No one sees you when working from home (complete)

Chapter 11 - Definitely need to get ice cream

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~Oct 24~
"Today is Zekey's birthday! I can't believe 4 years ago I gave birth to this boy and now I'm cooking him 2 more siblings. Happy birthday!" That's what my social media post read, filled with pictures of Zeke and our little family over the years. The last one on the post was one my coworker took at the gender reveal. Zeke was staring into his sister's cake with a confused expression and Jason and I stood smiling behind him. The lower angle didn't do me any justice as I can see why my tight dress and bulging bump made me look about to pop. Hard to think that was 7 weeks and almost 20 lbs ago!

Zeke sat at the dining room table across from me eating rainbow sprinkle pancakes as his birthday breakfast. I ate a few "tester" pancakes before anyone else was up, just to make sure they were good enough for the birthday boy. I made Jason and me breakfast burritos, his with sausage and mine thick with extra eggs, cheese, and potatoes. We couldn't do a whole lot today due to so much still being closed, but we planned to at least make him a cake and meet one of his friends from school for a playdate. I haven't talked to Johnny's parents because he usually gets picked up before Zeke, but they seem to be best friends and I want him to have some reminiscence of a normal birthday.

It's going to be 78°, so I put on a long horizontal grey and white striped dress, the fabric stretching across all my blossoming mounts. It's thin and shows my panty lines so I wear a light long grey cardigan as well. Like every day, I examine myself in the mirror but this time is different, this time I'm going to see people I don't know. The realization that I barely get out of the house is hitting. It's one thing for someone at the grocery store to stare at me, but another for it to be someone I might be able to build a friendship with. I take a deep breath to calm my nerves. I check in on Zeke and make sure he's putting on the outfit I picked out for him: jeans and a "birthday boy" t-shirt.

We all pack into the SUV. Jason looks over and can sense my nerves so he asks what's wrong. Over the years he's learned to read me; I don't have much of a poker face.

"I'm fine," I sigh, more so trying to convince myself. "I'm just getting anxious about seeing people."

"Just remind yourself that this is for Zeke," he softly says. "Do you want to stop for a boba on the way?"

I talk out loud to weigh the option. "I shouldn't...but it's hard to pass up the opportunity. It's not cool enough yet to give up cold drinks. And it's on the way. So yes, please. But I want mango tea this time."

"Anything for you, babe." Jason pulls through the donut shop drive-thru and orders us both a drink and 2 donuts. When I look puzzled, he gestures with his head towards the back seat, indicating one is for Zeke and I'm sure he's going to make me eat the other one. I guess, it's not really making me if I actually wanted one. But it's still his fault. Jason hands a donut to the birthday boy in the backseat and the other to me. "Happy birthday, bud. Eat up so you can burn that sugar off and crash for a nap later."

"Thanks, daddy!" Zeke happily chows down on his sprinkled fried dough. Jason got me a Boston cream, my favorite. I slowly eat mine, enjoying it and being careful not to spill any on my clothes.

We pull up to the park and I have to heave my fat butt out of the SUV. The vehicle isn't massive, but I am so it makes it increasingly difficult to get in and out. I'm a few days shy of 30 weeks and definitely feel it every day. I sit on a bench near the playground. Jason plays with Zeke for a bit while we wait for Johnny and his parents. I immediately have so many anxious thoughts rushing through my mind but try and calm myself. I don't want to stress with the babies more than I have to. I put my drink down next to me and put my hands between my belly and thighs, feeling how much it touches.

"Hi, are you April?" a chubby woman asks. I smile and say nod. "I'm Amanda, Johnny's mom. Nice to meet you." We shake hands and she introduces me to the infamous best friend Johnny. I point out where Jason and Zeke are. He goes running off and Amanda sits next to me.

Amanda is wearing jeans and a light-colored t-shirt that doesn't hide her chubby belly. Her blonde hair is cut shoulder length and makes her face appear rounder. She recently got her nails done which looked nice. I turn my body slightly towards Amanda. "It's nice to finally meet you. Zeke has talked a lot about Johnny and has been asking for a playdate for a while."

"Same with Johnny. Things have been so hectic and we've all been cooped up inside for so long that it's nice to get out and talk to people again. So, Johnny told me that Zeke's going to be a big brother but I'm going to ask an obvious question: how far along ARE you?" Amanda's eyes keep darting down, trying to not obviously stare at the massive short woman next to her.

