No one sees you when working from home (complete)

Chapter 9 - How much cake can one belly hold?

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~Sept 5~
It is Saturday, day of the gender reveal! I invited a couple friends from work and Jason invited his co-workers. A few people said they'd be happy to come. Since most people live near us, we're having the party at our house. After I got off from work yesterday, I immediately started cleaning and getting the house ready. We're clean people, just sometimes a little messy with a 3-year-old running around.

Trying to brighten my spirits of things not being perfect due to coronavirus, Jason and I coordinate me wearing pink and him wearing blue. We found a purple shirt for Zeke. As I am putting a little makeup on and doing my auburn hair with light curls, I realize I almost forgot my measurements!

Gestation: 22.5 weeks
Weight: 199lbs (+43)
Chest: 47" 36F (+5)
Waist: 50" (+17)
Hips: 47" (+3)

I got a little sick last week so I didn't eat as much as usual, giving these gains a small break. I had to up my bra cup size again, but at least all of my large maternity clothes are stretchy enough to accommodate how much I've been gaining. I feel like almost every morning or two I'm up another pound, especially now that I've nearly cleared 200, which was my original fear with 1 baby. My belly continuously grows outward which has produced a nice, huge curvey silhouette. I've been taking pictures in the mirror and sending them to my friends and coworkers who seem to be in a constant state of disbelief over my size. I've also noticed recently a bit more weight going to my thighs and arms, which has led to my morning measurements not changing drastically.

I'm not really a pink person, so the dress I ordered for today is a watermelon color. The picture online looked really pretty with a loose, flowy collar, short sleeves, and falls just at the knee. I open up the order bag and it's exactly what was pictured. I put on my newest 36F bra and comfy maternity panties. I then put on maternity shaper shorts because I know my bump isn't all baby and I want to make the extra fat on the bottom add oomph to my bump. They're tight so I strain to pull them up to my belly button and instantly see a difference. My bump looks round and slightly lifted, the shorts just appear to cradle me and help accentuate my hips and butt. The moment of truth: the dress. It's stretchy and form-fitting so I'm glad I went with the shorts. I turn to the side and instantly don't regret my choice. It fits beautifully and as Mary would say, I look like a curvy fertility goddess.

Jason comes out of the restroom: instantly his hands gravitate to my belly. "You look absolutely gorgeous, babe," he says as he gently rubs and caresses me. His hands make their way to my rear and chest, exploring how this dress fits against my body. "I think you chose a perfect dress."

"I'm glad you like it. I do, too. It surprisingly fits over all my girth."

"It's just more real estate for my hands," Jason smiles. "What time are Mary and Abel getting here?"

"Should be any minute now," I say. "They're bringing cupcakes and Mary said she made 2 small cakes, 1 for each baby."

"Knowing Mary they're probably not all that small."

"She wouldn't send me a picture out of fear that I would be able to see inside the cake, you know with my x-ray vision, so we'll find out soon."

"Mmmm. After the party daddy wants a piece of Mama's cake," Jason says, grabbing my rear more firmly and gently lifting me slightly.

"Ah, don't do that, I'm too heavy. As long as I don't eat into a coma this time it's on the table. Seems like every get together I feel like it's an excuse to stuff myself even more than when you do it."

"I can still lift you fine. And well, it kind of is. You're growing 2 babies. Your body needs double the energy. Besides, the doctor hasn't said anything about your weight, right?"

"No," I say looking down, grabbing my gravid girth with both hands, "but the nurse did make embarrassing comments before we found out it was twins. She kept reminding me to eat healthy and exercise because I've already surpassed the highest recommended weight gain for a normal-BMI singleton pregnancy."

Jason smiles and gives me a little squeeze. "Well, now she knows better, and your body knows what it needs, so just keep listening to it. You're a great mother, and you're not letting these unborn babies starve. You're doing amazing, hun."

He kisses me on the forehead and gives my bump a little kiss. I go out to the living room with a smile on my face, gently cradling my belly with both hands. Mary and Abel arrive shortly after and won't allow me to help them bring stuff in from their car. There is so much: food, decorations, cupcakes... I didn't even see where the cakes were.

The guests should start arriving in about an hour so we decorate the living room and get all set up. Mary encourages me to sit down and relax before the party so my tired butt obliges. My hips were starting to hurt from walking around with so much extra weight. I heavily sit in one of the two chairs set up for Jason and I. It doesn't feel the sturdiest, but it's what Mary brought and decorated. I notice Mary's pink dress is fitted, making her recent weight gain more obvious. Maybe their IVF attempt is going to take this time. Jason brings me a glass of iced tea and a muffin before answering the door for our first guest.

