Of course you would

Chapter 2

“Jayne, I can not be involved in Welfare fraud. However, the company can ‘invest’ in your future. If that makes sense?” I spoke as she came to grips with what I was offering. She knew it. The company I had started when we were together was about to become her meal ticket. No more would she be stuck budgeting on welfare checks or having to make her money last. Jayne knew what I was offering, just as we had fantasized about it for the years leading up to our separation. “What do you mean” Jayne asked candidly. “ I mean, the COMPANY, could stand to invest in your future. If it stood to gain from it either financially or from employee benefits. Now personally. I don’t want to see you upset or fade away”, I said as I gave her thunder thigh a cheeky wobble. “So that would benefit an employee, that’s all I need to make a decision. What do you say?” I asked as she begun balling her eyes out. Her nipples were still rock hard from the arousal earlier. I couldn’t help but study them. Unbeknownst to me, she had caught me red handed eyeing off what used to be the nipple of a 18D breast, now no where near even roughly close to that. “Well, I certainly can’t say no to that. I don’t want to go back to work and I don’t want to fade away. But Chris, I need more than money can offer. On top of all that... Maybe you could help me in other ways too. I haven’t had another man since we separated, my pussy hasn’t been getting any attention. I want a man that can handle my growing body, to look after me, to take care of me and to encourage me. I know you’re married to Claire now. But I ha-“ I cut her off with a long, well awaited kiss that turned into a scene of making out. Violently sicking and biting each others faces while my cock began to grow hard again. I pulled the pillows out from behind her that had been supporting her and she crashed on to her back.
Her body sent shivers of flesh rippling up and down and she settled on her back. Shocked looking as she locked eyes with me. “Oh Chris! Is this!? Are you!? Uhhh!” Jayne moaned as i slid my hard shaft inside of her sopping wet and tight pussy. I had to fight her fupa, her thighs and her arse cheeks to get into what was mine. Taking her at twice her size was better than I had ever thought it would be. I could only just to see her beautiful face over her huge gut. Her breasts rolled out to her sides and she took it like the growing Queen she is. Her eyes lit up and she moaned over and over. I pulled out and blew on the bottom side of her soft belly. Then I took a picture of it and showed her while I fingered her to yet another climax. “Does that answer your question Jayne? This needs to stay between us though.” I whispered as she shuddered and lay there breathing heavily.
“Oh my god, Chris. Yes, please. I know I can grow bigger and faster with your help, I have pleased myself many times while I have thought about it. Wishing you would come back. But you moved on.” She said as she tried to get comfortable on her back. I lifted her abdomen and propped her back up on some pillows to keep her comfy and she thanked me. I got down to her side and lined my eyes up with hers again. “ I will help you with this Jayne. I’m going to push you. You’re going to hurt and grow. Sleep, eat and grow. Eat, cum, sleep grow. That’s going to be your new life. I’m going to start by ordering you some new bedding, feeding machines and whatnot tomorrow morning. I’m going to make sure you smash your dreams of living life to the fullest Jayne. Ok?” I said as she cleared her tears. She only responded by nodding and gesturing for me to come closer for a passionate kiss. IT was at that moment in that kiss it hit me, I had to go home and face Claire after making love to my 255kg ex-fiance. I smelt of her, I need to shower before heading home, so I went to work and did exactly that. I cheekily started browsing and ordering new equipment for Jayne immediately.
I got home and played it cool with Claire. She had not the slightest clue of what was happening. Despite how torn up I was inside, I did my best to get some sleep. I dreamt of Jayne and familiar times and woke feeling empty and dirty. This feeling was immediately replaced by what Jayne was about to be going through. I got up and went to work, even kissed my wife goodbye.

Six months had gone by and Jayne had really soaked up the benefits of being sponsored by a big and growing company, literally. Jayne and I spent more and more time together working on her figure and on her libido. A small team of staff were put on through the company to help Jayne out in her travels. Her figure had surely started to show the benefits. She crested 315 kgs in the space of 6 months. All she ever did was eat, sleep, cum and grow. I was now in a fully fledged cheating relationship with my ex as well as a fully fledged feedee-feeder relationship with my ex. Jayne was in heaven. She stopped wearing clothes, she stopped getting out of bed, she ate all the time and she was being pleased all the time. I finally found out how she was pleasing her self before. She would prop her vibrator up on her bed with food scraps and sit on it, while it was turned on! This was the way she has done it from around 175kgs and up she has informed me. I found that so hot. Her big meaty flaps were capable back then, they are certainly more than capable now. Jaynes breathing was more and more laboured with every passing month and her size was certainly keeping her form being active or mobile. I pushed on, and she reaped the benefits.

