Gaining by the letter

Chapter 4

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I shake my head, grab my phone and stand up. I continue to open up the document where it says, “... anything like That thanks to this pill.” I write while my woman is still hysterical about what I've just said. She must really think this is a medical condition... “under the bed is a unique toilet system especially designed for her that takes care of all her needs. At the press off a button hanging from each side of our bed she can activate a system that opens a portion if the bed under her groin and up comes a blue device that senses when she has urinated or dumped her waste. It deodorizes and washes her arse and pussy with warm water and warm air to dry her off, all modified for her 14 odd kilo shits that are the new thing apparently. Sneakily, I added another modified version that is hooked to the green button on the same hanging control panels on either side of the bed. This device is hooked to Bluetooth and has two dildos and a vibrator for her pleasure. Yes, two dildos. Because she loves double penetration. I have changed the entire bed to a modified hospital bed that is king size for her vast body and fitted a projector screen with a console and a camera facing her that is under her control all the time. Above her in the roof cavity above is a sling looking system to hoist her legs, her belly, her tits and even her whole body up for cleaning, pleasure and moving. The bedroom is open plan so I can hoist her onto a movable motorised bed that helps me take her through our modified garage and house doorstep I can load her into our small truck to take her places she wants to go if she ever feels like it. It’s also used for taking her to the pleasure shed that is full of all the things a fatty like her could want. We have a hobby farm for animals that I grow for her to eat. Including cows, pigs, lamb, a tank for crabs, another for crayfish and another for any other sea food she feels like.” I hit save and exit. Turn off the screen as I look at my partner who is no longer laughing as much as she is starting to drift off to sleep. “baby! Wake up! Watch this if you don’t believe me! Ready?!” I say as I walk out.... “CHRIS!!! CHRIS!!! CHRIS!!!” I hear my lover shout as she realizes what I said was true. Her eyes are wide open as our room has changed in the blink of an eye to the exact specifications of what I wrote. She looks at me and points to the “big silver thingy with a handle on it" that rested behind me. “That’s your trolley bed honey. It’s what were going to use to move you when you or we want to go somewhere.” I say, answering the question she never asked due to her speechlessness. “And the...” She says pointing to the fluro slings hanging from the roof, “ for lifting you my dear” I say. “What about...” She exclaims pointing at the projector and camera. “For your entertainment and for viewing yourself honey. I couldn’t put a mirror in the roof with that hoist system here.” I say. “What’s this?!” She says as her chubby fingers grasp the remote with as green, a red and 6 black buttons on it. “for your bed movement, your toileting needs and your sexual pleasures, I’ll walk you through it all.” I say with confidence.
“You really did do this to me with your writing Chris... I *huff* I LOVE IT! DONT EVER TURN ME BACK! *puff* I WANT YOU TO FEED ME! *pant*FOR THE REST OF OUR LIVES!!!” Jayne screams as I stand there in total shock. This is what she wanted? To be an immobile, helpless, pampered Queen? A fatty that gets to eat all day every day. Having all the cock she wants. I was shocked. I wasn’t even thinking how things were going to fly with family and friends. I was just so overwhelmed. I handed her the phone and showed her the proof. She was amazed. Then she grabbed it with both hands and tried to snap it! “Now you can’t change me back! *huff*Never! You’ll have to feed me and fuck me *puff* how I want forever Chris!” She cries as she struggles to even get close to breaking the phone with her fat, weak arms. I gently grab the phone from her and say “ Honey, calm down. I wouldn’t change what we’ve got for anything if you want it this way. Plus, if you destroy this, it could all end and go back to how it was. And we don’t want that now do we my little piggy?” I say while patting her big, tight, stretch mark covered belly. Picking the tube up again, “look up for me" I say coming towards her face. “trust me, this will get you going.” I say as I feed a little clear tube up her nose, checking for breathing sounds coming through the tube. I blow on it while Jayne stares at me with a weird look, moving her hands quickly to her belly before burping. “Found it!” I say as I wipe the sweat from her left cheek and use two thin bits of take to hold it there. “What’s this" she asks me again. “A new way to fatten my growing piggy" I say as I hit bleed on the pump. I reach under her huge belly and remove the vibrator. Throwing it in the trash as I say “We won’t be needing this anymore".
