The waterpark

chapter 8 continued

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Noticing the girls had caught me staring at them, I returned my attention to the matter at hand.

Letting out a sigh, I took solace in the fact I’d been so freaking active these last five weeks. I was confident I wasn’t 186lbs anymore, besides Jenny had rigged the scale to read seven pounds lighter, I was in the clear.

So, I got on the scale and… it read 184lbs.

I couldn’t believe it. Doing the math in my drunken state, I realized I was 191lbs. Granted I was wearing clothes and stuffed with a ton of beer, in reality I was probably around 186lbs still, but how was it possible for someone like me to be so active yet not lose a few pounds? I didn’t understand.

“Yay! I won. Now drink Jenny!” Beth cheered triumphantly, as her sister downed two big gulps of beer and Beth picked up the bag of Doritos she’d been munching on, and held it in my direction, “Come on babe, don’t make me eat all by myself, we fatties gotta stick together!”

“Quit it.” I shook my head, while I got off the scale and tried to refuse Beth’s offer.

Shoving it back in my face, Beth pinched an inch of my midsection and wined, “Come on, You gotta be hungry.”

I hated it when Beth acted like this.

“Give them to me, you’ve had enough,” Jenny reached in for the rescue and took the bag away from Beth. Her eyes signaled that she wasn’t just in awe of how much her plump sister could pack away into that big gut of hers, she was disgusted.

“Hey giv’em back!” Beth wined trying to get the bag back.

“You’ve had enough.” Jenny countered managing to keep the bag safe for a moment before her sister smothered her and reclaimed the Doritos.

“My diet is already ruined this weekend, soooo *Burp!* f*ck it.” Beth shrugged before reaching in for more chips.

“Gross.” Jenny grunted before turning to me and muttering, “How can you tolerate dating such a pig?”

“Hey! I’m not a pig!” Beth vehemently disagreed, her big breasts jiggling as she protested, “I may be overweight, but I’m not in terrible shape!”

“It’s true.” I agreed.

“Yeah right.” Jenny scoffed unconvinced.

“Fine. I’ll prove it too you. I bet that I can do more sit-ups than you can,” Beth announced very confidently for someone so bloated.

“It’s not your turn.” Jenny smugly informed her.

“Who cares? What’s wrong? You scared?” Beth replied with a tipsy competitive intensity.

“You’re on, tubby. I haven’t done sit-ups in years, but I shouldn’t have any trouble beating your fat ass.” Jenny giggled.

“We’ll do the sit-ups at the same time and whoever quits first loses,” Beth explained, while both girls ** laid on their backs and Beth lowered the zipper on her already unbuttoned jeans for greater range of motion.

“I heard that. Two can play at this game,” Jenny said, while unbuttoning her fly and then unzipping her jean shorts, which exposed more of her cute beer belly.

I knew that Beth was going to have trouble winning this bet, we did sit-ups at the gym at least three times a week, but looking at the size of each sister’s gut, it was clear Beth’s doughier body was going to work against her. Plus, she’d drank quite a bit more than her sister over the course of our little drinking game.

As the contest started and both girls did their sit-ups at the same time while I announced the number:

“One! Two! Three! Four! Five! Six! Seven!” I counted as I noticed Beth was starting to slow down, “Come on babe, don’t slow down.”

Looking at me with a look of discontent, Beth opened her mouth and released a loud, “*Buuuuuuurrppp!!*”

“Gross.” Jenny scoffed, as the sit-up challenge continued.

“Eight! Nine! Ten! Eleven! Twelve!” I called out.

“*Buuuuuuuuuurrrppp!* Ugh…” Beth belched seemingly in a little pain but managing to just barely keep up with her sister.

“You are disgust… *Buuurrrppp!*” Jenny echoed with a loud and sudden belch of her own. Her embarrassment was obvious, I’ve never seen cheeks so read. Clearly all the carbonation from the beer was hindering both sisters.

Jenny slowed momentarily down to match the pace of her comparatively plumper sister, as I continued, “Thirteen! Fourteen! Fifteen! Sixteen!”

However, Beth was struggling far more than she was. Her breathing became winded, as did Jenny’s, but by the time my count reached 21, it was Beth who didn’t even make the attempt to sit-up.

“*Buuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrppp!* Oh my god… This was a bad idea…” Beth pouted exhausted and mortified by how gassy her burps sounded.

“Who’s in *Burp!* shape?” Jenny taunted, slightly winded and trying to catch her breath.

“Alright *pant* you win… Guess I’m more *Wheeze* out of shape than I thought…” Beth muttered, looking just as embarrassed as she was exhausted, “But just because you beat me doesn’t mean you’re in shape!”

“Better shape than you are tubby.” Jenny countered, “I bet you can’t even fit into your boyfriends’ clothes.”

“First, he’s not my boyfriend, I told you we’re not exclusive. And secondly, neither could you!” Beth grunted clearly not wanting to take Jenny up on her challenge.

