Love (gaining) goes both ways

Chapter 3

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He left the gym to go grab some burgers and then takes a nap. The cycle continued for 3 weeks. He also began a “diet”. Cadence offered to meal prep for him to help him “lose weight” when really she was packing it with calories. A week after combining the new “diet” and the old “working out” he weighed himself and couldn’t believe it. 295. He was huge… and starving. He gave up on his workouts and continued to eat the meal prep which was getting bigger and bigger every day. Him and Cadence officially began dating. She would occasionally rub his belly and he began to get turned on by it. He was afraid to say anything about it but he began to get off to it. Cadence noticed it. Cadence and Jordan officially moved in together. She still made all his food for him. She began to eat more and more of her own food and noticed how amazing it was. “Hey baby, I can’t finish my shake you can have it.” Jason said. “no, no it’s ok.” She said. “cmon have you even tried one yet” said Jason. She said no and tried it. She was so surprised. It was so good. She mindlessly drank it. She then immediately regretted it. She thought about all the stuff in it and the massive amount of appetite increaser and weight gain powder. She had no tolerance to it so it hit her very hard. She was so hungry and became ravenous. She had 2.5 of his prepped meals with more weight gain powder and appetite increaser in it. At the end of the day she had had 4000 calories. She was now open to eating some of the meal prep and loved the shakes. Though she didn’t have the beginning metabolism he has and within 2 weeks she had put on 15 pounds. She was growing so fast but was in denial. She refused to weigh herself and only thought she gained one or two pounds. Her appetite was growing fast. She was eating almost as much as Jason was. They sat down for breakfast and her jeans popped. “I swear our dryer is messing up.” She said. Jason had already been down this road and secretly he liked bigger girls. “Yeah i think so, hey i’m getting seconds i’ll get you some too to make you feel better.” Jason said. She replied “Thanks so much honey you know me so well.” She was now up to 260. Her shirts were now crop tops and none of her jeans fit anymore. She only wore sweat pants and leggings now. She likes shopping and just kept buying bigger sizes to prevent against the dryer. After 4 months of dating she had felt guilty and told Jason what she did. He was very accepting and told her how he was actually into it. He was now up to 350. With him now knowing he began do the same back to her. He poured weight gain powder in her food and drinks and appetite increasers. She began to eat more than him everyday her gain more. It all went to her assets and belly. She passed 200. She also developed the kink of her own gain. It played heavily into their bed game. After a year of dating she passed him at 410 pounds to 390. The End. **Thanks for reaching the end, for my next story it will be about a girl streamer struggling with gaining, stay tuned**
3 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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Jellyrolls 1 year
I love this. Shorter stories with a good visual kink in it 🖤
Shiloh 1 year
Fanedfox 1 year
Great plot. Your writing seems a bit awkward, but otherwise a good story.