Test of true love

Chapter 6

Boy, how I was wrong.

At first I wasn’t entirely sure, but now I knew for certain that my eyes weren’t deceiving me.

What I thought was just a fleeting moment continued on. All of sudden, boss was taking every opportunity to work from home every month and each time he returned, he definitely came back heavier. And when he was in the office, he’d always bring in takeout orders, pizza boxes, or bags of fast food just about every day.

This pattern had started in June and hadn’t stopped. At this point, I wasn’t sure if it was going to stop.

It was the start of September and a casual Friday when I saw him for the first time in a while. I nearly dropped my jaw.

When I noticed the first few times he had to get new suits to fit his widening frame, Tommy seemed to be of average weight at best. He’d been so thin, that the weight made him look healthier, but…

…Today, boss just looked chunky.

He panted as he entered the office wearing a too small button down shirt, left open. His biceps were thick and hugging the cotton material of the long sleeve shirt. He couldn’t button his shirt across his wider and thicker chest let alone his belly which now started to wobble a bit when he walked. The white t-shirt he wore under the flannel was just barely covering the lower part of his belly. He didn’t have moobs, but his pecs weren’t as well defined as they once were. The black pants he wore were held up with a belt, looking like its zipper was straining to hold up. His hips had also widened and flared out a bit on the sides. He went from having no ass to a much fuller one.

I admit I was shocked to see how much wider he was now, than anytime I saw him in recent memory.

He’d just come up from downstairs a plastic bag in hand, sweating.

“What’d you get for lunch today?” I asked.

“Oh, just a… couple of… burritos. Do you want one?” He offered, still catching his breath.

“Oh no, wouldn’t want to take away from your lunch, big guy.”

He blushed slightly. “Big guy? I know Fink pointed out that I had gained, but-”

“Well, you’ve started to really blimp up boss. This is more than a little weight. I don’t know what you’ve been eating, but you can’t really hide in too small clothes…”

He sheepishly rubbed the back of his head. “Yes, that’s true. I need to do some more shopping after work today. It’s all I had in my closet today unfortunately.”

I patted his bigger, now obvious belly. “You might wanna go up a couple of sizes eating like that, boss.”

“Yeah. I’ll keep it in mind,” he said, flashing an embarrassed smile. “Well, these burritos won’t eat themselves. If you’ll excuse me.”

With that he rushed by and into his office, closing the door in a hasty fashion. I couldn’t help but chuckle.

It was an interesting development. The boss knew he was getting fat…but didn’t care? But then again, he was riled up when I called him a big guy and pointed it out…

Hm. I couldn’t quite figure it out.

But maybe with some tests, I could crack the code…
--------------------------------------- ---------------

After work, I used the elevator to reach the ground floor to exit the building. I couldn’t avoid the stairs during the day because of time constraints, but since there was no rush I wasn’t going to tire myself out on the stairs. Not when I was going to tire myself out elsewhere.

I hopped into my car in the parking lot. The mall wasn’t too far away if I used the backroads. After Kristina told me how too small my clothes were looking, I figured it was time to size up. It was the first time she had commented on my gain and rather bluntly too. Therefore, I could only assume it must have looked bad.

Was I really that big now? Big enough to be called ‘big guy’? I thought it over as I jammed the keys into the ignition and put on my seat belt. It took a bit more effort than I recalled, as I had to keep pulling to make it reach across my chest and stomach to be locked in. Admittedly it was feeling a bit snug. It wasn’t too bad, definitely a change from prior when I never really felt the belt cutting into me. But it had been a very long time since I had this much blubber too.

After extending that bit of effort, I backed out of my parking spot and headed off to the nearest mall. Using the backroads meant little traffic in comparison to the main streets. The only annoying thing about it was how many bumps in the roads there were. I felt the impact doubly as my belly jostled and jumped around uncontrollably, with each pothole.

However in about 20 minutes the rocky ordeal was over and I arrived at the mall parking lot. It wasn’t too crowded, at least not so crowded where I couldn’t find a parking spot not too far away from the entrance to a shoe store.

I walked a short distance from my car to the inside and began the arduous journey into the shopping plaza.

I wasn’t a fan of malls too much, but I needed clothes sooner than later and I didn’t feel like waiting on a tailor to do all my measurements for new clothes. Besides, I wasn’t out of regular stores yet.

After I passed through the shoe store, I took a seat on a nearby empty bench. The walk from the lot and through the store caused me to somewhat lose my breath. It was bigger than I thought. Or maybe I was just more out of shape than I thought.

My stomach growled loudly.

I hadn’t eaten since noon and it was evening now. At least malls had a lot of food. I thought about going to the food court now, but once I ate, I wouldn’t feel like getting up for a long time. Against my stomach wishes, I figured I should find some clothes before sitting down for a meal.

