No one sees you when working from home (complete)

Chapter 4 - The start of a belly

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~June 11, 2020~
Weight: 164 lbs (+9)
Chest: 44" (+1)
Waist: 39" (+6)
Hips: 44"

Here I am only a few weeks into my pregnancy and already exhausted. Fatigue is common, but I guess lazy would be a better description for how I feel these days. Keeping up with a 3-year-old while keeping up with growing baby number two has proven quite tiresome. I've spent almost all of my work breaks trying to avoid throwing up by eating food. This pregnancy I'm definitely able to give baby a healthier, balanced diet with how often and much I've been eating. The nausea comes and goes in waves. It's a little early but my belly has popped out and made a presence, which triggered Jason to keep my plate and hands full on weekends and evenings when he's home.

When I went shopping the other day I bought healthier snack options like granola bars, peanut butter crackers, fruits and veggies, rice cakes, and yogurt along with tea and Powerade to keep me hydrated. When I got home from the store, I was so exhausted I ate half a box of granola bars in one sitting while watching a mindless TV show. I'll have to start getting a little extra when shopping.

A few days ago, I woke up feeling good, so I was able to eat breakfast with no problems. Eating until I am full is something I'm getting used to considering my appetite is growing so my portion sizes follow suit. Before I could get ravenous or nauseous, I ate 3 waffles with peanut butter, a banana, and a large glass of oat milk. Not even an hour later I found myself making a bowl of oatmeal with brown sugar and cinnamon. I was feeling pretty good, not super full but nourished, so I decided to go for a walk again. It's been a while and I need to keep myself as active as I can. I'm not as big as I was, but I definitely still have quite a bit of fat for the baby bump to show through.

I put on a pair of dark grey cycling shorts and a matching sports bra. I examined my figure in the mirror. I can clearly see my chest has grown some as my tender boobs muffin top out of my tight XL sports bra. The shorts are stretchy and still good for some time, but I start to rub my soft belly fat and push it out as if I am further along. Even though this isn't my first pregnancy and I know what I look like pregnant, I still enjoy a baby bump. I can see my stretch marks showing over the top of the high waisted shorts and my soft fat billows out slightly over the waistband. I don't seem to be ready to take on this look, so I throw on one of my looser tank tops. As my belly gets rounder and firmer, I'll feel more confident and be able to walk around in just sports bras. I'll be confident and show off the growing globe attached to my front. As for right now, I'm in the awkward in-between phase where I just look chubby to most people.

I put on my sneakers with little issue and start my walk in the 90° weather around the block. I get about 1/4 of the way around the block before I start slowing down. I guess I've gotten out of shape recently. I make it halfway and start breathing slightly heavier. I reached down and rub my belly fat a little bit to encourage myself. By 3/4ths of the way the warmth is starting to get to me, and my legs are feeling a little burn. I make it home, a little sweaty, and immediately go to the fridge to get a drink. I take out a liter of Brisk iced tea, sit down at my computer, and start chugging the drink. The cool liquid feels nice, and I place one hand on my stomach as I slowly feel it fill up. I finish the bottle and feel the firmness in the top of my stomach. I go back to work but think I'm going to shorten my walks until I'm able to get my wind back.

~June 20~
I couldn't wait any longer and felt like I was far enough along to share the news with my coworkers on my morning meeting. Everyone congratulates me and is so excited, and they immediately ask for me to turn on my webcam to show them my bump. I knew this was going to happen, so I made sure to get dressed decently this morning in a tight navy dress. I stand up, turn to the side, and cradle my little bump.

One of my co-workers, an older woman, Nancy, immediately says she thinks I'm having another boy because I'm carrying large. A few people agree I'm showing pretty fast and a couple people say I seem on track.

Rob says when his wife was pregnant last year with their daughter, she looked similar to where I'm at now. It's definitely too early to speculate if it's a boy or girl or anything like that, but it felt nice to get fawned over for a bit before starting my day. I guess it felt nice enough for me to finish off a family size tray of spaghetti for lunch and a liter of iced tea. I feel like the sizes on those microwave meals are way off. My snack that afternoon was almost half a large bag of chips, a couple cookies, and a donut. Maybe the compliments stirred something in me to eat?

~July 1~
Gestation: 13 weeks
Weight: 171 lbs (+16)
Chest: 45" 34DDD/F? (+2)
Waist: 42" (+9)
Hips: 45" (+1)

Due to the pandemic everywhere is short-staffed and therefore my appointment got pushed out to today. Jason isn't able to physically come with me but I video call him during my appointment so he can ask questions, too. They give me a due date of January 6 next year, making me 13 weeks today.

