No one sees you when working from home (complete)

Chapter 16 - Stuffed With Stuffing, Part 2

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~Nov 26 cont~
We say grace and dig in. I have one hand holding my belly under the table as I eat, feeling it ever so slightly grow with each swallow. The mashed potatoes and sweet potatoes are the first to fill me out, followed by the cranberry sauce and mac and cheese. I move in my chair slightly, adjusting for the added weight on my hips. Vegan turkey and stuffing quickly disappear. I ignore any looks I may be receiving as I eat, nearly finishing my plate before I'm brought into the conversation with Mary next to me saying, "Wait, April?? You're on bed rest? Why didn't you tell me?"

I break out of my determined quest and swallow. "I'm fine, really. Just need to take it easy and stay cooking as long as I can."

"If I knew this, I wouldn't have had you helping me in the kitchen. Oh my goodness," Mary says, frazzled by the thought.

"It's fine," I assure her. "I've been taking it easy since I got the orders. I wanted to help more today but have been limiting myself. Don't worry, everything is fine."

"Well, don't you dare try to clean the table or serve dessert or anything else," Mary commanded, giving my bump a little rub. "You just sit and relax."

As Mary talked, Jason put more food on my plate. I continue eating, rolls and vegetables meeting the first helping of other foods, and part way through I remember to put my hand back on my bump. I feel my skirt waistband already making its' way lower as delicious food fills me. My tank top stretches to cover my growth. Ana likes to talk about herself and what she's been up to, which gives me a chance to eat without her paying much attention to me. The second helping of everything grew me heavier, forcing me to spread my legs more and adjust in my seat again. I can feel some skin starting to show so I tug my tank top down slightly, but know my outer shirt would have for sure been showing skin already. I'm glad I'm hidden under the table at least.

After 3 full plates, I sit back in my chair, both hands under the table, holding my stuffed belly. I had forgotten to leave room for dessert. Mary and Abel take everyone's plates into the kitchen after Mary tells me, "don't you dare try to get up." I don't think I could at this point anyway. They return to the table with desserts and plates. Mary starts piling a plate for me, not even asking what I wanted. I'm greeted with a slice of apple pie, pumpkin pie, bread pudding, 2 slices of pumpkin cream cheese roll, and a cheesecake swirl bar. Crap. Mary remembered how much I loved pumpkin and cheesecake. We had brought the bread pudding as it's one of my favorites but didn't realize there'd be this many options.

"We should sit around the fireplace in the living room with dessert," Mary says happily. I puff out my cheeks knowing getting up is going to be a challenge, but Jason grabs my arm without me having to ask for help. My shirt rises a bit, exposing a little skin, which I tug down as I slowly waddle to the living room. I feel as if I'm carrying an extra 20lbs of just food. Mary insists I get the armchair which I gladly heavily lower myself into, instantly needing to adjust my clothing again and rub my full belly. Mary brings me my plate. I thank Mary, not wanting to be rude, take a breath, and pace myself as I eat.

I can tell Mary is getting a little stressed out by her sister as she's eating dessert a little faster as Ana talks, emphasizing how dessert is bad for her figure. John and Jason both try to add to the conversation when it felt like Ana is talking too much or getting out of line. Jason and I talk a little about what we've been up to, how we got married earlier this year, and how we're excited about the new additions to our family.

"Do you think you're going to have any more?" Ana asks.

"Probably," Jason says, smiling at me. "We both want a big family, and April is such a great mom."

Mary smiles at me, "Plus you're an adorable preggo. I can't wait to meet those two."

"I couldn’t imagine what it would be like to be pregnant with twins," Ana added. "I felt big enough with just one. But I was already really big before my gastric bypass. I lost 110 lbs total after it and didn't want any more kids after that to potentially ruin my hard work."

"I get that," I add, trying to connect with Ana. "I had lost 40 lbs about a year before getting pregnant again. Gaining the weight back has been hard to see but I know I'm growing healthy babies which makes it easier to see the number on the scale."

"I'm sure you've gained more than 40 lbs with a bump like that," Ana scoffs. I see Mary's eyes grow wide, almost offended for me.

"Yes, but I'm okay with it. I've enjoyed my growing bump."

"Ana, that was rude," Mary says.

