A generic sci fi story 2)

Chapter 2

Melissa awoke in a dark grey room. She felt groggy as she awoke. She felt naked and as such tried to move… she couldn't? She felt weird. . The floor she was lying on was freezing.There was a tube of sorts located in her jaw. She tried looking around only to see green people? As she adjusted her eyes more she realised that they were covered in moss. As she began trying to piece together what was going on a weird liquid began pouring down the tube. Melissa tried not to swallow however eventually one of the moss guards came over and slapped her on the ass. This caused her to moan as the liquid went down her mouth. As this happened she found the liquid addictive as she continued gulping it down. Her body began expanding slowly outwards as any muscle definition faded. She felt as her belly began softening greatly as it slowly expanded. The cold floor she was lying on became more cushioned with every pound of fat. As this occurred however she felt herself getting wet. She tried moving her arms to pleasure herself to no avail. She had no muscles left In her arms. She looked around 300 pounds of lard at this point. If she were to be fed like this normally she would've been dead… However this "Alien" empire seems to have been keeping her alive. It was at this point that one of the moss creatures went over to her with a clipboard. (In this next scene they would speak their own language however I want to make a story that's cohesive) "Belly… 112 pounds!" The moss bug exclaimed as he grabbed one of the girl's belly rolls and jiggled it. "Big girl… you'll do good for the war!" He finished as he watched the girl's face go red with embarrassment as she felt so helpless. "Whuff.. arsh…you?" She huffed exhausted as her cheeks were too heavy and she had no muscles in her jaw. The creature didn't seem to pay her any mind as she continued suckling on her tube reluctantly. "Butt… 65 pounds a cheek… alright however could use some work!" He Yelled as he gave her an encouraging spank. "Mhghgg" she moaned as she got wetter. "Oh…seems like this races sexual nerves are in there buttocks" He said as he began rubbing her ass. "Hghhgdfd" she moaned louder as she tried to pleasure herself to no avail. All the while this was going on she got bigger. She hated this… and she hated that she got turned on by this. "Pffkess shtoop" She moaned as the moss creature just stared at her. "Insert the pleasure Rod!" He Yelled as a moss knight pulled on a lever causing a dildo to drop into her ass. "Uhhfhhgd!!" She moaned as her immobile body gained more weight. "Enjoy this while it lasts" He finished sinisterly as he walked out the door.

Outside the prison lay the town of Raven hom… or what's left off it. The town was destroyed and in the centre of the town lay an erect pillar. This kept the rift open between the realms of hallownest and samudree jaadoo. In the tower lay the moss folk and some prisoner's. The prisoner's were being genetically experimented on… to be stronger, faster and more obedient. However those were only the males of this species. The Females over the years would be impregnated with billions of eggs as they were turned into humble breeding cows. They often got parts of their brain cut out that weren't necessary to their quest. The only untouched Eviyan was Garam. He became the puppet leader of this world as the Hallownestian troops came through. He missed everyone he loved however this was the only way he could keep his kind safe.

5 years later.

Melissa woke up to her usual predicament. Her tube was turned on as what parts of her brain still worked told her to consume. As she consumed the vibrating dildo activated as she got filled up. Melissa had been dubbed with a new name as of late by her alien caretakers EF33D#001. She loved her masters and her master's loved her. They privileged her after all. Her caretakers only asked that she birth their warriors. She weighed over 3000 pounds. Today was her day however as she was to be moved to a ship so she can supply more warriors in other future invasions. When the moss knights came in she seemed oblivious to them as all 122 of them lifted her up and took her onto an elevator in the back. As this happened her tube was removed from her mouth as she began crying out in hunger. She was placed onto the elevator and her body jiggled violently as she was placed down. Melissa looked like melted chocolate ice cream as her body ached from hunger and her flab jiggled. When the elevator reached the top she saw as her home was destroyed, her oceans being drained and what not, however she didn't care. Melissa saw as many other girls appeared on other elevators as their own bodies jiggled. The moss knights lifted each one into a huge ship. EF33D#001 was placed in a holding pen with another privileged creature. She looked at it and felt some connection with it. Just as she began thinking however a tube was placed into their mouths as the liquid was placed in their mouths. Little did EF33D#001 know she was looking at her old mother. Eventually the ship took off.

Eventually they got to the homeworld of hallownest. They were then shown her. Hornet had been drinking the special liquid for so long now the bugs had built a city on her. EF33D#001 was then placed on her own ship as she was going to a new realm soon…
2 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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