Smiling slyly, Jenny countered, “I could totally squeeze into your boyfriends’ jeans!”

“I bet you can’t.” I chimed in. I knew there was no chance of Beth getting her wide, thick ass into my jeans. Jenny’s butt was pretty big too, it was very thick, but it wasn’t as wide as her sisters.

“Challenge accepted!” Jenny announced loudly with some excitement. Sending a wink my way, Jenny giggled, “Now take them off. Even if I lose, this will still be worth it.”

“I think you’ve had enough to drink,” Beth warned her sister, as I pulled off my jeans.

“And I think you were right when you said he had a great ass,” Jenny laughed.

Standing in my boxers and feeling objectified I jokingly complained, “You do realize that I’m standing right here?”

“Sorry. Or I’m not sorry. Whatever makes more sense,” Jenny giggled, clearly trashed.

With a smile, I handed over my jeans to Jenny, who slowly pulled off her own jean shorts to reveal her curvy butt and soft, round thighs. It was then I noticed she had a much larger flowery tattoo covering one side of her left hip. She then stood up and pulled one leg into my jeans knee high and then the other. As she pulled the jeans to mid-thigh, the jeans started to get tight, and she began to lose her balance. She then sat down on the couch and leaned back, moving the jeans up a few more inches, reaching all the way up to her meaty ass. She kept pulling, but that wagon she was draggin’ wasn’t cooperating one bit and I couldn’t help but gawk. Luckily Beth was laughing at her sister’s struggles from behind me, which meant that she didn’t notice me staring at her sister.

After about two minutes, Jenny finally gave up. She then sat back down and had another drink. She didn’t even bother to put her shorts back on. Beth called her on this, to which Jenny again blamed the heat of my apartment. Perhaps threatened by her younger sister’s provocative display, Beth wrestled her jeans off to match. With both sisters comfortably clothed in nothing but their underwear, I was in heaven, and Jenny broke the silence, “I guess it’s my turn again? Right?”

“Right.” I nodded, as Beth leaned her doughy body against mine, signaling to me she was getting tired.

“I bet that you can’t do four pushups with me lying on your back,” Jenny challenged point at me.

Glancing at Beth for approval, she seemed a little perturbed by her younger sisters behavior but didn’t say anything. Not hearing any protest, I declared, “I’ll take that challenge.”

Getting on the ground, I wasn’t just happy to have an opportunity to put all those hours in the gym to good use. In my drunken state, I was actually pretty excited to feel Jenny’s weight on top of me. So, I laid down on my stomach and Jenny laid face down on top of me with her hands around my waist. Noticing Jenny casually feel my stomach and then my firm chest, Beth shook her head, but didn’t really object. It was if she’d known Jenny would try something sly like this. So, I took a deep breath and then proceeded to do four semi-challenging pushups. During the quick process, I felt Jenny’s hand wander a bit farther south than it really should have considering I was only wearing boxers, but I chalked it up to an accident, as Jenny rolled off me and took two drinks.

“I bet he can do EIGHT pushups with me on his back,” Beth declared sounding drunken and jealous.

“Challenge!” Jenny excitedly exclaimed, as she turned to me and teased, “There’s no way you lift an extra thirty or forty pounds four more times. You barely lifted me.”

“I guess we’ll see about that.” I hummed, as I remained on the floor and waited for Beth to lumber her plump body on top of me. In no time, she assumed the same position her sister had moments ago with her hands around my waist. I could definitely feel her extra flesh touching my skin, and her extra weight. It was a lot harder to breath with Beth on my back than Jenny. The contrast was turning me on.

“If I’m too much, just say so. I don’t wanna hurt you.” Beth whispered considerately in my ear.

“When have I ever not wanted you on top of me?” I replied with confidence, as I struggled to push myself off the ground. My arms were a little tired from lifting Jenny, but after a grunt, I was able to hoist Beth’s chubby body off the ground. The second pushup was easier than the first, but still lightyears more difficult than it had been with Jenny. My arms were shaking, but my conviction wasn’t. I managed two more pushups without incident, but on the fifth I faltered. Beth’s weight was just too much for me.

Collapsing to the ground in defeat, Jenny smiled smugly and ordered, “Drink sis!”

“I can’t!” Beth pouted, “If I drink anymore I’m gonna get sick.”

“We should probably call it night then.” I figured, as I looked to Jenny and added, “You’re welcome to stay over, I can sleep on the couch. You two can have the bed.”

“Actually, that couch looks pretty comfortable,” Jenny selflessly suggested, “You guys can have the bed and do whatever couples do.”

“I’ll get you some sheets and a pillow,” Beth insisted, as she slurred her words.

“I’ll get them. How about you just hop in bed?” I offered.

“Great idea!” Beth blissfully smiled before leaning in and plopping a big wet kiss on my lips, “Don’t keep me waiting too long.”

