The waterpark

chapter 8

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Jenny’s Weekend-Saturday

Jillian wore me out Friday night. I spent Saturday catching up on my rest, my homework and running errands. I told Beth I’d meet her and Jenny at a local club around 10PM.

I got to the place early and waited for my curvy dates to arrive. I could see them coming from about a block away. Jenny was wearing tight jean shorts that showed off her impressive curves and a tight form-fitting green blouse that exposed her soft gut and highlighted her cute and shiny bellybutton ring. I did my best not to gawk as she approached with Beth who also looked hot in skin-tight blue jeans and a white tank top straining to contain the girth of her heftier belly. I wondered with excitement if Beth’s shirt might become translucent once she started to perspire on the dance floor.

“Ladies, you both look fantastic,” I declared, as they arrived within earshot of me. From the look of their distended bellies, I discerned that both had already eaten well earlier in the day.

“You don’t look too bad yourself,” Jenny winked walking a stride ahead of Beth who appeared to be struggling to keep up.

“Watch out, she’s a flirt when she drinks,” Beth warned, pausing to take a breath and then continuing, “And we had a few drinks before we got here.”

“I’m not a flirt,” Jenny said, as she put her arm around my shoulders, “I’m just less inhibited.”

“Mark my words.” Beth replied, while she tried to reach her arm around my shoulders too, on the opposite side of me, but ended up settling for my waist thanks to our height difference.

With that we headed into the club for a night of drinks, laughs, dance, and food. When all was said and done all of us were well and truly buzzed. Dancing with two beautiful redheads had been fun, but so had been watching them munch away on the various foods the club was known for, mainly pizza and some killer Mexican burritos.

Around 1AM, I invited the girls to come back to my place for some more drinks.

“I know a great drinking game!” Jenny ** announced, as we began our short walk back to my apartment.

When we got there, I turned on some music, threw down some pillows so we could sit comfortably on the carpet and grabbed a few beers out of the fridge. Jenny then introduced Beth and I to a new drinking game called, “I Bet.” It seemed similar to Truth or Dare, but less childish and with more drinking. Here were the rules:

1. A ‘Bettor’ makes a bet of some sort which can be accepted by any other player.

2. If the bet is not accepted, then the person making the bet takes a half drink and the betting rotates to the next person (this penalty is to discourage the Bettor from making unacceptable bets)

3. If one of the other players (Challenger) accepts the bet and wins, then the Bettor must take 2 drinks.

4. If a Challenger accepts the bet and loses, then the Challenger takes one drink.

The game started off fairly innocent. Jenny bet Beth that she couldn’t balance a spoon on her nose, the stubborn redhead accepted the bet and failed spectacularly. I couldn’t help chuckling a little bit, as she gulped down her first drink. In retaliation Beth bet Jenny that she couldn’t say the alphabet backwards in less than 90 seconds. A bet which Jenny accepted and won much to my surprise. Gulping down more and more beer, my eyes lingered on the way Beth’s belly continued bloating father outward as the game wore on.

As I had predicted Beth had gotten a bit sweaty at the club. The damp nature of her shirt did in fact make it a bit see through. I’ll admit that it was hard paying attention to our little game when my eyes were being treated to such a visual feast.

Sometime later in the night, Beth’s wagered that she could hold her breath longer than either of us, a boast that Jenny and I didn’t want to call her on, so Beth was stuck taking half a drink. Not even a half hour into our drinking game, it was clear Beth was chucking down the vast majority of the alcohol.

That’s when things started getting interesting.

“I bet you can’t put twelve chips in your mouth without swallowing.” Jenny bet her sister, as Beth grabbed a bag of Doritos from my pantry and started throwing chips in her mouth.

Unable to resist chewing and swallowing the delectable treat, Beth cursed, “F*ck these are soooo goooood!”

“Drink!” Jenny order giddy as could be.

I was enamored by Beth’s drunken lack of restraint as she started drinking again.

“*Buuuurrrp!!!* Excuse meee,” Beth murmured after taking her two drinks. Looking a little off balance, Beth then plopped her big but next to me and groaned as she unbuttoned her pants, “F*ck these jeanssss, they’re sooooo tight.”

“Are the jeans tight tubby? Or are you just overweight?” Jenny teased in an annoying tone, while she eyed the way Beth’s belly had parted her unbuttoned pants and pushed the hem of her tank top North of her sunken belly button.

“I’m overweight.” Beth blushed, as she dredged her hand back into the Dorito bag and heaved a handful of chips into her mouth.

I could tell Beth was irritated that Jenny had called her tubby. Yet clearly she wasn’t irritated enough to quit grazing. This binge eating spectacle Beth was putting on was tickling my imagination in all the right ways.

Swallowing her salty treat, Beth took a disapproving glance at her sister’s own swollen midsection and declared, “I bet that I’m not the only one in this apartment who’s overweight.”

Clutching her stuffed gut, Jenny slurred, “I am not overweight! I might beee twelve, maybeeee fifteen pounds heavier than I was in high school, but I know that I’m not fat. You’re going down sis.”

“How much is overweight anyway,” I asked, although I already knew the answer.

Pulling out her phone and asking Google, Beth soon replied, “According a BMI table, a five foot-six person should weigh less than 155 pounds. Does that scale in the bathroom still work?”

