Blooming rachel

Chapter 2 - The first weigh in

Rachel had gone home that night and prayed for a sign. She knew what she wanted to do but she was worried what others might say. Understandable- weight gain is always a concern for one's health- but if she got a job at the restaurant, she had an excuse. No one would blame her. Everyone in town agreed, this was NOT health food.

So here she was, now on her first shift at Big Burger, getting trained on how these gluttonous burgers were made.

They used a special high fat meat and a secret grill sauce that added flavor while the burgers were cooking.

That same magic sauce was used to fry the fries and onion rings. The shakes used heavy cream to make the ice cream.

Rachel was allowed the taste everything and she did. She was encouraged to eat, because that brought customers back, and she DID.

Rachel constantly had french fries in her hands and a shake off to the side, which she refilled at least twice during her shift.

She befriended a girl named Jessie. Jessie had started six weeks earlier and had put on 10 pounds. Jessie held all her weight in her ass. And Rachel couldn't help but admire how Jessie's butt jiggled when she walked.

After six hours, she had the jist of the job down and was offered lunch. She could order whatever she wanted. She celebrated with the same thing she had her first time.

Instead of her name being called, that man appeared again. This time with a tray overflowing with food.

"Is that all for me?" Rachel asked.

"Nothing but the best for my crew. I'm David. I own the place." He said. David sat down and nodded, silently telling Rachel to eat. She obeyed him without hesitation.

Two burgers, three orders of onion rings and four shakes later, Rachel couldn't move. Her stomach was so distended, she instinctively moved to rub it. She let out a small moan. David smiled.

"Good?" He asked. Rachel could only nod and let out a small groan. David smiled back. "Good. Take the rest of the day off. I'll see you tomorrow."

David got up from the table and headed back to the grill. Rachel nearly orgasmed in the chair.

When she got home, her stomach still poked out like the pig she had been. Rachel waddled to the scale, carrying her bloated belly the whole way.


So it begins.
7 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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