Blooming rachel

Chapter 6 - Dessert

Rachel and Jessie returned to the dining room but saw that the party had been moved to the crystal ballroom.

The ballroom continued the ornate touches but also offered a 360-degree view of the gardens. Everyone gathered at smaller tables on the outer rim of the dome-shaped ballroom.

There was a thick mat in the center of the dance floor. Above it, was a chute with a long tube. Rachel looked at Jessie, to ask what was going on. Jessie smiled excitedly.

The music started, and the wait staff came out with trays filled high with scrumptious and always fattening desserts.

The feeders grabbed a fork or spoon and began to feed their dates. Jessie fed Rachel ice cream. Mouthful after mouthful, Rachel moaned. Then cake, brownies, cookies, pretzels, and cheeses. So much food to consume in one sitting. Rachel felt her stomach groan as it expanded. She felt her panties dig into her growing hips and love handles. Rachel even felt her chin and cheeks swell.

A soft chime went off.

Everyone stopped what they were doing. Feedees finished their last bite and focused their attention on the center of the dance floor.

Jessie stood up. She extended her hand to Rachel.

"What are you doing?" Rachel asked, wondering if she expected Rachel to dance, despite her bloated belly.

Jessie leads Rachel to the mat. Rachel sat cross-legged on the mat. The tube begins to lower into Jessie's hand. She turned to the crowd.

"Distinguished guests, we gather here to take hold of the sweetest sin: gluttony. For Hundreds of years, this club has come together to recreate the ideal form of our goddess.

We honor our goddess by offering a woman in purple, to grow her body to the absolute extreme. Tonight, our snacrifice is named Rachel. After tonight, she will be known as empress."

Jessie gently placed the tube and strap on Rachel's face. She signaled to someone to start.

A cold chocolate shake-like drink began to fill Rachel's mouth. It was fast enough to make Rachel swallow but slow enough to not make her choke. But what if she wanted a break? How long would this take? How big did they think she could get?

Before Rachel could try to pull the tube out of her mouth, two men shackled her arms to the floor. Rachel could do nothing to stop the machine. As she felt her body begin to grow Rachel realized:

There was no escape.
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