It is Craig and his wife Bernadette, a couple in their mid-40s. Craig and Jason worked on a project together not long ago. I slowly start to stand up to greet them but Bernadette insists they'll come to me. She comes over first and pats my belly without asking. "Oh goodness, this isn't the baby shower? You poor thing, you're about to pop!"

I laugh a little, knowing Jason hadn't told anyone about the twins. We didn't post that update on social media yet, either. We want to surprise everyone during the gender reveal today. "Nope, definitely still cooking awhile longer. I'm just short and carry big."

"I have 2 boys and they carry bigger, so I'm team boy for you. I'm sure Jason has been getting you whatever you need but if he's not around just holler to me. No need to strain yourself in your condition. Finish your muffin, dear. You'll need your energy for today."

"April! It's been awhile!" Craig's loud voice bellows as he walks over. "I think last time was at the company holiday party."

"Hey, Craig. Yes," I say, reaching up to give him a hug. "I think it has been that long. Good to see you."

Jason opens the door for more guests to arrive. It's his forever bachelor friend he used to go to the gym with from a previous job, Matt. The 35 year old blue eyed blonde definitely hasn't been skipping arm day...or leg day...he is ripped! The friends say hi and Jason ushers Matt over to say hi. I've only met him a few times but it's been over 3 years. I think I was pregnant with Zeke last time. I wave because I don't think we are on a hugging level.

Next comes Chasity, one of my coworkers. She says hi quickly to Jason and runs over to give me a hug. "Oh my, your dress is gorgeous, girl! Hugs your body in all the right places!"

"Thank you, Chasity. I wasn't sure how confident I'd feel in such a form fitting dress," I say shyly, accentuating my shape with a my hands.

"It's perfect!" The 25 year old, skinny tan brunette says. "You look stunning. You're gonna have to let me do your maternity pictures soon!"

"I might take you up on that," I smile. "I'm due beginning of January so I was thinking about end of November or beginning of December?"

"You still have that long??" She gasps. "I thought you were almost due, you poor thing!! Feels like you've been pregnant forever since we don't see each other in the office anymore. Sit down! This thing is huge!"

The last person to join the party is one of the higher ups at Jason's job. A woman with black hair cut short into a sharp bob. She stands taller than average, built like a thick softball player. I've never met her before but assume she and Jason talk enough for her to attend. They talk for a few minutes before coming my way.

"April, this is Gretta," Jason says. "She was one of our supervisors in Germany until she moved to Arizona for a promotion."

"It's nice to meet you," Gretta says with a mild but distinct accent, reaching out to shake my hand. "Jason has told me about you."

"It's good to meet you, too," I say, hoping what he's said was good. "How long have you been in Arizona? Your English is great."

"Thank you. I learned English in school and had to use it often vith vork so I came to the States last year vith a lot of practice."

Jason tells me about a project they had worked on recently, some of which went over my head. I'm not dumb by any means, but I have more of a design centered brain so sometimes he gets so deep in his techie stuff I have no idea what he's talking about.

The party is going on and everyone's mingling, having a good time. At one point Bernadette told Jason he should be getting me some food. He brings me a plate with some finger foods like cheese, fruit, breads, some crackers. At first glance it appears to be quite a bit of food, but then I remind myself that I'm eating (semi secretly to the guests) for 2. No one seems to want to let me stand and do things for myself.

In the other room, Jason catches up with Matt. "It's been so long, man! You haven't changed much," Jason says, giving Matt a look up and down.

"Thanks. I've been keeping up with my 5 days a week routine. I see fatherhood has done a little bit of damage." Matt points towards Jason's stomach.

"A bit. You know I've never been able to gain weight, but I put on about 15 lbs this pregnancy."

"Geeze, you guys must be eating out a ton for YOU to gain, which makes sense after seeing how chubby your wife is. I remember coming to the baby shower for the last kid, and she looks the same as she did back then."

"She lost a good amount of weight about a year and a half ago. This pregnancy has definitely been more relaxing and less stressful for her, which I'll admit has shown up on her physically, but I'm not complaining. I love how her curves fill out when pregnant."

"Congrats, man. I'm happy for you. Hey, maybe we can start going to the gym again. I'm now a part time certified personal trainer and would like to help you get back in shape."

