Halloween pudge

Chapter 6

Even her sweatpants were tight on her. Sweatpants were great for a growing piggy. They can eat and eat and eat and not put any pressure on their belly. Without that pressure there is nothing to alert them to their overeating. All I had to do was replace them.

“Ashley keeps trying to get me to go to the gym.”

“Do you want to go?”

“No. It seems hard and sweaty.”

I inwardly sighed in relief. I mean it’s not as if Jenny could actually lose the weight. She was weak.

“Well i support whatever you want to do.”

“I want to eat some more.”


“Yeah it feels good.”


She looked a bit sheepish.

“It feels really good.”

“Yeah a lot of people like eating.”

“No like really good. You know, down there.”

She was so cute.



When did that start?”

“I don’t know. Maybe thanksgiving. I don’t know.”

Her jelly belly was spilling out everywhere.

“I mean that makes sense.”

“You think it’s weird.”

“Not really.”

“I just can’t stop either. I just keep eating and eating. And I don’t know it feels better every time.”

“Well it doesn’t seem to be causing any harm.”

“I mean i might have gotten a bit plump.”

“Well the bigger you get the more you can eat.”

Her face went red.

“I guess that’s true. Mmmm.”

“You want food?”


“A lot of food?”

“All the food.”
She was laying belly up on the floor. Her breathing was shallow. She was surrounded by wrappers and boxes. There was food on her face and hands. She was groaning and rubbing her belly. She kept shoving handfuls of food in her face. She was out of control. Everyday seemed to end this way. It was an endless cycle of weed and food.


“Wow looks like you had a fun weekend.”

“Urrrrrp. I can’t stop.”

“I can see that.”

“I’m huge.”

“Don’t be so dramatic. You are just a bit chubby.”

“Really? Cause from my angle I am huge. I’m a big fat beached whale.”

“You aren’t a whale. You are just a bit doughy.”

“Good cause I don’t want to stop eating.”

“You mean overeating?”

“Yeah, that.”

*srry guys I lost track of my story
6 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 month
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Sonic16 1 year
It's cute how innocent she is. Wonder when the to romance will start so she stops caring about being softer