Love (gaining) goes both ways

Chapter 2

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This was a kink in Cadences plan but then she had another idea. “Hey Jordan, so I know you’re being forced to work out again and I updated my shake recipe to have a lot of protein!” He finished his 12 inch pizza he ordered for himself and drank her whole shake. “Wow it tastes even better!” It did of course. She had now added a weight gain powder to the shake and increased its size. It was now 2000 calories per shake. Then he started to balloon up. After his lunch that day his jeans popped and he had to let his belly hang out the rest of the day. Cadence couldn’t keep her eyes off of it. She loved it. He was now 220 pounds. He came in the next day for his third month of working there and he seemed sad. “She said she is gonna break up with me if I don’t lose weight.” He said. She responded “You look amazing there is no way you gained weight. She is trying to get in your head. Here I got you some ice cream.” Over his time at the pizza place he lost all control around food. He ate everything Cadence got him. He was her pig. He was now 230. That night they both worked closing shift. They had finished all their jobs when Jordan checked his phone. A pick was posted of his girlfriend making out with another guy. He couldn’t believe it. Cadence was there to comfort him. “I am so sorry Jordan you’re such a good guy and don’t deserve that” She hugged him feeling his belly tight against her. He began to drink and she drove him home. He fell asleep later that night and she decided to spend the night. She went to get a drink herself and noticed all her shakes in his fridge. She had an idea. She knew that she already reached her goal but she wanted him to gain more. She took a funnel and 3 shakes and funneled them down his throat while he slept. He didn’t wake from it. He woke up in the morning hardly remembering the night before. “Hey!” Said Cadence, “I made breakfast” She handed him a 5 stack of thick pancakes with sausage and egg and ice cream and whip cream. “Thanks so much you didn’t have to do this” He said. He felt strangely full and didn’t understand why he was so full in the morning but brushed it off and ate breakfast anyway. “You know, I feel like this is wrong since I was in a relationship before but I have really liked you for a while. You really get me.” He said. “It’s not wrong i feel it too.” Cadence later went home.
Jordan was curious and weighed himself. 250. He began to freak out. “How did this happen??” He kind of liked it but was scared that Cadence would leave him if he wasn’t skinny. He began to work out on his own. Cadence began to notice he was working out on his own. She was scared to tell him that she liked his body so she would continue sneakily fattening him. She was browsing the internet when she found an ingredient that will make the person tired as well as an appetite increaser. She would then begin to put that in his workout shakes. Jordan went in for his workout after his shake and went for the treadmill. He walked for 5 minutes and was beginning to yawn and was starving. “I swear I just ate 3 Mcgriddles a half an hour ago but I am…” *yawn* “starving.”
3 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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Jellyrolls 1 year
I love this. Shorter stories with a good visual kink in it 🖤
Shiloh 1 year
Fanedfox 1 year
Great plot. Your writing seems a bit awkward, but otherwise a good story.