Test of true love

Chapter 8

“Glad that meeting is finally over,” Kristina yawned as we left the boardroom.

“Yes, it was exhausting. At least we don’t need to do another one until late January,” I replied.

“Now, I can focus on Christmas. I bet you’re excited for it this year,” she said. There were only a few more days before the holiday break. If anything I looked forward to, it was not having to do anything work related at least for a week.

“Why would you say that?”

“Huh? Well, seeing the way you eat every day, I figured you must be excited for Christmas dinner and those leftovers.”

“Would you knock it off?” I flushed.

“Knock what off?” she asked, feigning innocence. “I’m just saying, you might as well embrace what you are now. Which is fat.”

Hearing her repeat this so bluntly always rattled me. I knew it was true, but hearing it from someone else, especially her, always hit me harder, forcing me to realize the reality that I was fatter than I’d ever been.

And since the first time she humiliated me after I dropped my pen, I knew I had achieved my goal. Today, it was time to put everything to the test.

“I’ve had enough of you,” I said, shaking my head, face burning still. I walked ahead to my office door. “Get the files ready before we leave today.”

“Aye aye, captain,” she winked as she took a seat at her computer desk.

—--------------------------------------- -----------------

I typed away for a few hours, before an email caught my attention. It was from the boss. All it said was, ‘I need to speak to you about an important matter. Office now.’

Tilting my head, I looked at the door a few feet away. What was that about? He could have just poked his head out like he normally did for everything else. He might have been fat, but he wasn’t lazy.

Standing up, I walked towards the door and entered.

“Close and lock it behind you,” Tommy said, standing up in the middle of the room.

I did as requested, raising a brow. The boss could be stuck up, but he was rarely ever so short. Was he planning on firing me or something? Giving me a cut? If my jokes truly bothered him, he would have told me to seriously stop a while ago, but he never did. I always did my work…so I didn’t think it was about that.

Waiting to know what this was all about, I turned my attention to Tommy in the middle of the room. Today, he was wearing one of the newer suits, black pinstripes matching jacket and slacks, with a gray shirt underneath. Despite his enhanced size, whenever he wore suits he was always neat and professional.

Since November, he had only expanded slightly in size. Maybe a few months ago he could have his pants under his massive belly, but now he had his slacks pulled up over his waistline. Though, it seemed like some of his flab was hanging over it now. His limbs were massive, and his ass had finally caught up with the rest of his enlarged body now flaring and spreading out like melons. And damn, his chest was huge. They didn’t appear to be quite exactly moobs, but they were packed with fat that would sometimes be seen in outlines of certain sweaters or shirts he wore.

At this point, everyone just accepted that he was huge. It wasn’t even a hot topic of discussion around the coolers anymore. We all just accepted that this was the way things were and that we knew who exactly was going to play the role of Santa at the next company Christmas party.

Tommy looked down at me with his thick neck, almost gone, and unhidable double chin showing.

“What’s the deal?” I asked.

“It’s been on my mind lately, so I wanted to get it settled sooner rather than later before we departed for vacation,” he began. “In the past, and I know I turned you down, you said that you were interested in me…and I want to know if that’s still the case.”

I blinked. Was I imagining this?

“Well, you sure picked a fine time to ask,” I huffed. “You know what I said. I wanted to take things to the next level. I’ve stopped bringing it up since you claimed it was a bad idea, but I haven’t given up on it.”

“Really? Even looking like this?” he asked, lifting his ginormous gut and letting it drop. “Even being a pig as you’ve said?”

I snorted. “Tommy, you’ve been a pig for months. You didn’t seem to worry about it then, so why worry about it now?”

He flushed at the words.

“You know, I always liked you, but…I always thought you were a string bean. Of course, I would have dated you either way, thin or fat whatever, but I like bigger guys. Whether they’re just more muscular or even fat, I always preferred meat on the bones,” I confessed. “So when you started gaining without stopping, I was into it. Watching you morph from a twig concerned about weight into a blimp was entertaining.”

His eyes widened. “A-are you serious?”

“Of course, I am. You seem so much easier to take seriously too. You're big and imposing now.”

“Huh, is that right…” he muttered. He was quiet for a while before speaking again. “I suppose I should be honest too.”

“I wanted to believe in you when you said you liked me for me, because that never happened. Everyone just wanted my money, looks, and status. But since you denied my money and status, I was curious to see how you’d respond if I were unattractive.”

I burst out into laughter. It was my turn to be bewildered. “So you’re saying you became a Goodyear blimp just for me? With how you eat, I think you’re somewhat deceiving yourself.”

Tommy flushed again. “I…definitely got carried away.”

“You’re absolutely ridiculous,” I scolded him, shaking my head.


“And now that I know this, did I pass your silly little test, fat boy?”

“Er yeah-” he said sheepishly.

I laughed. “So what’s next on the agenda?”

“Making it official.”

“Wow, official! With a lard ass haha.”