Doc says my numbers look good and I'm healthy. I take my prenatal vitamins and have been eating a variety of foods. With that being said, though, I see I have put on a little bit more weight than I expected to by this point. I'm still mentally fine with where I'm at, even with my leggings and bras noticeably tighter. Even though we're fine financially, I've never been someone who wastes money on clothes, so I see no need to buy maternity clothes yet.

Jason's work often provides catered lunches or snacks or treats for the employees, which he usually brings home an assortment. He's not a chocolate person, and he likes to tell me no one else wanted them so he had to bring them home. I think he's sweet trying to make sure I'm eating enough, but he knows I can't resist desserts/sweets. Sometimes he even brings me home a boba drink after work! I've pretty much lost my taste for coffee so boba and teas have been my go-to's.

From the moment I found out I was pregnant, I started taking bump pictures and sent one to a few friends during my appointment today on Snapchat. "Confirmed: 13-week bump!" the selfie read, me cradling my bump sideways in the doctor's bathroom mirror. The common consensus is no one can believe I am only 13 weeks because of how "big" my belly already is. I remind them how large my bump was last time, but it is unanimous that I appear larger this time. I put a picture side by side of me at 13 weeks with Zeke compared to today, and I'd say my belly sticks out about the same, which I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not because I was about 25 lbs fatter then compared to now. They say your body knows what to do after your first child, so I feel like I started showing sooner. It's just my body knowing what it needs I guess.

I'm still finding myself ravenous daily, trying to eat quickly before I get nauseous. Today for instance, I finished off a whole bag of pretzels while working before taking my lunch break for my doctor's appointment. I opened it and absent-mindedly ate and by the time my alarm went off to leave, the entire bag was empty! At my appointment, the nurse mentions trying to eat healthily and exercise to keep my weight gain low because she says I'm currently overweight. I've already gained 16 lbs before my first trimester is even up. At this rate, I guess I'll be gaining about 40 lbs by 40 weeks! But I'm vegetarian and eating healthier things so it shouldn't be too bad, right? I'll try going for a short walk later. I have been pretty lazy about trying

On my way home I stop at a 24hr drive-thru Mexican restaurant for a breakfast burrito because prego hunger struck hard. Eggs, cheese, and potatoes never tasted so good. They're really big and I remember after I lost weight I used to have to save some because I couldn't finish it all. Today I am so hungry I finish it quickly on the drive home, not giving my stomach a chance to even tell me if it is full. I don't know what it is but when I get in the house, baby is now wanting something sweet. I feel like I have barely eaten anything and I should have gotten 2 burritos. Was my body TRYING to go against the nurse's warnings? I make my way into the kitchen, open the fridge, and find a quart of yogurt. Since I'm the only one that eats it I grab a spoon and dig in. I get some granola from the pantry because that's healthy, right? I heavily sit down at my work computer desk, pour the granola into the yogurt container, and start shoveling it into my mouth. I got back to work, absent-mindedly eating again as I design a perfume ad with a beautiful skinny blonde model, and before I knew it the whole container is gone!

Baby is more satisfied but I feel like something is missing. I slowly get up from my chair, noticing the underside of my belly brushing against my thighs. I stop. Wait... I look down and can only see my boobs still. I crane my neck and can see some of my baby bump. That is weird. I'm not far enough along for my belly to sit in my lap. I sit back down and get up again. Same amount of belly brush. I'm not sure if I should be embarrassed or excited.

In the "Jason brought home from work" basket on the kitchen counter I find a few new pastry cakes. Chocolate sounds really good right about now, so I guess I'm not THAT embarrassed. The burrito was savory and the yogurt and granola were satisfying, but chocolate sounds so good. I open up one of the chocolate pastries and bite in. There is cream inside which is a nice surprise. I shovel that in quickly and before I know it I am opening another, shoving that in my mouth, too. And another. It isn't until the 5th pastry that my brain stops me but only because my belly starts to touch the cold counter in front of me. I throw the wrappers away and wash my hands. I go back to work, one hand on my belly, wondering what is going to be for dinner tonight.

I remember that Jason's work isn't going to hold a 4th of July cookout this year. I was looking forward to an event where I get to see people, even if I'm becoming a greedy whale. I guess we'll barbeque at home so I'll have to go to the store soon. Jason better not add too many extras this time.