Another 6 months had passed and we had both been getting lazier. Jayne with her bodily motion and my with my protection, sexual protection. Seeing as a woman of her size now weighing in at 425kgs can’t look after herself while menstruating, I was put in charge of keeping ALL of her needs in check. That’s how I noticed something was up, when Jayne had gone 60 days without her period. “Baby, I have a question for you.” I asked while she looked over at me, food hose still pumping calories into her lazy body. “How would you feel if we found out you were pregnant? I know you didn’t want any more when we were together, but it’s crossed my mind. How well would that go down Jayne?” I asked as I hit the stop switch for the machine and gently begun pulling the hose form Jayne’s mouth. She coughed a little and struggled to lift her huge, faty arms to her face to wipe even once before I took over and continued wiping her mouth and her brow. Jayne’s was breathing heavy and sweating hard. She regained her composure and patted her belly while I rested my hand on her belly too. She laughed at first. “Ha, as if I can get pregnant anymore. Look at me Chris! I’m a big woman, borderline whale. And you think my body is going to welcome your seed, should it get inside of me, and actually make something with it? Haha. Not a chance at all! Would have been hot if it were true though. God I’m hungry lately. Chris, can you do me a favo-“ I cut her off and grabbed her huge face with both hands and stared longingly into her eyes. “Jayne. How would YOU feel, if we found out you were pregnant?” I asked again, still holding her face in my hands. Her gaze begun to wonder and she drifted away for a minute. Thinking of how that would work at her size, how much of a struggle that would be for her. What this would mean for me and my relationship. What it would mean for our kids. What it would mean for her... appetite, her body, her sex drive and her love for me. She snapped back to reality and chuckled, meeting her hand on my arm. “Chris, I’m not pregnant. Don’t even tease me like that! I can’t bare a child anymore, I’m too big!” She stared into my eyes for a little longer before I said,” Jayne, I think you’re pregnant. I haven’t pulled those tampons or pads out in over 60 days... So, I tested you urine this morning at 5am, three times. And.” I pause as a I hold up three very strong positive pregnancy tests “ You and I are about to be parents, again.” I paused, waiting for her to react. Her eyes glazed over and her hand retracted from my arm while she slumped, frozen in her thoughts. “Jayne?” I asked, while I came back down to her. “Baby, we don’t have to do this. I can organise something. I can make this go away, I’m sorry for doing this to y-“ She interrupted me with her big and meaty hands pulling me in close for a kiss. A big passionate kiss that turned into love making and a dose of baby batter down her gullet. Her fat face suited drinking my cum so well.
“So, what’s the plan Jayne?” I asked impatiently while I cleaned the mess she had made under her from cumming over and over after choking on my cock. “To proceed as intended Chris. We’re having a baby. I’ve denied myself of the fantasy of that for too long , now that it’s actually happening, I won’t be turning that down.” I was shocked at what I was hearing. “You do realize, I’m going to have to tell Claire about this. I can’t keep this cheating up, I need to be with you full time. You’re at more than a high risk pregnancy and you’re carrying our child. Jayne, You’re carrying our child” I said as I noticed her hips beginning to gyrate again. Her pregnant pussy starting to become musty again with her flowing juices starting to become prominent. “ Well maybe you should bring Claire around and we can explain this together. I mean, after all. It wasn’t your idea, it was mine. I’m the woman she has been in competition with and she didn’t even know it.” Jayne barked while she increased her gyration speed and begun to moan. “ I mean, I’m such a naughty girl for taking your seed and actually making a baby with it! All of your spare time, all of the time that should have been spent with her, all of the ‘late nights at work’ all of the generous, generous donations the company has been giving out. Uhhhhhhh. Shouldn’t we tell her here together Chris? Uhh fuck” Jayne moans again before finally cumming again, all over her freshly cleaned pussy and thighs.
I get right up close to her face and whisper, “I’ll bet you’d like that wouldn’t you, huh Jayne? To tell Claire just how much of a winner you have been in this competition? I’ll bet you would, of course you would!” I shout as my cock grows hard against her now pregnant belly. “Let’s get her over here right now so you can be the one to share that news with me Jayne. Together. Like old times.” I say as she comes back to reality. “I would like that.” She says.
I called Claire around and it went down as you would imagine. She was grossed out. She left me and said she wanted nothing to do with either of us. I hadn’t heard from her in two weeks before she filled for a divorce. Which was fine by me, clearly I needed to be with Jayne and she needed to be with me. It was a match made in heaven and we were living in it. I asked Jayne to marry me once the divorce papers were settled and the court determined our share of property. Claire wanted none of it. She wanted to be as far from the fat loving couple that we were as possible.
The months that followed proved to be as Jayne had envisioned. Lots of rapid gaining, extreme libido boost, bigger appetite, you name it and she had it right. Her nipples grew big and brown and her tits started to fill up real early. Most likely due to the machine the company had purchased Jayne as part of her push present, which was a giant two cup milking machine that was designed specifically for Jayne’s growing needs as a pregnant, immobile feedee. This machine was hooked up to her most of the time from 6 months on. We practiced her breathing strategies and enacted how she would like to give birth, which in turn highlighted a lot more difficulties lie in giving birth than they did during the pregnancy. Her pussy was ripe, even when it was hanging from her fupa and arse cheeks. My wife to be again’s pussy hot. So hot. Just like the rest of her.
We were married when Jayne was 8 months pregnant. It was a very small wedding that actually saw Jayne covered up for the first time in a while. Our family and friends were there, they all watched on in support at our lifestyle choices, no matter how radical. They knew it was love. Jayne and I had strategically planned the wedding to be this way and aorund this time so she could truly feel as bloated and as stuff as possible. A big wedding buffet and 8 months pregnant at Jayne’s size make ripe conditions to consummate OUR marriage.
Three weeks later, weighing it a whopping 535kgs. Jayne is finally ready to give birth. At 3:30am Jayne awoke with ‘cramps’ which were actually contractions which was followed by a flood in our California king bed. Jayne was red faced and sweaty when we put the feeding hose in to her waiting maw. She sucked that thing like it owed her money while a team of medical experts flooded the room for the arrival of our baby. Jayne spat the hose out and begun crying with pain as she felt she had to push. Her requests were that only I inspect her pussy and deliver the baby under normal circumstances. So I did exactly that. I was really hoping my wife was close to 10cms dilated, but I only felt 3 at most. I told Jayne the bad news and she cried even more. My poor baby was now out of breath and losing strength fast. She begged for the feeding hose to be put back in her mouth for energy and I did exactly that. I begun gently massaging her clit and meaty lips along with her fupa to try and distract her and it worked like a treat. She begun gently rocking, then jerking and gyrating before i gently plunged my fingers up inside of her womanhood to heel a head and full dilation. I slowly removed my fingers and returned to her line of sight. “Push Honey, you’re ready to go. Give me a big push sweetheart!” I shouted as jerked the slings and hoists helping her hold a ‘hands and knees’ pose. She gesture she wanted to sit up right so I lifted the hoist for her shoulders and sat her up right. For the first time in a long time I saw my wife in all her glory.

