The waterpark

chapter 7

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The New Routine

It was a busy Fall semester. Classes were requiring so much more work than last year that I had to work my tail off just so I’d have enough time to spend with my ladies. Jillian was over four nights per week for food and sex. Beth was over the other three nights, plus we tended to study together and hit the gym together multiple times per week, not that I needed any more exercise with the amount of sex I was having. I was so exhausted I found myself taking occasional naps during the day, just to keep my energy up at night.

Jillian and I were sticking to her new exercise program religiously, and we conducted weekly weigh-ins to both monitor her progress and determine the minimum number of times we made love that given week. Even after five weeks of this routine, it still felt strange when she got on the scale in front of me and we did the math. Not only was Jillian failing to lose weight, she was gaining it!

In total, she’d gained five pounds over the first five weeks of the semester and was up to 223lbs on the scale! Jillian always seemed surprised that the number wasn’t going down, but I never saw the blown-up blonde turn down a dessert. Her bad eating habits were clearly preventing her from making progress.

Normally, after Jillian and I worked up a good sweat, she would waddle into the kitchen naked and get herself a little bowl of ice cream. Then she’d bring it back into the bedroom and slowly devour it in front of me, while making sure to drip a little ice cream onto her soft, naked body so I could then have the pleasure of licking it off her soft, smooth skin. However, on this night, we decided to weigh her before she grabbed her customary post-sex snack.

“223 minus 160 is 63,” she calculated, as her fat naked body remained on the scale, “63 pounds divided by seven is exactly nine. That’s the same amount as last week.”

“You sounded more disappointed last week.” I noted whilst appreciating the way Jillian’s formerly tight tummy now jutted farther outward than her swollen breasts did thanks to her big round bulge of belly fat.

“Yeah… I’m just thinking… If I was one pound heavier, our minimum would go up to 10 times per week,” she added slyly, resting her hands upon her belly and looking upon it’s girth as she gently jiggling her fat and felt her expansive weight wobble, “Besides there’s not much of a difference between 223 and 224, other than I get you one more day…”

“One more day?” I echoed a little concerned, “What happened to four nights a week tops?”

“Four nights a week was conditional upon us squeezing three sessions into one of our nights together. A condition you did not fulfill last week.” Jillian explained matter-of-factly, “You expect me to believe you’d be able to handle two three-session nights per week? We need another day together. It’s that simple.”

“I told you I would make it up to you.” I countered feeling uneasy. It was true I’d been a little worn-out last week, too worn-out to give Jillian exactly what she wanted but giving her another full day per week meant one less night with Beth.

“You will, by giving me another night together every week from now on.” Jillian insistently replied, whilst striking a more serious pose and placing her hands on her plump curvy hips.

“From now on?” I repeated nervously.

“Or until I lose some of this blubber I guess.” Jillian giggled truly sounding like the idea of thinning her body wasn’t her intension anymore.

Not knowing what to say, I remained silent for a moment. She was using our contract to her advantage, just as she’d done over the summer against Beth. Only this time, I was the one being outsmarted.

Thinking fast, I figured a way out of immediate capitulation, “Alright, next week if you’re 224lbs, we will revisit the issue.”

“Haha, honey, just give me a minute, I’ll be 224lbs well before this night ends. I promise.” Jillian laughed apparently amused by my resistance.

Giving me a seductive wink, she then waddled off the scale and into the kitchen without another word. Rather than grabbing her usual little bowl of ice cream, tonight she opted to bring the whole half-gallon of chocolate ice cream into bed. My first thought was that the container was probably almost empty, and she didn’t want to get an extra bowl dirty. However, I quickly realized that the ice cream carton was full, and it wasn’t going to be full for long.

With me watching lustfully, Jillian dug into the creamy chocolate ice cream with reckless abandon. She purred in enjoyment while she continued to eat. I wondered if she was embellishing for my enjoyment or if she had really come to savor such sweet indulgences so intensely. In my mind, either option was possible.

As the feasting continued, Jillian would increasingly put more ice cream on her spoon than she could get in her mouth. It was like she enjoyed the way the cold dessert felt dripping down her pudgy cheeks and onto her full breasts. As the melting cream began pooling together around her sunken bellybutton, thanks to the large roll of fat separating her lower belly from her upper belly as she sat down, I noticed the tips of Jillian’s swollen tits appeared rock hard.

I wondered lustfully if it was the cold sensation of the ice cream dripping down her body, her own gluttonous indulgence, or some combination of the two that were producing that effect. Never had I enjoyed cleaning up someone else’s mess, like I enjoyed licking chocolate ice cream off Jillian’s breasts and belly. Within a few more minutes, I’d licked her clean, and the rest of the ice cream had made its way from the carton, into Jillian’s ridiculously full looking tummy.

I continued to kiss and caress her bloated belly. When I finally looked up, Jillian was looking down upon me with a big smile. Was it a smile of contentment? Had she figured out that I truly preferred plus-sized women? Maybe it was just the sugar rush, but I had the feeling that something had suddenly changed.