~July 4~
I was able to submit the grocery order the other day before Jason got a hold of it, but that didn't stop him from physically going to the store Friday and grabbing two large pies, whipped cream, muffin mixes, and ice cream. He said I was missing them for our barbeque as he handed me a boba drink. He knows how to get me.... I do enjoy cooking, so I wanted to throw together some things while Jason man's the grill outside. He's been looking for another excuse to use it anyway.

We put the sprinkler on in the small patch of grass in our backyard for Zeke to run around before today reaches it's 117° peak.

"Go put on your swimsuit, babe," Jason says. "You should cool down a little, too."

"I'm not running around a sprinkler with my chubby belly hanging out!" I say, almost offended.

"Our backyard is fenced in. No one will see you, and besides, you are pregnant. It's hot today so you should take this opportunity to cool down before we eat. You already finished what foods you needed to make. Maybe sit in the lounger for a bit?"

I sigh and pout. "Honestly, I don't think I have a swimsuit that even fits."

I walk off into the bedroom and find the last swimsuit I bought. Even though I had lost weight, I still have curves so I need to buy at least larges in swim tops and bottoms. I managed to squeeze my black and silver large bikini on, and had to loosen the strap around my neck to make more room for my boobs. I loosened the ties on the sides of the high waisted bottoms as much as I could. I can feel the seams straining and pressing into my butt cheeks, boobs, and belly. I look in the mirror and look about to burst so I put on my sheer black lacy swim cover.

He set up the lounger with an umbrella near where Zeke was running around, not far too from where he was grilling on the patio. I put on some sunscreen and take off my cover. Zeke goes inside to grab a toy. It's already a little over 100° out right now and the sun is piercing. I can see Jason not moving his head much as he's grilling, meaning he's staring at me through his sunglasses. I give him a little show, a little twerking action before I see Zeke coming back out. I smirk as I see Jason unable to contain his smile. I lay back in a reclined position and Zeke gives me a hug and my belly a kiss before playing. He's going to be a great big brother.

Laying back makes the seams on my swimsuit not feel as strained. Jason brings me over the boba drink I forgot in the kitchen and pinches the fat on side of my hip. "Don't start the engine if you're not going to ride," he says lowly and walks off.

I down my drink so quickly that I have to ask Jason to bring me some tea. I'm not usually good at asking for things but I promised him I'd try to be less independent while pregnant. He comes out with my gallon jug of diet peach tea. "You're the only one drinking this and you need to stay hydrated so just have at it."

It seems a little silly but he is right. I lift up the gallon and slowly drink. It's so hot and the cold tea feels so nice that I don't realize how much I'm drinking until my belly hurts. I put down the jug and use my hands to feel what my eyes can't see past my boobs. My swim bottoms feel painted on and my mostly firm belly is rounded a few extra inches out. I'm afraid to move and rip the creaking seams on my bottoms that are uncomfortably digging everywhere. I try rubbing my little belly, firm on top, soft on the bottom, just waiting until Jason says food's ready.

10 minutes later Jason is putting the grilled food in trays and brought it inside. He sends Zeke inside to get changed and walks over to me.

Jason smirks, gesturing with his head toward my gut. "Enjoying your tea?"

"Shut up," I say frustrated. "I was hot and the drink was cold and this swimsuit is too small."

"Just do this," he says as he carefully rolls the waistband of my bottoms down with much resistance. My belly almost oozes out when he's done. He gives my belly fat a little kneed with his large hand before helping me up. "You should just wear them below your bump. Looks nice," he admires as I go into the house to get changed.

I look in the mirror and I don't know how Jason said this looks nice. My belly looks like a bloated spare tire pouring over every side of my waistband. I peel my bottoms off and hurt my boobs as I undo the tie and they heavily drop. Grey cycling shorts help hold everything together and a black tank covers my poor boobs overflowing from my bra.

We're sitting around the dining room table eating lunch. Jason insisted on making my plate as I was getting changed so I came back to a double veggie cheese burger, baked potato with cheese and sour cream, half an ear of roasted corn, 3 deviled eggs, and macaroni salad... This looks enough to be his plate! I give him a glare as we dig in. Zeke was too little to figure out how to eat corn on the cob last year so he's enjoying his newfound Independence this year. I have barely eaten today, holding out for this meal, so my burger disappears quickly. The macaroni salad and deviled eggs follow even quicker with less chewing. I wash it down with my tea straight from my gallon jug before finishing the rest of my plate. I sit back with both hands on my distended belly. I ate so quickly that I didn't give my stomach a chance to tell me when it was full. Jason finishes up his own plate and I go to stand, feeling my heavily fed stomach brush my thighs like the other day.

