The perks of my summer job

Chapter 6. Pool party (part I)

Once my look had been put together, Kelsey was quick to get ready, donning a matching baby blue top and skirt combo in a skin-tight but soft and stretchy fabric. I was too bashful to check her out while she changed, even though she had ogled me so shamelessly when it had been my turn. Once she was dressed, looking at her for the first time left me speechless as she twirled around for me with a cocky grin.

The top was so cropped, it ended just below her impossibly perky breasts. It had long, translucent, and shimmery puffed chiffon sleeves. While it had a sweetheart neckline in the front, the back had a square line that showed off her toned shoulders. The lower part of the back laced up over her creamy skin with pretty satin ribbon in a criss-cross pattern. A barely-there miniskirt accentuated her flawless bubble butt. In between, her perfect abs were on display. Anyone with a brain would want to lick them. Compared to mine, Kelsey's makeup was more toned down. Understandably so, as her figure was already more than eye-catching enough. She had gone with a more neutral eyeshadow and a glossy lip just a hint pinker than her natural colour. The way she had done her eyeliner indicated that this woman meant business - those wings were sharp enough to kill more than one man. I had a feeling Brad would be suffering in a few hours.

With her mask on, I hardly recognized the girl who had, in a moment of vulnerability, invited me to be her companion tonight. I could not make my brain comprehend how such a goddess could possibly want me at her side at what seemed to be the hottest social event of the season. Had her reputation truly fallen so far, so fast because of this Brad fiasco that a lowly nobody like me was now her best option? Or was there something about me that she genuinely liked? Did she just need an excuse to invite me out? I pushed the thoughts away, irritated with myself. It was best not to hope for that. Hadn't I despised Kelsey just two weeks ago?

"You look stunning," I offered as she was admiring herself in the mirror one last time.

"I know." Of course she did. Anyone with eyes would know.

I finally realized what had been bothering me since I had gotten changed.

"Wait, this is a pool party right? Was I supposed to bring a swimsuit?"

A startled laugh escaped her.

"You're really cute, you know that? No one actually swims at pool parties, ***," she replied with one of her signature eyerolls.

Well, how was I to know?

I had expected Brad's family to be filthy rich, but as we walked up the driveway to his family's looming mansion I was still impressed. Greek columns supported soaring, spacious balconies. The place was only two levels, but it was as wide as six or seven duplicates of my parents' house stacked side by side. Who the heck lived like this? I felt like a fish out of water in this new social environment, which Kelsey seemed to sense. She took my hand with a small smile, and her warm grip reassured me that it was okay to be here. Less than halfway up the drive, I could already feel the thumping of the music through my feet. Once we got to the door, it was practically deafening.

The second we stepped inside, beers were shoved into our hands and some fratty-looking guys I didn't know yelled at us over the music to enjoy the party. Kelsey gave them a polite smile, then pulled me to the side and started guzzling her drink. I looked on as she downed her beer with astonishing speed. I understood. In her position, taking into account her relationship with the party host, I wouldn't want to be sober during this event either. By the time I was taking my first sip, she somehow had a second beer in her hand. That girl wasted no time.

"Come on, let's dance!" She bellowed at me. I chose to preserve my vocal chords by nodding obediently and holding out my hand for her to drag me by to the dance floor.

It was impossible to keep track of time. Song after song, I was hypnotized by Kelsey's unwavering eyes trained on me, and the sensual sway of her hips to the beat. I wasn't in the mood to drink and I never really liked beer anyways, so I gave mine to Kelsey to finish. While I was enjoying loosening up and letting the music take my body, Kelsey seemed on a mission to get drunk. She downed beer after beer until somehow, she got her hands on an entire bottle of vodka. Which by the looks of it, she wasn't planning on sharing.

Kelsey's reckless drinking was already taking an undeniable toll on her body. As we danced, her movements lost their flexibility and fluidity as her middle swelled. With each drink, her tummy - which had started out flat at the beginning of this whole ordeal - curved outwards. She had inflated herself to the point that she could easily get mistaken for a pregnant mom-to-be: and if I was being honest, it was turning me on big-time.

