The vampire's eyes (preview)

Chapter 3 - The Hunger

The man explained everything, his original name was Estienne Monet but now went by Stephen Montague. “Drink from me and gain the power to flourish surpass your boundaries set by the natural world.” Stephen said cutting his arm slightly letting the blood run down his wrist into a glass half way full of wine. “A bit theatrical for my taste.” Jimmy thought as he took the glass from Stephen. Jimmy gulped the whole glass down and cringed at the iron taste but felt a surge of energy, a burning he had never felt before but he started shaking uncontrollably. “Welcome my child of the night.” Stephen said welcoming Jimmy into his open arms, comforting him as Jimmy shook from the effects of the drink. After a couple seconds the shaking stopped Jimmy opened his eyes and saw everything in a new way. The most beautiful colors shined from the candle flames and the he could hear every detail of the birds chirping out side.

“Welcome my child of the night.” Jimmy stepped back, what did this mean for him? How his life would be, he panicked a blot of anxiety shook through the young vampire. “I-I-I have questions.” The man who was at lest 800 years old sat in a chair, “Ask away James, that’s what your going to go by now. Who ever heard of a Vampire named Jimmy, have some class.” James sat down in a chair across from Stephen, “Why me?” Stephen was quick to respond. “It wasn’t intentional my dear boy. You were just the only one who survived.” James sat back for a second, he was a little defeated at the fact it was all luck and nothing else. “What about my life?” Stephen scoffed, “What about it? Who cares?” James furrowed his brow in annoyance. “Trust me you’ll learn to forget, You know in my first life I was a duke of a European country? Don’t ask which I couldn’t tell you.”

James felt sad for the man, it was short lived though as Stephen continued. “As for you life at the moment, you can still live it for the next 10 to 20 years but eventually you’ll have to fake your death. Far easier than expected especially with my connections-“ James cut him off “How am I supposed to go about my life now?” James lifted him self in the air in his passion, Stephen match his height. “Don’t excite yourself too much boy. Heres the deal, all the vampire movies you’ve seen before. Dracula, 30 Days of Night, Fright Night, Interview with a Vampire . Some they get right but none of them completely. We don’t die in the sun but it does make us weaker, crosses only work with faith, Holy water isn’t fatal but it does cause a hives like reaction and the interior of a church causes one hell of a head ache. The only way we die is a wooden stakes through the heart, decapitation and fire. We can fly, we have super strength, we can turn into bats, fog and wolves and finally we can be very persuasive.” Stephen’s iris glowed purple. “Get it, got it, good.”

James came down still processing all of this, Chuck and Lyle and… April. A surge of hunger came over James, Stephen immediately saw the look in the young man’s eye. “Aw yes the hunt.” James gulped, “Please don’t call it that.” Stephen playfully slapped James on the arm, “Please get the stick out of your ass, you’re immortal be happy.” Stephen playfully slapped his arm once more before floating down with James following. “You can drink from anyone but the best tasting is the taste of lust.” James felt a pain, “looks like it’s almost time. Good luck.”

James looked at his clock, it was 4 and sun set was at 6:10. James was scared when he got a text, “Hey it’s Emma from the hospital, wanna get drinks?” That ting of hunger again, he made plans to met her tonight. As James stepped into the bar he looked around for Emma but couldn’t find her until her rounded a corner to a small nook hidden in the corner where Emma sat alone. She sat eating fries in a pair of jeans and crop top that were a size or two to small, he felt the hunger again. He cleared his throat to catch her attention, she was shoving a handful of fries in her mouth when she saw him. She looked up at him with a blush in her cheeks, he smiled at her to calm her down. Dressed in his graphic tee, jeans and just a hoodie he didn’t think he looked all to handsome. “Maybe it’s the effects of vampirism.” He thought flagging down a waitress, as the waitress came near he felt something he had never felt before dominate. Before Emma could order for herself James interjected saying “For her, she’ll have the double bacon butter burger with another side of large cheese curds and then a large milk shake and a grande strawberry daiquiri.” James finished with a smile and looked at Emma who was red in the face. The hunger pain was there again, “And for you.”

“Oh the Caesar salad for me and a glass of water.” As the waitress was walking away James looked at Emma who was still crimson red, “T-Thats a lot of food.” James put his arm around her, she felt small next to the man. She was in awe at how attracted to this guy she was, She originally texted him because her original plans fell through. Now she can’t take her eyes away from his, at that moment she felt a hand climb higher and higher on her thigh. James’ breath felt hot on her neck, all she could do was send out a labored breath as she nearly rolled her eyes. As James’ hand briefly rubbed against her crotch. It had been 5 months since going out with a man. James was making this her best night in 7. The foreplay stopped as soon as James saw the waitress.

Emma looked pitifully at James almost like she was pouting at not getting to experience the full ride right there at the table. After the waitress put all of Emma’s items on the table she left to get James’. “You finish your plate. All of it.” James said in a dry matter of fact tone, “What?” Is all a confused Emma mumbled, “It’s so much” she continued rubbing where her tight jeans pinched into her. “It’s really not, for a big girl like you.” The old James would’ve never done these things but now he has the confident and the power to. “H-how dare you-“ She looked into James’ eyes as they glowed a light purple, she went limp in a trance. She was essentially unable to move or think only receive information, moving less than an inch from the side of her neck in a deeper voice he said. “You’re going to eat the food, all of it, every last crumb. Then when you are finished you will come back to my lair, I am your master now and you will be my personal blood bank. Is that understood?” The hot breath was the only physical thing her body reacted to, that being a slight shiver of pleasure.

“Here you hun.” The waitress puts James’ salad on the table and walks away. As James was slowly pecking at his salad Emma was eating at break neck pace. James once again an inch away from her neck. “Slow down tubby, I want to enjoy the show.” She slowed her pace finishing the burger about 5 minutes into the meal. Slowly working on the milk shake and the daiquiri switching between the two but the cheese curds were a challenge for the young nurse. The last 5 or 6 having to be hand fed to her by James. The trance was broken in that moment, Emma was back to being Emma. “D-did I eat all of that?” She said before trying to cover up a small burp, as she sat forward to get up from the booth she heard a small ping and a great point of relief. “Lets go back to mine.” James said rushing Emma out of the restaurant before stopping to pay the bill. The bus ride to the gothic mansion was filled with the occasional painful moan from Emma’s over full belly but the much more common moan from the fun Emma and James had sticking their tongues down each others throats.

As the two lovers entered the house the mood shifted. From the fun, sexy, energetic make out session came to an end as Emma looked around at the books cases and other grandiose fixtures of the old building. James came and wrapped his hands arounds her nibbling on her ear. “Be my victim.” James said in a raspy and dominate tone, “Yes sir, please make me your victim.” She said almost moaning, He flashed his fangs and bit the young girls neck. The person know as Emma Grey was no more, bound to be kept as a personal blood bank for the vampire known as James Micks.
4 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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