With enough time on the bench, I stood up and wandered through the first floor with a bit more pep in my step. The faster I got this over with, the better. Though, it turns out I wasn’t very fast, as I could only keep a quick pace for a couple of minutes, before growing tired of the sensation of my thighs slapping together and my belly shifting around under my t-shirt. I could feel sweat forming under my arms and under my belly too.

I had forgotten how annoying being chunkier could be. But it was for a greater goal. So, I kept telling myself.

Once I spotted a store I liked, I didn’t hesitate. Everything I was wearing was snug, and that was a large. So, I figured I should buy at least two sizes up. I browsed around and ended up getting a couple of more plain t-shirts, quite a few button downs, a couple of pairs of jeans, and several slacks. I only got a couple of XL things because I imagined I would grow out of them sooner than later, since it seemed I wasn’t a large anymore. So, I ended up getting more items in XXL and XXXL, which was a wild thought to me, to think I’d get that fat.

I didn’t bother trying anything on, simply because I was hungry and it wasn’t like I couldn’t do more shopping later this weekend at another point if I was incorrect. Hauling off all my clothes to the cash register, I waited in line behind a few people and checked out.

With my two massive bags in hand, I could finally do the fun part. Happily, I went the opposite direction from which I came until I found the escalator. I rode it up and headed to the center of the second floor, where the food court was.

So many different scents filled the air, from hot pizza, crispy chicken, Japanese food, Thai food, subs, and burgers– there were so many delicious things to choose from. But today, I really wanted tacos.

Doing my best to maneuver around people, tables, and chairs without knocking into them, most part succeeding, I headed to Taco Bell all the way on the left side of the court. I dropped my bags at an empty table close by. Nobody was in line, most of them lined up at McDonald’s.

“Hi, what can I get for you?” the teenaged cashier asked me.

“I’d like to have six soft taco supremes and a Mountain Dew Baja Blast.”

His eyes widened for a moment, but he said nothing as he rang me up. Giving me my receipt and giant cup of Mountain Dew, he went off to the back. A few minutes had passed and eventually he returned with a giant bag on a tray. I thanked him and took my goodies back to my table.

I took a seat in the metal chair, feeling a bit uncomfortable. The chair was small, and my now bigger butt was spreading a bit off the edges of the seat when I sat. It wasn’t unbearable, but it was noticeable.

But I was too excited to let it stop me. I dumped the contents of the bag onto the tray and opened the wrapper on the first taco. It was still nice and warm, filled to the brim with beef, sour cream, cheddar, tomatoes, and lettuce. It smelt heavenly. Impatient, I took a bite, taking in the softness of the bread and the slightly spicy seasoning of the meat. The flavors were sharp and blended together nicely, unlike the subpar Taco Bell that was closer to my home.

Before I knew it, I had shoved that taco down my throat in a couple of minutes without even realizing it, looking to take another bite only to realize I had finished it. I blinked, shaking my head. It was a good thing I had five more of them.

I chomped the second, third, and fourth tacos down without any issue, whilst chugging my soda. I slowed down around my fifth taco, having to take smaller bites and force my packed stomach to oblige. The sixth taco took me the longest, but I refused to waste a single bite just because the tacos were that good.

Looking down, I wiped the crumbs off of me and laid a hand on my gut which had expanded from the large meal. My stomach gurgled and bubbled as it digested. Without warning, let out a loud belch.

The people around me turned in my direction, staring. Some were chuckling, while others were just shaking their heads.

I flushed, sitting there because at the moment that’s all I could do, since I wasn’t ready to move. I had overdone it yet again, going beyond full but stuffed. It was becoming natural by this point. I thought I should slow down a tad, and stop when I was full, but by growing gluttony would more often than not win out. It would be so sad to waste such delicious food, I thought.

Once I digested enough, I picked up my food wrappers and dumped them in the trash, leaving the tray in its designated location. Then, I picked up my two bags and dragged my bloated body out of the food court, stifling another belch.

Taking the escalator down, I started the trek all the back through the mall out into the parking lot. But I found myself lured by the scent of cinnamon in the air, right to a pretzel shop. I knew I shouldn’t have anymore after glutting myself…but it’s not like I came to the mall very often. One little pretzel shouldn’t hurt, right?

Against my better judgment, I waited in line for a cinnamon powdered pretzel. Every time I had to take a breather on the way out, either because I was tired or my arms were tired from holding the two bags, I’d take a nibble out of the soft, warm, and overly sweet pretzel like the glutton I was.

I did the same when I finally got to my car and was driving back home too. All the while, wondering what I was going to have for dinner later tonight.

------------------------------------------ ---------

Upon arriving home, I realized how tired I was from walking around more than usual. I decided to take a bath and relax.

Though, I had to climb up the stairs to the bathroom. While I had to walk it regularly, today it truly felt like a struggle. By the time I made it to the top of the stairwell, I could feel the ache in my legs and back.

