No one sees you when working from home (complete)

Chapter 7 - Veggie lasagna can

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~August 21~
It was Friday morning and Jason had already taken Zeke into school so I could sleep in a little. I reach over for my phone to check the weather: a high of 118°. Eww. I'm not enjoying summer. I throw the covers off of me and notice my tank top is now a crop top and the waist band of my sleep shorts under my baby mountain. Looking at myself from this angle, I see just how big I'm becoming. I said good morning to the babies, which has become a daily occurrence now that I know there's twins.

I roll out of bed with some effort. Every day I noticeably feel the damage of the previous day's food weighing on me. Jason has been calling me on his lunch break and telling me he's bringing home dinner so not to make anything. I immediately text him, asking him to call me during his lunch break before I forget. I plan to tell him I want to make dinner tonight because I can't keep eating what he brings home. If I make it at home it's going to at least be healthier. I look at my belly I can see it has been adding up so I keep myself up to go check my weight in the bathroom. The scale reads 195. That means in 3 days I've gained 3 lbs. Does that mean I'll gain a pound every day at this rate? I have to stop stuffing myself or I probably would gain almost 100 more pounds.

I go back to the bedroom and examine myself in the full length mirror. I see myself everyday so the changes aren't as noticeable, but I can see that soon I'll need to upgrade my bra as my breasts are outgrowing this one. I put on a black and white horizontal striped billowy sundress and head downstairs to eat breakfast. The dress is definitely not as flowy around my belly anymore, and I haven't been wearing a bra with this dress because even though it's an XL, my boobs are crammed in.

I make myself 2 breakfast burritos using 6 eggs, cheese, potatoes, and some veggie sausage. I bring them to my computer desk and barely get any work done before they're both destroyed. I only get about another hour in before I get up to start scouring the kitchen. I open the fridge and as I'm about to reach for the yogurt, the rice pudding catches my eye instead. The babies move in response to my stomach grumbling at the sight of the container, so I grab some cinnamon and a spoon and start shoveling it in my mouth. I didn't even go sit down. After the first spoonful enters my mouth, the rest easily makes it's way in. I drop a little on my chest which I lick up without second thought. The container is empty and I feel greedy with the heavy weight of the thick, creamy pudding in my stomach.

I don't know what came over me now; I want something crunchy and sweet. I open the pantry and found the Oreos I bought for everyone in the house. I peel open the new package, pop one of my mouth, and take the rest of the package to my computer. It's lunch time and I realize I have eaten a whole row of the Oreos! I look down and see crumbs across my bare chest and in the folds of my flowy dress. My phone rings; it's Jason.

"Hey babe. I want to make dinner at home for us tonight," I tell him.

"Do you not like the food I've been bringing home? Did you want to pick a different place? I don't want you over exerting yourself," he said with a slight concern in his voice.

I am a little confused. "I'm capable of making dinner. I just don't want you guys to have to keep eating unhealthy because I'm getting fat and lazy."

"You're fat nor lazy, hun. I was just doing it to make things easier for you. If you want, make dinner tonight. I'll be home about 6:00 so if you need any help I can after that."

We hang up and I soak in the moment, realizing how sweet of a man I have. I finish up my work, pick up Zeke, and start dinner. If I make a 9"x11" sheet pan of veggie lasagna, it will force the boys to eat to eat their vegetables. Making a 3 year old eat veggies is almost as hard as making a 36 year old. Jason comes home just as I'm about to pull the pan out of the oven. I have to open the oven a little further to accommodate for the space my belly takes up.

Jason comes into the kitchen. "Smells good, little one." He kisses my forehead and gives my baby mansion a pat.

"I'm not so little anymore," I say back, putting my hand on top of his.

"You're still little to me. See, I can wrap my arms around you with space. I have long arms, but even if I didn't you're still beautiful to me."

I serve the lasagna on plates, giving Jason a pretty large portion for his huge appetite, and we go watch a show in the living room. I finish my plate right before Jason finishes his. I put my plate down next to me, which Jason notices and takes my plate to the kitchen and returns with more portions. He hands it to me, I thank him, and proceed to happily eat. Jason sees my plate empty again, takes my plate and returns with more lasagna. I look at him with puffed out cheeks this time. "This is going to be my last plate. I don't think I can eat anymore."

