New medication

Chapter 2

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November 17th, 2022

I awoke at my computer desk a little disoriented having forgotten the nights previous events for a moment. As I came to I began to recall my actions the night before. I look forward to my computer to check the time; 2PM. I still felt like I was okay, I wasn't depressed or anxious, I was happy despite the slight stomach ache I had. I slowly rose from my desk headed to the kitchen to take my medication. I took one pill with a coke before heading to the bathroom, I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled, something I hadn't done in months. I never really cared for showering even before I was depressed but since it had been a few days since I last showered I was starting to stink. I had my shower and even picked up my toothbrush and brushed my teeth. I looked down at my crop top that had been covered in chip dust and pizza grease from last night's gaming session. I removed my shirt and look at my body. I inspect my small but perky B cup breasts before looking down at my bloated belly. Normally my stomach was pretty flat but given the sheer volume of food I ate last night it stuck out several inches, giving me a 2 months pregnant look. I giggled and rubbed my tummy, being amused by the way it stuck out. I headed to my room to get some clean clothes, I got myself into a cute t shirt with some short shorts and headed to the kitchen. I looked around the kitchen and decided I would have to go shopping again and this time I should need to pick up some real food. I left my house and similar to my previous trip to the store I stopped at dairy queen, I wasn't super hungry but my stomach ache had subsided and honestly I couldn't resist. I decided to only get a kit kat blizzard as a snack since everyone says you shouldn't shop on an empty stomach. I ate my blizzard and arrived at the grocery despite the excellent smells emanating from the bakery I pressed on into the frozen food isle. In all reality I would say I'm not a good cook but so long as it has instructions on the side of the box I could figure it out. I began filling my cart with various items. I grabbed a few frozen pizzas, a couple boxes of pizza pockets, some chicken nuggies, and a big bag of fries. As I reached the end of the frozen foods isle I stopped and nearly began to salivate. There before stood the ice cream fridge, since my cart was already getting full, I settled for 2 pints of Ben and Jerry's, a box of ice cream sandwiches and a box of Popsicles. Satisfied with my selections I paid and headed home. Once home I made lunch. I cooked myself a pizza, grabbed some chips and a can of coke before I sat down at my desk to watch some YouTube while I ate my meal. I wasn't too hungry that day so I didn't eat anything else until dinner rolled around. I didn't feel like cooking so I ordered myself some burger King. I got a baconator, fries and a milkshake. While I waited for my food I sat at my desk and rubbed my bloated stomach. I thought to myself that perhaps eating so much may not be a good thing and my medication my be the cause. I pondered this thought for a moment before deciding that I'm just happy to be able to eat at all and that I should just enjoy it while I can. My food arrived and I finished dinner entirely barely spilling any of it on my t shirt aside from some sauce from the burger. I continued to sit at my desk playing games and snacking for the rest of the day, only leaving it use the bathroom and to get more snacks until once again I fell asleep, covered in various greases and sauces from the feast I had consumed that day.

November 23rd, 2022

A week has passed since my medication truly began working for me and my life has been amazing albeit a little repetitive ever since. My days have consisted of waking up at my desk, taking my medication, changing out of my food stained clothes before heading to the store, or to a fast food restaurant before returning to my desk to gorge myself all day while playing video games. As the week went on I stopped getting such bad stomach aches and each morning my tummy seems to stick out a tiny bit more. I still think it's kinda funny to see such an otherwise tiny girl having a belly that sticks out so much. Today however I have ran into a small issue. I don't have any clean clothes to wear, I haven't really gotten around to doing laundry since I don't really care all that much about it normally and have no problem wearing dirty laundry for the most part, but since all my clothes were covered in food and grease stains it was going to be a problem. I scanned my floor and looked for the least stained shirt and pants I had, a black crop top and black short shorts. These clothes were filthy, covered in all manner of dropped food and grease from me wiping my hands on my clothes, but since they were black they didn't show too much. With clothes out of the way left home to once again restock my kitchen with various frozen foods, snacks and baked goods but not before I stopped for ice cream and fries from dairy queen. I have gotten used to my routine and have honestly enjoy what little structure I had in my life. I came home day at my desk and stuffed myself with all kinds of junk food while gaming for the rest of the day. Everytime I ate I was reminded of how happy I was to be feeling better, which seems to push me to eat as much as I can and to do it more often. My day continued as normal eating and gaming although today I made sure I made it to my bed to sleep as sleeping in my gaming chair has caused me some back pain.
5 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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GrafenbergsP... 1 year
This wants continuing
Ffreedo 1 year
Hey this is great, I hope you decide to continue with the story
Gorseh 1 year
Cant wait to learn more about her weight gain, seems like she is going fully ssbbw. Thanks for sharing!
Fbuucgk 1 year
Good story!
This reminds me of a young colleague who started eating in her sleep due to a side effect of a medication. Kind of like sleepwalking only with eating.
FeedHer2020 1 year
FeedHer2020 1 year
Thanks, yeah I don't plan on having it get too crazy, sort of just whats happening currently will be the extent of slobiness
Fatpeter 1 year
This is a promising start. Look forward to reading more, as it’s just starting to get interesting
FeedHer2020 1 year
Clock 1 year
loving it so far!
FeedHer2020 1 year
Thank you
FeedHer2020 1 year
If you have any feedback for me, whether it be positive or negative I would like to hear it as I want to improve
Shiloh 1 year
Why did you make the date’s a month ahead?
FeedHer2020 1 year
Do you mean why is this story in the future? If that's the case honestly no reason, but now that you bring it up it doesn't make much sense
ElroyJenkins90 1 year
Noticed in chapter three, the date is December 4th, 2020. I don’t mind the dates being set slightly in the future. Other than that I like this story and would love to see where it goes.
FeedHer2020 1 year
Fixed, thank you I hadn't noticed that
Tilli27 1 year
Are you still working on the story?