"I'll be 30 weeks on Wednesday. I'm having twins," I say, rubbing my belly that's still a little bloated from breakfast and a donut. Feeling my mass makes me want to drink more boba.

"That's so exciting! Congrats! I didn't want to sound rude."

"Oh, you're fine. I know I'm huge. I'm 5 feet tall and carry all baby right here. That's how I was with Zeke but now there's 2 so I'm even more belly."

"Well, even so, you look amazing. You're so beautiful!"

"Oh thank you! That's so kind of you. I'm used to just getting told I look like I'm about to pop or how someone doesn't envy me or how uncomfortable I must be." I give my belly another rub, wincing at some painful elbow or knee jabs by both babies. They're already synchronizing.

"I received a lot of mean comments during my pregnancy with Johnny. I don't see how any of it is helpful. Even though you DO look uncomfortable, I also envy you."

"Why's that?" I ask, waiting for the boxing match inside me to stop.

"Johnny was my miracle baby. I had turned 40 when I had him and didn't think I was able to have children. I had 3 miscarriages with 2 failed rounds of IVF. My first husband left me over it. Then I met Johnny's dad 5 years ago. We tried for one more after Johnny but concluded 1 child is a blessing and it just wasn't meant to be."

I can feel my eyes tilt with sympathy. "I'm sorry to hear about your struggles. Sounds like Johnny truly is a blessing. I had a miscarriage when I was 18 that wrecked me for years after. Zeke happened shortly after Jason and I got together and we finally got married in January before things got too crazy. These littles weren't planned but are a welcomed surprise."

"Do either of you have twins in your family?" Amanda asked.

"No," I reply. "I know treatments like IVF or IUI raise your chance of multiples and being over 35 but I'm 28 and these babies happened on their own. My sister-in-law has been trying IVF for a few years now with no success so I've seen what she's been through. I started off overweight which they say ups your odds, but I'm not sure how much. I'm sorry, I just keep talking. I don't get out much anymore because I work from home and I just keep talking when I'm anxious or not sure if I'm empathizing well. I'm sorry, I'm kinda weird."

Amanda chuckles. "You're fine. I think I would get a little stir-crazy, too, if I weren't working out of the home. I get it. Sometimes I have a tendency to share a ton of information and my boyfriend has to real me back in."

"Jason used to always have to nudge me when we needed to leave places because I was constantly talking to people. I'm just an extrovert and a bit of a social butterfly. Oof!" I grind my teeth and wince as I hold both sides of my belly.

"Are you okay?" Amanda asks.

"Yeah," I sigh and try shifting how I sit. "They're just really active right now and combined with ligament pain and sciatica, I get pretty uncomfortable. I can't leave the house without belly support anymore. I think I should try walking a little."

I use the bench to help me stand and put on my support band with effort. I'm trying to not need a bigger band but I'm not sure how much longer this one is going to wrap under my beach ball. Amanda is next to me as we slowly walk around the playground. I feel how much my hip swing has turned into a waddle now. I don't walk much without maybe a shopping cart or just to pick up Zeke these days so I'm feeling the change in my weight and body as we walk. I watch Jason play monster with Zeke and Johnny around the playground. He's such a great dad and deserves as many kids as he wants me to have. In this moment, I'm not even concerned with my continuing weight gain and how I'll look. This feeling of content joy spreads over me, helping to ease the discomfort.

Amanda asks some getting-to-know-you questions. I find out she's a Texas native that moved to Arizona 8 years ago after her divorce. Her dad retired out here so she does have some nearby family, and works as a registered nurse. I find something about this very comforting, that a chubby woman in the medical field hasn't said anything regarding my size or weight. This puts me at ease in getting to know her more. I'm a pretty open person as it is, but that bit of information helped break down another wall I had up towards people judging me. Amanda asks if we have any lunch plans as we circle back around where Jason and the boys were playing.

"I don't think so," I say, looking at Jason, shaking his head no in agreement. "We were just probably going to go to this little diner up the street that Zeke loves."

Amanda's eyes get bright. "Oh, I've been wanting to try that place for ages. Do you mind if we join you?"

"The more the merrier," Jason encourages.

During the 10-minute drive there I sit in the car with my legs spread wide as Jason drove. He looks over to me while stopped at a light. "Are you alright?"

"My hips hurt," I say, squirming in my seat to get comfortable. "It's more than just the extra weight but feels like they're trying to separate. Like my muscles are starting to relax already." I try to explain my discomfort as I shift once more and think I've found the most comfortable spot I could.

