Growing for her

Chapter 6. Right place, right time (part II)

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Once the buzzer went off, it was a free for all. Ace's thought was, slow and steady wins the race, so he paced himself. He had 25 minutes after all, no need to rush. He carefully selected the tastiest-looking donut near him, opting for a jolly Santa. He didn't bother trying to hold back a groan of delight as he took his first bite. It was his favourite - Boston cream, and well-filled at that. He closed his eyes and savoured how smoothly the cool soft cream went down.

Some of the other contestants were not on this wavelength. The older woman, Paula, had attacked the donuts like a starving beast. She was a blood-frenzied shark gulping them down, her eyes bulging out and powdered sugar flying everywhere as she tore into donut after donut. Two of the college athletes - Peter and Brad - had taken a similar approach, each in a race to outpace the other. Chadley was being more methodical, chewing and swallowing at a slower but constant pace. The girl, Kourtney, had prepared herself by tying her long blonde hair into a sleek ponytail to keep it out of the way. She was biting into each donut daintily, pinching each donut between two impressive coffin-shaped acrylics. Her nails were a glittery holographic snowy white, reminiscent of a field of untouched snow with sunlight playing across each crystal.

Five minutes ticked by. Ace, Paula, Kourtney, and Chadley were all maintaining their respective paces, while Peter and Brad were already tired and slowing down, unable to sustain their initial burst of speed. Ace was just getting warmed up, and he was starting to really enjoy himself. He was on a journey to sample all the flavours. When this was done, he would go back for more of his favourite. He discovered the Rudolf donut was a rich fudgy chocolate with a chocolate mousse filling, which was no match for the Boston cream Santa but it was still delicious. The Grinch donut was a similar chocolate on the outside, but the filling was a tasty mint. Ace found the mint chocolate combo refreshing and exciting.

At 10 minutes, the effects of the group's binge were showing on its constituents. Ace's white knitted sweater was now riding up past his belly button as his belly swelled to accomodate all the sweet treats. He had had a chance to sample all the donuts now, and the selection was stellar. The ornaments came in two flavours: raspberry-jelly-filled vanilla donuts and chocolate hazelnut donuts with chopped hazelnut garnish and Nutella filling. The snowman donut was the obvious winner, with its mascarpone cheese frosting and delectable tiramisu filling, complete with notes of espresso and cocoa. Ace made eye contact with Sapphire, who was on the verge of swooning. His mind began to drift to the long belly rub session she was bound to treat him to later as a well-earned reward.

Kourtney's cropped red sweater could not conceal a small round tummy curving out and pushing at the waistband of her Lulu leggings. She had rolled down the high-waisted top to relieve the pressure and leave more room for donuts, and now rubbed at her newly inflated tummy with one impeccably manicured hand as she continued her snacking at the same pace as before. A dusting of white powder now coated her glossy lips.

Paula was beginning to slow down. Her Christmas sweater was riding up to expose her flabby belly, which looked as tight as a drum. Peter had petered out. He was sprawled back in his chair, shirt rolled up to cradle his stuffed tummy with both hands. Not that there was much to look at, but his attempts had created a curve to a previously flat abdomen, and his tummy looked taut and hard. Brad and Chadley were still going at it, though both had slowed down now. Each held a hand at his side, patting or rubbing their straining stomachs. Their distended bellies were accentuated by their tight shirts.

At 20 minutes, Brad had thrown in the towel. Paula as well sunk back into her seat, now in a satisfied food coma. Her face and hands were smeared with chocolate and red and green frosting and her belly was bursting forth boldly from under her sweater. If she had looked elephantine before, she resembled a mammoth now - an overweight one at that. Only Ace, Kourtney, and Chadley still took turns reaching for donuts.

Five minutes later, the buzzer went off again just as Ace was polishing off one last tiramisu snowman. The crowd cheered as he finally allowed himself to relax in his seat, hands resting atop his mountainous belly. Although his sweater had tried valiantly to provide him with some decency, it had given up and now rested, bunched up, fully above the whopping globe his belly had become. Although he had pushed himself to his limits before, this time he had truly outdone himself. His competitive streak had pushed him to stuff himself until he was full to the gills. Now that the pressure to win was fading, he was realizing how full and heavy he felt. He had never seen himself so enormous. He felt immovable. It would take considerable effort to get to his feet, in this state.

It turned out he hadn't needed to worry. Attendants came on stage to help the contestants up and ushered them back to the room where they had gotten weighed. They shuffled out single-file, waddling and moaning, each with their hands caressing their packed bellies.

The results were announced. Ace accepted his trophy for Most Donuts Eaten with pride, giving his prodigious belly a slap and a jiggle to whoops and whistles from the audience. Kourtney was the one who would take home the other trophy, as she had eaten the most weight in donuts in proportion to her own weight. The girl looked distorted with such a weighty paunch ballooning out from her otherwise skinny frame and pulling her center of balance forward. It was hard to believe that this meaty belly was attached to this petite girl, but the dazzling piercing twinkling at its center was a reminder that this belly belonged to the same girl that had started this competition with a completely flat stomach.

"Careful, she full!" Kourtney was giggling as her friends swarmed around her, competing to cop a feel. She had one hand patting and rubbing her prize-winning belly protectively, looking like a proud mother-to-be. She caught Ace's eye as he walked past.

