
Chapter 5 - Weekend getaway - part 3

At hotel restaurant, we were seated at table and started looking through menu. We both selected salmon with potatoes and lemon sauce. When they brought it, it looked heavenly and tasted same way. It was big serving. I was pleasantly full after eating three quarters, since I was still not hungry after the pasta we ate earlier today. But Jane ate it all. I was again amazed by her ability to eat a lot of food. I noticed she slowed down during the end, but she still finished strong.

“Will you eat rest of your serving?” She asked.

“Not really.” I replied. “I thought I will share it with you.”

“I like your thinking.” She smiled, took my plate and started eating again.

I excused myself to the bathroom in the meantime. Not that I needed to go there so much but I used it to order surprise to our room for later.

When I returned, she was just finishing eating. I saw, she was struggling a bit, but nothing serious.

“You are back finally; it is half fun eating alone.” She complained.

We talked a bit afterwards and finished our drinks. When waitress came to ask if we want anything, I just asked to pay. This caused surprised look from Jane, but she said nothing. Then we went back to our room. I noticed, Jane is looking sad but trying to hide it. I probably know the cause, but I have to be sure:

“You are looking sad. What is going on?”


“Common, I see it on you. Tell me.”

“I know we agreed to take it slow, but you did not even buy me desert. I thought we have goal. Or is my belly too big for you already?”

“It is just this?” I said with relief. “That has simple solution.”

And I opened doors to our room. Jane looked at me questioningly, but then noticed what is waiting for us inside. There was serving trolley with big chocolate cake on top.

“You bought me whole cake?” Her mod improved immediately. “You are just perfect. I apologize for doubting you.” She pulled me into room, closed the door and pined me to the wall by her body and started kissing me passionately.

She calmed down after while, but kept giddy attitude.

“You know what. I want to eat the whole thing. Promise me, you will make me eat it all even though I would complain that I am too full and can’t continue.”

“I would love to, but I do not think it is good idea. You would get sick or worse.”

“No, it will not happen. I did not tell you so as I do not look weirder than I really am. I cannot get sick from eating too much. I tried it several times and different ways. I just get super stuffed and super horny. It might be painful, but I never get sick. In most extreme case, I must stop eating because there is no longer space in my stomach. How would I be able to eat all the pizza on the company party or the amount of food I ate today already otherwise? It would make normal person sick several times. Even now, if normal woman is so full as me and you push on her belly she would probably puke. And you probably noticed I am pushing myself on you right now, which causes big pressure on my belly. And do I look sick or in pain? My belly would even handle you laying on top of me despite how stuffed I am.”

I considered her words for a while. To convince me, she even promised me to fulfil one my personal wish if I will make her eat the whole thing. After some time, I finally decided:

“Ok, but I want a prove of your words. If you would be able to support my weight on your belly right now, I will do it. I will make you eat the whole thing even if you would plead with me to stop.”

“You will do it? Really? Oh, I must be dreaming.” She gleamed.

“But I want the prove first.”

“That is no problem.”

She started undressing in most provocative fashion she can think of. She motioned to me to get naked too. Then she led me to bed and laid on her back pulling me on top her, kissing me all the time. I ended lying on her belly, supported by it. My legs were between hers and when I stopped kissing her for a while and then pushed up a bit on my hands to look at her face. I pivoted around her belly, my legs got solid touch with bed finally. My member touched her pussy which caused her shudder in pleasure. I took it as sign I should continue and after a bit of maneuvering with her willing cooperation, I was able to enter her. It had to put tremendous pressure on her overstuffed belly, but she was just moaning by pleasure. I picked up pace and watched how her breasts wildly move in rhythm with my movements. It was probably uncomfortable for her because she caught them by her hands to prevent their movement. Then she took them to her mouth and started sucking on her diamond hard nipples. This view brought me over the edge, and I exploded barely noticing that she exploded in orgasm too. My release was so intense, that I completely lost control of my body for a while and ended laying on Jane with my full weight. When I regained my senses, I quickly moved aside, but surprisingly I did not notice any signs that supporting me on her belly caused any issues for her.

“That was better prove than I expected.” I stated. “You have convinced me. Let’s eat the cake.”