In retrospect, I should have asked why she was smiling, but either I didn’t want to ruin the moment or maybe I was afraid of the answer. Perhaps I was afraid that true, pure intimacy would lead to some type of exclusive commitment. Either way, I decided not to think too hard about it. So, I just returned her smile and enjoyed the moment.

She was officially 224lbs, the heaviest she’d ever been, and she knew how to use her extra added weight to her advantage.

Workout with Beth

The next afternoon, Beth and I met at the gym. After five intense weeks of exercise, my loveable bottom-heavy redhead had made some progress. She had lost seven pounds and was down to 191. While she wasn’t thrilled by the slow pace of her weight-loss, her overall mood had been improving, probably because her clothes were fitting a little better now.

I found it funny that Beth claimed to be on a diet. She was now only eating about half as much as she did a few months earlier. However, since she had been consuming around 4000-5000 calories a day during the final few weeks of summer, cutting that number in half to what would still be 2500! If she had taken time to analyze it, I doubt she’d consider her meal-plan a ‘reduced-calorie diet.’ Yet by eating comparatively less and working out rigorously, she was indeed losing weight.

At five-foot four inches tall, the change wasn’t very noticeable yet, she was still technically obese with a massive butt, large breasts, and a ** gut. To my eyes, there was nobody sexier, except perhaps Jillian recently, but I’d never dare say something like that to Beth. Instead, I commented every day on how thin Beth looked and how attractive she was, even if I secretly wished she’d let loose as Jillian had done.

Sitting on the exercise bike next to her, I purposely tried to pedal slow, so she’d feel comfortable putting forth a more relaxed effort. It seemed to me that as long as she felt she was putting in more effort than I was, Beth was satisfied with her exercise regardless of the intensity and longevity of the given workout. Part of me wanted her to accuse me of slacking, so I could tell her that I was simply distracted by her beauty.

Boy was she beautiful. Her thick legs, and shapely booty were made to squeeze into tight black leggings. Catching me staring at her, Beth smiled and broke the silence, “I’m going to have to cancel some of our plans this weekend. My little sister, Jenny, is coming to town. She graduates college in May and wants to talk about applying to law schools.”

“No problem, I could use the rest,” I huffed relieved that I could give Jillian her fifth night this week without arousing suspicion from Beth, I still hadn’t figured out how I’d break the news to my lovable redhead.

“What do you mean?” Beth wondered.

“Nothing. I’ve just been a little tired lately. You know, school stuff,” I answered not wanting to talk with her about how Jillian was wearing me down thanks to all the sex we were having.

“OK. I’ll be busy with Jenny Friday, but I was thinking maybe we’ll all go out clubbing on Saturday that way we can have some fun and you can meet her. She’s a handful,” Beth revealed with a smirk.

“How so?” I wondered.

“She’s always been a bit of a rebel. Plus, she’s more of a drama queen than I am. She drives my mom way crazier than I do.” Beth elaborated, as she wiped some sweat from her beautifully freckled face.

“Sounds like meeting her should be fun,” I smiled.

“It should be fine, assuming Jenny doesn’t spill the beans to mom about how fat I got,” Beth sighed.

“I wouldn’t worry about it. Worst case scenario she exaggerates about how much weight you’ve gained. Then, when you come to Thanksgiving thinner than you are right now, you’ll beat their expectations and they’ll think it’s not too bad.” I explained trying to cheer her up.

“Is that how you think of me? ‘Not too bad’?” Beth frowned dramatically.

“You know that’s not true. I’m just saying that in your mom’s eyes, if you come home for Thanksgiving thinner than how Jenny describes you, your mom won’t make as big of deal about gaining a few, very sexy pounds.” I clarified, while reaching over and lovingly pinching Beth’s expansive butt.

“You don’t know my mom. She’s been on my sister’s case non-stop since she put on the freshman 15 and never lost it. When she sees me, she’s going to flip,” Beth articulated in apparent despair.

“I’m sure your mom’s not that bad,” I reassured her.

“It’s going to be a tough week with my parents… and without you.” Beth sighed, as she tried to keep her pace on the stationary bike steady.

“I’m going to miss you too. Hopefully, we’ll get to spend some extra quality time together right before the break. Plus, we’ve both got our cell phones, so we’ll never really be too far away,” I added optimistically.

Jenny’s Weekend-Friday

On Friday, Beth picked Jenny up at the airport. After getting settled at Beth’s apartment, Jenny and Beth went to a little bar and grill near my apartment. Sometime after they’d each enjoyed more than a few drinks, I got a text message invite to come and join them from Beth. Since Jillian and I weren’t planning on meeting up until after midnight, I agreed to stop by.