“Wouldn’t dream of it.” I replied.

Over the next ten minutes, Beth used the bathroom and wobbled her way under the covers of my bed. I proceeded to place an empty trash can on Beth’s side of the bed just in case she got sick. Then I helped set up Jenny’s makeshift bed.

By the time I had everything squared away, Jenny and I could hear Beth’s snoring coming from the bedroom.

“I guess she passed out.” Jenny hummed, as I brought another trash can and placed by her spot on the couch.

“I guess so.” I nodded a little disappointed that meant I wouldn’t be having any sex tonight. Seeing Beth break her diet like this had turned me on something fierce.

Resigned to my fate, I was about to join Beth, when Jenny suddenly grabbed my hand.

“Y’know, I’m not tired. We could keep playing for a little bit.” Jenny smiled earnestly. She looked like a million bucks bloated and stripped down to her underwear.

Sensing interest in her eyes, I sat down to join her. In response I hummed, “I’d like that.”

“I believe it was your turn.” Jenny grinned, while we both leaned back into the sofa.

Feeling flirty, I picked my words carefully, “I bet… You and Beth have never been with the same guy before.”

“Like a threesome?” Jenny almost coughed.

“Yeah, exactly.” I nodded enjoying the way Jenny blushed. A threesome with my bottom-heavy redheaded bombshells would probably be the highlight of my life.

“Not yet.” Jenny recovered with a wink, before adding, “Although I did date one of her ex-boyfriends for a few months. So, we have been with the same guy, just at different times. Sooooo, drink.”

“Hmhm, fine.” I shrugged as I downed some more beer, “Your turn.”

“Hmm… I bet…” Jenny paused, while she stood up from the couch and hovered over me. Gazing into my eyes, I could see the desire in her soul. Smirking nervously, Jenny then cooed, “I bet if I sit on your lap, you’ll get a big boner.”

“Try me.” I replied without hesitation. In my drunken state I was dying for Jenny to rub her thick booty all over my lap.

“Okayyy.” Jenny blushed, as she turned around and slowly perched her backside upon me. Wiggling back and forth the right way, it didn’t take much to achieve her desired results. Giggling, Jenny happily burst, “That was fast. I knew you liked me.”

Before I could reply, Jenny twirled her body around and pressed her lips upon my own. My hands went to squeeze her abundant ass. As turned on as I was, and as much as I wanted it, something inside me caused me to halt what I was doing and grab her shoulders.

“Jenny. We can’t be doing this.” I explained with disappointment dripping off my voice.

Ignoring me, Jenny leaned in for another kiss.

“Jenny!” I grunted gently pushing against her shoulders to free my lips.

“Why not? You want me, I want you. What’s the big deal? It feels so good.” Jenny ** pleaded, “Besides you two aren’t exclusive so what’s the problem?”

Unsure of what was stopping me, I didn’t have an immediate answer.

Trying to read my mind, Jenny guessed, “If you are worried about Beth finding out, don’t worry, I can keep a secret.”

“It’s not that.” I shook my head.

“Then why not? Beth told me about how she hooked up with your brother. Don’t you wanna get even?” Jenny urged seemly overrun by her desire.

“No. I can’t do that to Beth.” I replied searching for the right words to deescalate the situation.

“She did it to you.” Jenny reminded me, her hand delving down to caress my hard-on.

“She made a mistake.” I rationalized, while Jenny continued stroking me.

“Exactly, make one with me.” Jenny pleaded, as her lips once again met with my own…

.......................................... .....
Authors Note:

One more chapter to go in this story! I hope you are enjoying it so far!

To mix things up I'm going to let the readers decide how this ends. How should this fattening love-triangle end??? Does the protagonist end up with Beth or Jillian? YOU DECIDE!

Comment who you want it to be below! Please provide your reasoning if you want to!

A week from now, I'll tally up the votes and post the ending you choose!

12 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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Lucky_ 1 year
Beth all the way
Polarisdreamer 1 year
Beth wins! Not even a single vote for Jillian
Baron 1 year
Both would be so hot
Polarisdreamer 1 year
One day maybe I'll add a "both ending" I didn't realize that option would be so popular
The Ivy Leag... 1 year
Why not both, there's not enough poly representation, let them all be happy!!
Polarisdreamer 1 year
That's fair! I wrote two endings, one for Jillian and one for Beth, that's why I didn't list "both" as an option. Perhaps one day I'll go back and write a "both" ending
Fan_anonimo 1 year
With both
AndiFive 1 year
with both, maybe even with all 3 if Jenny joins them
AndiFive 1 year
with both, maybe even with all 3 if Jenny joins them
Cuzndragon 1 year
I think Beth because of the emotional attachment and she wants it more because of that. Still would be fun to see him end up with either.
Dicklovesbabs 1 year
Why not both?
AnonymousVei... 1 year
Bluephantom42 1 year
Johnqw 1 year