"I'm sorry, babe. Is there anything I can do?"

"Not right now, thanks. I started walking because my ligaments and nerves were hurting and now it's made my hips loosen and hurt. I can't win," I say.

I shoot down Jason's suggestion that we cancel; I'm not going to ruin my son's birthday just because I'm uncomfortable. We get to the restaurant and they seat us at a table; the host must have just looked at me because she didn't ask if we wanted a table or booth. We sit and chat until a familiar server come by.

"Oh, hey, y'all," our early-30s female server, Ashley, greets us. We haven't had her often because her shifts usually differ from when we come. Plus Jason has been having us try new restaurants. "How haven't you had that baby yet, mama?"

I give a dry laugh. "It's been a while. I'm having twins end of December."

"That's so exciting! Congrats! I hope you weren't offended. I just haven't seen y'all in a few months and I thought you were close back then."

"Nope, just huge and still cooking," I respond, a little uncomfortable now.

We order and talk some more. The boys are having fun making faces and noises at each other. Amanda mentions gaining 40 lbs while overweight and pregnant with Johnny. I laugh, pat my belly to draw attention to it, and say, "I wish that was all I've gained. I'm up 60 already with still 2 more months."

"You wear it well," Amanda encourages. She has kind, understanding brown eyes. "Your body knows what it needs."

Jason gently elbows me. "See, like I said."

I blush a little. Is this really alright? Can I just keep eating and not be judged? This strange concept twisted in my mind until Ashley delivered our food. And then some. "I told mom (the owner) y'all were here and having twins and she wanted to make something extra! She said she'll stop by when the kitchen dies down."

We thank her and gaze upon a huge plate with grilled cheese, fries, onion rings, mozzarella sticks, chicken fingers, and 2 big biscuits. I look at Jason with concern but all he says is, "looks like we're having a late dinner later." He gives Zeke a chicken finger and a piece of grilled cheese, putting a chicken finger on his own plate knowing I can't eat them. I encourage Amanda to help herself so she takes a few pieces of various things for her and Johnny to try. I sigh, knowing at least I won't be forced to finish it all by myself. I take a few fries before digging into my veggie omelet with potatoes. I didn't realize how fast I was eating until I glanced at Jason's steak and eggs still half full on his plate. I slow down and initiate more conversation. Amanda tells us a cute story about how she met Johnny's dad, the whole time I'm unconsciously shoving food in my mouth. I finish my plate and start on the extra plate without thinking.

We all finish, somehow even finish the extra plate. I'm painfully full and can feel my maternity panties cutting into my hips with the new girth my belly has acquired. Janet, a blonde bigger woman in her late 50s, approaches the table, a slight waddle in her heavy step. "Sorry I couldn't make it by sooner, y'all," the owner says with her Southern accent. "The kitchen got slammed with to-go orders. How was everything?"

"Great as usual," Jason answers, patting his midsection. Wait...his t-shirt looks tighter. He must really have eaten well because I'm noticing the small start to a belly on his thinner frame.

We introduce Janet to Amanda and Johnny, explaining how we used to frequent this diner and therefore have become friends with everyone. "My, my, child," Janet says, turning towards me. "Now, I didn't notice THIS from the other side of the table!" Her green eyes get wide staring at my belly just barely touching the metal edge of the table and mostly hiding underneath. "So THIS is what Ashley was talking about. How far along?"

I turn towards Janet so she can see what I'm working with. "30 weeks."

"You must be starving all the time with 2 in there. You're such a small thing that those babies make you all belly! May I?"

I nod and Janet reaches down, one hand on each side of my filled-out midsection. "Congratulations, you two. I can't wait to meet these bundles. Let me get you something, for the babies!" Janet waddles off and returns a minute later with a whole tray of pineapple bread pudding! "Please, take this! You need your energy to carry around a belly like that, sweetie."

We thank Janet, pay our bill, and say our goodbyes outside. The boys are tired and antsy so we part ways. On the way home it's almost become customary for me to lay the seat back some. Jason's hand immediately finds my belly and begins to rub. It's like he knows how much I enjoy it without ever really telling him. I look over at him and see a content smile. I guess he enjoys it, too. "I feel room for ice cream," he says, smiling at a red light.

"... depends from where," I smile back. The babies immediately started moving so much that I let out a few burps. "I think they're trying to make room," I laugh.

Jason kept his hand where it was, feeling our children do somersaults beneath a layer of fat. "Then we definitely need some."