"Yeah, that would be cool. I'd like to get some of my arm strength back, especially if I'm going to be carrying 2 kids."

Matt looks confused. "Can't your older one walk? He's not a baby anymore, right?"

"Oh, I blew it. Don't say anything yet but we're having twins. We were going to use this as an opportunity to share the news."

"Dude... That makes so much more sense now. Congrats! I didn't think it was possible for one kid to make a woman that big, but then again I don't have any kids so what do I know. I was going to suggest workout sessions for your girl as well but I get it now."

"I think she's beautiful. I know she's gained weight and will only gain more, but I'm finding her more and more attractive as the months pass. You know me; I like my ladies with a little meat."

Matt laughs, "Bro, that's more than a little meat; she's a stuffed Thanksgiving turkey."

I am nearly done with my second plate of finger food that Mary brought me when she says we are going to start the cake. Everyone grabs a pink or blue necklace off the coffee table to indicate if they are team boy or team girl. Looks like a mix of half and half. Mary set up a small table in the living room and I slowly get up to stand behind it with Jason. We encourage everyone to take pictures, and Abel is running the livestream for social media from his phone.

"Hey, Mary, all the grandparents are online now so go ahead and bring it in," Abel hollers into the kitchen, staring at his phone. "Hey, mom and dad! Hey Tim, Linda, Joe... Hey everyone. We're about to get started."

Mary is beaming with pride as she brings in 2 definitely NOT "small" cakes. They are easily from at least a 9" cake pan, covered in white frosting. One cake has "Baby A?" written on the top and the other has "Baby B?" Jason and I look at each other smiling and giggling as we wait for everyone to gather around and read.

"Seriously?!" Chasity yells. "Girrll, work isn't going to believe this...or maybe they will because you look ready to pop! Exciting!"

Jason pulls out our ultrasound picture to show the live stream and guests. He wraps one arm around me and kisses me on the forehead. Everyone hands around the ultrasound and Jason starts rubbing my belly, giving it a little kiss right before Mary comes over with two knives.

Abel says, "on the livestream, Tia Karen asks 'are the doctors sure there are only 2?'"

"Yes, Tia," Jason says, rolling his eyes. "The nurse spent over an hour doing the ultrasound after seeing 2."

We call Zeke to come behind the table to announce the color for everyone. We look at each other, each take a knife, and cut into the cake for Baby A. We remove the slice and sprinkles fall out the middle. "What's pink mean?" Zeke asks, reaching to eat some.

"You're getting a sister, bud." Jason turns the cake around for the livestream and guests. Zeke makes an audible "hmph" in disappointment.

"Now for Baby B," I say with a sigh of anticipation. We cut in and ask, "Zekey, what do you see?"

"Bluuuuue!" He yells with gusto. "I get a brother!"

Jason turns the cake around, kissing me and my belly as I cry. I place one hand on his and let people take pictures. I am so thrilled to get one of each. I don't know how I got so lucky to have gotten what I wanted. "Did you get what you wanted?" I ask Jason.

"Yes. You are what I wanted," he says before kissing me again.

Mary puts out the cupcakes and we start to slice up the cakes. There is no way we were going to be able to eat all this. I was expecting small cakes so we wouldn't have a ton of leftovers with such a small party but looks like I was wrong. We are congratulated by everybody before they left. There is still so much cake left.

"Here, babe," Jason says, handing me a plate with a heaping slice from both cakes. "One for each baby."

"Thank you," I say. "This cake is so delicious, but I didn't want to make a pig of myself in front of everybody."

"Well, we have a ton of left over so enjoy yourself. Our son and daughter will thank you for it."

I sit on the couch with my feet propped up on the coffee table. My belly isn't quite big enough yet for me to rest my plate on since my chest keeps taking up more room as well. The silky, moist cake goes down easily, to which Jason brings over more of each. "There's plenty more," he says again, handing me a second plate.

"You're going to need to eat some of this too," I tell him as he sits next to me.

"Don't worry, I've gained a little sympathy weight myself," he says, patting his belly through his blue button down. "Matt noticed my gut and asked if I wanted to start going back to the gym."

I can visibly see a little softness to his belly. How have I not noticed this before? Probably because every time we're having sex my belly eclipses most of his lower body, and when he's home I'm focusing on taking care of the house or dinner or Zeke. I give his belly a little poke as I swallow. "Aww, how cute. Now try gaining over 40 lbs." I give my bump a thudding pat.

