New medication

Chapter 3

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December 4th, 2022

It's been a full month since I started on my medication and I haven't felt better in a long time. As requested by my therapist I will be heading to my follow up appointment but not before I stop for a quick snack of 20 nuggets and large fries. I eat my snack in the parking lot before entering my therapists office. I'm wearing a simple t shirt and some skinny jeans that I wore yesterday. There was a small amount of grease on my shirt but other than that I felt like they were pretty clean. My conversation with my therapist was short and sweet, I told her my medication was working and my life has been much better for me. She was very supportive of me, but wanted me to go to the doctor for a general checkup as I told her I was somewhat neglecting my health while I was depressed and she wanted to ensure i was healthy. I was able to make my appointment for the doctor for the following week. To celebrate my one month of happiness I decided I would treat myself to a dairy queen ice cream cake. I picked up my cake and headed back home for a day of relaxing, gaming and snacking. As I sat down at my desk I pushed yesterday's food wrappers onto the floor on my right to make room for today's feast. I started with the ice cream cake and finished it before it had a chance to melt, or so I thought, apparently it melted a little as my shirt now had a decent amount of ice cream dribble on it. With my cake out of the way, I headed to the kitchen to myself something to snack on while I watched some twitch. I went with a big bag of sour cream chips and box of chocolate chip cookies with a bottle of sprite on the side. By the time dinner rolled around I took the last bite of my cookies letting put a big burp as I did, and discarded the empty cookie box, chip bag and bottle of to the floor next to me as dinner was about to arrive. My night was essentially just a blur of food, burps and gaming, ending with me pulling off my food covered clothes throwing them into the laundry pile on the floor before crashing into my bed for the night.

December 11th, 2022

A week has passed since my last therapy session and today was my checkup at the doctor's office. I rose slowly out of bed attempting to avoid the food wrappers on my floor as I headed toward the kitchen to take my meds. Once I had taken my medication I headed to the bathroom. Normally I wouldn't have bothered to shower since it had only been 2 days since my last shower but given that I had my appointment I decided it was probably a good idea. I had a shower and headed to the bathroom sink to fix up my hair, which just consisted of me putting my hair into a messy bun. I looked myself in the mirror and noted the few pimples on my face. I don't normally have breakouts but I never really was too concerned by them either, I'm probably just close to my period. I then looked down to my breasts, they seemed to be swollen as they were looking a bit bigger than normal, probably another side effect of my upcoming period I reasoned. My attention then turned to my tummy which now seems to be a permanent state of being bloated as it never seems to go back to normal anymore, but it's likely just because my stomach is always full of food, nothing to worry about, I'd rather have a little tummy and be able to enjoy life than starve myself like I used to. I put on some clean clothes as I finally did laundry a few days ago, although most of my clothes now have permanent food stains on them, but at least they aren't too noticeable. I headed to my appointment, unfortunately I wasn't able to stop for food as I was running late. I made it to the doctor's office with little time to spare and headed inside. I checked into the office and waited to be called in. Not 5 minutes had passed before I felt my stomach rumble, I haven't had breakfast yet and my body is letting me know. After a few more minutes I'm called into the room. The exam was pretty standard, they took my blood pressure and heart rate, measured my height and asked me a few questions about how I was feeling. Everything looked good and the only thing left was to check my weight. The last time I weighed myself I was 110 pounds but that was before I had started neglecting to eat enough due to my depression so I expected it to be a bit less. I was quite surprised however when the doctor told me my weight, 123.7 pounds. While the number shocked me at first as I've never been this heavy in my life, my doctor told I was at a perfectly healthy weight for my height and that my blood pressure and heart rate were both normal, so that I had nothing to worry about. Once my appointment was over I rushed home to have some food and play some games as I do everyday. Several hours and thousands and thousands of calories later I stumbled toward my bed, letting out a tiny burp before I fell asleep in my filthy clothes.
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GrafenbergsP... 1 year
This wants continuing
Ffreedo 1 year
Hey this is great, I hope you decide to continue with the story
Gorseh 1 year
Cant wait to learn more about her weight gain, seems like she is going fully ssbbw. Thanks for sharing!
Fbuucgk 1 year
Good story!
This reminds me of a young colleague who started eating in her sleep due to a side effect of a medication. Kind of like sleepwalking only with eating.
FeedHer2020 1 year
FeedHer2020 1 year
Thanks, yeah I don't plan on having it get too crazy, sort of just whats happening currently will be the extent of slobiness
Fatpeter 1 year
This is a promising start. Look forward to reading more, as it’s just starting to get interesting
FeedHer2020 1 year
Clock 1 year
loving it so far!
FeedHer2020 1 year
Thank you
FeedHer2020 1 year
If you have any feedback for me, whether it be positive or negative I would like to hear it as I want to improve
Shiloh 1 year
Why did you make the date’s a month ahead?
FeedHer2020 1 year
Do you mean why is this story in the future? If that's the case honestly no reason, but now that you bring it up it doesn't make much sense
ElroyJenkins90 1 year
Noticed in chapter three, the date is December 4th, 2020. I don’t mind the dates being set slightly in the future. Other than that I like this story and would love to see where it goes.
FeedHer2020 1 year
Fixed, thank you I hadn't noticed that
Tilli27 1 year
Are you still working on the story?