“It works.” I nodded, as I got up and went into the bathroom to retrieve the scale. I normally kept it under the sink, so I’d have to get down on my knees to search for it. In my drunken state, it wasn’t a fast process.

As I looked, I felt excitement. I was curious to find out exactly how much Beth’s sister weighed. By the curvy look of her, Jenny was around 160lbs, but it was certainly possible she was a little more or less than that. Then again, considering she was so bloated, I figured she’d be on the heavier side.

Grabbing the scale and standing up, I was surprised to see Jenny enter the bathroom to check on me.

“Need any help?” She asked innocently, while her eyes zeroed in on the scale I was holding.

“Nope, I found it.” I smiled, as she reached out and grabbed it from me, in response I wondered out loud, “Hey, what are you doing?”

Rolling her eyes, Jenny lifted up her shirt with one hand to reveal the expansive state of her little beer belly. Patting her extended gut for emphasis, Jenny explained, “I probably have about ten pounds of beer in here. I just want to ensure I get an accurate reading.”

Having spoken, I watched as Jenny fiddled with the bottom of the scale, rigging it to read a few pounds lighter than normal.

“Maybe five pounds, but definitely not ten,” I countered with a poke to Jenny’s exposed gut. Her belly felt as solid as a bowling ball, quite the contrast to Beth’s soft chub.

“Fine, I’ll take off seven pounds. Don’t tell Beth.” Jenny compromised, as she finished fiddling with it and handed the scale back to me. Then she nudged me to get out of the bathroom with a stern, “Come on, move. I gotta pee.”

Rejoining Beth, I placed the scale in the middle of the rug and wondered if spilling the beans was a good idea. On the one hand, Beth had sucked down quite a lot of beer thanks to this drinking game, on the other hand, she could certainly hold her alcohol a lot better than Jenny, and I didn’t want to have to clean up anybody’s vomit tonight.

Deciding to let Jenny get away with her little deception, I held my tongue as I watched Jenny return from the bathroom. It was smart of her to go before weighing herself, she was clearly determined to weigh as little as possible. So determined in fact, that before she stepped on, she straight up took her top off and looked poised to undo her snug jean shorts. In her bloated state, Jenny was sporting quite the little muffin top.

“Eh-eh-eh! The shorts stay on! And put your shirt back on!” Beth grunted clearly not as impressed with Jenny’s theatrics as I was.

“No way, it’s super-hot in here!” Jenny argued, as I couldn’t help but study the way her figure looked almost as tantalizing as her sister’s.

“Quit stalling!” Beth countered, while Jenny reluctantly staggered onto the scale in response.

She struggled for a moment to balance herself, but after a few seconds, finally the digital number flashed 154lbs.

“Close, but no cigar! I won. Now drink,” Jenny laughed, as she stepped off the scale. In nothing but jean shorts and a tight black bra, the way her gut jiggled was completely on display.

“Not yet.” Beth smirked in her lawyer voice, “I said, and I quote, ‘I’m not the only PERSON in this apartment who’s overweight,’ sooooo babe… Get on the scale.”

I felt a flutter in the pit of my stomach. The last time I’d weighed-in with Beth had been an embarrassing experience and now her half naked sister was watching me like a hawk.

“No way your boyfriend’s overweight.” Jenny shook her head, while her tipsy eyes gave me a once over.

“We’ll see. Overweight for someone who’s 5’11 is… 175lbs and above. Come on babe,” Beth urged, as she struggled to her feet, grabbed her sister’s blouse and threw it to her to put back on.

In response, Jenny tossed the shirt behind the couch, and growled, “No it’s too hot.”

For a moment, Beth clearly wasn’t happy with this response, she made eye contact with me conveying as much. However, rather than scolding her younger sister, she seemed to take a moment and digest Jenny’s reasoning. Suddenly pealing her way out of her damp tank top and tossing it to the floor as well, Beth muttering much to my enjoyment, “You’re right, it is hot in here.”

Staring in awe for a moment at the two beautiful sisters wearing nothing but undersized bras and their tight pants in front of me, I couldn’t resist ogling both sisters. Beth was bustier and much heavier overall than her sister. Her body was thicker, wider, and doughier. Jenny was taller, more thick than she was wide, and had a thinner face than her older sister. I thought both were sexy, but to me Beth was the more attractive of the two by a country mile.
12 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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Lucky_ 1 year
Beth all the way
Polarisdreamer 1 year
Beth wins! Not even a single vote for Jillian
Baron 1 year
Both would be so hot
Polarisdreamer 1 year
One day maybe I'll add a "both ending" I didn't realize that option would be so popular
The Ivy Leag... 1 year
Why not both, there's not enough poly representation, let them all be happy!!
Polarisdreamer 1 year
That's fair! I wrote two endings, one for Jillian and one for Beth, that's why I didn't list "both" as an option. Perhaps one day I'll go back and write a "both" ending
Fan_anonimo 1 year
With both
AndiFive 1 year
with both, maybe even with all 3 if Jenny joins them
AndiFive 1 year
with both, maybe even with all 3 if Jenny joins them
Cuzndragon 1 year
I think Beth because of the emotional attachment and she wants it more because of that. Still would be fun to see him end up with either.
Dicklovesbabs 1 year
Why not both?
AnonymousVei... 1 year
Bluephantom42 1 year
Johnqw 1 year