The perks of my summer job

Chapter 5. Playing dress-up

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Kelsey had come in on a Monday morning. Although she never left my mind, she didn't stop by the ice cream parlour again. I didn't hear from her until Thursday night. Even then, all I got from her was a cryptic text.

3 pm tmr, 1957 Klein Ave. Don't be late

So, she had been serious about inviting me to the pool party and presumably wanted to get ready together. I found it amusing that she expected me to drop everything for her, including work. Luckily for both of us, I got off early tomorrow anyways. I was pleasantly surprised that she followed through with her impulsive invite, but confused. What exactly did she want from me? Did she want a feeder? Casual sex? I didn't get it, but I pushed away the desire to understand. It was going to be a fun Friday night, I knew that much.

My heart threatened to leap from my chest as I heard the doorbell echoing throughout Kelsey's house. The place was huge, practically a mansion. The house itself was a pristine white, modern-looking with several all-glass walls. However, the glass reflected the light in a way that didn't allow you to see inside. Instead, the glass appeared a metallic silver that shone and shifted if viewed from different angles. It reminded me of Kelsey herself: intimidating and hard to read.

My heart rate skyrocketed further when I heard light footsteps padding towards the door. It swung open before I was ready, and there she was, taking my breath away. Hair down, no makeup on yet, reminding me how much I appreciated this natural look on her. She was dressed simply in a mint green lacey bralette and the sweatpants she had worn into the ice cream shop on Monday. Her flat, toned abs did not give away what activities she had partaken in just a few days ago.

"Don't just stand there with your mouth hanging open like an idiot, come in," she huffed impatiently and pulled me inside.

"Come on, let's get you looking more presentable," she didn't look back as she darted up a spiralling staircase. As I followed after her, the soft carpet felt plush and sumptuous between my toes. Some people lived like this? Was all I could think as the staircase swirled around an opulent crystal chandelier.

Kelsey opened the door to her bedroom to reveal more mint green, with snow white highlights. Okay, so it wasn't difficult to figure out her signature colour. I noted that she seemed to really like fur. Furry decorative pillows, a fluffy throw on the bed, a shag carpet on the floor, all in that green colour that reminded me of sea foam or mint chocolate chip ice cream, but without the chocolate.

"Have a seat wherever, we'll try you in a few different outfits," she instructed. I cautiously perched on the edge of the king-sized bed as she opened another door and vanished into a cavernous walk-in closet that seemed bigger than my own bedroom, from what I could see of it.

"Why are you so awkward? You look so uncomfortable, you're making me feel weird," she reprimanded. She had emerged with an armful of carefully folded clothes.

"I'm...sorry? I'm just an awkward person," I explained.

"Yeah, I can see that." She rolled her eyes. "Whatever, just promise me we'll have fun tonight and I won't regret bringing you."

"You won't."

The first outfit I tried on for her was a red latex bodycon leotard with a white leather miniskirt. She dropped the two items on my lap and then plopped down on a fuzzy white armchair, watching me expectantly.

Her eyes on me got me all flustered. "Is there anywhere I should go to change?"

"Don't be dumb. If you can eat my pussy you can get changed in front of me, don't you think?" She dismissed me. I blushed at her forwardness, but she had a point.

Her calculating eyes roved over my body as I stripped.

"Damn, looks like you've been enjoying the free ice cream perks a little more than you should," she remarked, "it's starting to show."

I started to get wet at her teasing. It was true, the consequences of my frequent ice cream stuffings included a fluffier bum, rounder thighs, and the beginnings of a paunch. My tummy was no longer flat like hers. Instead, it had developed a slight curve to it. I barely managed to squeeze my hips and butt into Kelsey's miniskirt, only to realize there was no hope of being able to do up the zipper.

She advanced towards me and poked my round tummy that pushed out past the flaps of the skirt between the two halves of the zipper.

"You're going to be huge by the end of the summer if you go on like this," she reproached.

"But I like ice cream," was my oh-so-clever response.