I was sweating yet again, so I didn’t waste too much time heading into the bathroom. Inside, I closed the door, turned on the water in the tub, and began to strip down. My arms were on fire as I had to fight to peel myself out of the too small button down shirt I was wearing which clung to my upper arms.

Then, I fought with getting out of the t-shirt underneath which I appeared to be even smaller after my binge at the mall. It had been easy to put on, but I had to stretch it out in an attempt to not rip it trying to pull my arms out one at a time. Undoing my belt, gave my stomach much needed release. Once the belt was undone the pants dropped under my belly and I slid them off. My underwear was beginning to cling to me and I made a note to remember to buy more in bigger sizes soon as well.

After stripping down, I made sure the water was the right temperature and climbed in. It was hot, but not scalding, just as I liked it. I soaked for a while, before scrubbing myself with soap and a cloth. To be honest, it was somewhat of an effort. My arms kept getting sore and tired the more I reached different places. So it took more time than what I was accustomed to.

Once the water started getting cold, it was time to leave. I placed my hands on the sides of the tub to pull myself up.

But I dropped right back into the tub. I tried again, but couldn’t get my arms to push me up.

My face was burning. There was no way I was too out of shape to get out of here. But I tried again and again, my arms having basically no real strength left and the same for my fat legs. Shit.

I began wondering if I should call someone for help to get me out of here. But it was too embarrassing for me to do. If Maria had to see me like this, I would never live it down.

Yes, that was enough of a motivating factor. This time, I put all my strength into pushing up one leg and then the other. With one big push up, I used my stronger right side to force my shaky body to stand up.

I breathed a huge sigh of relief, as I wiped my sweaty forehead with my damp hand.

Thank the lord.

As I carefully climbed out of the tub, one leg at a time to grab a towel, I realized I needed to change up my plan. Looking at myself in the mirror, I could say I was doughy. I wasn’t truly fat yet. Because of that, I had to keep going. If I kept up the pace I was going at I could definitely be fat within the coming months. But if I had to struggle walking up stairs and climbing out the tub, I should probably do weight training. I didn’t want to have to rely on people for basic things. And being that weak would pose a problem at work, as I couldn’t work from home all the time. Even if I did, I would need to climb these stairs daily.

Yes, I’d still eat as I was now, but I’d start weights just so it wouldn’t get out of hand and I could still be somewhat strong.

With the new plan in mind, I left the bathroom to my bedroom.

—------------------------------- ------------------------

After finishing my dinner of pizza, wings, salad, and French fries, I went to the living room to watch tv. As usual, I was full to the max.

“Master Thomas,” Maria said as she entered the room.

“Yes, what is it?”

“Are you sure about this…ridiculous plan of yours?” she asked.

Of course, Maria found it weird that I continued to keep gaining weight and asked me about it.

“I’m committed now. It’ll be over in a few months anyway.”

“Well, I think it’s still silly that you’re doing this instead of just talking to the girl,” she said, shaking her head. “Besides that, you’re about to reach a point of no return.”

“What do you mean?” I asked. “I can always lose weight later if I want.”

Maria just laughed in response. “You say that now, but I see the way you eat. With a stomach that stretched, you’ll have a rough time. And I see how you enjoy the food…just like your father.”

“Whatever…people way bigger than me lose weight all the time. Maybe it’d be hard, but I could do it whenever.”

“If you say so, sir,” she said with a smile. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

With that she walked off.

I frowned looking down at my stomach which was now always poking out even in shirts that were the proper size.

I tried to shake it off. I’m sure I could have the willpower to lose it if I wanted to, I thought. I’d only keep this up for a little bit longer. Just until I felt truly fat. I’d figure it all out after that, but until then I’d focus on completing the mission.
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VintageRose1920 1 year
Love this!!
Baconlass 1 year
Thank you!
Fatlover7 1 year
I love this story! It's well wtitten, with good characters and I love where this is going. I especially love the teasing in chapter 7.
Baconlass 1 year
Thanks so much! Glad you're enjoying it smiley. For me, teasing is a given so you'll probably see more of it haha
Ifmusicbe3 1 year
Daaaamn, she’s leaning in!
Baconlass 1 year
Haha I suppose so smiley
Osse 1 year
Great last couple of updates!
Baconlass 1 year
Thanks, glad you think so smiley!
Kjdfduhfjdf 1 year
I need more of this
Ifmusicbe3 1 year
Love it. Wish the chapters came faster!
Baconlass 1 year
I'm glad you like it!
FrecherTyp 1 year
Oh yes very sexy to read
Baconlass 1 year
Glad you are enjoying it!
Davejeffords 1 year
Hopefully we get more soon!
Baconlass 1 year
Thanks for being patient!
Fatchance 1 year
VERY well written! I love where is this going, please continue!
Baconlass 1 year
Thank you!
Osse 1 year
Excited to see where this goes!
Baconlass 1 year
Thank you! I should have the next chapter up soon.
GrowingLoveH... 1 year
Nice start. Well written.
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