She grinned and we got to the work. I helped her sit comfortably in the bed, propping her up by pillows. She spread her legs a bit and let her belly settle between them. Then I picked up first piece of the cake, put it on plate and handed it to her. The cake was already split to sixteen pieces, each of the size intended as dessert for restaurant customer. And Jane is going to eat them all. I have to be dreaming.

Anyway, first few pieces of cake were no problem for Jane. Due to her excitement, she almost inhaled them despite being already stuffed. But then during the fourth piece she slowed down considerably. It looked like she has run out of the last remainders of space in her stomach. She plowed through the fourth piece and slowly finished it although visibly struggling at the end. When I handed her the fifth piece, she simply told:

“I can’t, too full.”

I took the piece back and started massaging her sensually, which caused her moan with pleasure. After a while I stopped and handed her the fifth piece back.

“You had short rest, let’s continue.”

She eyed the cake and did not seem to have willpower to start eating again. I touched her belly button and whispered to her ear: “I will continue with the massage if you continue eating. Go slowly, take small bites, but keep eating.”

This helped her to start eating again and battle of attrition between Jane and cake began. I restarted the massage, focusing on the sensitive parts of her body when she seemed to have problems. I argued with her when she was feeling too full to continue, forced her when needed and she kept going. She slowly but continuously continued eating the cake small bite after small bite. Her belly was swelling over the time, growing increasingly hard, but somehow, she was able to continue.

And then finally after few hours of continuous nibling on the cake there was last bite remaining. She looked at it as at worst enemy.

“Almost done. You thought you will defeat me, such tasty cake? I will do short process with you. Go where you belong.” She picked the last bite, put it to her mouth, chewed few times and with tremendous effort swallowed.

“Ouch, my belly hurts so much. I am utterly and completely overstuffed. I think I am as close to bursting as I ever was. Please, rub my belly, kiss me, make me so excited I forget the pain.” She pleaded to me.

I was happy to comply. I started by gently massaging her belly, which at this point was rock hard ball towering from her body. Even the layer of fat was so stretched that it did not give up at all. It just gave feeling of thin elastic layer on top of a hard ball. If she was looking to be in second trimester of pregnancy earlier today, she was looking far into her third one right now. Then I moved to her breasts, I kneaded them and played with her nipples, sensually kissing them. This caused her moan with pleasure. I kept one hand and my mouth playing with her breasts and let my second hand wander over expanse of her belly, slowly moving south to her pussy. I started massaging it, which caused her shallow breaths to quicken. And when I inserted my finger inside of her, she exploded ….............. Not literally, but she orgasmed. I never seen her to orgasm so hard and for so long. It must be really taxing on her poor belly, but it seemed to just allow her to reach new heights of pleasure.

It took her some time to recover. I kept massaging her belly all the time, still marveling what she is capable of. When she was finally capable of coherent thoughts again, she started talking.

“Thank you for helping me with eating the cake. I think I would not be able to do it without you. I would give up half a way most probably. I was feeling like I cannot eat another bit then, but you convinced me to continue. I did not though it possible, but you made me to finish. The pain in my belly was growing but at the same time the pleasure caused by my stuffed belly was rising too. It allowed me to overcome the pain and then at some point the pain just become another feeling in my head which I did not care. Then it was just the question of space in my stomach. Somehow, I was able to swallow, pushing tiny little more into my overstuffed belly, making me a tiny bit more stuffed and more excited on the same time. Right now, I should be crying from the pain in my belly. But the pain changed to just dull ache which I can easily ignore. My brain most probably adjusted and suppressed the feeling of continuous pain. My main feeling currently is the pleasure caused by my overstuffed belly and you touching me.”

“I am glad to hear this. I was afraid you have to be in lots of pain, and you will be hurt. I was wanting to give up several times myself. But then I remembered that I promised you to make you eat the whole thing. So, I continued pushing you and we really did it. I can’t still believe it.”

“Yes, we defeated the cake. At some point I myself did not believe I will do it. Thank you once more for keeping your word. This reminds me, I promised you to fulfill you your personal wish if you make me eat the whole thing. Do you know what will be the wish already.” She looked at me seductively, so it was clear what she expects. But I had different plan.

“Yes, I do. You have promised me that you will fulfil any personal wish. Do you still intend to? Even if it would be difficult for you?”