"I can see that. I'm looking forward to seeing you in action, we'll have to test out if you can out-eat me." She gave me a saucy wink - I almost blacked out.

The next outfit was a figure-hugging little black dress that left nothing to the imagination. When I looked at myself all I saw was a chubby sausage about to burst out of its casing, and Kelsey agreed that it wasn't the most flattering look on me.

We settled on a boxy white crop top over a stretchy high-waisted pair of short shorts that snugly contained my small tummy.

"Are you sure this is okay?" I fished for reassurance nervously, pinching at my bum which was making a cheeky appearance.

"I think you look sexy with that ass of yours hanging out," Kelsey retorted. She gave me a hearty spank without skipping a beat, causing me to yelp in surprise. She gave me another once-over, and a satisfied nod. "Now we just need to put your face on."

Kelsey's gentle touch on my face created a stark contrast to her brazen, harsh personality. Her makeup brushes flitted over my face lightly, almost lovingly. Her breathing was even and steady as she applied my makeup. She was confident and in her element, entirely focused on her craft. By the time she was done with me, I barely recognized the startled girl staring out at me from the mirror.

"Since we picked out a basic boring-ass outfit, I thought I'd have a little bit of fun with the makeup," Kelsey shrugged.

To me, it looked like she had had more than just a little bit of fun. She had gone for a bold red lip on me, paired with a glitzy gold smokey eye. My brows? Snatched, as they say. Luscious lashes - borrowed from her, of course - framed my usually boring brown eyes and made them pop. Expertly applied contour and highlighter emphasized the angles of my face and added a glow and shimmer to my skin. She had styled my hair into a half-up half-down look, so no hair fell into my face to distract from Kelsey's masterpiece. Who was this girl in the mirror? A bombshell, unmistakably so.

"You look hot. You're welcome." Kelsey looked quite pleased with herself. A rare smile lit up her face as she admired her handiwork. It was a refreshing change from the typical pout or frown you were much more likely to find on her face.

"Are you sure you don't do this professionally?" I ventured. My eyes were glued to the mirror.

She laughed at that, the sweetest sound I'd ever heard and hadn't dreamed she would be capable of producing. "You catch on quick, sweetie. Flattery will get you everywhere."
12 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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Letters And ... 1 year
I had to check the posting date because this feels like a story I’ve been reading forever. It’s timeless and you just hit all the right notes perfectly. Nice work, keep going!
Passing For ... 1 year
Thank you so much! Glad you are enjoying it so far πŸ€— I'm particularly excited about the plans I have up my sleeve 😏
Bodyofwater 1 year
I can't wait to read more, the teasing is so good
Passing For ... 1 year
I love that you're liking it! I'm really excited to share the next few chapters with you. 😁
Peeve 1 year
I LOVE THESE CHARACTERS! I usually don’t get drawn into the romance aspect of these kinds of stories, but this one is so good! Had to leave a comment! (my first ever) fantastic writing smiley
Passing For ... 1 year
Peeve, I'm truly honoured! I've had so much fun with these girls, each of them is a bit of a mess in their own way πŸ˜‚ Glad they've won your heart over too πŸ€—
Truth 1 year
Oh wow that hit me hard. I love how that turned out. I wonder if the protagonist is going to keep gaining...
Passing For ... 1 year
I'm so glad you enjoyed! You'll have to stick around for a few more chapters to find out πŸ˜‰ I have some fun things planned for these two 🀭
FlabbyGabby 1 year
Love it! Can’t wait to see what happens
Passing For ... 1 year
Thank you so much for your comment, I hope you continue to enjoy it as it unfolds πŸ₯°
Fanedfox 1 year
Well written, I liked both characters and good descriptions too.
I'm looking forward to more chapters.
Passing For ... 1 year
Hi there, thank you! I'll be updating this story again on Friday and on Monday, and we're going to be introduced to another new character smiley Glad you're enjoying it so far.
Sir Neapolitan 1 year
I am definitely going to have to try out cherry ice-cream! A very enticing start!
Passing For ... 1 year
It's quite good actually in my opinion! So is cherry yogurt πŸ’
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