For Carmilla

  By Logitechk1

Chapter 1

A tall curvy Latina calmly walk ahead, her tan skin warmed by the sun. She is wearing a summer dress and gets an expected amount of looks from men and women sitting outside at the deck of a small bistro. A chubby woman walks out and greets her.
“Carmilla, it’s so good to see you” She kisses the Latina on each cheek once.
“Thank you Annie” Carmilla responds warm.
“Are you here with your ehm….friends?” Annie says, unsure how to formulate her sentence.
“of course” Carmilla smirks “but they are big girls, you know…even bigger than last time….So they move a bit slow.”
Slowly some gasping, but mostly a deafening awkward silence takes over the outside area of the bistro. The large wooden support beams creak and the glasses on the table vibrate as two women walk past. They were both fairly tall, one with blonde hair and one with dark black hair. However the most noticeable thing about these women was that they were very, very obese. Both of them were struggling to move their fat bodies forward and both of them were sweating and panting. Carmilla smirks “They used to be so little….but they are not big enough”

Nina and Lisa had enjoyed their occasional threesomes with Carmilla. Mostly because both Nina and Lisa were pretty, but Carmilla was an absolute smoke show. However, it was obvious that Carmilla was losing interest fast and finally they got to the topic as to why that was.
“I just…like bigger girls” Carmilla sighs as she leans back “and making them bigger.”
“Wait…like fatter? a feeder?” Nina said confused.
“Exactly like that….just making them fatter and fatter and fatter…watching their obesity spiral out of control” Carmilla looks at Nina and then at Lisa, both hot….but both so skinny. “That is what I would really like”
It was quiet for a while after that, until Lisa spoke up.
“I’ll do it” The blonde said “I’ll gain some weight for you”
“you wouldn’t just gain some weight for me darling” Carmilla smirks as she gets close to Lisa “you would gain A LOT of weight”
“I-I can gain…and if I don’t like it I could just work it off again” Lisa reasons.
“of course…just diet and exercise” Carmilla replies calm.
“I-I’ll do it too!” Nina exclaims, feeling left out as Carmilla was trailing Lisa’s flat tummy.

So both of them starting gaining for Carmilla. Nina started out at 129 pounds and Lisa at 122. It was shocking to both of them at how effective Carmilla was at this. Almost like she had done it before. Sex and feedings were mixed now and they were rewarded for eating the most fattening food they could. Carmilla was delighted to see the shocked faces on her plump girls as they weighed in 6 months later.
“Nina 172 pounds and Lisa 167, well done!” She says happy as she notes it into an app. “Now you two are getting nice and chubby” She squeezes Lisa’s ass and makes it jiggle “time for breakfast girls”

By the time both of them were passed 200, they were hooked. Carmilla gave them all the pleasure in the world and in return all they had to do was eat lots of delicious food. Of course they worried about their figures, but stopping meant that you were just a fat girl without Carmilla in your life. Within a year of starting both of them had put on over 100 pounds and Carmilla had found what she was looking for. They bigger they became the more Carmilla rewarded and praised them. By the time Lisa had also passed the 250, Carmilla had become quite systematic about her feeding. She preferred to personally cook for them and see them eat, but if that was not possible she video called with them.
“good girl, now show me the plate” Carmilla says excited as she looks at her large television.
With a cute blush Nina lifted the plate to show it was completely empty.
“nice, that’s a 1700 calorie meal. Well done!” Carmilla says proud.
Nina was at her parents place, but Carmilla had ordered her plenty of food throughout the day.
“T-thank you Carmilla” Nina says, as they usually thank her for the food.
“You are most welcome darling” Carmilla smirks “Shall we make a little trade?...I lift up my shirt, you lift up yours?”
“Deal” Nina says eager. The bigger she got, the less attention she got from men and women. Making her crave Carmilla even more.
“alrighty I’ll go first” Carmilla says smoky as she unbuttons her shirt. Slowly revealing her perfect perky C-cup breasts, then her abs and then the upper part of her pink panties. “Your turn big girl”
Nina nods and takes off her shirt, a lot less gracious and nimble than Carmilla. Her large breasts and pale belly flop out of the shirt causing her to jiggle.
“hmmm delicious, so nice and obese” Carmilla purrs “But I bet you want to see more of this, right?” Carmilla pulls the waistband of her panties down a tiny bit.
Nina nods blushing.
“Well, then all you have to do is have some snacks like a good fat girl” Carmilla says waiting for a moment as Nina thinks. She gets up and moves off camera for a while, returning with a family pack of candy bars “good girl!”