On my way over, another text from Beth explained that she wanted us to show her sister a good time so she wouldn’t make a big deal about her weight gain to their mother. I found Beth’s insecurity about her inflated figure kind of attractive. Part of me hoped her sister would comment on her considerable weight gain.

I got to the bar a few minutes later and found Beth and Jenny seated at a booth toward the back of the establishment, drinking cocktails and munching on what little remained of a platter of comfort food appetizers. They'd totally demolished their food. So much for Beth’s diet apparently.

Turning my attention back to the ladies, there was no question that Beth and Jenny were sisters. They both had the same red hair and beautiful blue eyes, not to mention a very similar pear-shaped figure. Jenny looked a lot like Beth did last year.

When she stood up to shake my hand I did my best to avoid looking like I was checking her out, yet I could quickly tell that she was also naturally curvy, like Beth. I estimated that she was probably about 5’6” and 160 pounds. The biggest difference I noticed between the sisters was that Beth’s boobs were far more prominent than her taller younger sisters.

“I’m glad I finally got to meet the man my sister has been talking so much about,” Jenny proclaimed while shaking my hand. It was then I noticed her nose-ring and the tattoo on the inside of her wrist.

“It’s nice to meet you too,” I answered, thinking she had more of an edgy overall look than Beth, “I hear that you’re considering coming here for school next year?”

“I’m thinking about it. My sister really likes it. And clearly the food seems to agree with her.” Jenny tipsily chuckled, as her eyes fell to Beth’s bloated midsection.

“Come on,” Beth interjected, her mouth full of half chewed up mozzarella stick, “I thought we agreed that we weren’t going to talk about this tonight,”

“I gained like ten pounds freshman year and maybe five pounds since then and mom has been on my case ever since. Meanwhile you gained like fifty in one year and she’s never got on your case once!” Jenny snapped back.

“That’s because I’ve been trying to keep it a secret, can you blame me?” Beth responded with a shrug. Her big breasts jiggled with the motion as if to underscore what she was saying.

“You could have been there for me, at least a little bit,” Jenny pouted, as tears started to flow.

“I’m sorry. I’ve told mom many times that she needed to lighten up with you, but you know how she is; she doesn’t really listen to either of us. I’m sorry I don’t stick up for you more,” Beth started almost sobbing, ** back tears. She then gave her little sister a teary hug.

“No, I’m the one who should be sorry. It’s not your fault. Mom’s just a b*tch sometimes.” Jenny sobbed.

“All the time. When she sees me on Thanksgiving you’ll see. She’ll forget all about you. I’ll draw all her fire,” Beth reassured her.

Jenny and Beth hugged for a few more seconds. While watching this heartfelt moment between two sisters, I tried my best not to imagine myself in the middle of their hug. After composing themselves, both girls let out a little awkward giggle, realizing that I was still standing by the table with them.

“You know, maybe I shouldn’t have come by. I’d hate to be a third wheel and you two definitely look like you have some catching up to do…” I said uncomfortably. I truly felt like I was intruding on their time together.

“I think you’re right. Are you sure you wouldn’t mind?” Beth asked gingerly.

“Not at all. You two should really catch up.” I supportively replied.

“Thanks for understanding. Tomorrow night though, I promise we’ll skip the girl talk and the three of us will go out for a good time,” Beth promised.

“That sounds like a plan. I’ll talk to you later,” I said before waving ‘bye’ to both of them and adding, “It was nice meeting you Jenny.”

“I’m usually not like this. I promise that I will be a lot more fun tomorrow,” Jenny insisted with a wink.

“Don’t worry about it. You haven’t seen your sister in forever and you guys have a lot to get off your chests. I think it’s great that you’re getting an opportunity to bond,” I said encouragingly.

“Thanks again,” Beth said as she stood up to give me a big kiss and hug.

I then I headed over to Jillian’s apartment for out latest booty call. Although, the whole time I was with Jillian, I couldn't help but wonder how far off her diet Beth would venture entertaining her sister...
12 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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Lucky_ 1 year
Beth all the way
Polarisdreamer 1 year
Beth wins! Not even a single vote for Jillian
Baron 1 year
Both would be so hot
Polarisdreamer 1 year
One day maybe I'll add a "both ending" I didn't realize that option would be so popular
The Ivy Leag... 1 year
Why not both, there's not enough poly representation, let them all be happy!!
Polarisdreamer 1 year
That's fair! I wrote two endings, one for Jillian and one for Beth, that's why I didn't list "both" as an option. Perhaps one day I'll go back and write a "both" ending
Fan_anonimo 1 year
With both
AndiFive 1 year
with both, maybe even with all 3 if Jenny joins them
AndiFive 1 year
with both, maybe even with all 3 if Jenny joins them
Cuzndragon 1 year
I think Beth because of the emotional attachment and she wants it more because of that. Still would be fun to see him end up with either.
Dicklovesbabs 1 year
Why not both?
AnonymousVei... 1 year
Bluephantom42 1 year
Johnqw 1 year