"What?" Ana asks, almost as if she didn't understand. "She's huge. That's obviously more than 40 pounds. And you've gained weight yourself. Seems like the lockdown has added to almost everyone's waistlines. Eating healthy and exercising is the cure for that, you know. You all need more discipline."

Aaand there it was. I knew Ana's uppity inner-Karen would be making an appearance at some point. She's been tip-toeing around the subject with her stories and comments and it was finally making an appearance.

"If I'm happy, what does it matter? Why does my weight bother you so much? You don't know what my body has gone through, especially with fertility treatments."

"No, but I DO know what it's like to lose weight. Which is what you should be doing, too."

"You had SURGERY! You didn't do it yourself. You need to stop holding yourself to such a higher standard than everyone."

"Hey now, I spent plenty of years fat to know what it’s like. Doesn't matter how I lost the weight. You really should, too. Maybe you creeping towards obesity is the real reason you can't have kids."

That was it. That was the dagger in Mary's heart. She got up from the living room and walked off, holding back tears. Abel followed her after glaring at Ana who sat with her arms crossed, seemingly satisfied with herself. John was staring at Ana, calculating what to say to his strong headed ex-wife. After seeing this display, I can see why they divorced. "That was incredibly rude," John finally said.

"It's not my fault she's getting fat," Ana snootily said.

"Her weight is none of your business. It doesn't affect you. And you know damn well it doesn't affect your chances of having kids as much as you think. You were 300 pounds."

"Shut up, John," Ana hisses.

"What, you can't hear the truth? Mary's your only sister and you're ruining your relationship over nothing. Ever since you had your surgery, you've thought yourself better than everyone. You even tried to pressure me into losing weight just because you're insecure. You're lucky the kids are in the other room to not hear this display of arrogance from their mother. Now, if you don't want me to take the kids and leave you here, I suggest you apologize to her."

Ana sucks her tongue in her cheek, weighing out her options. She appeared to be acting like a child being asked to apologize but eventually got up and went to Mary's room down the hall.

John turns towards us, "Sorry about that. She has her moments."

"It's fine," I say. "I remembered the looks she gave me last time I met her so I was expecting even worse being as big as I am."

"She's jealous. She really did want more kids, but selfishly chose her vanity over her desires. Since then, she's just been bitter."

After some time, Ana comes out followed by Mary and Abel. We try to act as if nothing happened and start watching a holiday movie, inviting the kids into the room. Mary is sitting on the couch next to me and keeps encouraging me to try the different desserts and give her feedback. She made a few of them and bought the others. I'm about halfway through my plate when I'm feeling painfully full, the fullness pressing my boobs toward my chin. I try spreading my legs more to make some room but it's of little use with how thick I've become all around. The break during the argument wasn't long enough for food to digest and make room, but these desserts are so delicious I'm having a hard time thinking they'll just be thrown away. Jason had eaten himself into a cute little food belly, and even Mary and Abel both appeared to have grown visibly full. Ana and John left with the kids shortly after because they had to stop by John's family still. Mary sat back on the couch next to the armchair I sat in, glanced at me, and asked if I didn't like the pumpkin roll or cheesecake bites because I had food on my plate.

"No, they're delicious. I just need to slow down before I pop. I don't think my shirt can handle anymore," I reach out and feel my shirt exposing my skin again.

"Ana's gone. You don't need to worry about keeping covered," Mary says as she reaches over and gives me some rubs. "That skirt must be constricting. Try this." She gets up, reaches under my belly, and pulls down my skirt waistband and my shirt up, fully exposing my overfed pale stretch-marked belly. I can feel my face turning a little red in embarrassment. "Just relax."

I try to relax my body, knowing I'm in a safe place, and when I do I feel relief physically from not having to worry about clothes. "Thank you," I say to Mary. "I'm not used to being okay with people seeing me like this. I don't want to buy bigger clothes if I'm almost due."

"Then just stay like this at home, too." Mary picks up my fork and starts to feed me. I don't even fight her for some reason. I just open my mouth and accept it. She gives me belly rubs between bites and smiles. This feels similar to some of those dreams I was having. "You're quite full but I can't eat all these desserts myself. Do you mind finishing this plate?"