"Excuse me, sir, could you take a photo for us?" She thrust her phone at him.

"Oh, uh, of course. Gather in all together now then, and, smile!"

Ace snapped a few shots. The girls all crowded around Kourtney, who took a triumphant stance with one hand holding her trophy high and the other on her hip. Her belly was out, front and centre. The girls each had a hand touching her belly, or were reaching towards it. They appeared to be worshipping at her feet, awe in their faces as they knelt before her.

"Here you go," Ace handed Kourtney her phone back, "Congratulations," he added awkwardly.

"Aww, thank you! You didn't do so bad yourself, hon!" She gave him a wink and his exposed belly a playful poke. Ace blushed.

"Oi, mate! If you're snapping photos, do one for us too, yeah?"

Ace turned to have another phone shoved in his face, this time by Chadley.

The boys queued up in a line, wanting Ace to take a photo from the side. They all had their shirts rolled up, and each boy reached forward to hold the belly of the boy in front of him. It brought to mind a group maternity photoshoot. Chadley was head of the line, both hands proudly resting on his own rotund belly. His belly was visibly the largest of the three and he looked the most pleased with himself.

Chadley was also the most handsome, Ace noted as he took a few photos. With his razor sharp jawline and fluffy chestnut curls, he probably had ladies falling at his feet left and right at school. Even if that didn't catch their eyes, the British accent would do them in once he opened his mouth. Ace handed back the phone with a polite smile. Already some of Kourtney's friends were gathering to ogle this handsome young lad, and he was soaking up the welcome attention with a charming grin. Those poor girls didn't stand a chance! Ace wondered if Chadley would remain this popular with the ladies if he continued to indulge like this. He imagined the young man growing a proper potbelly, a few more chins, and an oversized ass. Would the girls flock then? Ace watched the girls take turns touching Chadley's belly, cooing and giggling as he cracked jokes. Hmm. Maybe they still would. Albeit ones with, heftier preferences.

It occurred to him that as he had been putting on a show for Sapphire, Kourtney had been putting on a show for these friends of hers. He had been so quick to assume "friends". Perhaps, were they something more? He speculated that with such wily and eager enablers at her side, it would not be long before the tiny thing caught up to him in size.

"Baby!" Sapphire practically bowled Ace over, although it was much more difficult for her to budge him now than it had been this time last year. He gave her a kiss as she wrapped her arms around him and pressed herself against his sturdy belly. He was so stuffed, his belly had no give left to it for her to sink into.

"Wow, honey, good job! You were incredible out there!" Sapphire's eyes were shining with joy and desire. "Are you ready to burn off some of this excess of calories when we get home?"

"Only if you go easy on me, baby," Ace gave his belly a light pat, "I'm feeling sleepy and not up for acrobatics."

"You won't have to lift a finger, honey. You can just lay there, we'll get you all nice and comfortable, and you just sit back and enjoy."

Sapphire circled around him as she said this, voice low so only he could hear, one hand tracing a line across the vulnerable skin of his belly. Once behind him, she rose onto her tippy toes, fingers gripping his waist for support. Her lips grazed his ear as she whispered,

"Now that you've had your dessert, I can't wait to taste mine."

Ace whined. His cock was at attention, throbbing for her. Waiting for, no, needing, her lips, her tongue, her mouth wrapped around him.

"But first, we have to take a photo to commemorate this day!" Sapphire pulled away with a wicked grin.

As Ace posed for a photo in his slender lover's embrace with his contrasting ample belly on display, his heart swelled with love. She was all he wanted, and she treated him so well. With his belly full, and Sapphire's arms around him, he felt warm and secure. Ace existed to satisfy her, and as this sense of purpose welled up in him he felt pure, unadulterated happiness.
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HermesDraws 1 year
I'd love to see all three of them make a come-back! Maybe another doughnut eating contest a year later?
Passing For ... 1 year
Hmm, now that is a juicy idea πŸ˜‹
RoseA12 1 year
Passing For ... 1 year
Chubbychica 1 year
Would love a Chadley story
Passing For ... 1 year
Thank you for the input 😎 I had a lot of fun writing about him here!
Letters And ... 1 year
This is like a hallmark Christmas movie turned up to 11. It’s bright and frenetic and romantic β€” but it’s ROMANTIC! Capital Letters. Love it.
Built4com4t 1 year
Excellent, very arousing…what a treat to read.
Passing For ... 1 year
That's excellent to hear! Thank you for the tasty compliment πŸ˜‹
Passing For ... 1 year
Thank you! I just enjoy fluff 😍πŸ₯° Love that you're loving it!❀️
Sir Neapolitan 1 year
It just keeps getting better as the story grows! Marvelous work and merry christmas!
Passing For ... 1 year
Thank you! Happy holidays! πŸŽ„β˜ƒοΈπŸŽ The next part of the journey is just beginning, we'll just have to weight (πŸ˜‰) and see what the New Year brings! 🀭
Passing For ... 1 year
Thank you, love to hear that you're liking it so far! πŸ₯°
Passing For ... 1 year
Thank you! There will be more updates 🀩 I'm glad you're enjoying so far!
Glassa 1 year
Wonderful, more plz
Growingsofter 1 year
More please