleepovers) had been successfully cut off by Beth, Jillian largely turned to food for comfort and pleasure, although we still did manage to fool around a few times. Unlike Beth, Jillian wasn’t opposed about sneaking around and having sex in more public places. During rare breaks where Beth was not in attendance, we found a few spots we liked, but Jillian’s favorite was, oddly enough, the freezer room where they kept all the extra supplies of fudge as well as ice cream.

As much as she loved to fool around, it seemed that for the month of August, she loved stuffing her face, and mine, even more. On a number of occasions, after she’d lick fudge and ice cream off of my body, she’d encourage me to do the same to her ever-expanding chest. Of course, for every morsel she made me eat, I made sure she was downing twice as much. Plus, I was still going to the gym, pumping iron, and staying in shape.

However, after two weeks of Jillian’s fattening treatment, it was obvious to me that my abs were slowly growing less visible. Between hanging out with Jillian and Beth, I was eating a lot. And to be honest I didn’t know how to feel about it. On the one hand I hated the idea of losing any of my fitness to excessive eating, but on the other, Jillian rewarded me handsomely for following her orders, and she was expanding far more rapidly than me.

Beth for her part, seemed to be clueless as to what was going on. If I was gaining weight, Jillian appeared to be the only one who noticed it. Probably because Beth was packing on the pounds too. The redhead could be quite the pig when she was happy.

Sadly, the summer eventually had to come to an end. Beth and Jillian’s bulging bodies bursting out of their swimsuits, huge dinners and steamy, erotic trips down the waterslide were now just fond memories. Beth and I cherished the month of August, it was the closest to being exclusive we’d ever been and to be honest, it was pretty freaking great, but I still couldn’t bear the thought of completely giving up Jillian.

Sneaking around behind Beth’s back had been far too much fun, but more importantly, the vindictive blonde’s ill-conceived plan to fatten me up had backfired royally. First of all, since I was still pumping iron, any weight I may have gained quickly turned to muscle, whereas the collateral damage from her efforts only served to further expand her fattened figure. What was worse for Jillian though was that Beth and I never did get reweighed for the Tunnel later in August. I’m sure if we did we’d be over the 350-pound limit, after all, between Beth’s gluttonous enjoyment of her victory and her celebratory feastings, the redhead was slowly beginning to catch up to Jillian in size, at least that’s what it looked like to my eyes.

At the end of the summer Beth questioned if I was ready to swear off Jillian and make my relationship with her exclusive. I told her in all honesty that I needed more time to make up my mind and sort out my feelings. Beth reluctantly accepted my reasonings. Choosing between Beth and Jillian was quite difficult, frankly I loved different things about them both, and I knew they each loved me. The thought of hurting one of them by choosing the other made it tricky for me to even think about. Part of me truly hoped that one of them would make the decision for me by growing impatient and walking away from our fattening love triangle.

However, now it was back to reality. Between an intense law school course load and juggling my relationships with two new BBW’s, sophomore year turned out harder than I could have imagined just a few weeks ago. And to complicate matters even more, I now had to contend with the consequences of Jillian and Beth’s fattening summer break.

Over the summer, to a certain extent both Beth and Jillian had been insulated from any social stigma associated with their plumper figures, largely because of my constant praise and our lack of interaction with people outside of our little group. I didn’t predict once we’d returned to law school that they’d each receive some backhanded comments from friends and family about their recent weight gains. Jillian was the first to being this issue to my attention.

After my first day of classes I returned to my apartment to find a 220-pound surprise waiting for me in my doorway. Jillian had been crying. Before she had a chance to say anything, I gave her a big hug, feeling her soft belly pressing into my firm stomach, as she started to cry again.

“It’ll be OK,” I reassured her, “Tell me what happened.”

I took her hand and led her to the couch. It was the same couch that we nearly broke two nights earlier when we got a little too frisky during our first sleepover back together since end of the summer. We’d cracked the frame. Rather than confess to my roommate what had happened, I’d added six small concrete blocks under the couch for additional support. Putting my memory of that arousing incident out of my mind for now I did my best to give Jillian my complete attention, as I held her hands in mine.

“I think I’ve gotten way too fat. I think I was able to rationalize it over the summer by telling myself that you liked it, but now I just feel like a big fat loser.” Jillian sobbed appearing far more emotionally vulnerable than I’d ever remembered her. Dressed in stretchy grey tracksuit, she really did look like a completely different person since the start of last year. Her hourglass figure was overflowing with thickness. Blubbery fat protruded outward from her round mound of a gut, voluptuous butt, and swollen breasts. However, no part of Jillian’s body had gone unaffected by her tremendous gain. Her face appeared softer, her arms, a bit thicker, and her legs far rounder.

“You’re not a loser. You got a little extra curvy, but so what? You know I like it.” I explained trying to soothe her, as my hand rubbed against her mushy love handles.