She looks up at me puzzled, I hit the green button and open my phone. Her eyes roll back into her head as she grabs my arm and moan “Uhh! Chris! Yes! Fuck!”. I turn the pump on to normal operation and select speed 3 out of 15. Jayne’s other hand grabs her belly again while her other tries feeling for my hard cock. “Baby, I’m still full though. Haven’t i had enough?” She asks as I move closer to her. I shake my head and pull the last bee sting from behind my back and shove it in her mouth forcibly. Then I turn her head sideways and *** mouth while it’s full of food. She starts crying with joy and shuddering. The machine under the bed starts to beep and I keep note of the tone. *beep beep beep beep* 4 beeps means the pleasure device has detected excessive heat down there so it’s going to use cool air to- *beep beep beep beep beep... “Oh my god. JAYNE! You little minx!” beep* 6 times means that excessive moisture has been detected (Jayne just came after only 30 seconds of being penetrated, pumped with blended bakery food and fattening weight gain mix and having her full mouth fucked!) I blow in her food filled mouth just after I hear the 6th beep, knowing my whale of a girl has just cum again today. The machine cleans her genitals down as her climax ends and her head shakes and shudders. I pull my cock right out of her mouth and watch her face. Both of her hands on her stomach While she chews her last mouthful of bee sting and cum like a good food whore. “How much *huff* is left in *puff* there *pant*” she lets out as she tried to point to that brush metal vat that I poured Jaynes mix into. I check quickly and sit back down. Wiping the sweat from her head, “Oh about 6 more litres Honey.” I say. “Uhh... *huff* you’re *puff* such a *pant* bad boy!” She exclaims as faints, falling into a food coma. I let her rest after kissing her forehead, “Goodnight Jayne.” I say before grabbing a bucket and filling it with warm soapy water. I grab a flannel and start to soak it. Patting her down. I want to explore and clean every inch of her new found glory.
I turn the camera on to record so she can see the first time I ever washed her 450 kilo frame. She sleeps right through me using the sling and hoist to lift her legs, her belly, her tits and her arms. I clean her big sweating arms, admiring how her upper arms have becoming so flabby, saggy and covered in cute little stretch marks underneath. Her chubby forearms covering her wrists. Her chubby, swollen sausage like digits at the end of her gorgeous hands get cleaned too. The underside of her tits that are way to big for anyway bra on the market are cleaned out as I toy with the concept of making her a few bras in case anyone comes to visit, but something tells me she wont go for being clothed at this size. I lift her belly with the hoist and clean in under it, the smell is nowhere near as bad as I though it would be thanks to the toilet and pleasure devices. “She smells fresh down here.” I think as I lean and kiss her mound of flesh above her pussy before I throw the flannel down between her thighs and begin passionately kissing her tight wet hole. Her juices flowing down again, she must be feeling raw by this point! I start using my tongue on her clit and then poke it inside of her before she shudders and moans in her sleep. I stop briefly before going back in again, she shudders and cries faintly “Uhh...” She whispers as I persist with her fat kitty. I grab her fat thighs and start shaking them when her shuddering stops. Her hole clenches around my tongue as she covers my face, beard, neck and chest in a huge load. It smells so sweet and sticky. I put my fingers in *slosh slurp slap slosh* can be heard as I’m shocked to find her stomach is applying pressure to the insides of her pussy. “So that’s why she doesn’t go longer than 30 seconds...” I say quietly to my self as I stare at the bottom half of her huge belly, hoisted up in the air. I pull away and clean her juices from my body. I clean the flannel and resume cleaning her body and this new mess I’ve helped my gargantuan girlfriend subconsciously make. Her huge rounded thighs are spread across the bed, thunder thighs or tree trunks are not the words I would use to describe my girl’s thighs. They're fucking huge! Way wider than I am. I work my way down her legs and over knees that are almost impossible to find to her calves that roll over her ankles almost touching her swollen feet and fat toes, cleaning with ease thanks to the hoist. I think to myself, “ I wish I could see just how fat her arse has go-" I remember the slings.