“I did it. I’m going out with office Santa-”

Tommy took me by both my arms and dragged me over to his empty desk. He was burning red in the face. “Kristina…you are really something else. Can you go five seconds without teasing me to death?”

It was a bit surprising how easily he moved me. He was stronger than he looked. But that didn’t phase me. “Probably not. What are you gonna do about it, tubby?”

In response, he turned me around and had me bent over the surface of his desk. I gasped at the impact of one his hands slapping my ass with an absurd amount of force. It stung.

“Since you act like a child, I figured I should treat you like one,” he said. “Here, stand up.”

“Why should I–”


Christ. Boss wasn’t playing around, as I felt yet another sting. Somewhat grudgingly, I stood up. I started to turn my head.

“Look straight ahead, no need to look back here.”


“Glad you’re beginning to get the program,” he said. “Lift up the dress and remove those obstructions.”

I flushed. “You mean…here?” That was bold. Boss was never that bold.

“No, in Pompeii,” he remarked sarcastically. “You wanted to see what I’d do and I’m showing you. Hurry up.”

When he talked like that, I didn’t waste any time. I raised my fitted dress up to pull down my stockings and panties. Then, I returned to bending over against the desk.

“Smart girl, wouldn’t have hired you as my secretary for nothing,” he remarked, smugly.

I remained still, waiting for any sign of action, but nothing happened. I just had my ass up in the air, feeling nothing but exposed.

“...What are you doing?” I finally asked.

“Admiring the view.”

I flushed.

“Oh, you wanted me to prove something, right? I mean, I wouldn’t have you spread out on my desk like this for no reason, right?”

Oh no. He was taking a page out of my book.

“What reason was it again? Hm, almost forgot. Maybe you should refresh my memory.”

Annoyed at this sudden ploy, I didn’t want it to go on. I wanted to be satisfied now. “I wanted–”

“No, no, actually forget it. I think I know what you want,” he chuckled. In a couple of seconds, I felt him directly behind me. I listened to the sound of him undoing his belt.

“For months, I’ve let you get out of hand. But now since we understand each other, I wanted to remind you of your place…”

I let out a small gasp as I felt a huge weight pressing into my back, pushing me deeper into the desk.

Holy shit. Was that…?

“How does that feel? That’s my stomach on top of you. What you’ve been taunting me for, for months.”

I was at a loss for words. He was really that fat? What’s more was how a pool of wetness was forming between my legs.

“And you’re right, Kris. I’m a big guy now. I’m fat. My stomach is so big, it’s crushing your little body.”


“You might enjoy humiliating me, but you enjoy this, don’t you? All along, you were just as crazy as me. Everyone else likes a hard body, but you being the little freak you are….like this,” he said as he pressed closer into me.


“You knew I was getting fat, but you never once discouraged it. You never told me to stop. You encouraged it. You wouldn’t stop bringing me more food, making me into your personal pig.”

The words alone would have sent me, but being unable to move under the mass on top of me wasn’t helping.

“Your fat pig boss wanting to fuck you in his office over his desk, treating you like a little slut…it’s turning you on, isn’t it?”

“God, Tommy, you're going to kill me,” I moaned.

“Then, it’s like I thought,” he laughed softly. “Don’t worry, girl. I can’t wait anymore either.”

He slid inside me with ease and didn’t take long to start. “You weren’t really kidding. You’re so wet.”

It was far different than before. He moved much slower now, but his moves were much more powerful. With each thrust, I felt shaken to the core. I needed to stop myself from being too loud.

The warmth engulfing me from his mass, blending with the sensations of the cool wooden surface underneath me, somehow made me feel smaller than what I was. Pinned effectively by the job, by my boss…and it was just what I had always wanted.

It didn’t take long for me.

But boss wasn’t finished yet, and kept on until he was satisfied with the point he was making. My body trembled as it was pushed to the brink once more and like two people coming home from a long day at work, eventually we both collapsed.

Tommy pulled himself off of me. I heard him, fiddling with his belt behind me, still catching his breath.

I stood up and stretched my back and arms over my head. My head was spinning. I couldn’t believe that had happened. It finally happened. Happened. Like that. Like this. Wild. In some part, I felt achy. But it was worth it.

“Go clean yourself up,” he said from behind me. He planted a couple of light kisses on my neck, while lightly tracing the edges of my body.

“When you’re done, you can take the rest of the day off,” he said, moving back behind his desk.

By now, he had adjusted his pants and was just tidying his shirt.

I pulled up my panties first, and then my stockings as they had both fallen to my ankles. My dress had fallen back down once I stood upright. “And you?” I asked him.

He shook his head.

“There are things I still have to do today. But I would check your availability for the weekend,” he said with a small smile.

“Oh…of course,” I said, trying to mask any excitement emanating from my voice. “I’ll let you know once I get home.”

Without another word, I shuffled out of the office, shutting the door behind me with a silent cheer. I had no doubt in my mind that this weekend would be amazing.
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Shiloh 1 year
Yeah, but it’s not as exciting then I thought😕.
Baconlass 1 year
Thank you! It means a lot smiley
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