No one sees you when working from home (complete)

Chapter 18 - You need more than anyone

~Dec 25~
It should be illegal for a body to inflate to the proportions mine has. I have been put on early maternity leave due to my inability to work. I am exhausted all the time and I predominantly sit around most of the day. Well, part of the reason for that was also because I nearly broke my computer. I stood up, my belly knocked over my drink and computer and nearly took out my ability to work altogether. I can barely reach my laptop or anything on my desk because I sit so far away. It was exceedingly embarrassing so I told my doctor it was due to discomfort and she approved my leave.

I've only gone to my doctor appointments which have all concluded the same results: "no signs of labor yet, but we can schedule you to be induced if you don't want them to come naturally anymore." Every time my doctor asks I've gotten slightly more offended and more determined to make these babies come on their own.

Gestation: 38 weeks
Weight: 248lbs (+93)
Chest: 50" (+7)
Waist: 60.5" (+27.5)
Hips: 50.5" (+6.5)

I had to force myself to take my measurements this morning as I got ready. I put on my brand new 38H bra as my boobs are quickly filling with milk and have outgrown my previous bras. I needed to buy 2XL maternity shorts and a dress for today because we're going over to Mary and Abel's for Christmas. I don't do much makeup and throw a little jewelry on. I'm so tired I fall asleep on the car ride over.

Jason gets Zeke and then carefully helps me out of the SUV when we hear, "Oh. My. Goodness." We both quickly turn in shock to see Jason's mom. The short chubby Hispanic woman comes over. "Mijo! I'm so happy to see you!"

"I didn't know you were coming, mom," Jason says with a warm hug. He steps to the side and says, "remember April?"

My body fully comes into view now as before Jason and the car door blocked it from her. Her eyes are bigger than my boobs as she stares at me. "Aye Dios mio! You'd think you were carrying quadruplets in there, dear!"

"I know," I say a little annoyed by the greeting. She gives me a side hug, knowing she can't reach around me. "It's good to see you, mom. How was your flight?"

"Long and annoying but glad I could be here for Christmas. I guess I'll have to wait longer to meet my newest grandkids. How much longer do they have? You poor thing."

"Any day now," I say, trying to walk normally but am probably waddling with my belly out further than I realize. I put my hands on the small of my aching back as we go inside.

Mary decorated the house in anticipation of company. Ana and John already said they weren't coming but some of Mary's cousins were already there. We invited Jason's family from out-of-state to the shower but knew they'd probably not come. I wasn't thinking about them coming to Christmas and having to see them while I am even bigger. Jason's family was a lot closer physically and emotionally than mine, so I'm hoping with more kids we're going to be close, too.

A little later, Jason's oldest brother, Rob, shows up and says his hellos. He drove 2 hours which makes him the second closest living relative to us. Rob is 41, slightly over 6 feet tall, with a broader much larger body structure compared to his younger brothers. I'm sitting on the couch next to Jason when Rob greets his brother.

"It's been a few years," Jason adds. It's true, and Rob appears to have put on quite a bit of weight. He was a chubby guy the last I saw him but, although I'm not judging, I can see quarantine has left its effect on him as well. "You remember my wife, April?"

"You get more beautiful every time I see you," Rob innocently flirts.

"I'm flattered. It's nice to see you again."

"When are you due?"

"Any day now. Was supposed to be the beginning of January until we found out we were having twins but looks like they're planning on cooking until then still."

It was time for dinner and I was stuck on the couch. Rob just so happened to see me struggling and helped me up. "Thank you. It's annoying being helpless getting up from a couch."

"Nonsense," Rob says. "It takes a village, as they say."

"Well, it shouldn't take a village to get me up," I laugh.

Everyone finds a seat and talks. I let Jason catch up with his family without interruptions unless spoken to. This is his time and I wasn't in the mood to answer any more loaded questions about my size. I glance over at the kids' table where Zeke and 2 other young cousins ate, thinking about how we're planning to fill that table with our own kids soon.

After 2 helpings of nearly everything vegetarian I could eat, Mary walks around the table and puts another scoop of sweet potato casserole, mashed potatoes, and extra vegan stuffing on my plate which means I need to eat it. After slowly eating, my stomach had reached its limit, pressing up against the bottom of the table. It's high enough and I'm short enough to hide my body, and I can't stop feeling how firm and stuffed I am. I'm thankful we're not doing dessert right after as I'm stuffed to the gills. I wait for most other people to leave the table before I attempt to get up. It's much easier than the couch but still requires a lot of energy, effort, and space. My belly knocks my empty plate, which I quickly grab and bring to the kitchen sink.

"What do you think you're doing?" Mary scolds as she enters the kitchen.

"Just putting my plate in the sink."

"Don't do anything else. You need to rest."

"I'm fine, really. I could use a few extra steps."