She looked a bit stunned by my words. She definitely expected different reaction.

“Yes, I keep my word.”

I quickly went to cabinet and took small package I have hidden in there.

“Then I have small gift for you. I waited for right time to give it to you.” I handed her small box made of marzipan. “The gift is inside of the marzipan box. You need to eat it to get to it. My wish is you to eat the box and get the gift right now.”

“Are you serious? You have one wish, and you want to spend it on pushing me a bit and making me to eat a little bit more right now?” She asked wide-eyed.

“Yes, that is right.”

“I have to be dreaming. You are too perfect to be real.” She grinned. “I do not know if I can put any more substance into my belly. But I promised so I have to do it.”

She then started slowly nibbling on the marzipan box and very slowly, visibly pushing herself to new limits, ate the box and revealed small plastic capsule inside of it. I took it from her, opened it and dropped on my knees.

“Jane, I know you short time. First, I had simply crush on you because of your perfect body. But then I got to know you, your strong personality. You can be fun, you can be serious, you can be even angry. But you are always you and I started loving you so much for just being simply you.”

I handed her the ring with diamond.

“Will you marry me?”

She has been completely taken by surprise, but when she realized what just happened, she started crying.

“You are strong, supporting me in my desires, it is fun to be with you. I love you too. Yes, I will marry you.”

She put the ring on her finger and then she smiled with naughty smile.

“And now stop delaying and finally ravage your to be wife. I am so horny right now, I cannot stand it any longer.”

“Your wish is my pleasure.” I answered.

But it was easier said than done. Jane was sitting on the bed, pinned down by her overstuffed belly swollen to almost full term pregnant size. Access to her private parts was blocked by the same belly. After a lot of effort we moved Jane to edge of bed, her ass right at the edge. I helped her to put her legs to chairs I moved from table. It gave me perfect access to her. I slowly and carefully entered her. But I immediately realized she did not overplay her excitement. She was more ready for me than I expected.

I started going in and out, struggling a bit to avoid putting too much pressure on her belly. She noticed it.

“Do not be afraid to hold my belly. I already told you it can handle you.”

“But it was before we stuffed it to bursting point.” I objected.

“It does not matter. Hold my belly or I would think you do not like it and are pretending it just to make me happy.”

This I could not allow and honestly I wanted to touch her everywhere. I grabbed her belly and experimentally supported myself on it lightly. When it caused no visible painful reaction I got more courage and moved more of my weight on her. I bent down and just barely I was able to kiss her belly button. This caused explosive reaction. Jane was hit by strong orgasm. I slowed down my efforts for a while, leaned more forward, putting more and more weight on Jane. In the end I was able to reach her breasts and I started sucking on her nipples. This caused immediate reaction. She started moaning loudly and exploded in another orgasm. I was still able to hold myself from release, enjoying our lovemaking immensely.

Then I asked Jane if she wants to try another position and she excitedly agreed. We were able to get her slowly in sitting position at the edge of bed, her belly dropping slightly between her legs. Then with lots of effort we helped her on all fours, she asked me to lie beside her on my back and she than slowly crawled on top of me. She lowered herself a little on purpose so as she just touched me by tips of her breasts. It was heavenly teasing on itself, but it had also effect, she did not expect. Her belly was too big, so she was touching me by belly too. It was heavenly feeling. She moved so as she was right above me, let all her weight drop on me and started kissing me wildly. Ball of her belly pressing to my stomach, her breasts pushed on my chest and her hands roaming over free parts of my body were almost too much for me.

“I need you now.” I moaned wild by lust.

She complied, pushed herself up, positioned herself and then slowly lowered on me. With lot of effort she started moving up and down. This time we exploded in orgasm simultaneously. She lost balance and ended laying on me. We cuddled for a while when I had funny idea.

“You know, we maybe did record today. We were able to get engaged and grow full term baby in a single day.” We both laughed.

After a while we adjusted so as we were laying beside each other, cuddling together and fell asleep.
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Theswordsman 1 year
I wonder how much she weighs
Nalim Kerut 1 year
I never considered it really. When I am thinking about her I imagine she is just plump, not too fat. Lets say somewhere around 85 kilograms (170 pounds).