Two years in and both Nina and Lisa were unrecognizable fat. Nina takes a slow step forward and the scale creaks.
“357.4 pounds” The automated voice reads out.
“Fuck you are getting heavy” Carmilla says excited as she squeezes Nina’s large ass and feeds her cookie. ”Lisa you are up”
Nina and Lisa awkwardly pass each other as their bellies rub against each other in the bathroom.
“hmmm, just look at all that blubber” Carmilla says happy as she pinches a roll of back fat.
Lisa steps on the scale and holds her breath.
“351.8 pounds” The automated voice says cold.
“well done!” A firm spank to Lisa’s ass makes her blush. “So what do my big girls want to do now?”
Lisa and Nina exchange glances and blush.
“Eat something” both of them say shy.
“good piggies”
Carmilla leads her fatties to the kitchen, seating them at the bar.
“for today’s breakfast, four slices of cake, two cookies, two muffins and some bacon to top it off” she says as she waits for them to sit “lots and lots of calories and sugar for my fat piggies”

Carmilla was sleeping like an angel. There we two huge ladies sleeping on either side of her. Carmilla’s bed was very large, but Lisa and Nina took up a lot of space. There were wrappers, empty food containers, bags and plates everywhere.
“god I am full” Nina groan as she rubs her huge gut, which was bloated out with the food that was in her stomach.
“I can’t believe she fed us two liters of cream” Lisa huff as she looks at the empty pitchers near a funnel.
“No wonder we keep gaining so much” Nina looks at her panties, despite their huge size were they digging into her waist.
“do you think…we should stop this?” Lisa asks soft. “I mean…look at us…we are huge!”
“We are so fucking fat…and I am not sure about getting fatter, but spending nights and entire days with Carmilla” Nina replies.
“I know…but you know the consequences of that right?” Lisa sighs understanding.
“more blubber, even fatter and even more food being stuffed into us every day?” Nina lists.

“Keep drinking big girl” Carmilla rubs the pale dome of fat that was Lisa’s belly. “You are so close to popping that button!”
Lisa groans as Carmilla tilts the bottle and she starts drinking the highly sugared soda again. Empty cartons of junk food are all around her. To celebrate that she was now 430 pounds, over 300 pounds heavier, Carmilla wanted to stuff her till she popped the button of a pair of high waisted shorts. Carmilla could practically see Lisa’s huge gut swell as her stomach stretched until:….Pop! the button shoots off and Lisa groans as some pressure is relieved. Her gut surges forward, like a wave of pale flab.
“There we go” Carmilla says like a proud kindergarten teacher “I knew you could do it!” She rubs the red imprint of the waistband on Lisa’s belly. “well done fatty” She softly slaps the pale flab, causing it to jiggle “I’ll cook up some bacon as reward”
Carmilla nimbly gets up and hurries off to the kitchen, within a minute the sizzling and smell of bacon fills the room.
“Fuck I am fat” Lisa rubs her bloated gut as a mix of pride, shame and horniness washes over her. She had ruined her perfect body….all for lust. She was too fat for many things now and the longer she stayed with Carmilla the fatter she would only get. However, worries melt away as Carmilla walks in again, she was wearing a lingerie set now and had a plate filled with bacon with her.
“lots of fattening meat to make you even heavier!” She says excited “ready to eat piggy?”
“yes” Lisa says, unable to take her eyes off Carmilla. Mixing the image with the scent of he bacon.
“excellent! Open up.”