I hook Jayne up completely to the hoist, making sure she isn’t hurt or woken by me lifting her. I lift and she is free of the bed. I lift her whole body until her arse is at my face height. Her massive jiggling heap of flesh is hanging there for all to see. Her arse is massive! Covered in cellulite and dimples, I play with it and feel it’s new weight. I move certain parts of the hoist so her belly is lifted a bit higher and her thighs are spread for me. I lick my lips as I see and smell my girl's swollen, fattened womanhood and waste hole are exposed. She shakes for a second, I worry that she will fall so I pick up the controller and get ready to quickly lower her when I see her thighs trying to clamp closed. I know what she has to do. My big fatty has to shit, again! “Push Jayne! Push honey and I’ll catch it!” I shout as her arse hole begins to clench. She begins to cry in her sleep as I lube up her poor arsehole again, this time using my fingers and my tongue. “Poor thing... Better learn to loosen off a bit, Mumma isn't going to be getting any smaller and she definitely won't be eating less!" I say as I kiss her arsehole while fondling her huge arse cheeks before pulling away. Right at that moment, her stomach gurgles again. I hear rolling thunder that turns into a *BBBRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRT!!!* She lets out hot and potent air as her shit gets closer to her lubed arsehole. She cries again, remarkably still asleep. “Push Jayne! Daddy’s here!” I say, hoping she doesn't wake up while she is hoisted 6 foot in the air as she would probably freak out. She starts to push. Her arsehole spreading a little easier this time. This shit is a little softer. I drop a spill mat on the floor and get ready with the flannel. Wiping her back, which has become covered in layers of soft fatty flesh that hang away from her while I wait. She struggles and jerks in her sling but she finally starts squeezing out her colossal waste. I grab it as it feeds out of her arsehole so it doesn’t splat on the floor while Jayne cries and struggles in her sleep. Finally she finishes with a moan and a sigh of relief. She becomes silent for a moment, passes wind and then her arsehole slowly clenches back it it’s original size... ish. She starts spraying piss everywhere immediately after, all over the mat, “I guess 4 litres of Coke will do that to a woman.” I think to myself as her urine sprinkles down onto the mat. I wait for her to finish before I clean her groin again, “thank fuck for this hoist!” I say as I finish up. I lower her back down on to the bed and put a blanket over her mountainous body. I climb into our bed and kiss her chubby face all over, seeing her smile and moan in her sleep. “I love you Jayne. I hope you’re far away and having sweet dreams. Good night.” I whisper as I kiss her forehead again.
I turn out the lights and kiss my lovers huge arm while going to sleep.

*6hrs go by*
I wake to the sound of panting and puffing, a motor going and a bright light coming from the projector screen. I open my eyes and see a huge, hard nipple at the end of a massive tit looking right at me. “...Jayne?...” I mumble with no reply, I can see her phone is in her hand and she is using the vibrator/dildo controller watching the video of last night after she fell asleep on the big screen. I move my mouth over her right tit and begin sucking softly, working my way up to trying to suck her nipple off. *beep beep beep beep beep beep*... my cock grows hard as I know what this means. Jayne just came before 6 a.m. on her first day weighing over 450 kilos. “Good morning beautiful, like what you see?” I say sexily. She replies with “*huff* Chris! You’re such a naughty boy! *puff* I need to shit again. *pant* and I need breakfast...” and so my day begins...
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Olga01 1 year
Fantastic story!!!
Miemosira 1 year
This story was really great! Keep it up