Test of true love

Chapter 3

When we arrived at Tommy’s place, I looked up in awe.

It was a modern mansion that reminded me of those European castles, built of brick and stone. The lights were all on, which gave it a cozy look against the night sky. We walked up the brick pathway towards the front doors together, passing a large fountain in the center of the grounds.

What I’d give to live in a place like this, I thought to myself.

Tommy unlocked the door with his key, and stepped in offering me a hand. With shaky feet, I climbed up and entered the foyer. After shutting the door, he slipped off my coat and hung them both up on the nearby coat hanger.

“Stand right here and don’t move,” he told me.


“I’ll be right back.” In a flash, he went down a hallway and took a turn right. In a few moments, he returned holding a pair of lavender slippers in his hand.

“You should get out of those shoes.”

I didn’t argue. I could still walk fine, but my feet had started to ache a little. I raised my right leg, beginning to lean too far forward. Tommy took me by the shoulders, warm hands holding me in place.

“Thanks,” I murmured, as I pulled off my shoe, setting it by the door.

“Think nothing of it.”

I did the same for the other shoe, my heart racing as fast as a marathon runner in competition. I couldn’t dare meet his eyes. Boss was so close to me, I barely breathed. He smelt of a light cologne, something that reminded me of the woods.

Once I was finished with changing into the slippers, he led me straight down the wooden floor into a spacious living room.

There were two huge sofas placed across from each other with a coffee table in the center.

“Make yourself at home,” he gestured, patting the sofa as he took a seat on the edge of the one on the right.

I took a seat next to him, plopping down.

“What a nice place you got here,” I said looking around the room, taken by its vibrant blue paint job.

“Thank you,” he said. “I do enjoy it.”

“It’s rather big. Is it just you who lives here?”

He shifted in his seat. “Not just me, the household staff live and perform their duties here.”

Ah, so he really doesn’t have a family, I thought.

“I see.”

“What about you? Do you live alone?”

I laughed. “If you wanna count my goldfish, I guess I’m not alone.”

“A fish? I pegged you as more of a dog type.”

“Maybe later, it's a bit too much responsibility at the moment. Losing my dog 2 years ago made me take a break.”

“I understand,” he said. “I used to have a cat myself–”

“Thomas, where have you been? You know I needed the menu for the cook–” An older, stout, woman in a maid’s uniform came in from the other hall. “Oh, dear. I didn’t know you had company this evening.”

She turned to greet me with a smile. “Please excuse me, miss. I am Maria. I am the head maid of the mansion you see.”

“Nice to meet you,” I said with a wave. “I’m Kristina.”

“This is my secretary. I believe I have mentioned her on more than one occasion.”

“Oh, of course,” she smiled. “It’s nice to see you have company for a change. It’s been far too long.”

“Would you like something to eat?” Tommy asked. “We only had those tiny appetizers. I believe you must want something more substantial.”

I shook my head. “Oh, no, no, don’t worry about me.”

“No, I insist. You should have something,” he turned to Maria. “Could I bother you to help prepare something, Maria?”

“Absolutely. Any preferences?”

“Oh, no I hate to be any trouble.”

“It’s no trouble at all. That’s what we’re here for,” she replied warmly.

I didn’t want to be a pain, but I did sort of want something else to eat… “It might be ridiculous but would a nachos be possible?”

“Sure thing.”

Tommy laughed. “You really are inebriated.”

“Shut up! I am not,” I denied folding my arms. I was only a wee bit tipsy, nothing more.

“Did you not tell me that your favorite dish when you were woozy, was nachos? You’re not that much of a fan usually.”

I huffed.

Maria just chuckled to herself. “It should take no longer than 40 minutes.”

She trotted off with a quick pace to her steps.

Once she was out of the room, I spoke up. “She talked to you like a mom does.”

“Well, Maria has been a second mother to me. When my mother was busy she’d keep a watchful eye over me. Things haven't changed too much now despite my adulthood.”

“Aww that’s cute.”

“Uhuh,” Tommy said, rolling his eyes.

“I mean it,” I pointed. “You’re always so stuck up. It’s good to know people are around to take care of you.”

At this, his eyes lit up. “What do you mean?”

“Well you, like, I dunno, like to do everything alone and get all sulky and stuff. Of course, at work no one ever calls you out on it cept maybe me and Fink. No one else would dare.”

“...Are you saying you worry about me?”

“Maybe.” I shrugged, holding my tongue. Of course, I did, but there was no way I would say it now.

“I’m fine, though I’m a bit more concerned about you at the moment,” he said. “But I’m flattered. I thought you only sought to make me miserable.”

“Haha, you know it, you dullard.”

We came to a comfortable silence as my eyes settled on a small table that held a lamp. Next to it there was this photo framed nicely standing up of a family of three. A lithe auburn haired lady stood next to a fat man. Both of them were holding onto the small chubby boy in the center.

“Oh, lookie that! Was that you?” I asked, staring at the photo.

He flushed slightly. “Yes, it was.”

“Aww you were so cute back then! Look at those chubby cheeks,” I said giggling. I had no idea the boss was such a little porker. He was so thin now that I half thought he’d go for a swim in the suits he wore.

“Yes, yes, I was chubby back then. I slimmed up as I got taller though.”

“Ah, of course.” I don’t know why, but I couldn’t help but feel disappointed. Looking at what I assumed was his father in the photo, I saw how big and robust looking he was. He didn’t look like a fatty per se, he was certainly large, but somehow at the same time manly and muscular. I wondered what Tommy would look like if he went down the same path…

—-------------------------------- ------------------------

Dinner was lovely as it always is, though, it had been some time since I had Mexican food. It was a funny request for sure.