It had taken only three years for Lisa and Nina to go from cute athletic fit girls to massively obese quarter tonners.
“god I love this” Carmilla says running her fingers through the soft fat of Nina’s sagging gut. “say it again how much you weigh darling”
“513 pounds” Nina says soft with a mix feeling of pride, shame and horniness. She was sitting on the couch and Carmilla was leaning against her.
“Love it, so fucking fat” Carmilla says eager as she kisses Nina on the lips. “Lisa are you done? I want to see your outfit”
“I-I am ready” Lisa says as she waddles out from behind a changing board. “it’s a little bit tight”
“Everything is tight on my fatties” Carmilla says proud as she smiles from ear to ear.
Lisa was wearing a bunny outfit, which showed off all her rolls of fat and jiggling flesh.
“can you hop?” Carmilla asks?
Lisa turns dark red and makes a hopping motion, but is unable to move her feet even an inch of the floor.
“Too heavy?”
Lisa nods.
“Good!” Carmilla says excited “means you have been eating well…and I love girls that eat well”
“obviously you do” Lisa shakes her belly in front of Carmilla. The heavy sag of lard bouncing up and down.
“Tell me my obese bunny how much do you weight” Carmilla says as she makes a twirling sign with her finger.
“509 pounds” Lisa says trying to sound as confident as possible as she turns around.
“another sexy, blubbery fat cow of mine” Carmilla rests her head on Lisa’s enormous behind. “I guess you two deserve another reward…I am thinking two chocolate cakes, some cookies, a milkshake and some more candy?”
“Yes please” Lisa and Nina say at the same time, not only were they quite hungry. They also knew what happened if Carmilla’s fatties ate well, then the real reward would be handed out.

Barely nine months later the mix of Lisa’s and Nina’s dependency of food, their willingness to impress Carmilla and Carmilla’s relentless feeding has propelled their weight up.
“So much blubber” Carmilla says as Lisa and Nina walk in front her, both of them sweating. “so heavy that they get out of breath from just walking around” Carmilla took another step forward and waited for the fat women to slowly shuffle ahead of her again. “girls give me some oinks”.
“oink huff….oink huff …oink” both of them oink as they huff, their faces turning a bit more red.
“oh, good piggies” Carmilla says adoring as she puts her hand to chin. “You two are so adorable! Are you tired yet?”
“I-I am” Nina stammers as she takes another slow step forward.
“oh, of course you are” Carmilla replies soothing “you have been waddling for almost a minute now!”
“It hasn’t even been a whole minute yet?” Lisa says shocked.
“Nope” Carmilla says gleeful “but remember you two have to waddle for two minutes to get your exercise. Even my blubbery piggies need their exercise”
“I can’t believe walking two minutes is so hard now” Lisa groans as she shuffles forward.
“well you two are both over 600 pounds and don’t do anything but sit on your big butts. So your muscles are very underdeveloped” Carmilla states as she grins “exactly how I like it!...40 more seconds darlings”
The two massive women finish their exercises before they can finally sit their fat asses down again. Both of them are panting and sweating like they had been running for an hour.
“Time to fill up on calories again” Carmilla hands them both a plate with multiple burgers before going to the kitchen…the burgers were but a snack to her piggies.

And now the present day. Carmilla had invested heavily in her beloved piggies. Special walkers, a physio therapist and muscle aiding medication. All to make sure that despite their size her enormously fat piggies could waddle a tiny distance. Carmilla feels her loins warmup as the 700 pound women enter the bistro.
“They used to be so little….but they are not big enough”
1 chapter, created 1 year , updated 1 year
19   1   3415


Jmarcin6 1 year
Always loved your stories