"Really?" Jason says, almost with audible excitement. Is he enjoying me gaining weight? "You've put it in all the right places, babe." He wraps one arm around the small of my back and grabs a handful of my hip. I forget how much fat I've collected on my hips until I feel how much was in his hand. "My baby is getting thicc, with 2 C's." He moves his hand to my butt which he instinctively grabs as well.

"Don't remind me how much work I'm gonna have to put in after popping these babies out!" I am a little embarrassed, but realize my first reaction to this emotion is to put more cake in my mouth.

"You're beautiful the way you are. I'll support you no matter what, but know you're most sexy when you're happy like you are right now."

He kisses me and gives my belly a good rub. He gets up to help Mary and Abel clean up since Zeke isn't doing much. I smile as I finish the plate. Mary came in the living room to grab the cakes to put away and notices my empty plate. She grabs one of the cakes and hands it to me. "Here, finish this one. You're out of Tupperware that will fit."

This is still half a cake, but I didn't really eat a meal today and it's so delicious I can't protest as I shovel it in my mouth. I see Mary watching me for a second, admiring how much I enjoy her baking. Jason came back into the living room as I was putting the last bite in my mouth, looking at me longingly. I think I know what he's going to want tonight, probably after he makes me eat the 3/4ths of the other cake that's left...

My dad's calling so I answer. "Hey there!" He says with a slur. It's only 3pm in Colorado and I can tell he's already drunk. I better make this short.

"Hey, dad. Did you see the video?" I ask.

"April, you're massive! I couldn't believe it was you in that video."

I roll my eyes, "yes, I'm huge. I'm having twins."

"Looks more like triplets," his loud voice carrying even when not on speaker. Jason walks in the room. He looks at me and can already tell who I'm talking to.

"They've checked, just 2," I say a little annoyed.

"Your brother's wife is fat and she didn't even get that big when she had her kid."

"Jenna's bigger, but she only had 1 son, dad. I'm having 2 babies and I'm only 5 feet tall," I try to reason, but know I'm getting nowhere.

"You should stop eating so much or you're going to stay fat and have 12 pound turkeys and rip your-"

"Okay, thank you for the warning," I cut him off.

"Hey, Tim," Jason says in the direction of the phone, sitting next to me, trying to ease the tension.

"Oh, hey, Jason! You're feeding my daughter too well."

"She's healthy and growing 2 of your grandchildren. Hope you guys can come out for the shower."

"We'll see how things go. Welp, I need another drink. I'll talk to you later. Stop feeding her-"

My finger hung up the phone before he could continue. He's been a drunk most of my life, but even more so after my mom died. He won't even remember calling me by morning. I sigh with a hand on my belly. Jason lays his head on top of mine. "The way he is isn't your fault," Jason says.

"I know, but he always has to bring up my weight and compare everything. I didn't give him a chance to compare me to mom this time."

"You're beautiful and you're own person," Jason says, putting his hand on top of mine. "You're an adult. He's still your father but you're in control of your life. You're safe."

I sniffle, not quite at the point of crying yet. "Thanks, hun. You're the best husband I could have ever asked for."

"And you're the smartest, sexiest wife I could have ever dreamed of."

After Mary and Abel left, the rest of the day went by slowly and smoothly. We made burgers for dinner. And just as expected, after Zeke went to bed, Jason pulled out the cake, but to my surprise he started eating before offering it to me. We stood in the kitchen, forks in hand, eating the cake until it was gone. I don't know if Jason is trying to make me feel better or what, but he made sure I noticed his food baby by putting my hand on it. If I didn't know better I'd say he's enjoying his first little weight gain ever.
20 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 month
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Tanatos 1 year
gorgeous story. It is interesting how events will develop further, in the new role of the main character.
RedMama09 1 year
Thank you so much. I look forward to developing the second part
Letters And ... 1 year
A wonderful story with a beautiful ending!
RedMama09 1 year
Thank you so much! This story was really personal to me
Letters And ... 1 year
This is really lovely. Nice story!
Neper 1 year
Hope there’s more!
RedMama09 1 year
There is a second part in the works with April as a surrogate
Tanatos 1 year
Amazing presentation style
RedMama09 1 year
Thank you! Appreciate it
WORBell 1 year
This is incredible
RedMama09 1 year
Thank you so much!
RedMama09 1 year
Thank you so much!