The chefs had made the nachos as requested with tons of cheese, jalapeno, peppers and ground beef. They also had editions of tacos, burritos, quesadillas, and antojitos. Kristina enjoyed herself with the nachos as well as a sample of every dish. I had more than my fair share, since it was a rare occasion.

She still wasn’t fully sober and refused to go home yet, so I asked if we could prepare a guest room here for her. I didn’t mind, I would prefer knowing that she was okay as opposed to doing who knows what out of sight alone.

Once she had felt her meal settled I showed her to the many guest rooms we had upstairs on the second floor hall. They had sparsely been used in ages, but the maids always made sure they were up to date.

The bed was properly made, carpeted floor vacuumed without a trace of dust in sight. On the pillow was a night gown, as we always had some attire for guests available.

Kristina kicked off her slippers with a sigh of relief. She sat on the bed with a drop.

“Are you comfortable?” I asked. “Need anything?”

“I did need something else,” she said.

“What’s that ?”

“Can you unzip my dress? It’s tight and hard to reach.”

I paused and felt a lump in my throat. I took a seat next to her and placed a gentle hand on her back. Found it. It was in a place awkward to reach–simultaneously too low and too high to unzip alone. I pulled it down all the way.

She breathed a sigh of relief as the straps fell to her arms showing her bare breasts.

I couldn’t help but stare at the perfect shape. Small, but perky… I stood up, doing my best to stifle my temptation to further look. But her slender fingers took hold around my arm, dragging me right back down.

We looked at each other for a moment. Then she grabbed my face and slammed her lips against mine. I didn’t really think much– I took her all in like those times I sunbathed on the beach. She was so warm, so hot– down to her lips, and the tongue she’d jammed down my throat. And who turns down the radiance of the sun?

Parting for air, she pulled back for a moment. Tearing off my jacket, she attacked my lips once more, allowing me to taste the linger flavor of salsa. I undid the buttons on my shirt, peeled off her dress, and viewed the other and only obstruction left. Impatient, she tried to sit up, but I pressed her right back down. I kissed her all over, from her head all the way down to her stomach.

Kristina squirmed. I looked up at her dark brown eyes, pleading. Or rather demanding me to do something more. I returned the look with a smile.


This was like looking at a painting from the Louvre. I never glanced at paintings in museums. I took it all in for as long as I needed to. Especially the exhibits I might not see again.

So, I chose to be greedy. I took my time. She was always so pushy, but not right now…Any time she tried to move up, I laid into her with my weight holding her down. I allowed my tongue to dance all over her exposed body, to suck, nibble, and blow as if I was enjoying a delectable buffet. My secretary was always so well put together…and now, I enjoyed the sight of her starting to unravel right in front of me as she shivered, unable to help herself.

I taunted her with my fingers, dragging them across the damp panties. Her legs twitched. Playtime was over. I slid the sheer material down, and had a little taste. She gasped, thighs squeezing my head. This right here, was just like having dessert before dinner.

So sweet.

When I was done lapping up the taste, I took one last lick like a greedy person clearing a plate. I undid my pants, unable to hold back any longer myself. I climbed on top of her and took the plunge as though I was deep sea diving.

“Finally…” she murmured, latching her hands into my hair.

After having subdued her for so long, she let loose underneath me. Together we moved in a way that made the bed shake with loud creaks. It melded with the sound of her panting and calling my name, until we both crumbled like sandcastles on the beach.

I had held her until she fell asleep, which hadn’t taken long. Carefully, I had removed myself, turned out the lights, and closed the door.

It had been something I’d only thought of. I didn’t think it’d ever happen. I had returned to the living room with a grin.

Though, I paused as I took a seat on the couch once more. Perhaps, I shouldn’t have given in to that request…It might be too much to go further than that. We did work together. I was technically her boss and well, I was a bit older than her as well.

I didn’t want to harm our friendship either.

But it was also some of the best sex I’d ever had.

In my contemplation, I didn’t notice Maria shuffling into the room.

“Oh, you’re still up? How is our guest?”

Basking in the afterglow, I couldn’t repress my smirk. “She’s fine. She should be in bed now.”

“I like her, she has a good feeling about her,” Maria said. “Are you two dating?”


“And why not?” She placed her hands on her hips. “She seems so much nicer than those tramps you’ve brought back–”

Oh no. Not this again. “Maria–”

“I’m serious, Master Thomas. Didn’t you once tell me you wanted a companion? Yes, I know you are free to do whatever you want, but why are you rejecting what you really want?”

“Kris is my secretary. She’s great at what she does and she’s one of my closest friends. I don’t want to ruin what we already have.”

“Nonsense, have you considered that friends make better partners?” she asked. “My husband was one of my childhood friends. And your parents were well acquainted before they started dating.”

I ran a hand through my hair. “I don’t know. The other ones were friendly too. But then it was made clear that they just wanted my money, not me.”

Maria sighed. “It’s been a long time since Melissa, Thomas. You need to move on because you might miss out on a good opportunity. You will consider it, won’t you? Tonight I saw you laughing, and I haven’t seen you do that in such a long time.”

“I…I’ll think about it,” I said, unable to tell her no outright.

“I’m glad,” she smiled. “Good night. Don’t sleep in tomorrow.”

“Yes, yes, I know, I know,” I said, rolling my eyes, watching as she departed to her quarters on the first floor. “Good night.”

I stayed in the living room a while longer thinking of what it would mean for us to be together. Or to remain as we were. But now, it might be impossible.

We crossed that line tonight.

With no good answers coming to mind, I eventually went back upstairs to my room. Maybe, I’d come to a conclusion after some sleep.
9 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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Shiloh 1 year
Yeah, but it’s not as exciting then I thought😕.
Baconlass 1 year
Thank you! It means a lot smiley
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