“You and only you. Some first-year dolt called me a blimp when I was going up the stairs today in the campus center, all because he was moving faster and couldn’t get around me. I’m so fat that Dr. Reynolds literally didn’t even recognize me from last year. AND to top it all off I ripped my skirt bending over to pick up a pencil in his class. I’ve never been so humiliated.” Jillian lamented, while her hands rubbed the grey sweatpants clinging to her tubby thighs as if they were leggings. She’d must have changed into her current outfit sometime after her wardrobe malfunction.

Part of me felt bad for the girl, but I didn’t know exactly what to say to make her feel better. Luckily for me I didn’t have to say anything, Jillian continued talking after a brief pause, “Even though you made it clear you didn’t want a commitment, I figured I could change your mind this summer, and possibly gain a great boyfriend. Instead, I’ve gained over 60 pounds…”

“I think you look great with the extra weight.” I assured her, massaging her plump belly.

“I know you like me this way, you actually love my body this way. You have no idea how nice it is to know you’ll never dump me for getting fat. That’s not my issue. And I know you need time to sort out your feelings for Beth and I… I’m okay waiting a little longer. You’re worth it.” Jillian explained, “The issue is that if you end up going with Beth instead of me eventually, well… Before this summer, I had options. But now that I’m so fat, I’m never going to find that from another guy that checks all my boxes like you do. Now you’re my only option. I’m committed, I want to make this official. I want to lock you down. I want to be exclusive, but I know you’re not ready…”

“Jillian, you might be the smartest, sexiest woman I know,” I said sincerely. “You could attract anyone you wanted regardless of how much you weigh…”

“If you feel that way about me, then why won’t you make a commitment to me?” she responded earnestly, her fuller face was aimed directly at me as she spoke. It was like her enchanting green eyes were staring into my soul.

“You know how I feel about exclusivity,” I answered, slightly defensive as I broke eye contact. My eyes instead lingered on Jillian’s inflated breasts.

“Then how about just a commitment from you to help me get back in shape so if you choose Beth, I’ll have options to fall back on?” Jillian pleaded, adjusting her bra and jiggling her breasts a little for me.

“If that’s what you want, of course honey. What did you have in mind? Diet? Exercise?” I asked trying to mask my disappointment with support. As much as I loved watching Jillian jiggle her inflated boobs, the thought of them shrinking was a sad pill to swallow.

“How about another contract, kind of like last year? Only this time it will just be between you and me?” Jillian revealed seeming to cheer up.

“What exactly are you thinking?” I asked again, as I got a pad of paper and a pen out of my bag. Whatever Jillian had in mind, I wanted to make sure that I was still free to see Beth.

“Here’s what I’m thinking,” she started, “The heavier I am, the less desirable I’ll be to most guys in the potential dating market, and the more need I’ll have for exercise. So, I’d like a contract that determines how often we have sex based on my weight.”

“Seriously?” I asked with a clearly surprised look on my face. I didn’t anticipate anything like this, “So when you say ‘exercise’ you really just mean sex?”

“Sex is my favorite form of exercise, you know that.” Jillian flirted with a satisfied wink.

“You don’t even like to get on the scale by yourself.” I pointed out, as I snuck a peak at Jillian’s widened hips.

Enjoying that I was checking her out so brazenly, Jillian replied, “I know, and I don’t like the idea of getting on the scale in front of you, but from my standpoint it makes sense. If I start losing weight, I won’t need as much ‘exercise’ because I’ll be closer to my goal weight. I also will be able to lock you in, to small degree. At least I’ll know we’ll be together some of the time.”

Now I was thinking of the details. Contracts are always more about the terms than they are about the intent. Although sleeping with Jillian every night of the week wouldn’t be a bad thing, I still wanted the flexibility to spend time with Beth. Keeping this in mind, I suggested in a lawyerly fashion, “For starters, we’ll have sex a minimum of two times every night we spend together, assuming there are no injuries, illnesses or other extenuating circumstances.”

She agreed and I wrote down the first term of the contract.

“I guess we should establish a reasonable goal weight for you. What do you think?” I asked her tentatively.

“How about 135, like I was last year at this time?” she replied observing the panic on my face from hearing that with some enjoyment.

“You looked pretty skinny at 135, if I recall. Too skinny for my tastes. How does 160lbs sound?” I countered causing the blonde to crack a smile.

“Still a bit high, but knowing how much you appreciate my curves, it’s fine with me. 160lbs a heck of a lot better than 221lbs.” Jillian sighed, as she rested both hands on her plump gut and gave it a vengeful squeeze, “My gut’s turned into a stress ball…”

“Is that how much you weigh now?” I questioned barely able to resist asking Jillian if I could reduce my stress by squeezing her big belly too.