"I'll get it," Jason says as he stands.

"I'm fine. Let me clean up my own plate."

"Okay, but hope you have room for dessert. I figured we could watch a movie, too."

"I want Transformers!" Zeke yells with both hands raised.

Jason smiles, "Alright, buddy. Go wash your hands and wait for mom in the living room."

I slowly clean up the plates as Jason pulls out the pies and ice cream. It's weird not being able to see my belly but feeling it bump into things, like the edge of the sink as I put the plates inside.

Jason tells me to go sit down and he'll bring dessert. I heavily plop on the couch, sitting sideways, leaning back on a pillow on the armrest. I rub my baby and food bump as Jason walks in. With 2 whole freakin' apple pies and a can of whipped cream!

"One for you, one for me," he says, handing me one.

I'm wide-eyed. "I can't eat all this!"

"I want some!" Zeke yells.

"You don't have to right now, but I wanted my own pie so I got 2," he says with a smile as he sprays whipped cream on my pie. "I'm allowed to enjoy myself a little, too."

We take turns giving Zeke a few bites as he sits between us. He soon falls asleep and Jason moves him to his bed. "Now," he says sitting back down, "let's get going for real. Bite for bite, who can eat more."

"Obviously you!"

"Well let's just see then," Jason teases.

We each take a few bites. I'm not sure how he still has room after his own double burger and sides, but he does have an appetite of a bottomless pit. I'm eating as I'm watching him, and he's watching me as I'm eating. We both get through about 2 slices worth before truly slowing down.

"I'm still going," Jason says.

"I knew you'd win," I say back, lowering my tray with almost 6 slices left.

"You said you were going to enjoy yourself. Enjoy yourself with me. Want me to feed you?"

"Okay, but only 1 more slice," I say, both hands on my belly, feeling how tight my shorts are feeling. "I'm already stuffed."

"Do I pick good pies or what?" Jason beams as he brings a spoon to my mouth and another in his.

"You definitely do," I say, chewing.

"Close your eyes and enjoy your fill, babe."

I don't know about this, but I'm reaching a food coma and it tastes so good. I close my eyes and let him feed me, listening to the movie on TV we've seen 10 times. After a few minutes, I'm brought back to the present by my waistband digging into my belly so I rub it. Jason reaches over and gently pulls my waistband down under my greedy gut for me and rubs. It's almost like he's made more room and he gives me another spoon full. Once I'm suspiciously stuffed, I say, "that was definitely more than 1 more slice."

"It was 2. You've eaten half the pie, babe," he says proudly.

My belly aches and gurgles at the thought. "Why'd you do this to me?" I whine as I try to rub some comfort into my stomach.

"Hey, I've eaten my fill, too," he says, lifting his shirt to show his own full belly.

"Hun, I'm obviously bigger than you but glad you enjoyed yourself."

"I want you to have all the experiences I couldn't give you last time, even if one of them is overeating delicious food. I can't wait to see what we plan for Thanksgiving. Who knows, maybe I'll gain a little sympathy weight this time."

"You got some catching up to do," I tease. "I was up 16 lbs before you stuffed me like a Thanksgiving turkey."

"Speaking of stuffing...." Jason's voice got low and trailed off as he reached forward and pulled my legs until I was laying flat on the couch. He finishes pulling off my shorts and pulls up my tank top, fully exposing his handiwork.

"Be gentle," I say, not sure why I'm getting so turned on right now. He gently rubs my belly as he takes off his own pants before entering me. I feel the bottom of my belly touch him with every firm yet gentle thrust, its contents sloshing almost painfully. I rub my belly, feeling just how tight my stomach is with soft fat surrounding it. This was a new sexual experience for us: both of us being so full, and Jason looking turned on by my bigger belly. I hope this happens again soon...
20 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 month
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Tanatos 1 year
gorgeous story. It is interesting how events will develop further, in the new role of the main character.
RedMama09 1 year
Thank you so much. I look forward to developing the second part
Letters And ... 1 year
A wonderful story with a beautiful ending!
RedMama09 1 year
Thank you so much! This story was really personal to me
Letters And ... 1 year
This is really lovely. Nice story!
Neper 1 year
Hope there’s more!
RedMama09 1 year
There is a second part in the works with April as a surrogate
Tanatos 1 year
Amazing presentation style
RedMama09 1 year
Thank you! Appreciate it
WORBell 1 year
This is incredible
RedMama09 1 year
Thank you so much!
RedMama09 1 year
Thank you so much!