No one sees you when working from home (complete)

Chapter 15 - Stuffed With Stuffing, Part1

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~Nov 26~
A week on bedrest has not been fun for me. I've had to allow Jason to wait on me hand a foot since he's been working from home. He keeps my nightstand stocked with snacks and makes sure I'm eating every meal. He's been ordering out a lot but cooking sometimes. I've been lucky that he hasn't continuously been stuffing me like a turkey because today is Thanksgiving and we're getting ready to head over to Abel and Mary's.

I make sure Zeke is ready and pick him out a nice shirt for dinner. I have major difficulties finding something nice to wear that still fits. I like to get a little dressed up for get-togethers and holidays, not just leggings and a t-shirt. I coax Jason into wearing something nice, too. He puts on black jeans and buttons his shirt; I can visibly see his little belly through his shirt but don't say anything. He'll notice in the mirror and make up his mind about what he thinks. I look down and give my baby bump a rub, preparing it for the momentous task that getting changed has become. I find a long grey skirt that still has stretch and cradles the bottom of my bump and a long sleeve low-cut black shirt. Everything is form-fitting, and I try to show off some of my acquired cleavage, but this shirt barely covers me, so I put on a long black maternity tank top underneath. In the restroom, I take my measurements and put on some light makeup and jewelry.

Gestation: 34 weeks
Weight: 233lbs (+78)
Chest: 48.5" (+5.5)
Waist: 56.5" (+23.5)
Hips: 49.5" (+5.5)

We grab the vegan stuffing and "turkey", garlic mashed potatoes, and bread pudding I made and drive the 45 minutes to their house. As soon as we arrive, Mary greets us with hugs like she hasn't seen us in months. I can't see Mary without getting my bump fawn over, so I let her get her fill since it has been almost a month. I help set the table, walking sideways to keep my belly out of the way. Abel sees me and says, "April, you don't need to do that. We'll set the table. Go sit down."

"I've been on bedrest the last week. I need to move around a little, Abel. Thank you."

"Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, I was going to tell Mary today but it's not that big of a deal. I'm fine and the babies are fine. I'm just massive and need to cook them as long as I can."

"Well, if you need to take a break, please do. Don't want to take you to the hospital on Thanksgiving."

Right as the decorations are finished being put up and everything but the food is complete, the doorbell rings. Abel lets in someone whose voice I recognize immediately as Ana, Mary's thin, short sister. Luckily, I was using the restroom (for the 4th time since we arrived) so I had time to prepare myself for seeing her again. "She's not even my sister. Why am I so worried about this shrewd woman?" I think to myself. I wash my hands, adjust my clothing, and join everyone in the living area greeting Ana and her kids.

Ana and John divorced a few years ago but still attended family events together for their kids, Sarah (9) and Bobby (6). It was nice to see the kids as they were sweet last I remember, unlike their mother. She looked the same as before, short brown hair, brown eyes, about 5'2", maybe 130lbs. I've seen the kids on social media from Mary but it's nice to see them in person. They are giving Mary and Abel hugs when I enter the room, trying my best to hide my obvious waddle. I see Ana try to hide her wide eyes and slightly open mouth as she saw me.

"Ana," Mary says, "you remember April, Jason's wife?"

Ana appears slightly frozen but finds a dry "oh, yes, hello" in her voice as she shakes my hand. Mary scurries off to the kitchen.

"Hello, good to see you again," I say to her. "The kids have grown a lot in the last 3 years."

Ana shakes herself out of it. "Yes, they have. And Zeke is not a baby anymore."

"He just turned 4 last month. Time flies."

"Sure does. And I'm confident I need to say congratulations," Ana says, gesturing with her eyes at my body. "You appear overdue, dear."

"Thank you," I say. "I'm due with twins end of the year so just about." I cradle my belly. Immediately I feel hunger pains hitting and the babies activating their hunger kicks.

"My, my. I didn't think someone your height could walk around with that big of a belly." Ana seems almost interested instead of disgusted strangely enough. I enjoy this side of her more.

"It's been difficult and uncomfortable but I'll manage another month or so. Jason has been a tremendous help, and I don't think I could have survived if I didn't work from home."

"Are you going to stay home once the babies are born?"

"I'm honestly not sure yet. I'm thinking it might be more beneficial but I'm gonna have to talk with Jason since he started working from home as well. I don't want the kids to be distracting him."

"April," Mary hollers from the kitchen. "Can you come in here?" I excuse myself and slowly make my way in to see Mary who was finishing some dishes. "Can you try this for me?" She hands me a spoonful of mashed sweet potatoes.

"That's really good," I say, resisting digging in right then and there.

"Great, and what about this?" She has me taste test the cranberry sauce which is divine. Tart and not too sweet. Then the bake mac and cheese which is baked to crunchy perfection. I put rolls in a basket, resisting trying one of those, too. All these smells are making me ravenous and I'm thankful dinner is almost served.

"I hope Ana didn't say anything to make you uncomfortable…yet," Mary quietly says as she hands me a bowl to put on the counter.

"No, she has been fine. She was more curious about my pregnancy than judgmental looking. But I have my guard up," I share. "I know I'm probably going to pig out and eat too much to her approval."

"Screw her anyway," Mary says under her breath. "Hopefully we get through this holiday without any feeling hurt. Last year we went over to her place and all she could do was comment about how every time she sees me I'm a different weight. I lost a little after that but with the treatments and hormones and stress, I've just been gaining like crazy. I've gained another 5lbs since Halloween and I know I'm not pregnant."

"You're doing what you can," I try to comfort her. "It's the holidays. After these babies are born I'm going to need to lose a massive amount of weight so we can do it together."

"Oh, don't even think about that yet. I love seeing how much your bump grows every time I see you." Mary takes off her oven mitts and holds my belly on both sides. "I still don't know how you manage to find clothes that fit you so wonderfully. This shirt is gorgeous on you."

"Oh, thanks. It's stretchy but barely covers me anymore so I have a tank top on underneath. Don't need my belly showing."

I help Mary set the table as everyone comes into the dining room. I almost hit John in the face with my belly at one point putting the mashed potatoes by him. The kids have their own little table setup. Without asking, Jason starts making Zeke a plate, knowing well I won't be able to reach around for everything. I'm distracted getting drinks and sparkling apple cider for everyone that I don't see Jason made me a HUGE plate: large portions of my vegan stuffing and "turkey, then cranberry sauce, sweet potatoes, corn, green beans, 2 buttered rolls, a huge serving of garlic mashed potatoes, mac and cheese…. The plate is piled high and covered. He smiles at me as I sit my already fat ass down next to him. He reaches over and gives my bump a little pat.
20 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 month
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Tanatos 1 year
gorgeous story. It is interesting how events will develop further, in the new role of the main character.
RedMama09 1 year
Thank you so much. I look forward to developing the second part
Letters And ... 1 year
A wonderful story with a beautiful ending!
RedMama09 1 year
Thank you so much! This story was really personal to me
Letters And ... 1 year
This is really lovely. Nice story!
Neper 1 year
Hope there’s more!
RedMama09 1 year
There is a second part in the works with April as a surrogate
Tanatos 1 year
Amazing presentation style
RedMama09 1 year
Thank you! Appreciate it
WORBell 1 year
This is incredible
RedMama09 1 year
Thank you so much!
RedMama09 1 year
Thank you so much!