“You bet.” Jillian smiled, while slapping her hands against her chubby thighs, “Now for the important part, how often should we have sex?”

“Doesn’t it seem strange that we’re negotiating this?” I replied enjoying how thick Jillian’s legs had gotten.

“It does, but who cares?” Jillian exclaimed, “Anyway, I think we should structure it so that we’d have sex once per week for every five pounds I am over my goal weight.”

I quickly did the math, figuring that at 60 pounds over her ‘goal’ weight would put us at having sex 12 times a week. That would be great but wouldn’t give me many opportunities to be with Beth.

“That seems like a lot, how about every ten pounds?” I replied, not thinking about what I implied.

“What do you mean by ‘a lot?’ How fat do you think I am?” she shot back, resting her hands on her love handles and pressing into them slightly.

“I didn’t mean it that way,” I stammered, “It’s just that if we have sex too much, that essentially becomes an exclusive commitment, and you know I’m not ready for that.”

“Again, how fat do you think I am?” she asked angrily. She’d been practically starved for sex all August, it was clear she wanted to play catch up.

“That’s not what I mean,” I said before taking a deep breath to compose myself, “If you weigh about 221lbs and your goal weight is 160lbs, then we are starting off at six nights together a week and at least 12 sex sessions. See what I mean?”

“I guess you’ll be wanting more than one night a week to spend with Beth?” Jillian muttered sounding sour, “How about we have sex once per week for every seven pounds over 160lbs I am? And we’ll always round the number of times we have sex up. So, if I’m 220 pounds, I’m 60 pounds over my target weight and we’d start off having sex nine times per week; eight times for the first 56 pounds and one for the last four pounds? If it makes you feel better, we can squeeze three sessions of sex into one night, so I’ll only have you four nights of the week tops. ”

“You’ve actually thought this through?” I asked, trying to do the math myself.

“I put a little thought into it. It seems fair. How about it?” She asked extending her hand to shake on it.

“If you weigh in weekly at the same day and time, we’ve got a deal,” I replied before adding, “Wait, how long of a contract should we agree to?”

“I was thinking we’d commit until the end of the school year, if that’s alright with you?” Jillian offered, while jiggling her hand as a signal for me to grab it.

“How about until the end of the semester? With the provision that we renew or renegotiate the contract if it’s aggregable to both parties involved come Spring semester.” I countered grabbing the plump blonde’s hand and watching her upper arms jiggle as we shook.

“You got yourself a deal,” Jillian smiled, before we broke off our handshake and I wrote down the last of the terms of our contract.

“Now it’s time to see how much you weigh,” I declared with anticipation.

“I already told you.” Jillian complained looking embarrassed.

“The contract says I get to weigh you every week. Besides, do you think I’m going to take your word for it?” I almost laughed incredulously.

“Fine.” Jillian hummed grunting thanks to all the effort it took her to stand up nowadays.

I led her into the bathroom and got out the scale. She then took off her shoes, and at my insistence, her tight tracksuit. Now clothed only in her underwear, I enjoyed seeing the way Jillian’s soft belly hung over her little pink panties.

“Don’t laugh,” she warned noticing where I was staring.

She got on the scale, and it read 218lbs.

“Oh my god, I’m so fat. I’m only 5’8, 218lbs is obese for my height!” she complained in a tone that didn’t sound too surprised, “I guess that we’ll still be having sex nine times this week. That should really help get me in shape, especially now that I’m no longer eating all that free fudge.”

The moment she’d uttered the word, ‘fudge’ she’d slapped her belly rather loudly with both hands. The action got my attention.

“I’m thinking we start right now. Nine is really just a minimum number right?” I toyed, grabbing her by the love handles and pulling her soft, sexy body off the scale. Then, in a flurry of excited passion we consummated our agreement.
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Lucky_ 1 year
Beth all the way
Polarisdreamer 1 year
Beth wins! Not even a single vote for Jillian
Baron 1 year
Both would be so hot
Polarisdreamer 1 year
One day maybe I'll add a "both ending" I didn't realize that option would be so popular
The Ivy Leag... 1 year
Why not both, there's not enough poly representation, let them all be happy!!
Polarisdreamer 1 year
That's fair! I wrote two endings, one for Jillian and one for Beth, that's why I didn't list "both" as an option. Perhaps one day I'll go back and write a "both" ending
Fan_anonimo 1 year
With both
AndiFive 1 year
with both, maybe even with all 3 if Jenny joins them
AndiFive 1 year
with both, maybe even with all 3 if Jenny joins them
Cuzndragon 1 year
I think Beth because of the emotional attachment and she wants it more because of that. Still would be fun to see him end up with either.
Dicklovesbabs 1 year
Why not both?
AnonymousVei... 1 year
Bluephantom42 1 year
Johnqw 1 year