"Let me handle everything. Go sit down and let me put the pies in the oven."

It feels weird being shooed out of the kitchen. I go find a place to sit in the living room next to Jason who's catching up with his family. They coordinate games of Uno and Monopoly Deal and most go back to the cleared-off dining room table to play. Jason's mom is in the other room talking on the phone to someone. I don't feel like getting back up so I relax in the living room, watching Zeke play with the only other kids. I make small talk with one of Mary's cousins for a bit.

About an hour later Mary announces dessert. I sit in the living room as long as possible to avoid having more irresistible food forced on me while still full. It didn't take long for Mary to bring me a plate, however. 2 slices of pie and 3 cookies were all that fit thankfully. I thank her and place the plate on my belly, slowly eating as I watched the kids. Jason peeks his head around the corner to check on me. I nod "I'm fine". I hear an uproar from the outcome of the game. Rob comes into the living room and sits down next to me.

"I'm thankful Abel married a woman who can cook," Rob says. "I missed holidays over here. Is any of your family around here?"

"No, all pretty far away. Don't have a good enough relationship to visit, not that I'm in any condition to anyway."

"I get that. Not all family is kind."

"Why aren't you playing?" I ask.

"I played one game and was reminded about my past gambling addiction. I didn't want to even toy with my competitive side again. How about you?"

"I'm too fat to get up," I laugh. "Mary keeps stuffing me like a turkey, keeping me even weighed down to where I sit."

"I don't mind being weighed down by her cooking," Rob said, patting his stomach. "I've gained a lot this holiday season but this meal was worth it."

"If it's so worth it, then how come you're not eating dessert?" I antagonize.

"I'm getting there. I'm a big boy. I can put away plenty so make sure you get your fill first. You need more than anyone here."

"I'm filled plenty." I put both hands around my firm belly. Talking helped distract me from how painfully full I am. "I've been overindulging and now my fingers don't even touch."

"You're also pregnant with twins. And very petite. So of course your bump is going to be big. Just means they're healthy and spoilt." Rob pauses for a moment. "I always wanted kids of my own. I was too wrapped up in my own lifestyle to settle down and fully commit. Just never found the right time or person."

"There's still time," I assure.

"Yes, but I'm not sure I want to be chasing little ankle biters all day the older I get. I see the difficulties Abel and Mary have had. It only gets harder with age. Looks like just you and Jason will be repopulating this family. "

I assume they hadn't told anyone yet about our future arrangement of me being their surrogate so I keep that inside. Every time I tell Rob I am at my limit, he tells me I need to finish whatever it is I only took a few bites of. Is this whole family into food and encouraging people to eat?

I finish my plate and Rob asks if he could feel my bump. I’m confident there were ulterior motives there as I was packed to capacity. My fingers were even further apart, my belly heavily sitting on my thighs as it pressed out towards my knees. Spreading my legs slightly did little good as my thighs are thick and my hips are too uncomfortable to move. I just need to sit there and remind myself to slowly breathe. I didn't think I could outdo my Thanksgiving feasting but it feels as though I did. Breathing is painful. My stomach is stretched to capacity and the twins are only more active after being fed dessert. Their elbows and knees slosh the contents of my stomach around and visibly make my belly shake. Rob smiles and laughs as he feels. "Women are saints for what their bodies can do," Rob says before removing his hands. "In a non-creepy way, you're a beautiful pregnant woman, April. You carry it well like you were made for this. I hope you and Jason have as many kids as you want."

"There you are," Mary says coming around the corner. "I was wondering why it was so quiet in here. I have more pies for you to try."

"I hope you're talking to Rob because I'm full," I say, laying my head back and rubbing my belly.

"I'll have some if you have some," Rob says to me with a smirk.

I puff out my cheeks, unsure if I could even eat another bite without throwing up. "I'm pretty sure I'm done. Maybe later. I'm legit glued to your couch right now."

Mary walks over and starts giving me belly rubs. I can't protest. I'm so full and heavy and it feels so nice. I close my eyes and almost fall asleep. Part of me doesn't want this to end.
20 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 3 weeks
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Tanatos 1 year
gorgeous story. It is interesting how events will develop further, in the new role of the main character.
RedMama09 1 year
Thank you so much. I look forward to developing the second part
Letters And ... 1 year
A wonderful story with a beautiful ending!
RedMama09 1 year
Thank you so much! This story was really personal to me
Letters And ... 1 year
This is really lovely. Nice story!
Neper 1 year
Hope there’s more!
RedMama09 1 year
There is a second part in the works with April as a surrogate
Tanatos 1 year
Amazing presentation style
RedMama09 1 year
Thank you! Appreciate it
WORBell 1 year
This is incredible
RedMama09 1 year
Thank you so much!
RedMama09 1 year
Thank you so much!