"I'm having soooooo much fun," she stumbled against me and shouted into my ear, "but I need to pee. Come with me?"

With one of her arms slung around my shoulder, I supported her as she staggered towards the washroom. I was too slow to respond as she pulled me inside and locked the door. Oh, I see. She literally wanted me to come inside with her. It seemed that in Kelsey, a bit of alcohol triggered debilitating separation anxiety. To provide her with some privacy, I turned away as she relieved herself.

"Are you having fun?" I was taken aback by the question. I didn't expect for her first concern in this whole situation to be my feelings, of all things.

"Yes, I am! Thanks for inviting me!" I meant every word sincerely. I was having way more fun than I expected to. I was dancing the night away with the hottest girl in the room, and she had eyes only for me. And a cute belly to boot, when she was in the mood for it at least. What more could I want?

"Thanks for coming. I wasn't sure that you would, I thought you'd think I was weird for asking since we don't know each other or whatever." She babbled on, "You look really cute in my clothes. I like them on you."

I smiled to myself. I liked her when she was like this. With all her inhibitions down, she was really sweet.

"Thanks for letting me borrow the outfit, and for inviting me. And the makeup you did looks so amazing, I was serious about you being able to do it professionally if you wanted to."

"It's just for fun," she was washing her hands now and she gave me a modest shrug as I turned around to meet her gaze in the mirror.

She dried her hands and then turned back to face the mirror, resting her hands on her bloated tummy. She giggled and gave it a few affectionate pats.

"I think I like having a belly," she murmured to herself, "what do you think?"

I didn't see why my opinion mattered, but I humoured her, "I really like it on you too."

"Of course you do. I can see it in the way you look at me. You could at least try to be a little less desperate."

"I-" I spluttered, wanting to defend myself, but my brain was too scrambled by the way she was looking at me.

"Want to feed me later?"

"Yes," I blurted, blushing immediately after. I had no self-control, and it was obvious.

"You make it too easy. I like it though. Let's go find some food. After all that dancing, I'm sooooooo hungry!" She booped me on the nose and strutted out of the washroom. I followed her back to the party. Our night was only just beginning.
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Letters And ... 1 year
Very sweet ending, lovely story. The characters really came into their own.
Passing For ... 1 year
Thank you so much! πŸ’œ
Pd500 1 year
Great work! I loved chapter 11 big-time
Passing For ... 1 year
Thank you very much! It was indeed a juicy one 🀭🍰
Reader 1 year
The banter between these characters makes this story unique! I love their relationship. Your writing is excellent and I can't wait to read more!
Passing For ... 1 year
Thanks Reader! I'm so happy you commented, I love this relationship too and I have so much fun writing about it πŸ₯°
Pd500 1 year
I love this! Can't wait to read more! Great writing!
Passing For ... 1 year
Hi there! I am not the most consistent with updates, but they will be worth the wait 😘 Thank you for the compliment, these two girls are very dear to me πŸ’œ
Piturekapiteka 1 year
My favourite story from you, simple as
Passing For ... 1 year
Thank you sir! 🫑 As promised, updates will continue rolling out at a snail's pace 🐌
Built4com4t 1 year
That was different for me but very arousing…a definite treat
Passing For ... 1 year
Incorporating variety can enrich any diet πŸ˜‰
Angelhoney 1 year
very nice update. this story is incredible, love the dynamic of a domineering feedee + feeder that also likes to eat
Passing For ... 1 year
Thank you for the compliments! I'm happy you're enjoying it πŸ₯°
Piturekapiteka 1 year
Omg this story has not been forgotten!! So good to see it continue
Passing For ... 1 year
I definitely plan to continue it, and my other stories as well! I am just going to be a bit slow with updates πŸ¦₯ Glad that you're enjoying so far πŸ₯°
Kouradaor8ia 1 year
good freaking lord, i love this
Passing For ... 1 year
Thank you so much! I'm glad you like it 😊
Jazzman 1 year
This is good. I always love reading this story
Passing For ... 1 year
Thank you so much, it makes me happy to know I can put out content that readers enjoy 😁❀️
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