We pull through the drive-thru of a local place. We get Zeke a free mini cone for his birthday today, and Jason and I each ordered 3 variety scoops of ice cream. My eyes have been bigger than my stomach, even more so recently. Sweets are my vice and Jason knows that. I just wasn't expecting him to order such a large amount of desserts after eating a hearty meal. I set the car seat back up; without an automatic button, I'd be stuck. I'm at the point now where I have enough extra surface area beyond my boobs to use my belly as a table. I take this opportunity to put this mound to work as I devour my ice cream. Zeke quickly ate and fell asleep. I slow down during the second scoop as it's starting to melt. I see Jason going to town, eating as if the treat is going to run away. His belt looks uncomfortable, pressing into his lower belly. I notice from the corner of my eye him reaching down to push his belly up over it.

By the time he's finished, he has such a cute little food baby. I put the last bite of my bowl in my mouth and poke his little pudge. "You've enjoyed yourself."

"Just trying to enjoy myself like you. Being a foodie is finally starting to catch up to me." He gives himself a little pat before switching hands to feel how much damage the treats are doing. "Feels like we've filled that space. You're packed solid babe. You've done amazing today!"

"Oof," I say as ligament pain kicks in. I shift and lay the seat back again. "Thanks, babe. That was so delicious I think I'll save it right here." I rest both hands on the top of my extremely taut belly underneath an extremely taut dress.

"Mmmm. More to love. If you're not too uncomfortable, daddy wants to have a second dessert when we get home."

We parked the car and Jason brings Zeke into the house. I have to wait for him to come back to help me out of the car. It's so much more difficult being so uncomfortably stuffed. He pulls me out and guides me to the bedroom where he helps me get undressed. He pulls the dress up over my belly, making it jiggle and fall. I feel its contents sloshing around before coming to a halt. He peels the dress off me the rest of the way, unclasps my bra, and lets my F cups flop on top of my swell. I slowly lay on my side for Jason to enter me from behind. My belly is far too heavy for me to lay flat on my back anymore. He quickly strips and slowly enters me. My ass may be fatter but I still have feeling and I feel his little firm belly pressing against my cheeks. He grasps my ever-softening hips for leverage as he thrusts and eventually we both cum. He cleans up and spoons behind me, one tan hand cradling the lower half of my bare belly. He breathes into my ear, "I'd love for you to be on top one day."

"I'll crush you," I say without missing a beat or looking back at him.

"You'd be fine. I'd love to see what it's like, and to see the view of you from below."

"Hun, I weigh so much more than you. I don't think you'd enjoy how massive I've grown."

"If I wasn't going to enjoy it, I wouldn't be suggesting it," he says seductively. "Can you try so I can see?"

After a small amount of protest, he helps me sit up. I throw one leg over his hips and slowly lower my weight onto him. And Jason just lays with a smile on his face and no real signs of discomfort like I was expecting. He encourages me to fully sit so I do, my massive belly now fully resting on top of his own. He grabs my cheeks with both his hands, kneading the fat dough I've added, then moves up to play with my boobs, feeling their weight and seeing how much they spill out of his hands, then he starts massaging my belly all around. It's hypnotizing, feeling so good as I'm still very full. I don't know how I'm not possibly hurting him right now, but I will only get heavier over the next 2 months so he better enjoy this now. I'm not sure how many more weeks the twins will be cooking for but I'm sure 2-3lbs a week will be noticeable on top.

My hips hurt so I go back to where I was. Jason kisses my ear, "that was so sexy, babe. I can't wait to try sex like that soon."

"Well, that will probably be short-lived, even if I don't have half a menu of food added to me."

"Mm. I'll try all of this."

"What if my belly gets so big it's in your face?"

"Then I'll just kiss your gorgeous curvage."
His confidence in handling my weight is comforting.
20 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 month
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Tanatos 1 year
gorgeous story. It is interesting how events will develop further, in the new role of the main character.
RedMama09 1 year
Thank you so much. I look forward to developing the second part
Letters And ... 1 year
A wonderful story with a beautiful ending!
RedMama09 1 year
Thank you so much! This story was really personal to me
Letters And ... 1 year
This is really lovely. Nice story!
Neper 1 year
Hope there’s more!
RedMama09 1 year
There is a second part in the works with April as a surrogate
Tanatos 1 year
Amazing presentation style
RedMama09 1 year
Thank you! Appreciate it
WORBell 1 year
This is incredible
RedMama09 1 year
Thank you so much!
RedMama09 1 year
Thank you so much!