No one sees you when working from home (complete)

Chapter 6 - A weighty twist

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~August 18, 2020~
Today is my 20 week anatomy scan. Baby is the size of a sweet potato, according to my pregnancy tracking app. I put on my large maternity jeans without batting an eye or fretting about them being a size large. They are quite comfortable and fit nicely now. I can tell my butt has gotten bigger by how the pants fit a tighter. Jason has stuffed me almost every weekend in more ways than one, so it makes sense. I put on a new large maroon maternity shirt that Jason bought me because he said I deserve new things, even if I won't buy them for myself. He knows what I like, darker colors and more fitted to show off my big bump and not look like I'm wearing a tent. After daycare drop off I proceed with my normal routine of 2 burritos on the way home, and snack the rest of the morning non-stop until my lunch break appointment. I am definitely not hungry by the time my appointment rolls around. My clothes are very stretchy so I don't always feel subtle changes and rely on numbers, but I feel very full. I took my measurements first thing in the morning so I'm able to compare how much my morning grazing has expanded my belly for the nurse to judge me.

Gestation: 20 weeks
Weight: 192 (+37)
Chest: 46.5" 36E starting to feel tight (+4.5)
Waist: 48" (+15)
Hips: 47" (+3)

I step into the restroom and take out my tape measure. My belly measures 49" with all the food and the scale temporarily says 195. My belly officially is the biggest measurement on me as of last week. I wonder what my doctor is going to say? Hopefully I'm not too full to see the baby on the ultrasound. I pull down the panel on my jeans gently and slowly rub my belly. I'm feeling baby move ALOT more often. It's not super strong but gets stronger by the day and is more active after a full meal. I grab a couple white chocolate macadamia nut cookies for the road. For the baby.

I go into my appointment, the nurse takes my vitals and asks if I've been exercising. I told her it's too hot (110-120°) but I sometimes do stretches in the morning since I've started getting some early ligament pain (most likely due to the size of my belly). She encourages me to try going for walks or swim as I've already gained more than an average weighted woman should gain during her whole pregnancy. It's a little embarrassing to have someone berate you when you're just giving baby what they want.

I slightly waddle over to the ultrasound room where I sit on the long chair. I video call Jason as the technician looks at her screen and then stares at my belly and back at her screen.

"It says you're here for a mid-term anatomy scan, is that correct?"

"Yes," I say, my hands holding my belly.

"Oh wow! I thought you might be here for a late term check before delivery! You sure have quite the belly. You must be keeping your baby well fed!"

"It's the other way around," I tell her. "Baby keeps me hungry all the time so I'm not surprised at my bump size. This is also my second child, third pregnancy, so I hear how women tend to show more after their first."

"A little," she says, "but it's usually not a 4 month difference."

Jason chimes in, "I told you babe. That big beautiful belly is just made for carrying big beautiful babies."

I blush a little as the technician leans the chair back and moves my clothes to expose her work area. She puts the cold gel on my belly which feels nice since it was so hot outside. She moves the probe around, asking me how I've been feeling and if I'm getting my work done alright.

"I'm really tired and ravenous all the time. I'm vegetarian and eat pretty healthy but no matter what I eat I'm always super hungry. I work from home for a marketing firm so it's not strenuous work but can get boring sitting at a computer all day so I try to get up and walk around when I can."

The technician doesn't take her eyes off the screen for what felt like forever. She didn't put the projector on so I can't see what she was looking at. I asked her what was going on with slight panic.

She turns the projector on and points with her mouse on the screen. "Sorry, I forgot to hit the button. Today's my first day back after a vacation week. So here's baby A...and here's baby B."

It's dead silent. I break It with a "...what?"

"Oh, you didn't know! You're having twins! Congratulations! The size of your belly should make a lot more sense now."

I look at my phone and see Jason slackjawed. My own mouth is open in disbelief. I didn't think of twins as a legitimate possibility. The gel is all over my belly as she took pictures and measurements but I couldn't wait to feel my belly knowing the frequent kicks I've been feeling are from 4 feet instead of just 2.

The technician tells us that I have a little extra fluid which also leads to a bigger belly, but the babies look healthy (we were still in awe that she said babIES). She also says that "Baby B" has a slight heart arrhythmia so my doctor will refer me to a cardiologist for further tests and imaging. She asks if we want to know the genders; I tell her we're planning a gender reveal so she writes them down in an envelope. She prints a bunch of pictures for me to bring home.