Jason sat closer next to me, one arm around me and one on my belly as I finish my plate very slowly. The babies starts kicking and moving around, so I move Jason's hand to the place they're kicking the most. A sense of warm excitement spreads over his face. He calls Zeke over to feel his siblings move. Zeke's face is a mixture of excitement and confusion. He asks, "How many babies are in here?"

Jason smiles and responds, "You have 2 brothers or sisters cooking in here."

"I want brothers. I thought babies were small," he says as he tries to hug around my middle.

I smile a little. "They ARE small. Mommies grow big tummies as the babies grow. There are 2 babies in here, not just 1 so my tummy is going to be bigger. You'll see how little they are when they're born."

Jason soon after puts Zeke to sleep. He comes back to the couch and suggests we lay down next to each other. "We're not going to fit, especially not with my belly this big," I nearly scoff.

"Let's try this," he says. He lays on his side, propped up with one elbow, has me lay down in front of him, and uses one of the throw pillows to put under my belly for support.

"That feels so nice! I ate so much this thing is so heavy. The support feels great! By the way, where did you put the rest of the lasagna so I know how much to put away?"

"Here," he says with a little bit of a smug grin, patting the snow globe I carry.

"What?!" I am so full I can't turn around to look at him.

"Yep. Zeke ate 1 piece, you gave me 4 pieces, and you ate the rest," Jason says behind me with a bit of a smile, continuing to rub his hands all over my bumps.

"That means I ate...7 pieces? No wonder I'm stuffed full. Ugh, why didn't you tell me?"

Jason pulls up my sundress, exposing my pale stretched out skin as he spoke. "I wanted to make sure you ate until you were full. If you knew how many pieces there were left, you wouldn't have eaten like you did."

The attention felt so good and I stifle a burp. "Ugh, I feel like a beached whale, I don't think I can move. Next time don't let me eat so much!"

"Why?" He asks. "You're supposed to eat until you're full. Besides, you said you were going to enjoy yourself which it seems like you did." He once again pats what seemed to be his handiwork since he was the one who kept feeding me.

"You're right about that, but that was way too much food. I was trying to get us to eat healthier, but instead I just overate. I hope you're proud of yourself!" I am so full even breathing feels like a chore.

"Oh, I am, but I'm also proud of you for breaking down your barriers. You definitely have a different outlook on this pregnancy. I can see how much happier and less stressed you are this time." He moves his hands to my butt and gives some gentle squeezes. "Pregnancy is beautiful on you, and I can see it's going in all the right places."

"Obviously my belly is the biggest recipient, but my bras and pants get tighter what feels like daily with how much weight I'm gaining."

Jason gently sits up and tells me to roll onto my back. He pulls my boobs out of the top of my sundress that is barely containing them anyway. They are still slightly tender but his tan hands are gentle and play with my nipples a little before removing my panties. He removes his pants and gently enters me. I am stuffed so full that him stuffing me even more is both painful and enjoyable this time. He grabs my expanded, soft hips for leverage, and I can feel my boobs and fat quake with every thrust. I can't see over my stuffed mountain, but I can see his top half and the pleasure he is getting from touching me all over. I instantly felt bad for missing out on this last time, because this feeling is so amazing. We both climax and after some breaths, he helps me up to take me to bed. We both slept so soundly.
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Tanatos 1 year
gorgeous story. It is interesting how events will develop further, in the new role of the main character.
RedMama09 1 year
Thank you so much. I look forward to developing the second part
Letters And ... 1 year
A wonderful story with a beautiful ending!
RedMama09 1 year
Thank you so much! This story was really personal to me
Letters And ... 1 year
This is really lovely. Nice story!
Neper 1 year
Hope there’s more!
RedMama09 1 year
There is a second part in the works with April as a surrogate
Tanatos 1 year
Amazing presentation style
RedMama09 1 year
Thank you! Appreciate it
WORBell 1 year
This is incredible
RedMama09 1 year
Thank you so much!
RedMama09 1 year
Thank you so much!