I nod with my mouthful, not fighting her, cradling my growing gluttony with both hands as it grew outwards and more firm with every bite. Why am I enjoying this? She's my sister-in-law. It isn't sexual, but I'm getting pleasure from being stuffed beyond comprehension. Mary puts the last bite of pie in my mouth. I breathe out heavily, feeling the full weight of all the food and desserts immobilizing me in the armchair, sitting like a weight on my thighs. I couldn't move even if I tried. My stomach isn't constrained and free to grow until Mary tells it to stop. I pick the crumbs from my ample cleavage that is now even closer to my face. Mary looks proud of herself and continues her rubs. "You ate so well. You're growing and glowing, April!" She takes the plate to the kitchen and returns with half a pie, sitting on the couch. "Abel. Feed me."

Wait, is this part of the reason why she's gained so much weight over the last half a year? Is it all not really from fertility treatments? Is Mary into feederism? I start connecting dots as I watch Abel oblige and feed Mary as they both massages her food baby. She slows down at the end but manages to put away the pie half. She breathes out and lifts her shirt, exposing her belly fat and fullness. Mary finally says, "I know that might seem weird, but it's the closest thing to feeling pregnant I've found. I've kept up being healthy for so long and it didn't help. Now I'm choosing to enjoy myself. But, April, Jason, there was something we wanted to ask you. I know this is probably not the best time, but it feels right."

"What is it?" Jason asks.

Mary looks at Abel who nods, hand still on her middle.

"We know you're pregnant right now and don't even want to think about this…but would you consider being our surrogate?"

My eyes grew wide. Is this what my dreams really were telling me? To be their surrogate?

Abel says, "We understand this is sudden and you'll need time to think about it. We've talked a lot about it and felt like we'd want no one else to carry our child. And you've said you enjoy being pregnant."

"Sure," I say with little hesitation.

"Really?" Mary's eye light up. "You don't have to answer right now."

"No, I really mean it," I say, looking over to Jason who has a slight smile. "I really do like being pregnant. I enjoy it much more than I probably should. We planned on having more kids away, so why not help you guys raise one along with us?"

Mary has difficulties getting herself up off the couch to come hug me, tears streaming down her face. "Oh thank you! You're the most beautiful person, and I love watching you be pregnant. I just couldn't imagine not at least asking but wasn't sure how you would feel about it." I let her get her emotions out as she cries in our hug, her little stuffed belly touching mine, dwarfed in comparison. "We can talk about it all later of course. I just can't believe this is going to happen! Do you want some more dessert? Oh, we need to celebrate!"

Jason grabs a plate of cheesecake bites and starts to eat some himself. He leans over and feeds me a few bites. Why am I still eating? I'm stuffed to the gills and just eating what is put in my face. Jason sits on the arm of the chair, feeding me with one hand and rubbing some relief out of me with the other. Mary and Abel take turns feeding each other desserts and kissing. Abel asks at one point if he could feel my bump, making me realize he never really has. He comes over and admires me. He's probably envisioning what it will be like when he's going to be a father.

We know we're not driving home and spend the night in their guest room. Jason spoons me and cradles my belly from behind. I feel like a proper beached whale now, his arm barely able to reach around me. The babies are exceptionally active tonight as they digest their feast fit for a household. That night, I dream of sitting in the armchair, unable to move, so big and pregnant my belly pressing into the armrests on both sides. Jason, Mary, and Abel take turns feeding me as I grow bigger. Months pass and I must be 9 months pregnant with octuplets at this point. Pregnancy dreams get wild.
20 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 month
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Tanatos 1 year
gorgeous story. It is interesting how events will develop further, in the new role of the main character.
RedMama09 1 year
Thank you so much. I look forward to developing the second part
Letters And ... 1 year
A wonderful story with a beautiful ending!
RedMama09 1 year
Thank you so much! This story was really personal to me
Letters And ... 1 year
This is really lovely. Nice story!
Neper 1 year
Hope there’s more!
RedMama09 1 year
There is a second part in the works with April as a surrogate
Tanatos 1 year
Amazing presentation style
RedMama09 1 year
Thank you! Appreciate it
WORBell 1 year
This is incredible
RedMama09 1 year
Thank you so much!
RedMama09 1 year
Thank you so much!