I see the doctor next who congratulates me and tells me a few new guidelines to follow now that we know I'm carrying twins. His nurse looks a little embarrassed since she made comments about my weight earlier. He tells me carrying more than one baby always poses a higher risk, but still make healthy food choices, drink plenty of water, continue light exercising, and expect a large weight gain. He apologizes that my first appointment was so far into my pregnancy, and due to no previous history of twins in the family, we didn't catch this sooner. However, I have no complications or health risks at this point so he said he'll see me in another 4 weeks and gives me a cardiologist referral.

I brought the gender envelope home to give to Jason's sister-in-law, Mary, who will be throwing the gender reveal. Both of our families were out of state, except Abel and Mary who lived about 45 minutes away, so we didn't see anyone else often. I wonder what they're going to say about my size? Twins will definitely be a big surprise.

I call Mary to tell her how the appointment went, omitting the heart arrhythmia until I get more information. I am still processing if this is something I might have caused. I also didn't want her to open an envelope confused why there are 2 babies listed and find out that way, so I told her we are having twins and text her a picture of one of the ultrasounds.

"Oh my goodness! That's so amazing! Let me see that belly! I haven't seen you in like 4 months so at this point you must be showing!"

"Oh, I'm more than showing," I say as I angle the camera up and out to get my whole torso in frame which has been getting more difficult with short T-Rex arms.

Mary gasps, "Oh goodness, how did you not suspect there were twins in that thing! My goodness! I'm taking a screenshot to show Able. You must have everyone doting on your bump all day. I hope Jason is giving you enough belly rubs and attention."

I smile, "yes, he is. He's also keeping me well fed as you can see haha. I don't really get out much so I don't get much attention elsewhere, but Jason does good. We'll have to meet up soon so you can feel your nieces or nephews."

Mary looks overjoyed. "You mean it? I know with Zeke you we were self-conscious so I didn't want to be intrusive by grabbing your belly, but you are such a beautiful prego, April. You're absolutely glowing and your bump is gorgeous! I hope one day Abel and I can have kids of our own, but until then I'll live vicariously through you and give your baby bump all the attention."

"Deal!" I say. "I'm growing to love all the belly rubs so I welcome them. Just be prepared that it's not probably all baby bump and some extra fat in th - "

"Oh hush, you're growing a human," Mary sternly chastises. "You're beautiful and your body is doing exactly what it's supposed to do. I can see why Jason wouldn't be able to keep his hands off of you."

I chuckle a little, "Then it's set! We'll see each other soon and you can just rub my belly all you want!"

"I'll text you when I'm free. I'm going to start getting dinner ready, but thank you so much for sharing this with me first! We'll plan the reveal soon."

I hang up the phone and look down at my globe of a belly. Am I really that huge? I guess we'll find out in a couple days when I see Mary in person. And I'll get more answers about the arrhythmia once I see the cardiologist. Thinking about this makes me a little sad, so I go into the kitchen and grab a couple cookies. I've been turning to food for comfort more frequently as my emotions have been all over the place. I also haven't been having straight up cravings, just the ravenous hunger. Deep in thought, 3 more cookies find their way into my mouth. Then another 3. The need for milk breaks my trance and I chug straight from the carton, feeling my stomach get heavier with each swallow. Once my hunger is satisfied, I pick up Zeke and come home to sit on the couch in the living room, watching him play with dinosaurs. I'm trying to not get caught up in my thoughts, but I'm definitely distracting so I'm glad that I didn't protest Jason about bringing home dinner tonight.

Jason gets home and I immediately share my worries with him. He assures me there couldn't possibly be anything I did to harm our children.

"But I've gained so much weight, what if that is what caused -"

"We don't know what caused the arrhythmia yet, babe," Jason says, putting a hand on my belly. "But I doubt you gaining weight while pregnant did this."

I look down and stifle a cry. "I don't think you realize how much weight I've actually gained so far."

"It doesn't matter to me. You're eating, and you're growing 2 healthy babies who have no major issues or defects besides a small heart arrhythmia that is not uncommon. I'll take off from work for the cardiologist appointment. Just let me know what day and time. I want to support you and be there for you 3." Jason gives my belly a little pat and me a kiss on the forehead. "Now, time for nourishment!"
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Tanatos 1 year
gorgeous story. It is interesting how events will develop further, in the new role of the main character.
RedMama09 1 year
Thank you so much. I look forward to developing the second part
Letters And ... 1 year
A wonderful story with a beautiful ending!
RedMama09 1 year
Thank you so much! This story was really personal to me
Letters And ... 1 year
This is really lovely. Nice story!
Neper 1 year
Hope there’s more!
RedMama09 1 year
There is a second part in the works with April as a surrogate
Tanatos 1 year
Amazing presentation style
RedMama09 1 year
Thank you! Appreciate it
WORBell 1 year
This is incredible
RedMama09 1 year
Thank you so much!
RedMama09 1 year
Thank you so much!