The vampire's eyes (preview)

Chapter 2 - A Strange New Day

Jimmy woke up to a blinding florescent light, as he established his surroundings to try and understand what was going on he noticed he was laying in a hospital bed. His memory was fuzzy and unclear, he remembered being cornered by a figure but then nothing after and then he remembered his unfulfilled plans with Chuck, Lyle and April. Ah damn April, "How am I going to explain this?" He thought hitting the nurse call button beside his bed after a minute or two a nurse walked in. She was a bit on the portly side, possibly around his age, her name tag read Emma Grey. He looked at her face snow white skin, striking green eyes, a longer nose and a slight double chin. "She's very attractive but could stand to gain a couple dozen pounds- wait what?" he stopped his thoughts.

Jimmy had always repressed his feeder urges, sometimes he failed but he always kept the thoughts to either consensual parties like feedist fetish models or ones who didn't need consent like fictional characters. His line of thought was broken when she spoke. "How do you feel?" Her voice was light and bouncy with a hint of valley girl, he was pretty sure she was from California. "I feel a little light headed but fine, what happened? Why am I here?" The nurse gave a quick sigh 'Thats what we're hoping to find out. You were brought in after your room mate reported you missing." Jimmy's thoughts again turned to confusion, "Missing? I thought you had to wait for 48 hours to be reported missing."

Then it hit him, "How long was I out?" As the nurse looked over a handful of documents she handed him one. "You were gone for 3 days from what the police report said, found you out in the middle of the woods. Please sign here for your release form." Jimmy took the papers and began reading them, "Wait don't you guys have to run test and get a statement?" The nurse sighed like she was about to recite the same words for the 1000th time. "Usually yes but since we've had a number of covid spikes in the area here lately we've had to make exceptions to make room for at risk patients, you'll need to head down to the local police station to give a statement. The test we've done showed a slightly lower than average body temperature and again a slightly lower than average heart rate. Nothing to be concerned about for now but keep an eye on both just incase. If they keep declining come back."

After signing a couple more documents and reading himself to go home, noticing he was more pale than normal in the bathroom mirror he headed to the reception area. "How much is this going to set me back?" he asked an older nurse. "Nothing!" she said with a huge smile, "A kind gentleman came by just last night and payed for not only your bill but over half the hospitals, he said he felt bad for not being able to pay for all of them." Jimmy was in shock, something about this seemed strange but hey he wasn't going to question it. "Isn't it nice that someone with that kind of money is so selfless?" The nurse asked handing him a hard candy. "I try and do the same with what I can." The nurse named waring a name tag that read Judy said.

"Yea thats really great." Jimmy said unsure of what exactly was happening, right place at the right time was all he could conclude. As he was walking towards the exit he saw the portly nurse Emma again, while he was hopeful that April would still be interested she probably wouldn't believe his story. So he decided to do something out of character and give Emma his number and the piece of hard candy which she immediately unwrapped and popped it into her mouth. As she walked away he noticed her larger than average butt swayed a little bit more.

Upon arriving home he was basically tackled to the ground with a hug by Chuck with Lyle having to get the stocky bearded man off of him. “Holy shit dude what happened?! Lyle and I have been worried sick about you. They wouldn’t let us in your room.” As Jimmy was getting onto his feet he looked and saw nothing was packed up ready for the near future move. “Um some guy mugged me I guess? I don’t know it’s a little fuzzy, I have to go by the police station after my shif- Oh shit Mr. Cushing is going to kill me!” As Jimmy was about to make a mad dash to the library Lyle stepped in front of him. “I wouldn’t worry about that, everyone in town knows what happened. It’s a small town, news travels.”

Well that was good, no explanations to Mr.Cushing but he still had the police and April. “Thats not all.” Chuck said Lyle’s eyes looked glazed over, something was wrong. He went to the kitchen, “Good news we’re keeping the apartment, my step dad felt bad. Bad news you’re not the only person they found… but you’re the only one they found alive.” Jimmy sat down in slight shock, “So I was just there with dead-“ “Bodies? Yea not near you though just in the area.” As Lyle came in holding a tray full of hot apple cider to calm the room’s nerve a beam of light illuminated the young black man’s neck, velvety dark skin sparked a feeling deep in Jimmy a mix of lust and hunger. A deep primal hunger, he was snapped out of the feeling by Chuck offering him a mug of cider. “I’ve got to go.” Jimmy spat out in a hurried tone. While he would admit that Lyle was an attractive man but he had never felt attracted to him.

On his way to the library Jimmy’s mind was swirling with confusion. He needed answers, he passed the ally where the attack happened. A flash of a painful unclear memory flashed and seeming dead legged him making him fall to the ground. “God damn it!” Was all he could say in pain to no one on the vacant street, bringing himself to his feet whipping the dirt from his jeans he spotted a weathered piece of paper. “217 Neibolt street. See you soon kid.” Jimmy forgot about the Library it that moment.

He slammed the paper on the desk of detective Dick Blake causing his partner Lorelei Chen to rush over. "The fuck is this?" the detective said grouchily, taking the paper in his hands. Blake was built like a line backer, cursed like a sailor and had a mean streak. Despite Jimmy's impressive height he felt minuscule next to the 6'7 man even though he did look comical with his ginger buzzcut and mustache paired with a cigar in his mouth.

His partner Lorelei wasn't nearly as intimidating standing all of 5 foot nothing she had a fair bit of muscle and was a kick boxing champ before joining the force. She wore it with pride with a plethora of medals decorating the wall behind her desk. "I don't agree with the language but I have to agree, what is this Mr.Micks?" He couldn't believe them, could they not read? "Right there, 217 Neilbolt st. with See you soon kid. Can you guys not read?"

Dick grabs Jimmy by the arm and pulls him out of the station, "Look kid if you want to piss around playing make believe with a blank piece of paper do it on your own fucking time. We have a case to solve, so give us something real or go the fuck home." With a final poke to the chest and a balled up piece of paper throw at his face the Detective was back inside the building. Lorelei couldn't shake that address before. She entered the address into her phone saving it for when she was off the clock, she knew Dick wouldn't go for the lead.

Jimmy was on his own for the time being. So he started on his way to the address, it was a 45 minute trip across time by bus with a little walking. The gothic building loomed over the young man almost threateningly. As he climbed the stairs to the porch they creaked with what sounded like anticipation for his arrival at the door. He opened the front door, despite the rugged shape of the exterior the inside of the house was well kept with tasteful art, a chandelier and shelf upon shelf of books.

"Holy shit" was all Jimmy could muster, as he looked up to the top of the stairs he saw the same figure that attacked him only without the coat and hat. "Actually fuck this, closure is over rated. Have a nice day." Jimmy nervously croaked trying to break the tension he was feeling. As he turned the door slammed shut. The figure jumped down the flight of stairs coming face to face with Jimmy, "welcome to the first day of the rest of your life James Micks."
4 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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