There she sat. Upright, red face, sweaty, swollen and obese with a massive full hose suspended from her mouth while she was suspended from a hoist. I got back down between her legs and lubed her up as best as I could for what was about to come. I gently massaged her clit once more and my 535kg wife begun to push and shudder and the same time. Her eyes widened before they rolled back into her head, her breathing slowed right down and she made the whole procedure look effortless. Our baby girl was born a health 10 pound 9 ounces Jayne was tended to by myself as I used soak pads to clean her up. I did have to hoist her up and shower her almost immediately as I had a lot of work ahead of me before everything dried up. Our baby girl begun feeding from my wife’s waiting nipples that were borderline trying to drown our new born with their flow. I was holding our little girl while Jayne drifted off to sleep with the feeding hose in her mouth. The other two kids, two boys were waiting outside with family to see the new arrival and Jayne.
Jayne had lots of recovery to do, and that’s exactly what she did.

12 months has since passed and Jayne gave birth, weighing in at an impressive 690kgs. Her massive fat and flabby body is just a storage for place for her gluttony and an object of her pleasure to her as well as a source of life for our baby and a massive source of pleasure for me. I have been keeping the milking machine on all the time and storing her milk at her request. Jayne even asks to drink it sometimes for it’s sweetness.
Jayne’s colossal size has been attributed by over eating, comfort, support and laziness. She is still very much in love with her body and her eating habits. I still make love to her whenever I can and come in all of her folds, crevices, rolls and mouth.
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